Loading a laravel view with .html extension - laravel

Is it possible to have Laravel load view templates with a .html extension?
I'm rebuilding an existing app that has a bunch of .html files that are uploaded by users. It's a sort of multi-tenant application where each user can control the look and feel of their area by uploading templates.
I need to rebuild the app and make the change completely transparent to the users so I'd like to keep the .html extensions.

The best way I have found is to use View::addExtension in your base controller;
Here's my code sample:
class BaseController extends Controller {
* Setup the layout used by the controller.
* #return void
protected function setupLayout()
// Allows us to use easy-to-edit html extension files.
// You can set 2nd param to 'php' is you want to
// just process with php (no blade tags)
if ( ! is_null($this->layout))
$this->layout = View::make($this->layout);

I am afraid Blade engine loads .php and .blade.php files only.
From your description I assume the view files are static, since they are HTML only.
If so, rename them to .php after user uploads view files - should not bring performance impact to your application, since there is nothing to process anyway.


Save html made in CKeditor Laravel

I want to save what I do with the ckeditor as a new document and use it as a view in laravel is possible? Any idea how I could do it?
thanks for your attention
Well, you are not providing and code, but you can do something like this and it should work. because this is just a WYSIWYG editor, you will need to use {!!$post(or whatever)->content!!}, this way every styling you make with the editor will be saved in the database and will not be escaped.
This is the controller where I keep everything in the ckeditor and saves it in the view resource
public function store(Request $request)
$ruta = base_path().'/resources/views/oficios/pdf/';
$nombre = "p.blade.php";
$archivo= $request->editor1;
\Storage::disk('pdf')->put($nombre, $archivo);
dd('Plantilla Guardada');
This is the html that is created with ckeditor for example:
<p><strong><em><s>{{ $oficio->subject }}</s></em></strong></p>
Then in another view I include #include ('oficios.pdf.p')
And it is there where I mark error by the character

Laravel 3: View doesn't exist

I've just inherited a Laravel 3 site which works on a custom CMS. The CMS output is rendered through a theme folder at the / level so my folder structure looks like:
I've made a search controller within '/application/controllers' and I want to create my view for the output in the '/theme/layouts' folder with the other template files. When I've worked with Laravel before, my views are all within '/application/views' and I can specify my view with:
public $layout = 'layouts.default';
..which would use '/application/views/layouts/default.blade.php'
How can I get my controller to render the view using my '/theme/layouts/searchTemplate.php' file and pass in the search data from the controller?
If you really need to put these files in a separate folder you should probably use bundles (see docs).
However, a quick and dirty solution is to add a hook in the view loader event (application/start.php):
Event::listen(View::loader, function($bundle, $view)
if($bundle == 'theme') {
return View::file('application', $view, Bundle::path('application').'theme');
return View::file($bundle, $view, Bundle::path($bundle).'views');
You can then make views like:
which will load the file "application/theme/layouts/default.blade.php".
In your application folder, there is a folder called 'views'
You have to create the default.php in applications/views/layouts/
With 'layouts.defaults' it search in the views folder to a folder that will be called layouts.
So the complete folder for 'layouts.default' would be: ./application/views/layouts/default.php
Edit: answer is not relative anymore

Set homepage from theme's layout

I am trying to set a CMS homepage via a theme's local.xml layout update file in the <cms_index_index> node. I swear I've seen functions to change the store configuration temporarily within a layout node (but maybe I dreamt it), but I'm having trouble finding the layout function in classes like Mage_Core_Block_Abstract and its children classes.
For reference, I've checked in Mage_Cms_IndexController and found the function which renders the homepage:
public function indexAction($coreRoute = null)
$pageId = Mage::getStoreConfig(Mage_Cms_Helper_Page::XML_PATH_HOME_PAGE);
if (!Mage::helper('cms/page')->renderPage($this, $pageId)) {
Or, am I doing this completely the wrong way? What would be best practice for a problem like this? I do not want to add a store view for the new theme, as the new theme is for mobile platforms and requires the same settings from the store view. Thanks guys!
This is not possible. The layout configuration is not invoked until after checks occur to see if there is a valid page which has been specified; because these checks fail, the Default router will match and (by default) the application will display the 404 page.

Magento: How to use admin configforms in frontend?

I have an extension which should give the users (logged in as an Admin in the magento backend) the ability to change some configs in the frontend area. I want to have a link in the frontend which loads the config area via ajax and gives the user the possibility to edit&save this config in the loaded div. I want to use the magento backend forms for this so i don't have to code the forms myself.
My current approach has the link on the pages and loads via ajax the correct backend page (e.g. System > Configuration > Design). For this approach I created a Controller which extends the Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action. This Controller get the params from the ajax request and uses an action (like the editAction of the class Mage_Adminhtml_System_ConfigController) to get the right config page in the backend.
My Problems are:
- showing only the correct Area (I just want the user to edit only the section "themes" under System > Configuration > Design) everything else should be not available... so how to remove all the information around this config section?
The form needs the JS-variable Form_Key. How to get the current Form_Key (in the frontend)?
After the ajax has loaded the content the form doesnt get initialized correctly. So if I'm trying to submit the form my firebug says "JS-Error: configForm is not defined". How to solve this form initialising ? Any ideas?
I really hope anybody here can give me a hint how to solve this problems to get the backend config work in the frontend.
This is untested, but it should be enough to get you on the right track:
Output only a specific block
In the frontend most blocks are instantiated via layout XML. In the adminhtml area this is different, so you need to work with PHP instantiation much more.
In your AJAX action I assume you are currently calling loadLayout() and renderLayout().
To only output a specific section use this instead:
public function yourAjaxAction()
// assuming the required config section is set in the AJAX request
$sectionCode = $this->getRequest()->getParam('section');
$sections = Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/config')->getSections();
$blockName = (string)$sections->frontend_model;
if (empty($blockName)) {
$blockName = Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Edit::DEFAULT_SECTION_BLOCK;
$block = $this->getLayout()->createBlock($blockName)->initForm();
// Set the AJAX response content
The form key
The form key can be fetched via
It must be present in the form posted back to the server. You can use the following code to create a HTML hidden field with the formkey:
// If loadLayout() was called:
$formkeyHtml = Mage::app()->getLayout()->getBlock('formkey')->toHtml();
// If working without layout XML:
$formkeyHtml = Mage::app()->getLayout()->createBlock('core/template', 'formkey')
->setTemplate('formkey.phtml') // adminhtml theme formkey
//->setTemplate('core/formkey.phtml') // frontend theme formkey
Add configForm JavaScript
The configForm variable is an JS varienForm object of the DOM element containing the config fields.
It is instantiated using:
// config_edit_form is the CSS id
configForm = new varienForm('config_edit_form');
The varienForm declaration is in the file js/varien/form.js.
There also is some additional javascript used by the system configuration. Magento always adds in these blocks to set up the system config JS environment:
I hope that gets you started.

codeigniter:everything created through MVC pattern?

I'm studying codeigniter and I would realize a simple application. I'm asking if every page, even if doesn't not contain directly dynamic element must be create through MVC pattern? I explain myself: my home page will not contain anything of dinamic. only an header, menu and footer. it needs to create model,controller and view to handle this situation or I create simple the home page?
You always have to create a controller because that is what is called from the url.
As far as the view and model. You don't always have to create either.
I've got plenty of pages with static info so I don't need any model interaction at all.
Without a view you are kind of defeating the purpose of the MVC. It is possible for the controller to just echo all your html for the page but I wouldn't do it.
The way I do it is that I have a default view that contains the header and footer. A content view that all my content for the page goes into. I then pump my view for the page into the content view then that into the default view to create my page.
$arrData["vwsContent"] = $this->load->view("your view for the page", $arrData, TRUE);
$arrData["vwsPageContent"] = $this->load->view("content template view", $arrData, TRUE);
$this->load->view("default template view", $arrData, FALSE);
In this way I can have different content views but the same default view for all the pages. For instance my homepage looks different than my regular pages so I would have a HOME template to use instead of a CONTENT template.
You can define the home page function in any controller.
In routes.php the default controller and action can be defined
$route['default_controller'] = "welcome"; (welcome can be replaced by any your prefer controller) .
Create function with name index
function index(){
Then create the file index.php in "views" folder.
In index.php you can put all your HTML static content. You can use URL helper [ function base_url()] for images/css/js path.
