VS 2010 Remote debugging not working - visual-studio-2010

Hey everyone, I'm having trouble configuring my remote debugging set up. I've been searching and reading for a while, but I can't figure it out. I'm running windows 7 as the pc I'm running VS on and then have windows 7 running in virtual box as the pc that is running the program I'm trying to debug. I'm trying to debug a .NET 4 project.
Both computers are not part of a domain (I'm not sure if that matters). I'm running the debug monitor on the virtual pc via a shared folder on the non-virtual pc.
When I try to connect to the remote pc in the attach to process window in VS it connects, but fails to launch, and I get an error that says
Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging.
The specified network name is no longer available.
Let me know if I need to say anything else about my set-up.
Thanks for the help!

I finally figured out my problem(s).
I was using the wrong PC name to connect to the host machine. I was using the Server name that you can type in the VS remote debugging monitor. I had it working when I did the server as 'Stephen#192.168...' where that was the actual ip address on my subnet
Windows didn't properly configure the firewall ports for me. I had to manually open the DCOM ports to get it connecting.
I had to clear the existing credentials for each machine once everything else was set up as is shown here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2dbesfyx.aspx
Thanks everyone for your help and pointers.


What does this mean when vscode remotely debugs machine learning code? Is it stuck? How to solve the problem besides quitting?

When vscode remotely debugs the machine learning code, it will get stuck. I will choose to disconnect, I want to know why it is stuck
I is not only about vscode all are coding languages debug to machine language to work your code in your laptop or smartphone or desktop. You need to start your remote debugger after configure remote debugging to configure the firewall. When configuration is complete the remote debugger window appears. Then you can use the server name and port number shown to set the remote connection.
vscode remote development allows you to use container, remote machine or windows subsystem.

The debugger cannot connect to the remote computer - but application running on the same computer

I am trying to debug an application but every time I do it reports it is unable to start debugging as the debugger cannot connect to the remote computer.
Only thing is the application it is debugging is a console application and there is no need to access a remote PC.
In the Debug Section of the Project Properties the Use Remote Machine checkbox was clicked (why I don't rightly know) - for this reason it was trying to connect to a remote machine which just did not exist.
Clearing this flag got rid of the issue.
Under Project Properties > Web section, I changed Project Url from some url that mapped to remote server to http://localhost/somePath, and it worked just fine.

Remote debugging error unable to connect and the remote computer is not responding?

I have been messing with remote debugging so finally out of despair here I am. I am trying to connect to a Win 2003 remote machine where I have remote debugging installed (NO VS installed on this machine.) following this tutorial. So, I have added all the ports to exceptions in the firewall and I am trying to connect from my visual studio 2010 (run as administrator) and windows 7 Home Premium local machine using No authentication method by attaching it to a process. (For some reason I cannot use windows authentication and gives me edition not supported error!)
What happens is on the debug monitor it says that User has connected but then it just sits there waiting and finally gives an error Unable to connect to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. The remote machine is not responding. I tried to research a lot and also created a user with the same name as on the local machine on the remote machine. Also I used telnet as mentioned in the link and it does not show connected to the remote system message but does not show that it failed either and just sits there. I am guessing it something to do with the port not open correctly.Also after the first connection attempt when I try to connect again the remote debug monitor does not show any connected message and also the error I get is that remote debug monitor is not setup or running on the machine (almost like the debugger stops reponding). I am pretty exhausted trying out all the options can anyone give me more direction here ? Thanks !

Visual Studio Remote Debugging on XP Embedded - tried everything, please help!

I need to debug some C# code on a remote machine running XP Embedded. I did remote debugging on several occasions on different Windows operating systems and all worked well, but I think that the XP Embedded OS is missing something.
I'm popping my brains out in the last couple of days, reading and trying stuff, but nothing seems to work. So if you have been in the same situation and found a solution, please help. Here is what I did up to now:
Successfully established a remote debugging connection to an XP Professional environment, so I know that there's nothing wrong with my remote configuration.
Started the same services on the Embedded environment that are running on the Professional environment.
Configured DCOM permissions, firewall, local users with same name and passwords on both local and remote machines. Gave local users administrator rights.
Started msvsmon.exe both as an application and as a service, under the local user account, wich also has log on as a service rights.
Triple-checked that there is no other firewall between the machines that could drop remote debugging packets.
If I use the No authentication (native only) mode on the Embedded machine, the remote debugging works and I can see the processes. Otherwise, I get an error:
Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor named '[NAME]'. The debugger cannot connect to the remote computer. This may
be because the remote computer does not exist or a firewall may
be preventing communication to the remote computer. Please see
Help for assistance.
Thank you for the time you took to read this and any suggestion may help. Thanks!
Can you use WireShark to capture the data going to the remote XP embedded device? If you get a TCP acknowledgement, at least you'll know it's not a firewall problem.
Did you tried to start msvsmon.exe with admistrator rights ? Maybe that is the issue, a post by John Robbins explains it : http://www.wintellect.com/CS/blogs/jrobbins/archive/2010/06/15/vs-remote-debugging-across-workgroups-or-domains.aspx.

Remote Debugging .net

I've read all related remote debug entries here and couldn't find an answer to my problem. I've trying to setup remote debugging to test a console app.
Dev Machine - Vista, VS 2008
Remote Machine - Win 2008
I've followed the steps in this article to configure it and I'm stuck with the following error when I try to list processes in remote machine under 'Attach to Process'.
"The remote procedure call failed and did not execute".
But in my remote machines 'Remote Debug Monitor' I see that the dev machine connection was established.
Can anyone provide me with any clues?
Whenever I run into this problem the first thing I do is disable the firewall on both computers. Firewall problems are the most common issue I run into with remote debugging and it's best to eliminate that problem from the start.
Do take care to turn the firewall back on when you're done diagnosing the problem :).
