Maven tests run twice when a profile identifier is in multiple projects. Why? - maven

I have numerous projects in IntelliJ, each of which has a pom.xml, and each of the projects' poms inherit from the master pom.xml. One profile (called test1) is present in two of the poms (for project2 and project4). When I run maven from the command line, specifying one project and the profile name, it works (the tests in that project are executed once) Here is the commmand:
mvn test -pl project2 -am -P test1
When I specify both projects (both of which have the same profile present), the tests in project4 are executed twice. Here is the command:
mvn test -pl project2,project4 -am -P test1
I would like the tests only to be executed once. I am running maven 3.1.1.
As a further complication, when I specify just project4, the tests in project2 get executed once, and the tests in project4 don't get executed at all. Here is the command:
mvn test -pl project4 -am -P test1
Here is pom.xml for project2:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns stuff...>
<artifactId>parent artifact id</artifactId>
<groupId>group id</groupId>
<!-- We don't want to run any tests without an active profile -->
<!-- This exports the classes in the tests for use with our other modules' tests -->
[ dependencies ...]
Here is the pom.xml for project4:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns stuff>
<artifactId>[parent artifact id]</artifactId>
<groupId>[group id]</groupId>
[ dependencies ...]
[ dependencies...]

I figured out the answer to my own question (by looking carefully at some of our other projects' Maven test setup). I had to do two things:
Include a <skip>false</skip> element in the <configuration> aggregate in the surefire plugin.
Include a generic surefire <plugins> aggregate outside of the <profiles> section. This one has <skip> set to true and prevents tests being run unless they are in a profile. Here is what the section looks like:
<!-- We don't want to run any tests without an active profile -->
The problem was that the tests were running the default-test lifecycle phase and then they were running again in the test phase. After I made the change they only ran in the test phase.


How to delete .original file after Spring boot maven build

After built, we are getting two jars.
One myjar.jar with all dependencies and another one myJar.jar.original without dependencies. How to delete the myJar.jar.original file ?
This is how you could do it with maven-antrun-plugin:
<delete file="target/myJar.jar.original" />
Based on the question apparently there are two possible ways you are getting myJar.jar.original.
1. There might be repackage configuration in your pom.xml which repackages a jar or war that is built during the package phase of the Maven lifecycle.
Here is sample pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- ... -->
If the above configuration is present then you simple $ mvn package command will generate myJar.jar.original and myJar.jar
$ mvn package
$ ls target/*.jar
target/myJar.jar target/myJar.jar.original
Secondly you might be using maven repackage to build you mvn
$ mvn package spring-boot:repackage
$ ls target/*.jar
target/myproject-1.0.0.jar target/myproject-1.0.0.jar.original
So please check your maven configuration and if you have the repackage in your pom than please remove it. Else if you are building using "$ mvn package spring-boot:repackage" than i would suggest you "$ mvn package"

How to maintain daily SNAPSHOT build using TeamCity in C# projects

I am taking over a project which consists of around 15 projects, whose continuous integration practice was done (the practice was ceased and I need to re-start it in a new environment) by Maven + Nexus OSS + TeamCity and are developed using C#.
What I got, except for those C# solutions themselves, is a POM for each of these project, and another parent POM (which doesn't contain any code) which every other project has parent of. These development POMs only have inter-dependency on SNAPSHOT versions hence the build order is crucial. But these POMs that I have do not need any VS plugin, which means (I guess) the compile procedure is not done by Maven but by TeamCity (VS runner). The Maven scripts I have are probably only in charge of e.g., downloading dependencies, validating and installing/deploying/releasing. Unfortunately I can't find any TeamCity configurations so I have no clue how this was done before.
I'll try to put some POM and script file that I have and see if someone can see some clue on the build procedure.
The files I got from SVN are mainly in three kinds categories:
1) The C# source code and project/solution files. Each solution has a 'Dependency' folder which contains all the dependencies, both on other projects on third-party dlls, so that this solution can be built in VS by the developer right after he checkout this solution.
2) The (development) POMs.
Firstly I have the POM of the parent project. This project doesn't contain any code but only the POM and some scripts (other projects have similar files too). The POM looks like this:
<!-- Whether to purge only snapshot artifacts. -->
Here we see that the plugins used in the build are dependency (to download dependencies), 'assembly' (to package), deploy (to deploy files to Nexus) and release--frankly I can't figure out how it is used. The scripts that I have (I'll describe later) don't use it explicitly and it doesn't seem to be executed in other standard build phases.
And in each of the solution the POM has parent of the configuration. And they look like this:
In ProjB which depends on ProjA, the POM is like this:
3) Then some .bat scripts as well as deploy.pom and release.pom.
The deploy pom and release pom just simply replace the version numbers and declare the dependencies:
deploy.pom for ProjA:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
By deploy I assume it means the the deployment of SNAPSHOT version as the version number indicates.
And the release.pom are basically the same but change the version to release version (in ProjA it is 1.1.1).
In each solution I also have some scripts which I believe are called by TeamCity. a) a file called download.bat, which basically calls mvn -U clean and then mvn -U validate. And b) a file called upload.bat which basically calls mvn prepare-package and then mvn verify. In both scripts we pass some mvn options like -DDeployPomFile, -DNexusUrl, -DRepositoryId. From the parent POM we can see some plugins are executed in those scripts too. And I guess the download.bat is called before TC is executing the VS build and upload.bat is called after the build (assume the target of the build is to publish the latest version).
Above is all I got. I suspect I still miss some TeamCity configuration because they are not stored in the SVN. But anyway, can somebody help figure out how to manage the daily build? Thank you very much!

Running surefire test on another\diffrent pom.xml file

I have 2 pom.xml-
one is for testing and the second is for running jetty with war deployment.
How can I run surefire tests on the second pom, when I'm running the first pom?
I tried to call it as a profile in the first pom and the surefire plugin is
started but it doesn't run my tests.
12:01:24 [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.16:test (integration-test) # apm-tests ---
12:01:32 [INFO] No tests to run.
pom structure:
<testSourceDirectory>path_to_tests(2nd pom)</testSourceDirectory>

Starting of the Apache tomcat server before integration test

I've been looking for an solution for the last 4 days and raised this question as a bounty but still not getting my answer.
Where i've succeeded with the help pf pom.xml file:-
a) Starting the tomcat server manually using command i.e mvn tomcat7:run. This command also
help me deploying of my war file to tomcat server and starting the server.
b) Running my integration tests using testng.xml file configuration on eclipse.
Where i'm failed with the help pf pom.xml file:-
a) Automatically starting of tomcat server.
b) Running all the integration tests.
c) Stopping of tomcat server.
This question is posted by me but couldn't find the answer
Starting apache server before integration testing not working
Please help where i'm wrong.
Minimal POM
Here is a minimal POM file that I used to achieve what you want. If it doesn't work for you, please post the output of mvn -X clean verify like #BrennaFlood said. Configurations for tomcat7-maven-plugin and maven-failsafe-plugin taken from and, respectively.
<project xmlns=""
It looks like you have tomcat start and stop bound to pre-integration-test and post-integration-test phases, but the TestNG stuff is being run during the test phase, which comes before the integration-test phases. Like the other responder said - you should be running:
mvn clean verify -X
... so that you're catching all the phases up through post-integration-test (and catching all the debug information for troubleshooting), but you should also bind your TestNG components to the integration-test phase.
I just want to add this for anyone that is looking to use maven + tomcat7 + testng. Basically my scenario is that some of our IT test needs the running application so they can send some REST call, but some of the IT does not require the server, I split the test cases in two different suites one for the IT that requires the server in the ServerRequiredIT.xml and others in NonServerRequiredIT.xml, based on that I create two profiles as it follows.
To run the profiles I use mvn test -P 'nameOfProfile'. Important thing here is what the documentation said
The Failsafe Plugin is designed to run integration tests while the
Surefire Plugin is designed to run unit tests
Hope that helps.

Maven not detecting existing file

I'm writing a pom file to conditionally checkout or update a subdirectory from git. However, it always does a clean checkout. I'm doing this to wrap CI scripts around existing projects without having to change them.
Here's the code (slightly censored, and with the update ommitted):
<echo>Couldn't find ${git.project.checkout.exists.file}</echo>
<!-- And another profile for when the file exists, not shown for brevity -->
I've run mvn compile which tells me the file it tests for, done ls -l on the file to verify it exists, and then run again. For some reason, the test fails.
Profiles are determined prior to applying properties from the pom
<missing>${git.project.checkout.exists.file}</missing> won't work from the value in your pom.xml
If it was provided on commandline then I believe it would work
Otherwise you need to include the value directly
See also Maven profile by user defined property
