How to create value over time chart with Kibana 3? - elasticsearch

I use logstash to store log files containing the speed of vehicles over time.
In Kibana 3, how can I generate a panel which displays a value over time, i.e. the x axis displays the time and the y axis the related value, e.g. vehicle speed.
Most panels I found count the occurrence of events in a given time span and display it on the y axis. My goal however is to directly print a value from the json log entry (wheelSpeed_m_s), which looks as follows:
"_index": "logstash-2013.05.07",
"_type": "vehicle_odometry",
"_id": "Q3b58Pi7RUKuPon0s_ihlA",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"message": " ",
"wheelSpeed_m_s": 0.91,
"#timestamp": "2013-05-07T17:50:04.099+02:00",
"angularVelocity_rad_s": 0,
"type": "vehicle_odometry",
"#version": "1",
"ts_ms": 1367934604099
Any help is highly appreciated.

In the histogram panel, click the "Configure" (gear) icon, then select the "Panel" tab.
On that tab, you can select the "Chart value". This defaults to count, but can be any of the basic math set functions (mean, max, min, total). Select the function, and you'll be asked to enter the field to which the function should be applied:
OP: please don't accept this answer (rutter deserves the points for getting you straight). I leave the info here to complete the question so it's not marked as 'unanswered'.


How to use Kibana and elastichsearch [7.5.0] to track number of documents containing particular value

I have an index which contains information about some objects. I want to display some of the information on my Kibana's dasboard. Lets assume an object looks as follows:
"_index": "obj",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "KwDPAHABfo5V345r4IYV",
"_version": 1,
"_score": 0,
"_source": {
"value_1": "some value",
"value_2": "some_other value",
"owner": "jason",
"modified_date": "2020-02-01T12:53:08.210317+00:00",
"created_date": "2020-02-01T12:53:08.243980+00:00"
I need to show (live) number of objects that has owner: 'UNKNOWN'. Thing is, that this value changes in time. Each change is a new document - they are not being updated. I need to track how many UNKNOWN owners currently I see. Updates (new documents) are being sent to elk in fixed intervals.
When I try to set up a metric, it sometimes shows 0, during the window between one update and another - when there is no documents flowing into elk. How can I make Kibana display only last documents with owner: 'UNKNOWN'?
How can I make Kibana display only last documents with owner: 'UNKNOWN'?
You could set up a data table visualization for that as an alternative to the one-dimensional metric visualization.
This is how I personally would configure the data table:
Set a filter with 'owner(.keyword) is UNKNOWN'.
Use the metric 'Top Hit' on the field created_date (or #timestamp, thats up to you) instead of the count metric.
Set the order to descending based on the timestamp field.
Split the rows (Term Aggregations) for every field you want to display in the rows. This will create 'columns' in your table.
Go to the options tab and enable count on the sum of all rows.
Set an appropriate time interval, e.g. last 1 hour.
This will display all the relevant data of your documents that have the field owner equal to UNKNOWN. Also, you see the ingestion/creation date timestamp of these documents in a descending order. Furthermore, you see the number of documents that match (configured via the options tab as described above).
I hope I could help you.

How to plot aggregated data in kibana

I'm a newbie to kibana.
I have following data stored in ES:
"_index": "test",
"_type": "impressions",
"_id": "AVZ4QLgkLqvQLIzbvF4e",
"_version": 1,
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"campaign_id": "1011",
"count": 691,
"played_dt": "2016-01-02"
So, basically I have counts per campaign_id which is already aggregated data.
I want a simple bar chart which plots counts per campaign_id where X axis is campaign_id and Y axis is it's count.
I'm getting hits for that specific campaign_id as unique count rather than the actual value in count field.
Thanks in advance!
Go to "Visualize" tab, select "Vertical bar chart":
Choose new search and select appropriate index. Now you probably want to visualize your data in time. So, on X axis use "Date histogram" and select your time filed (played_dt).
Now you can use e.g. "Split bars", use splitting by terms and select campaign_id field.

Creating simple line chart in kibana 4

Kibana 4 is very cool , however creating a line chart for the data I have below seems very confusing . Here's the problem . So I have to watch the cpu usage over time on a specified date (or say a date range ) for the below kind of data
"_index": "demo-index-01-10-2016",
"_type": "mapping1",
"_id": "AVOJL8SAfhtnGcHBklKt",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"my_custom_id ": 165,
"MEM": 89.12,
"TIME": "2016-01-10T15:22:35",
"CPU": 68.99
Find bigger sample here .
On the x axis however we can select date histogram but the problem with Y Axis is the aggregate function . It has count which shows the item count for the above kind of json fields . Selecting sum in Y axis (as per this answer suggests do not works for me) and then Selecting 'CPU' gives the sum of the cpu field which is ofcourse not desired . I want to plot for individual cpu field against individual timestamp which is the most basic graph I expect . How can I get that ?
I hope I've understood your question - that you want to plot CPU usage against time, showing each sample. With a Date Histogram, Kibana looks for an aggregation for each time bucket, whereas you want to plot samples.
One way would be to use a date histogram, but ensure that the "interval" is less than your sample period. Then use the "Average", "Min" or "Max" aggregation on the Y axis. Note that the sample timestamp will be adjusted to the histogram.
Generally, I'd suggest using a date histogram with the "Average" or "Max" aggregation on the Y, and not worry too much about plotting individual samples, as you're looking for a trend. (Using "Max" is good for spotting outliers) Setting the interval to "Auto" will pick a decent level of granularity, and then you can zoom in to get more detail if you need it.
Also, ensure your mapping is correct, CPU usage should be a float or a double I believe.
Hope this helps

Per thread event visualization from logfile using Kibana

Log records of the following shape produced by a multi-threaded application are pushed to my elasticsearch index 'log':
[2015-10-09T09:52:18.928] [Debug] [00000x2934 0x000026c0] [Visualization]: updated rendering
[2015-10-09T09:52:19.966] [Debug] [00000x2934 0x000013a0] [Database]: Query request accepted
The two hexadecimal entries are process and thread ID.
A document in the elasticsearch index looks like this:
"_index": "log",
"_type": "record",
"_id": "AVBXUnCah58TK-z65dea",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"process": "00000x2934",
"severity": "Debug",
"thread": "0x000026c0",
"recordId": 1,
"timestamp": "2015-10-09T09:52:18.928",
"message": "updated rendering",
"channel": "Visualization"
How can I create a Kibana visualization that has a time range as X axis and on its Y axis it has entries for the different thread IDs (in my application there is a thread pool with a fixed number of threads, <= 10). There should be a point (X/Y) for such an event with appropriate information (message or channel).
To make it short: How can I visualize the chronology of a multithreaded application by its events using this search index and Kibana?
One additional note: If there is an easy solution without Kibana, I am also okay with that. It doesn't need to be real-time.
I feel Gantt Chart might be useful to you. You can have one entry in Y axis per thread and visualize its function in each time frame. This is not available in Kibana4 as of now , but we can expect this in the future.

Grouping non null fields together in Kibana

Given the following three User entries in an ElasticSearch index:
"user": [
"userId": "100",
"hobby": "chess"
"user": [
"userId": "200",
"hobby": "music"
"user": [
"userId": "300",
"hobby": ""
I want to create a vertical bar chart to compare the number of users who have a hobby as opposed to those who do not. Individual hobbies should not be shown separately, but grouped together.
If split along the Y axis, one block would take up two thirds of the height (the two users with hobbies) and one block one third of the height (the one user with no hobbies).
How could one achieve this grouping in Kibana?
You'll need to choose Split Bars and then Filters aggregation. Once you have that selected you should see Query 1 with * in it. Change the * to hobby:*. Next hit Add Filter and put in NOT hobby:*
The filters aggregation lets you bucket things pretty much any way you can search for things.
