connect server over net::ssh - ruby

i write this code in my script
def connect_sql
Net::SSH.start( #host, #user, :port=>22, :verbose => :debug ) do |ssh|
puts ssh.exec!("./root/scripts/ #{#uid}")
The probleme is for etablish a conenction between two server we use dns .The DNS information are in /etc/resolv.conf.
i dont know why when i try to connect to another server i get this error:
, [2014-01-08T17:55:34.905977 #28115] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[3f87c7e6b534]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 44
D, [2014-01-08T17:55:34.906129 #28115] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[3f87c7e5b2b0]: allowed methods: publickey,password
D, [2014-01-08T17:55:34.906309 #28115] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.keyboard_interactive[3f87c7e58948]: keyboard-interactive failed
E, [2014-01-08T17:55:34.906487 #28115] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[3f87c7e5b2b0]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey, hostbased, password, keyboard-interactive)
/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/net-ssh-2.7.0/lib/net/ssh.rb:215:in `start': Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed (Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed)
from clean_instance.rb:87:in `connect_sql'

Make sure your SSH keys are in place. It appears you are not able to authenticate over SSH, even after all authentication methods have been tried.
The reason you are unable to connect to another server is likely because you are not able to authenticate with that other server using a SSH key, which I assume you were able to do with the first server.


Pusher not able to establish connection

I'm trying to connect to the Liquid exchange's Stream API with pusher. Documentation here
I have constructed a function that is in line with the Pusher library's documentation. Link to that here
My current code looks like this:
require 'pusher-client'
channels_client ='LIQUID', {
ws_host: ''
and running that gives me an error message of:
D, [2019-08-20Txx:xx:xx.xxxxxx #xxxxx] DEBUG -- : Binding
pusher:connection_established to pusher_global_channel
D, [2019-08-20Txx:xx:xx.xxxxxx #xxxxx] DEBUG -- : Binding
pusher:connection_disconnected to pusher_global_channel
D, [2019-08-20Txx:xx:xx.xxxxxx #xxxxx] DEBUG -- : Binding pusher:error
to pusher_global_channel
D, [2019-08-20Txx:xx:xx.xxxxxx #xxxxx] DEBUG -- : Binding pusher:ping
to pusher_global_channel
If I try to run this after the first command:
channels_client.connect refuses to connect.
`initialize': No connection could be made because the target machine
actively refused it. - connect(2) for "" port 80
The error comes from (Ruby in websocket line 17:
ws_host 80 seems to be invalid,
I have tried using a secure connection, at least in the browser and got a 404 for ws and invalid request, which is good in this case, for https (
You need to configure ssl in the client configuration, but the pusher-client gem as well as one other I have found are pretty old. Maybe it is wise to switch to a more up-to-date library like
The example contains an option for activated SSL.

Rspec Testing SMTP Connection

Using RSpec, I would like to test the ability of my App to connect to my SMTP server without (necessarily) delivering any messages.
How can I open a connection (with login) to an SMTP email server and test/review the response received?
smtp = '', example_port
# smtp.enable_starttls_auto # uncomment this if starttls is needed
# smtp.enable_tls # uncomment this if ssl/tls is needed but starttls is not supported
smtp.start('') do
expect{ smtp.authenticate '', 'mypassword', 'plain' }.to_not raise_error
Calling authenticate will raise a Net::SMTPAuthenticationError if the authentication fails.
Otherwise, it will return a Net::SMTP::Response, and calling status on the response will return "235".

Challenge response from CFEngine Server Failure while conencting cygwin to CFEngine

when i run from windows-7 with cygwin to connect CFEngine bersion 3.4.2
cf-agent -Bs
Challenge response from server was incorrect!
I: Made in version 'not specified' of '/var/cfengine/inputs/' near line 47
!! Authentication dialogue with failed
Challenge response from server was incorrect!
I: Made in version 'not specified' of '/var/cfengine/inputs/' near line
and in /var/cfengine/inputs/ on line 47 is
47 : perms => m("600"),
on cgwin in folder keys
root-MD5=b8825ba0a0e7017e34b15766d3b3ac58 (which is also at CFEngine Server Side shared ky)
on Cf-Engine Server Side
With Regards
Did you also get the server to trust the client's key? like so:
cf-key -t root-MD5=b8825ba0a0e7017e34b15766d3b3ac58
(on the server)
Also, try restarting cf-serverd in verbose mode with the -v switch on the server, and watch what error messages you get on that end.

suddenly PossibleAuthenticationFailureError in amqp

I'm using the ruby amqp gem. I ran a AMQP.start event loop, but 'suddenlyit raised aPossibleAuthenticationFailureError` during the loop.
AMQP.start(amqp_config) do |connection|
channel = connection
channel.on_error do |channel, channel_close|
puts "Oops... a channel-level exception: code = #{channel_close.reply_code}, message = #{channel_close.reply_text}"
my_worker =
[amqp] Detected TCP connection failure
/home/raincole/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125/gems/amq-client-0.9.3/lib/amq/client/async/adapters/event_machine.rb:164:in `block in initialize': AMQP broker closed TCP connection before authentication succeeded: this usually means authentication failure due to misconfiguration. Settings are {:host=>"localhost", :port=>5672, :user=>"guest", :pass=>"guest", :vhost=>"/", :timeout=>nil, :logging=>false, :ssl=>false, :broker=>nil, :frame_max=>131072} (AMQP::PossibleAuthenticationFailureError)
The weird part is, my worker have received some messages before I got PossibleAuthenticationFailureError. It seems like that the configuration should be correct(and I checked it over and over again).
Are there other potential reasons for PossibleAuthenticationFailureError?
I recommend a 4 step approach to investigating this issue:
a) Eliminate the obvious - Are your credentials correct and is the user account alive and well (default = 'guest')? Are you connecting to the appropriate vhost (default = '/')?
$ rabbitmqctl list_users
Listing users ...
guest [administrator]
$ rabbitmqctl list_user_permissions guest
Listing permissions for user "guest" ...
/ .* .* .*
<your_vhost> .* .* .*
b) What do the rabbitmq connection logs say?
On a Mac OS installation of rabbitmq (using brew), the logs can be found in /usr/local/var/log/rabbitmq, but your log location could be elsewhere depending on OS and installation preferences.
You may see the following lines in the rabbit#localhost.log file. Not a lot of help...and so proceed to step (c). Otherwise, investigate as per what you see in the log.
=INFO REPORT==== 15-Feb-2013::00:42:21 ===
accepting AMQP connection <0.691.0> ( ->
=WARNING REPORT==== 15-Feb-2013::00:42:21 ===
closing AMQP connection <0.691.0> ( ->
c) Is rabbitmq's listener (Erlang client) alive. Default port = 5672. Simplest way to check is to send a garbage message to that port and look for an 'AMQP' response:
$ telnet localhost 5672
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
(d) Is the event loop reactor closing prematurely, before the AMQP.connect (or AMQP.start) actions have had a chance to complete authentication?
connection = AMQP.connect(:host => 'localhost', :vhost => '/') do
# your code here
With all 'your code' sitting in a callback, the EM.stop runs instantaneously after the AMQP.connect instruction. This gives no time for the connection to be suitably established.
What worked for me here was to add a timer and handle disconnects gracefully.
connection = AMQP.connect(:host => 'localhost', :vhost => '/')
# your code here
graceful_exit = {
connection.close { EM.stop }
EM.add_timer(3, graceful_exit)
The reason I put the EM.stop block in a Proc is so that I can reuse it for other graceful exits (say, when trapping 'TERM' and 'INT' signals)
Hope this helps.

Ruby IMAP login error exception

With my Ruby script:
imap ='')
imap.login("", password)
I get the following exception:
A connection attempt failed because
the connected party did not properly
respond after a period of time, or
established connection failed because
connected hos has failed to respond. -
What's wrong?
You need to connect using SSL on port 993.
Therefore your code should be this:
imap ='', 993, true)
imap.login("", "password")
