Excel VB Open File OSX and Windows - macos

I've got a spreadsheet that uses some basic code to get the user to select a file (txt file). It works flawlessly on Windows but fails on OSX obviously due to the difference in FileDialog calls. I've done some research though and can't seem to find much information about opening a File Dialog on both OSX and Windows for Excel/VB.
The current code is,
FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename _
(Title:="Please choose a file to import", _
FileFilter:="Excel Files *.xls (*.xls),")
If FileToOpen = False Then
MsgBox "No file specified.", vbExclamation, "Duh!!!"
Exit Sub
Workbooks.Open Filename:=FileToOpen
End If

Answer can be found here - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/hh710200%28v=office.14%29.aspx
Code is as follows,
Sub Select_File_Or_Files_Mac()
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyScript As String
Dim MyFiles As String
Dim MySplit As Variant
Dim N As Long
Dim Fname As String
Dim mybook As Workbook
On Error Resume Next
MyPath = MacScript("return (path to documents folder) as String")
'Or use MyPath = "Macintosh HD:Users:Ron:Desktop:TestFolder:"
' In the following statement, change true to false in the line "multiple
' selections allowed true" if you do not want to be able to select more
' than one file. Additionally, if you want to filter for multiple files, change
' {""com.microsoft.Excel.xls""} to
' {""com.microsoft.excel.xls"",""public.comma-separated-values-text""}
' if you want to filter on xls and csv files, for example.
MyScript = _
"set applescript's text item delimiters to "","" " & vbNewLine & _
"set theFiles to (choose file of type " & _
" {""com.microsoft.Excel.xls""} " & _
"with prompt ""Please select a file or files"" default location alias """ & _
MyPath & """ multiple selections allowed true) as string" & vbNewLine & _
"set applescript's text item delimiters to """" " & vbNewLine & _
"return theFiles"
MyFiles = MacScript(MyScript)
On Error GoTo 0
If MyFiles <> "" Then
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With
MySplit = Split(MyFiles, ",")
For N = LBound(MySplit) To UBound(MySplit)
' Get the file name only and test to see if it is open.
Fname = Right(MySplit(N), Len(MySplit(N)) - InStrRev(MySplit(N), Application.PathSeparator, , 1))
If bIsBookOpen(Fname) = False Then
Set mybook = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set mybook = Workbooks.Open(MySplit(N))
On Error GoTo 0
If Not mybook Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "You open this file : " & MySplit(N) & vbNewLine & _
"And after you press OK it will be closed" & vbNewLine & _
"without saving, replace this line with your own code."
mybook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If
MsgBox "We skipped this file : " & MySplit(N) & " because it Is already open."
End If
Next N
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With
End If
End Sub
Function bIsBookOpen(ByRef szBookName As String) As Boolean
' Contributed by Rob Bovey
On Error Resume Next
bIsBookOpen = Not (Application.Workbooks(szBookName) Is Nothing)
End Function
Sub Select_File_Or_Files_Windows()
Dim SaveDriveDir As String
Dim MyPath As String
Dim Fname As Variant
Dim N As Long
Dim FnameInLoop As String
Dim mybook As Workbook
' Save the current directory.
SaveDriveDir = CurDir
' Set the path to the folder that you want to open.
MyPath = Application.DefaultFilePath
' You can also use a fixed path.
'MyPath = "C:\Users\Ron de Bruin\Test"
' Change drive/directory to MyPath.
ChDrive MyPath
ChDir MyPath
' Open GetOpenFilename with the file filters.
Fname = Application.GetOpenFilename( _
FileFilter:="Excel 97-2003 Files (*.xls), *.xls", _
Title:="Select a file or files", _
' Perform some action with the files you selected.
If IsArray(Fname) Then
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With
For N = LBound(Fname) To UBound(Fname)
' Get only the file name and test to see if it is open.
FnameInLoop = Right(Fname(N), Len(Fname(N)) - InStrRev(Fname(N), Application.PathSeparator, , 1))
If bIsBookOpen(FnameInLoop) = False Then
Set mybook = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set mybook = Workbooks.Open(Fname(N))
On Error GoTo 0
If Not mybook Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "You opened this file : " & Fname(N) & vbNewLine & _
"And after you press OK, it will be closed" & vbNewLine & _
"without saving. You can replace this line with your own code."
mybook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If
MsgBox "We skipped this file : " & Fname(N) & " because it is already open."
End If
Next N
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With
End If
' Change drive/directory back to SaveDriveDir.
ChDrive SaveDriveDir
ChDir SaveDriveDir
End Sub
Function bIsBookOpen(ByRef szBookName As String) As Boolean
' Contributed by Rob Bovey
On Error Resume Next
bIsBookOpen = Not (Application.Workbooks(szBookName) Is Nothing)
End Function
Picker Function
Sub WINorMAC()
' Test for the operating system.
If Not Application.OperatingSystem Like "*Mac*" Then
' Is Windows.
Call Select_File_Or_Files_Windows
' Is a Mac and will test if running Excel 2011 or higher.
If Val(Application.Version) > 14 Then
Call Select_File_Or_Files_Mac
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub WINorMAC_2()
' Test the conditional compiler constants.
#If Win32 Or Win64 Then
' Is Windows.
Call Select_File_Or_Files_Windows
' Is a Mac and will test if running Excel 2011 or higher.
If Val(Application.Version) > 14 Then
Call Select_File_Or_Files_Mac
End If
#End If
End Sub


Export all charts from multiple Excel files in one folder

I want to create a macro for exporting all Excel charts from several workbooks in one folder.
I'm a beginner in VBA and I need your help with the following code:
P.S. The code seems to work (I don't have errors) but does not export any graph to the selected folder.
Could you, please, help me with some hints? I don`t know where is the problem.
Thank you in advance! :)
Sub LoopAllExcelFilesInFolder()
'PURPOSE: To loop through all Excel files in a user specified folder and perform a set task on them (export all charts in one folder)
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim myPath As String
Dim myFile As String
Dim myExtension As String
Dim FldrPicker As FileDialog
Dim objChart As Excel.Chart
'Optimize Macro Speed
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'Retrieve Target Folder Path From User
Set FldrPicker = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
With FldrPicker
.Title = "Select A Target Folder"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode
myPath = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
End With
'In Case of Cancel
myPath = myPath
If myPath = "" Then GoTo ResetSettings
'Target File Extension (must include wildcard "*")
'myExtension = "*.xls*"
myExtension = "*.xlsx"
'Target Path with Ending Extention
myFile = Dir(myPath & myExtension)
'Loop through each Excel file in folder
Do While myFile <> ""
'Set variable equal to opened workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=myPath & myFile)
'Ensure Workbook has opened before moving on to next line of code
For Each objChart In wb.Charts
objChart.Export myPath & Left(wb.Name, Len(wb.Name) - 5) & "_" & objChart.Name & ".png"
Next objChart
For Each objSheet In wb.Worksheets
For Each objChartObject In objSheet.ChartObjects
With objChartObject.Chart
.Export myPath & Left(wb.Name, Len(wb.Name) - 4) & "_" & .Name & "png" '/export graphs with WorkbookName + _worksheet name
End With
'Save and Close Workbook
wb.Close SaveChanges:=True
'Ensure Workbook has closed before moving on to next line of code
'Get next file name
myFile = Dir
'Message Box when tasks are completed
MsgBox "Task Complete!"
'Reset Macro Optimization Settings
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Open the windows folder
Shell "Explorer.exe" & " " & myPath, vbNormalFocus
End Sub
Maybe is useful to mention that I wanted to adapt one of my oldest macro (this one export all the charts from a workbook in one folder. Now I need to export all the charts from multiple workbooks in one folder).
Sub ExportAllCharts()
' '
' This macro extracts all the graphs from an Excel document and imports them into the selected folder as .PNG images. '
' '
Dim objShell As Object
Dim objWindowsFolder As Object
Dim strWindowsFolder As String
Dim objSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim objChartObject As Excel.ChartObject
Dim objChart As Excel.Chart
'Select a Windows folder
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objWindowsFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select a Windows folder:", 0, "")
If Not objWindowsFolder Is Nothing Then
strWindowsFolder = objWindowsFolder.self.Path & "\"
' charts on chart sheets '
'For Each objChart In ThisWorkbook.Charts
For Each objChart In ActiveWorkbook.Charts
objChart.Export strWindowsFolder & Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Len(ActiveWorkbook.Name) - 5) & "_" & objChart.Name & ".png" '/export graphs with workbook name prefix + _ + worksheet name ( ex: WorkbookName_WorksheetName.png ---> OK)
Next objChart
'Open the windows folder
Shell "Explorer.exe" & " " & strWindowsFolder, vbNormalFocus
End If
End Sub

Copy file names at Recycle Bin

I'm trying to copy all filenames list on the Recycle Bin in Windows 10.
I go to Command Prompt:
C:\>cd C:/$Recycle.Bin
C:\$Recycle.Bin>dir S-1-5-21-2370250818-2711005194-4184312249-1165
I have 3 files I want to copy the real file names not the names like this result.
After some search I found this VBScript. I run the code and I get this error:
Expected end of statement
Option Explicit
DIM g_objWshShell, g_objFSO, g_sLogFile, g_objWshNetwork, g_sScriptName, g_sComputerName, g_sUserName Dim g_sVer, g_objLogFile, g_sLogDir
'Setup main variables and objects Set g_objWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Create a Shell Object Set g_objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'create a File System Object Set g_objWshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network") 'Create Network Object g_sComputerName
= g_objWshNetwork.Computername 'Gets machine Computer name g_sUserName = g_objWshNetwork.UserName 'Gets logged-on username g_sScriptName=UCase(WScript.ScriptName) '
*** Name of the script
' *** START LogFile Information - use Delete or Append info below; don't use both *** Const FORREADING = 1, FORWRITING = 2, FORAPPENDING
= 8 'Setup constants for writing, appending, etc g_sLogDir = "C:\TEMP" If Not (g_objFSO.FolderExists(g_sLogDir)) Then g_objFSO.CreateFolder(g_sLogDir) End If g_sLogFile = g_sLogDir & "\" & Left(g_sScriptName,len(g_sScriptName)
- 3) & "LOG" 'Makes log file the SCRIPTNAME.Log g_sVer = "1.0"
'To delete a logfile and create a new one each time script is ran If g_objFSO.FileExists(g_sLogFile) Then g_objFSO.DeleteFile(g_sLogFile) 'Delete logfile if it exists. End If Set g_objLogFile = g_objFSO.CreateTextFile(g_sLogFile, FORWRITING) 'Setup the logfile for writing
Call Main() Call ExitScript()
'Start main script HERE *** Sub Main() Dim objRecycleBin, objFolderItems, objItem, strSpecialFolderName strSpecialFolderName = "Recycle Bin" 'Call WriteLine("Starting " & g_sScriptName & " at " & Date & " " & Time, g_objLogFile) Set objRecycleBin
= GetSpecialFolderObject(strSpecialFolderName) 'Get Special Folder based upon input name Set objFolderItems = objRecycleBin.Items() 'Get items within Recycle Bin For Each objItem In objFolderItems 'Delete all items within Special Folder If (objItem.Type = "File Folder") Then 'Check for file type g_objFSO.DeleteFolder(objItem.Path) 'Delete Folders Else g_objFSO.DeleteFile(objItem.Path) 'Delete Files End If WScript.Echo "Deleted " & objItem.Name Next End Sub
'*-*-*-*-*- Start Subroutines here
*-*-*-*-*- 'Returns SpecialFolder based upon name of folder Function GetSpecialFolderObject(NameOfFolder) Dim objShellApp, i, objSpecialFolder Set objShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application") On Error Resume Next For i=0 To 40 '40 is highest value for special folders Set objSpecialFolder = objShellApp.NameSpace(i) If (StrComp(objSpecialFolder.Title,NameOfFolder,vbTextCompare)=0) Then Set GetSpecialFolderObject = objSpecialFolder Exit For End If Next Err.Clear End Function
'Closes logfile and exits script Sub ExitScript() 'Call WriteLine(Date & " " & Time & "; Completed " & g_sScriptName, g_objLogFile) If IsObject(g_objLogFile) Then
g_objLogFile.Close End If Wscript.Quit End Sub
Sub EndOnError(sErrorString) WScript.Echo sErrorString & vbcrlf & "Check " & chr(34) & g_sLogFile & Chr(34) & " for details" Call WriteLine (sErrorString, g_objLogFile) WScript.Quit() End Sub
'Shows usage if input is wrong sub ShowUsage() WScript.Echo g_sScriptName & " v" & g_sVer & " Empties Recycle Bin for logged on user" & vbcrlf _ & vbcrlf & "USAGE: [CSCRIPT] " & g_sScriptName WScript.Quit end sub
'Writes to log Sub WriteLine(ByVal strMessage, ByVal objFile)
On Error Resume Next
If IsObject(objFile) then 'objFile should be a file object
objFile.WriteLine strMessage
Call Wscript.Echo( strMessage )
End If End Sub
The VBScript version of #boxdog answer:
Set objShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objSpecialFolder = objShellApp.NameSpace(10) '10 = Recyle Bin
For Each objFolder In objSpecialFolder.Items
WScript.Echo "FileName = " & objFolder.Name & vbTab & "Original Path = " & objFolder.ExtendedProperty("{9B174B33-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871} 2")
Answering this in case anyone is looking for VBS only solution.
In PowerShell, you can list the current path and original name/location of the Recycle Bin contents like This:
$shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$shell.NameSpace(0x0a).Items() |
Select-Object #{Label="OriginalLocation";Expression={$_.ExtendedProperty("{9B174B33-40FF-11D2-A27E-00C04FC30871} 2")}},Name, Path
To copy the items, you can do this:
$shell.NameSpace(0x0a).Items() |
Copy-Item -Destination "C:\RecoveredFiles\$($_.Name)" -Recurse -Force
Note that this doesn't take into account any name-clashes - you'll need to test for that and adjust accordingly.

Populate GPO from Text File using VBScript or other

Ok, so we need to create a GPO that allows our users to only use specific programs.
GPO Location:
User Configuration
Administrative Templates [...]
Run only specified Windows applications
Then setting the GPO to enabled and clicking on List of allowed applications --> Show...
I have created an excel spreadsheet containing the names of all the programs and their associated executable files with other pertinent information so that we can easily organize, add, delete, etc. the executable files that we need to allow our users access to.
This spreadsheet then dumps all the executable files into a text file.
Here is an example of what the text file looks like:
There are a lot of entries and these are likely subject to change. What I am trying to do is create a script that will take that text file and populate the GPO automatically. I don't care if we have to open the window and then run it, it does not need to run from the task scheduler (although that would be amazing if someone has that code ready). We just need it to populate this ridiculous amount of executable filenames into the fields.
Here is code I found (VBScript) that when run, should populate the fields automatically, however I cannot get it to run in the Group Policy Management Editor (it runs in the windows explorer window instead and ends up searching for some of the files)
' Open the text file, located in the same path as the script
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strPath = Mid(Wscript.ScriptFullName, 1, InStrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, wscript.ScriptName) -1)
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPath & "appList.txt")
' Activate the "Show Contents" window with the "List of allowed applications".
' Note the window must be opened already and we should have selected where in
' the list we want to enter the data before running the script
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.Sleep 1000
WshShell.AppActivate "Show Contents"
' Read the file line by line
Do While objFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
' Each line contains one EXE name
exeName = objFile.ReadLine
' Escape forbidden chars { } [ ] ( ) + ^ % ~
exeName = Replace(exeName, "[", "{[}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, "]", "{]}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, "(", "{(}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, ")", "{)}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, "+", "{+}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, "^", "{^}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, "%", "{%}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, "~", "{~}")
' Send the EXE name to the window
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.SendKeys exeName
' Move to the next one
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
from: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/alejacma/archive/2011/03/24/how-to-update-quot-run-only-specified-windows-applications-quot-gpo-programmatically-vbscript.aspx
Is where my policies are stored. It's a semi text file. Try writing to that file.
Ok, so I tried it many different ways. If anyone is looking for an answer to do this, this is the way I've figured it out and the way I've decided to proceed. I will post all relevant code below.
In Excel, the format of my table is as follows:
(With obviously WAY more entries)
Here is the VBA code I used to turn the data from this file into the proper format for the registry key:
VBA - In Excel
Public Sub ExportToTextFile(FName As String, _
Sep As String, SelectionOnly As Boolean, _
AppendData As Boolean)
Dim WholeLine As String
Dim FNum As Integer
Dim RowNdx As Long
Dim ColNdx As Integer
Dim StartRow As Long
Dim EndRow As Long
Dim StartCol As Integer
Dim EndCol As Integer
Dim CellValue As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error GoTo EndMacro:
FNum = FreeFile
StartRow = 2
If SelectionOnly = True Then
With Selection
StartCol = .Cells(2).Column
EndRow = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Row
EndCol = .Cells(2).Column
End With
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
StartCol = .Cells(2).Column
EndRow = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Row
EndCol = .Cells(2).Column
End With
End If
If AppendData = True Then
Open FName For Append Access Write As #FNum
Open FName For Output Access Write As #FNum
End If
For RowNdx = StartRow To EndRow
WholeLine = ""
For ColNdx = StartCol To EndCol
If Cells(RowNdx, ColNdx).Value = "" Then
CellValue = ""
CellValue = Cells(RowNdx, ColNdx).Value
End If
WholeLine = WholeLine & Chr(34) & CellValue & ".exe" & Chr(34) & "=" & Chr(34) & CellValue & ".exe" & Chr(34) & Sep
Next ColNdx
WholeLine = Left(WholeLine, Len(WholeLine) - Len(Sep))
Print #FNum, WholeLine; ""
Next RowNdx
On Error GoTo 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Close #FNum
End Sub
Sub PipeExport()
Dim FileName As Variant
Dim Sep As String
FileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:="appList", filefilter:="Text (*.txt),*.txt")
If FileName = False Then
' user cancelled, get out
Exit Sub
End If
Sep = "|"
If Sep = vbNullString Then
' user cancelled, get out
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print "FileName: " & FileName, "Extension: " & Sep
ExportToTextFile FName:=CStr(FileName), Sep:=CStr(Sep), _
SelectionOnly:=False, AppendData:=False
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
The file that is created is appList.txt and its format is the same format as the registry key:
Now in your GPO, add a unique program name to the allowed applications list (say test1234.exe) and in your registry editor, go to Edit > Find test1234.exe.
Export that registry key under File > Export. Remove the test1234.exe line and paste in your text file. Then reimport that file and you're done!

WiX v3.7 - vbScript Custom Action BrowseForFolder() not returning individual file names

I found a VB Script example for opening a file browser, which I used in a custom action in WiX. However, the VB Script function I use is called BrowseForFolder() (not browseforfile) and only seems to return a value when a directory is selected, but not when an individual file is selected. Here is the custom action:
<CustomAction Id="File" Script="vbscript" Execute="immediate" Return="ignore">
Dim shell
Set shell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim file
Set file = shell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a file:", &H4000)
Session.Property("FileName") = file.self.Path
Using this method, I can actually see individual files in the dialog, which is a step up from Wix's built-in directory browser.
Now I just need to be able to retrieve individual file names, not just names of folders.
I've found this code.
and made some changes on it to a better understanding
WScript.Echo GetOpenFileName("C:\", "")
' Description: VBScript/VBS open file dialog
' Compatible with most Windows platforms
' Author: wangye <pcn88 at hotmail dot com>
' Website: http://wangye.org
' dir is the initial directory; if no directory is
' specified "Desktop" is used.
' filter is the file type filter; format "File type description|*.ext"
Public Function GetOpenFileName(dir, filter)
Const msoFileDialogFilePicker = 3
If VarType(dir) <> vbString Or dir="" Then
dir = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ).SpecialFolders( "Desktop" )
End If
If VarType(filter) <> vbString Or filter="" Then
filter = "All files|*.*"
End If
' try to choose the way to open the dialog box. Array: TryObjectNames
Dim i,j, objDialog, TryObjectNames
TryObjectNames = Array( _
"UserAccounts.CommonDialog", _
"MSComDlg.CommonDialog", _
"MSComDlg.CommonDialog.1", _
"Word.Application", _
"SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen", _
"InternetExplorer.Application" _
On Error Resume Next
For i=0 To UBound(TryObjectNames)
Set objDialog = WSH.CreateObject(TryObjectNames(i))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit For
End If
' Select the way to dealing the object dialog
Select Case i
Case 0,1,2
' 0. UserAccounts.CommonDialog XP Only.
' 1.2. MSComDlg.CommonDialog MSCOMDLG32.OCX must registered.
If i=0 Then
objDialog.InitialDir = dir
objDialog.InitDir = dir
End If
objDialog.Filter = filter
If objDialog.ShowOpen Then
GetOpenFileName = objDialog.FileName
End If
Case 3
' 3. Word.Application Microsoft Office must installed.
objDialog.Visible = False
Dim objOpenDialog, filtersInArray
filtersInArray = Split(filter, "|")
Set objOpenDialog = _
objDialog.Application.FileDialog( _
With objOpenDialog
.Title = "Open File(s):"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.InitialFileName = dir
For j=0 To UBound(filtersInArray) Step 2
.Filters.Add filtersInArray(j), _
filtersInArray(j+1), 1
If .Show And .SelectedItems.Count>0 Then
GetOpenFileName = .SelectedItems(1)
End If
End With
objDialog.Visible = True
Set objOpenDialog = Nothing
Case 4
' 4. SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen xp 2003 only
' See http://www.robvanderwoude.com/vbstech_ui_fileopen.php
If objDialog.OpenFileOpenDlg Then
GetOpenFileName = objDialog.FileName
End If
Case 5
Dim IEVersion,IEMajorVersion, hasCompleted
hasCompleted = False
Dim shell
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' ????IE??
IEVersion = shell.RegRead( _
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version")
If InStr(IEVersion,".") > 0 Then
' ??????
IEMajorVersion = CInt(Left(IEVersion, InStr(IEVersion,".")-1))
If IEMajorVersion > 7 Then
' ???????7,?????IE7,???MSHTA??
' Bypasses c:\fakepath\file.txt problem
' http://pastebin.com/txVgnLBV
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim tempFolder : Set tempFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2)
Dim tempName : tempName = fso.GetTempName()
Dim tempFile : Set tempFile = tempFolder.CreateTextFile(tempName & ".hta")
Dim tempBaseName
tempBaseName = tempFolder & "\" & tempName
tempFile.Write _
"<html>" & _
" <head>" & _
" <title>Browse</title>" & _
" </head>" & _
" <body>" & _
" <input type='file' id='f'>" & _
" <script type='text/javascript'>" & _
" var f = document.getElementById('f');" & _
" f.click();" & _
" var fso = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');" & _
" var file = fso.OpenTextFile('" & _
Replace(tempBaseName,"\", "\\") & ".txt" & "', 2, true);" & _
" file.Write(f.value);" & _
" file.Close();" & _
" window.close();" & _
" </script>" & _
" </body>" & _
Set tempFile = Nothing
Set tempFolder = Nothing
shell.Run tempBaseName & ".hta", 1, True
Set tempFile = fso.OpenTextFile(tempBaseName & ".txt", 1)
GetOpenFileName = tempFile.ReadLine
fso.DeleteFile tempBaseName & ".hta"
fso.DeleteFile tempBaseName & ".txt"
Set tempFile = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
hasCompleted = True ' ??????
End If
End If
If Not hasCompleted Then
' 5. InternetExplorer.Application IE must installed
objDialog.Navigate "about:blank"
Dim objBody, objFileDialog
Set objBody = _
objBody.innerHTML = "<input type='file' id='fileDialog'>"
while objDialog.Busy Or objDialog.ReadyState <> 4
WScript.sleep 10
Set objFileDialog = objDialog.document.all.fileDialog
GetOpenFileName = objFileDialog.value
End If
Set objFileDialog = Nothing
Set objBody = Nothing
Set shell = Nothing
Case Else
MsgBox("No file dialog component found", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Error")
End Select
Set objDialog = Nothing
End Function

Export sheet as UTF-8 CSV file (using Excel-VBA)

I would like to export a file I have created in UTF-8 CSV using VBA. From searching message boards, I have found the following code that converts a file to UTF-8 (from this thread):
Sub SaveAsUTF8()
Dim fsT, tFileToOpen, tFileToSave As String
tFileToOpen = InputBox("Enter the name and location of the file to convert" & vbCrLf & "With full path and filename ie. C:\MyFolder\ConvertMe.Txt")
tFileToSave = InputBox("Enter the name and location of the file to save" & vbCrLf & "With full path and filename ie. C:\MyFolder\SavedAsUTF8.Txt")
tFileToOpenPath = tFileToOpen
tFileToSavePath = tFileToSave
Set fsT = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"): 'Create Stream object
fsT.Type = 2: 'Specify stream type – we want To save text/string data.
fsT.Charset = "utf-8": 'Specify charset For the source text data.
fsT.Open: 'Open the stream
fsT.LoadFromFile tFileToOpenPath: 'And write the file to the object stream
fsT.SaveToFile tFileToSavePath, 2: 'Save the data to the named path
End Sub
However, this code only converts a non-UTF-8 file to UTF-8. If I were to save my file in non-UTF-8 and then convert it to UTF-8, it would have already lost all the special characters it contained, thus rendering the process pointless!
What I'm looking to do is save an open file in UTF-8 (CSV). Is there any way of doing this with VBA?
n.b. I have also asked this question on the 'ozgrid' forum. Will close both threads together if I find a solution.
Finally in Office 2016, you can simply savs as CSV in UTF8.
Sub SaveWorkSheetAsCSV()
Dim wbNew As Excel.Workbook
Dim wsSource As Excel.Worksheet, wsTemp As Excel.Worksheet
Dim name As String
Set wsSource = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
name = "test"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'will overwrite existing files without asking
Set wsTemp = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Set wbNew = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsTemp = wbNew.Worksheets(1)
wbNew.SaveAs name & ".csv", xlCSVUTF8 'new way
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
This will save the worksheet 1 into csv named test.
Update of this code. I used this one to change all .csv files in a specified folder (labeled "Bron") and save them as csv utf-8 in another folder (labeled "doel")
Sub SaveAsUTF8()
Dim fsT As Variant, tFileToOpen As String, tFileToSave As String
Dim Message As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim fileName As String
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
End With
Message = "Source folder incorrect"
SourceFolder = wb.Worksheets("Menu").Range("Bron") & "\"
If Dir(SourceFolder, vbDirectory) = "" Or IsEmpty(SourceFolder) Then GoTo errorhandler
Message = "Target folder incorrect"
TargetFolder = wb.Worksheets("Menu").Range("Doel") & "\"
If Dir(TargetFolder, vbDirectory) = "" Or IsEmpty(TargetFolder) Then GoTo errorhandler
fileName = Dir(SourceFolder & "\*.csv", vbNormal)
Message = "No files available."
If Len(fileName) = 0 Then GoTo errorhandler
Do Until fileName = ""
tFileToOpen = SourceFolder & fileName
tFileToSave = TargetFolder & fileName
tFileToOpenPath = tFileToOpen
tFileToSavePath = tFileToSave
Set fsT = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"): 'Create Stream object
fsT.Type = 2: 'Specify stream type – we want To save text/string data.
fsT.Charset = "utf-8": 'Specify charset For the source text data.
fsT.Open: 'Open the stream
fsT.LoadFromFile tFileToOpenPath: 'And write the file to the object stream
fsT.SaveToFile tFileToSavePath, 2: 'Save the data to the named path
fileName = Dir()
Message = "Okay to remove all old files?"
If QuestionMessage(Message) = False Then
GoTo the_end
On Error Resume Next
Kill SourceFolder & "*.csv"
On Error GoTo errorhandler
End If
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
End With
Exit Sub
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
End With
CriticalMessage (Message)
Exit Sub
End Sub
Function CriticalMessage(Message As String)
MsgBox Message
End Function
Function QuestionMessage(Message As String)
If MsgBox(Message, vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
QuestionMessage = False
QuestionMessage = True
End If
End Function
Here's my solution based on Excel VBA - export to UTF-8, which user3357963 linked to earlier. It includes macros for exporting a range and a selection.
Option Explicit
Const strDelimiter = """"
Const strDelimiterEscaped = strDelimiter & strDelimiter
Const strSeparator = ","
Const strRowEnd = vbCrLf
Const strCharset = "utf-8"
Function CsvFormatString(strRaw As String) As String
Dim boolNeedsDelimiting As Boolean
boolNeedsDelimiting = InStr(1, strRaw, strDelimiter) > 0 _
Or InStr(1, strRaw, Chr(10)) > 0 _
Or InStr(1, strRaw, strSeparator) > 0
CsvFormatString = strRaw
If boolNeedsDelimiting Then
CsvFormatString = strDelimiter & _
Replace(strRaw, strDelimiter, strDelimiterEscaped) & _
End If
End Function
Function CsvFormatRow(rngRow As Range) As String
Dim arrCsvRow() As String
ReDim arrCsvRow(rngRow.Cells.Count - 1)
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim lngIndex As Long
lngIndex = 0
For Each rngCell In rngRow.Cells
arrCsvRow(lngIndex) = CsvFormatString(rngCell.Text)
lngIndex = lngIndex + 1
Next rngCell
CsvFormatRow = Join(arrCsvRow, ",") & strRowEnd
End Function
Sub CsvExportRange( _
rngRange As Range, _
Optional strFileName As Variant _
Dim rngRow As Range
Dim objStream As Object
If IsMissing(strFileName) Or IsEmpty(strFileName) Then
strFileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename( _
InitialFileName:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & rngRange.Worksheet.Name & ".csv", _
FileFilter:="CSV (*.csv), *.csv", _
Title:="Export CSV")
End If
Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.Type = 2
objStream.Charset = strCharset
For Each rngRow In rngRange.Rows
objStream.WriteText CsvFormatRow(rngRow)
Next rngRow
objStream.SaveToFile strFileName, 2
End Sub
Sub CsvExportSelection()
CsvExportRange ActiveWindow.Selection
End Sub
Sub CsvExportSheet(varSheetIndex As Variant)
Dim wksSheet As Worksheet
Set wksSheet = Sheets(varSheetIndex)
CsvExportRange wksSheet.UsedRange
End Sub
