Grouping non null fields together in Kibana - elasticsearch

Given the following three User entries in an ElasticSearch index:
"user": [
"userId": "100",
"hobby": "chess"
"user": [
"userId": "200",
"hobby": "music"
"user": [
"userId": "300",
"hobby": ""
I want to create a vertical bar chart to compare the number of users who have a hobby as opposed to those who do not. Individual hobbies should not be shown separately, but grouped together.
If split along the Y axis, one block would take up two thirds of the height (the two users with hobbies) and one block one third of the height (the one user with no hobbies).
How could one achieve this grouping in Kibana?

You'll need to choose Split Bars and then Filters aggregation. Once you have that selected you should see Query 1 with * in it. Change the * to hobby:*. Next hit Add Filter and put in NOT hobby:*
The filters aggregation lets you bucket things pretty much any way you can search for things.


Elastic Ingest Pipeline split field and create a nested field

Dear freindly helpers,
I have an index that is fed by a database via Kafka. Now this database holds a field that aggregates a couple of pieces of information like so key/value; key/value; (don't ask for the reason, I have no idea who designed it liked that and why ;-) )
93/4; 34/12;
it can be empty, or it can hold 1..n key/value pairs.
I want to use an ingest pipeline and ideally have a "nested" field which holds all values that are in tha field.
Probably like this:
{ "93": 7,
"82": 4
The use case is the following: we want to visualize the sum of a filtered number of these categories (they tell me how many minutes a specific process took longer) and relate them in ranges.
Example: I filter categories x, y ,z and then group how many documents for the day had no delay, which had a delay up to 5 minutes and which had a delay between 5 and 15 minutes.
I have tried to get the fields neatly separated with the kv processor and wanted to work from there on but it was a complete wrong approach I guess.
"kv": {
"field": "IncomingField",
"field_split": ";",
"value_split": "/",
"target_field": "delays",
"ignore_missing": true,
"trim_key": "\\s",
"trim_value": "\\s",
"ignore_failure": true
When I test the pipeline it seems ok
"delays": {
"62": "3",
"86": "2"
but there are two things that don't work.
I can't know upfront how many of these combinations I have and thus converting the values from string t int in the same pipeline is an issue.
When I want to create a kibana index pattern I end up with many fields like delay.82 and delay.82.keyword which does not make sense at all for the usecase as I can't filter (get only the sum of delays where the key is one of x,y,z) and aggregate.
I have looked into other processors (dorexpander) but can't really get my head around how to get this working.
I hope my question is clear (I lack english skills, sorry) and that someone can point me at the right direction.
Thank you very much!
You should rather structure them as an array of objects with shared accessors, for instance:
[ {key: 93, value: 7}, ...]
That way, you'll be able to aggregate on categories.key and categories.value.
So this means iterating the categories' entrySet() using a custom script processor like so:
POST _ingest/pipeline/_simulate
"pipeline": {
"description": "extracts k/v pairs",
"processors": [
"script": {
"source": """
def categories = ctx.categories;
def kv_pairs = new ArrayList();
for (def pair : categories.entrySet()) {
def k = pair.getKey();
def v = pair.getValue();
kv_pairs.add(["key": k, "value": v]);
ctx.categories = kv_pairs;
"docs": [
"_source": {
"categories": {
"82": 4,
"93": 7
P.S.: Do make sure your categories field is mapped as nested b/c otherwise you'll lose the connections between the keys & the values (also called flattening).

Maps vs Lists in Elasticsearch for optimized query performance

I have some data I will be putting into Elasticsearch, and want to decide on a format that will optimize query performance. The query will be in words: "Is ID X in category Y?". I have a fixed number of categories (small, say, 5), and possibly a large number of IDs to put into each category (currently in the dozens, but of indeterminate size in the future). Each ID will be in at most one category (possibly none).
Format 1:
"field1": "value1",
"categories": {
"category1": ["id10", "id24", "id38",...],
"category5": ["id62", "id19", "id82" ...]
Format 2:
"field1": "value1",
"categories": {
"id1": "category4",
"id2": "category2",
"id3": "category1",
Which data format would be preferred? The latter format has linear lookup time, but possibly many keys.
I think method 1 is better, Id will be more in the future, if you press method 2, then you may need to close the categories index or increase the number of index fields, and using method 1 can be more convenient to determine the type of a single id (indeOf).There are pros and cons. Maybe there's a better way.

Elasticsearch 5 : sort by price of the closest wholesaler

I have a product nested document containing a list of prices associated to different wholesalers.
Here is a document example :
"sku": "065879",
"name": "My product",
"price": [
"wholesaler": "1",
"location": "drm3btev3",
"price": "12.34"
"wholesaler": "2",
"location": "gbsuv7ztq",
"price": "45.67"
Given a customer's geo point, what is the correct query to get a list of documents sorted by price, using only the closest price for each document ?
Thanks by advance !
It's not a real answer but the global approach is to use a nested sort. Nested sort will allow you to filter the nested document on which you want to apply your sorting.
Then you should in the nested sort filter add a script query that will determine the closest wholesaler. The problem is that you cant work with geohash in painless. But if you convert your geohash to geopoint data type in, you will be able to use script distance features ( example here )
Then you could compute the minimal distance by iterating on all nested document and only match the one with the minimal distance.
But I have no idea of the performance impact and detailed implementation.
Good luck !

Elasicsearch sort by inner field

I have documents that one of their field looks like the following -
"ingredients": [{
"unit": "MG",
"value": 123,
"key": "abc"
And I would like to sort the different records according to the ascending value of specific ingredient. That is if I have 2 records which have use ingredient with key "abc", one with value 1 and one with value 2. The one with ingredient value 1 should appear first.
Each of those records may have more than on ingredient.
Thank you in advance!
The search query to sort will be:

How to find related related songs or artists using Freebase MQL?

I have any Freebase mid such as: /m/0mgcr, which is The Offspring.
Whats the best way to use MQL to find related artists?
Or if I have a song mid such as: /m/0l_f7f, which is Original Prankster by The Offspring.
Whats the best way to use MQL to find related songs?
So, the revised question is, given a musical artist, find all other musical artists who share all of the same genres assigned to the first artist.
MQL doesn't have any operators which can work across parts of the query tree, so this can't be done in a single query, but given that you're likely doing this from a programming language, it be done pretty simply in two steps.
First, we'll get all genres for our subject artist, sorted by the number of artists that they contain using this query (although the last part isn't strictly necessary):
"id": "/m/0mgcr",
"name": null,
"/music/artist/genre": [{
"name": null,
"id": null,
"artists": {
"return": "count"
"sort": "artists.count"
Then, using the genre with the smallest number of artists for maximum selectivity, we'll add in the other genres to make it even more specific. Here's a version of the query with the artists that match on the three most specific genres (the base genre plus two more):
"id": "/m/0mgcr",
"name": null,
"/music/artist/genre": [{
"name": null,
"id": null,
"artists": {
"return": "count"
"sort": "artists.count",
"limit": 1,
"a:artists": [{
"name": null,
"id": null,
"a:genre": {
"id": "/en/ska_punk"
"b:genre": {
"id": "/en/melodic_hardcore"
Which gives us: Authority Zero, Millencolin, Michael John Burkett, NOFX, Bigwig, Huelga de Hambre, Freygolo, The Vandals
The things to note about this query are that, this fragment:
"sort": "artists.count",
"limit": 1,
limits our initial genre selection to the single genre with the fewest artists (ie Skate Punk), while the prefix notation:
"a:genre": {"id": "/en/ska_punk"},
"b:genre": {"id": "/en/melodic_hardcore"}
is to get around the JSON limitation on not having more than one key with the same name. The prefixes are ignored and just need to be unique (this is the same reason for the a:artists elsewhere in the query.
So, having worked through that whole little exercise, I'll close by saying that there are probably better ways of doing this. Instead of an absolute match, you may get better results with a scoring function that looks at % overlap for the most specific genres or some other metric. Things like common band members, collaborations, contemporaneous recording history, etc, etc, could also be factored into your scoring. Of course this is all beyond the capabilities of raw MQL and you'd probably want to load the Freebase data for the music domain (or some subset) into a graph database to run these scoring algorithms.
In point of fact, both and Google think a better list would include bands like Sum 41, blink-182, Bad Religion, Green Day, etc.
