GL_INVALID_OPERATION when calling gluLookAt - macos

I've been getting into OpenGL on OS X lately (tl;dr: I'm a OpenGL noob) and got some code working that draws a cube. However, I don't see any of the faces (besides the front) since my view isn't translated. I try to use the gluLookAt function to do this translation, but I get an GL_INVALID_OPERATION error. This is how I do my rendering:
// Activate and lock context
[_glView.openGLContext makeCurrentContext];
// Update camera position
gluLookAt(0, 2.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
// Update viewport and render
glViewport(0, 0, _glView.frame.size.width, _glView.frame.size.height);
[_renderer doRender:time];
// Unlock and flush context
[_glView.openGLContext flushBuffer];
This code works when I comment out the gluLookAt call, and from what I can gather from the docs, this error is caused by executing gluLookAt between glBegin and glEnd. I don't know if where these are getting called, as I do not call those myself, and wrapping the call to gluLookAt in glBegin and glEnd does not solve the issue.
If it makes a difference, I'm using OpenGL 3.2 Core Profile.

By the way, gluLookAt (...) (and GLU in general) is not a part of OpenGL. This is why you will not find documentation directly explaining the cause of this error.
The only reason it generates GL_INVALID_OPERATION is because behind the scenes it does this: glMultMatrixf (...) (which was a part of GL once upon a time). That is invalid in a core profile context, because there is no matrix stack anymore; anything that was deprecated in GL 3.0 or 3.1 is removed from GL 3.2 (core profile).
If you need gluLookAt / matrix stack functionality on OS X, GLKit provides a suitable collection of replacement utilities. Alternatively, you can use a much more portable (C++ based) library called GLM if you compile using Objective C++.
Now, the far simpler solution here is not to use a core profile context. If you are using things like gluLookAt (...) you are likely learning legacy OpenGL. You need a context that supports deprecated parts of OpenGL, and on OS X this means you need a 2.1 context.


DirectX to OpenGL hot-swap, doesn't display on Win32 window

During the developement of my engine, I'm trying to implement a feature, that enables hot-swapping between OpenGL and DirectX. Currently I'm testing on Win32 platform, and came across the following problem:
I implemented both renderer (OpenGL 3.0, and Direct3D11), both work fine alone. The swapping mechanism is the following:
Destroy the current rendering context, and build up the new one. For example: Release all DirectX objects, and then create OpenGL context, via WGL. I'm trying to implement this, using only one window (HWND).
Swapping from OpenGL 3.0 to DirectX11 works. (After destroying OpenGL, DirectX renders fine)
Destroying OpenGL and then recreating OpenGL again, works. Same with DirectX.
When I'm trying to swap from DirectX to OpenGL, the window will stop displaying the newly draw content, only the lastly drawn DirectX frame.
To construct the OpenGL context I'm using WGL. The class for the window was created with the CS_OWNDC style. I'm using SwapBuffers to flip the window buffers. Before setting up the context, I use SetPixelFormat with the previously returned value from ChoosePixelFormat. The created context is version 3.0, ensured via wglCreateContextAttribsARB.
Additional information:
All of the DirectX references are released, this was checked by calling ReportLiveDeviceObjects and checking the return value of ID3D11Device1::Release (0). ID3D11DeviceContext1::ClearState and Flush were called to ensure object destruction.
None of the OpenGL methods report error via glGetError, this is checked after every call. This is same for all OS, and WGL calls.
The OpenGL rendering calls are executing as expected, for example:
OpenGL rendering with 150 fps
Swap to DirectX, render with 60 fps (VSYNC)
Swap back to OpenGL, rendering again with 150 fps (not more)
There are other scenarios where OpenGL renders with more than 150 fps, so the rendering calls are executing properly.
My guess is that the flipping of the buffers doesn't work somehow, however SwapBuffers returns TRUE anyway.
I tried using SaveDC and RestoreDC before and after using DirectX, this resulted in now solution.
Using wglSwapLayerBuffers instead of SwapBuffers gives no change.
Can I somehow restore the HWND, or HDC to the original state, or do you guys have any idea why this might happen?
Guess I posted my question to soon, but however, this is how I solved it.
I dug around the documnentation for DirectX, and for the function CreateSwapChainForHwnd, I found the following:
Because you can associate only one flip presentation model swap chain at a time with an HWND, the Microsoft Direct3D 11 policy of deferring the destruction of objects can cause problems if you attempt to destroy a flip presentation model swap chain and replace it with another swap chain.
I was using DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL in my swap chain descriptor, and this could mean, that DirectX sets up a flip swap chain for the window, but when I try to use it with OpenGL, it will fail swapping buffers somehow.
The solution for this, is to not use FLIP mode for creating the swap chain:
You have to set the Scaling to something else than DXGI_SCALING_NONE, or the creation will fail.
The interesting part is, that the DirectX still does not properly destroy the flip model on the window, altough I did everything it suggested in the documentation (ClearState and Flush calls).
CreateSwapChainForHwnd see Remarks
Edit: I found this question after some time. If anybody still has some idea, how to revert back to using GDI again instead of the DWM backbuffer, it is greatly appreciated.

OpenGL 3.1+ with Ruby

I followed this post to play with OpenGL (programmable pipeline) on Ruby
Basically, I'm just trying to create a blue window, and here's the code.
Ray::GL.major_version = 3
Ray::GL.minor_version = 2
Ray::GL.core_profile = true # if you want/need one
window ="Test Window", [800, 600])
glClearColor(0, 0, 1, 1);
Instead, I got a white window created. This indicated that I was missing something, but I couldn't figure out what I was missing as the resources for OpenGL on Ruby seemed limited. I have been searching all over the web, but all I found was fixed-pipeline OpenGL stuff for Ruby.
Yes, I could use Ray's built-in functions to set the background color and draw stuff, but I didn't want to do that. I just wanted to use Ray to setup the window, then called OpenGL APIs directly. However, I couldn't figure out what I was missing in the code above.
I would greatly appreciate any hint or pointer to this (maybe I needed to swap the buffer? but then I didn't know how to do it with Ray). Is there any body familiar with using Ray that can give me some hints on this?
Or, are there any other tools that would allow me to setup OpenGL binding (for none fixed-pipeline)?
It would appear that you set the clear color to be blue, then cleared the back buffer to make it blue. But, as you said, you have not swapped the buffers to put the back buffer onto your screen. As far as swapping buffers goes, here's another answer from stack overflow
"Swapping the front and back buffer of a double buffered window is a function provided by the underlying graphics system, i.e. Win32 GDI, or X11 GLX. The function's you're looking for are wglSwapBuffers and/or glXSwapBuffers. On MacOS X NSOpenGLViews are automatically swapped.
However most likely you're using some framework, like GLUT, GLFW or Qt, which provide a portable wrapper around those functions. Read the framework's documentation."
I've never used Ray, so I'd say just keep rooting around in the documentation or look through example projects to see how buffer swapping is done.

OpenGL equivalent to GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_OES?

I'm trying to draw point sprites in a small Mac app. I want each sprite to have its own size, and I know that OpenGL ES has the client state "GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_OES".
I did some googling and discovered that there is a similar value "GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_APPLE" which (you'd think) should do the same thing. For some reason, though, it doesn't seem to. Here's my drawing code:
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(SpriteData), spriteVertices);
glPointSizePointerAPPLE(GL_FLOAT, sizeof(SpriteData), spriteVertices + sizeof(LocationF));
glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, spriteCount);
SpriteData is a struct containing the vertex/size data of each sprite. spriteVertices is just an interleaved array of that struct.
The vertex pointer is working fine; it's drawing the sprites, but seems to be ignoring their size values. It instead defaults to the value set by glPointSize().
Despite the fact that this code compiles with no warnings, it seems very suspicious to me that googling "GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_APPLE" brings up almost no results. Is this a useless parameter? If so, how else can I achieve what I want?
There is no official OpenGL extension which exposes a GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_APPLE extension. This may be some detritus in Apple's headers, but you shouldn't use it. Just use a generic vertex array and use the value you pass as a point size.
If you want cross-platform code, you should avoid system-dependent headers. Instead, use a proper OpenGL loader, which comes with cross-platform headers that won't have system-dependent, non-standard detritus in them.

Core Video pixel buffers as GL_TEXTURE_2D

So I've setup CVPixelBuffer's and tied them to OpenGL FBOs successfully on iOS. But now trying to do the same on OSX has me snagged.
The textures from CVOpenGLTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage return as GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE instead of GL_TEXTURE_2D targets.
I've found the kCVOpenGLBufferTarget key, but it seems like it is supposed to be used with CVOpenGLBufferCreate not CVPixelBufferCreate.
Is it even possible to get GL_TEXTURE_2D targeted textures on OSX with CVPixelBufferCreate, and if so how?
FWIW a listing of the CV PBO setup:
NSDictionary *bufferAttributes = #{ (__bridge NSString *)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey : #(kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA), (__bridge NSString *)kCVPixelBufferWidthKey : #(size.width), (__bridge NSString *)kCVPixelBufferHeightKey : #(size.height), (__bridge NSString *)kCVPixelBufferIOSurfacePropertiesKey : #{ } };
if (pool)
error = CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer(kCFAllocatorDefault, pool, &renderTarget);
error = CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (NSUInteger)size.width, (NSUInteger)size.height, kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA, (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)bufferAttributes, &renderTarget);
ZAssert(!error, #"Couldn't create pixel buffer");
error = CVOpenGLTextureCacheCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, [[NSOpenGLContext context] CGLContextObj], [[NSOpenGLContext format] CGLPixelFormatObj], NULL, &textureCache);
ZAssert(!error, #"Could not create texture cache.");
error = CVOpenGLTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage(kCFAllocatorDefault, textureCache, renderTarget, NULL, &renderTexture);
ZAssert(!error, #"Couldn't create a texture from cache.");
GLuint reference = CVOpenGLTextureGetName(renderTexture);
GLenum target = CVOpenGLTextureGetTarget(renderTexture);
UPDATE: I've been able to successfully use the resulting GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE textures. However, this will cause a lot of problems with the shaders for compatibility between iOS and OSX. And anyway I'd rather continue to use normalised texture coordinates.
If it isn't possible to get GL_TEXTURE_2D textures directly from a CVPixelBuffer in this manner, would it be possible to create a CVOpenGLBuffer and have a CVPixelBuffer attached to it to pull the pixel data?
Just came across this, and I'm going to answer it even though it's old, in case others encounter it.
iOS uses OpenGL ES (originally 2.0, then 3.0). OS X uses regular old (non-ES) OpenGL, with a choice of Core profile (3.0+ only) or Compatibility profile (up to 3.2).
The difference here is that OpenGL (non-ES) was designed a long time ago, when there were many restrictions on texture sizes. As cards lifted those restrictions, extensions were added, including GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE. Now it's no big deal for any GPU to support any size texture, but for API compatibility reasons they can't really fix OpenGL. Since OpenGL ES is technically a parallel, but separate, API, which was designed much more recently, they were able to correct the problem from the beginning (i.e. they never had to worry about breaking old stuff). So for OpenGL ES they never defined a GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, they just defined that GL_TEXTURE_2D has no size restrictions.
Short answer - OS X uses Desktop OpenGL, which for legacy compatibility reasons still treats rectangle textures separately, while iOS uses OpenGL ES, which places no size restrictions on GL_TEXTURE_2D, and so never offered a GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE at all. Thus, on OS X, CoreVideo produces GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE objects, because GL_TEXTURE_2D would waste a lot of memory, while on iOS, it produces GL_TEXTURE_2D objects because GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE doesn't exist, nor is it necessary.
It's an unfortunate incompatibility between OpenGL and OpenGL ES, but it is what it is and there's nothing to be done but code around it. Or, now, you can (and probably should consider) moving on to Metal.
As this appears to have been left dangling and is something I recently dealt with: no, GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE appears to be the only use case. To get to a GL_TEXTURE_2D you're going to have to render to texture.
FWIW, As of 2023, the modern CGLTexImageIOSurface2D is much faster than CVOpenGLESTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage() for getting CVPixelData into an OpenGL texture. Just ensure your CVPixelbuffers are IOSurface backed by including (id)kCVPixelBufferIOSurfacePropertiesKey: #{}, in the attributes to [[AVPlayerItemVideoOutput alloc] initWithPixelBufferAttributes]
You will still be getting a GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, but you'll be getting it way faster. I made a little shader so that I can render the GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE into a GL_TEXTURE_2D bound to a frame buffer.

How to toggle fullscreen on Mac OSX using SDL 1.3 so that it actually works?

There is SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen. However, on Mac, its implementation destroys the OpenGL context, which destroys your textures along with it. Ok, annoying, but I can reload my textures. However, when I reload my textures after toggling, it crashes on certain textures inside of a memcpy being called by glTexImage2D. Huh, it sure didn't crash when I loaded those textures the first time around. I even try deleting all my textures before the toggle, but I get the same result.
As a test, I reload textures without toggling fullscreen, and the textures reload fine. So, toggling the fullscreen does something funny to OpenGL. (And, by "toggling", I mean going in either direction: windowed->fullscreen or fullscreen->windowed - I get the same results.)
As an alternative, this code seems to toggle fullscreen as well:
SDL_Surface *surface = SDL_GetVideoSurce();
Uint32 flags = surface->flags;
SDL_SetVideoMode(surface->w, surface->h, surface->format->BitsPerPixel, flags);
However, calling SDL_GetError after this code says that the "Invalid window" error was set during the SDL_SetVideoMode. And if I ignore it and try to load textures, there is no crashing, but my textures don't show up either (perhaps OpenGL is just immediately returning from glTexImage2D without actually doing anything). As a test, at startup time, I try calling SDL_SetVideoMode twice in a row to perform a toggle right before I even load my textures the first time. In that particular case, the textures do actually show up. Huh, what?
I am using SDL 1.3.0-6176 (posted on the SDL website January 7, 2012).
My texture uploading code is below (nothing surprising here). For clarification, this application (including the code below) is already working without any issues as a finished application for iOS, Android, PSP, and Windows. Windows is the only other version, other than Mac, that is using SDL under the hood.
unsigned int Texture::init(const void *data, int width, int height)
unsigned int textureID;
glGenTextures(1, &textureID);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureID);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
return textureID;
it crashes on certain textures inside of a memcpy being called by glTexImage2D.
This shouldn't happen. There's some bug somewhere, either in your code or that of the OpenGL implementation. And I'd say it's yours. So please post your texture allocation and upload code for us to see.
However, on Mac, its implementation destroys the OpenGL context, which destroys your textures along with it.
Yes, unfortunately this is the way how it works on MacOS X. And due to the design of its OpenGL driver model, there's litte you can do about it (did I mention that MacOS X sucks; oh yes, I did. On occasion. Like over a hundred times). The same badly designed driver model also makes MacOS X so slow in catching up with OpenGL development.
