The hosted network couldn't be started - cmd

i use HUAWEI USB internet connection (3G, HSPA+)
i tried to set a new virtual Hosted network but it was useless.
I made a batch file to insert orders (programming CMD) to make a virtual hosted network, it worked for only two days, then when i tried to start the virtual hosted network ("netsh wlan start hostednetwork") it giving me an error :
The hosted network couldn't be started. A device attached to the system is not functioning.

I encountered this error as well. But restarting my computer fixed it. Its probably a stupid thing to ask but it works sometimes.


How to force windows 10 to refresh network location

I have a raspberry pi with Samba share and attached piDrive. I currently backup from windows to that networked drive (old address
I've forced the pi to use eth0 only and assigned a static IP address.
After a samba restart and PC restart, the pi3 shows as a network device (\RASPBERRYPI3) however on clicking I get 'not found' and an 0x80070035 error.
If I manually add the new IP address to a mapped drive, it works fine ( and I've successfully added it as a new drive. The issue is windows won't allow me to backup using the built in backup feature as it will only allow a network browseable location (the other computers on the network \raspberrypi3). Is there anyway I can force this to rescan for the new IP address or reset it in some way to allow access?
Many thanks,
The ONLY way I could do this after 6 hours of tinkering was to change the raspberry pi hostname. This was much easier than anything else, despite having to resolve a few issues on the pi side. I did try changing it initially (windows found and accessed no trouble) then changing it back, but again windows couldnt find it? Eventually I just opted for sticking with the changed name and resolved the Pi-side issues. Not ideal but it was the only thing that would work for me.

Access IIS Express running on virtual machine

I'm trying to access IIS Express that I have running on a windows virtual machine on my mac. I have tried including an additional binding pointing to the IP of the virtual machine, ive used netsh to allow a url reservation and made sure that the firewalls are not enabled.
After all of this I attempted to run a program in visual studio and access it via the url on my Mac. The page idles for a large amount of time before returning the error that there was "No Route Host"
This is driving me crazy! Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be causing it?
Do the following:
Open IIS, and check whether your HTTP website is running on port 80.
Ensure above by first browsing your website on windows guest itself.
Check connectivity by sending ping from your MAC host to windows guest IP.
If above succeeds, perform telnet on port number 80 from MAC host.
You must be able to crack your issue at one of the above points.

IIS7 website deployment stopping file sharing?

I have several windows shares hosted on a PC running Win7x64. This machine is also hosting a basic website via IIS7. Whenever I deploy a new copy of the website to IIS any WinXP users connected to the shares on that machine get disconected.
After some period of time (20mins or so) the shares all start working again.
This only seems to affect WinXP clients, with them recieving this error message described here:
The resolution provided by Microsoft works, but it means that everything I deploy a new copy of the website all of my users have to go through this hassle.
Any IIS experts out there know what is happening, or how to resolve this?

VS 2010 Remote debugging not working

Hey everyone, I'm having trouble configuring my remote debugging set up. I've been searching and reading for a while, but I can't figure it out. I'm running windows 7 as the pc I'm running VS on and then have windows 7 running in virtual box as the pc that is running the program I'm trying to debug. I'm trying to debug a .NET 4 project.
Both computers are not part of a domain (I'm not sure if that matters). I'm running the debug monitor on the virtual pc via a shared folder on the non-virtual pc.
When I try to connect to the remote pc in the attach to process window in VS it connects, but fails to launch, and I get an error that says
Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging.
The specified network name is no longer available.
Let me know if I need to say anything else about my set-up.
Thanks for the help!
I finally figured out my problem(s).
I was using the wrong PC name to connect to the host machine. I was using the Server name that you can type in the VS remote debugging monitor. I had it working when I did the server as 'Stephen#192.168...' where that was the actual ip address on my subnet
Windows didn't properly configure the firewall ports for me. I had to manually open the DCOM ports to get it connecting.
I had to clear the existing credentials for each machine once everything else was set up as is shown here
Thanks everyone for your help and pointers.

Vista Business Login and RDP Problems

At work, I running Vista Business on a lavishly new PC, which runs great excepting two issues. In order of annoyance, but not importance:
When I reboot the machine, the Windows Splash is presented asking me to Press Ctrl + ALT + DELETE so I can logon. It takes three to five minutes and seceral key presses for me to be prompted to select my user account. After which, everything works like a charm.
As part of my duties with the firm, I am responsible for emergency work on a rotating basis and deploying patches during off-business hours. I have been given an older laptop with XPSP2 (downloading 3 for kicks right now) which I use for browsing with the intention of RDP to my desktop in the offices. If I am connected at the domain through conventional means, I am able to RDP. However, if I am using an existing broadbad connection with VPN, I am not able to get access. I am able to access other servers, desktops running a variety of OS'es including Vista.
So umm any ideas guys?
as for 2 - this happens with some proprietary VPN software (i.e. Cisco). My solution was to perform my work duties in a Virtual PC (which doesn't need its normal LAN abilities) and do my other network/internet tasks in the physical machine.
I have a Vista at work and uses my home PC to rdc in for support work. I do not experience your problem 1 so I cannot offer any advice. For your second problem have you tried the IP address instead of the machine name? We have situations where sometimes the dns resolution in the office network is not accurate.
Do you have remote access enabled, either on the machine, via group policy?
If not, you might have to go into the Control Panel\System and Maintenance\System and choose Remote Settings (from the menu on the left).
That will show you the options for Remote Deskop, including Don't allow connections, Allow connections from any version of Remote Desktop, and Allow connections from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (which might be the hang up you are experiencing over the VPN).
Good Luck.
I have to chalk this up to "something wierd with my laptop" as I was able to download RoyalTS and connect to the machine just fine. I had Remote connections permitted, firewall disabled, McAffee gone and others could access the machine.
The advice garnered above is excellent and useful for your typical rdp connections
