I'm learning processing and am trying generate fractals using Pascal's triangle. This requires arrays of PVectors. I have run into an issue that I don't understand—I'm getting cannot convert from void to PVector
This is an excerpt, not every variable is defined in the excerpt, but I figure the issue is probably something such that I won't need to reveal more code than this—more code shown might just obfuscate the problem.
points = new PVector[int(pow(2, j))];
if (j == 1)
points[0] = new PVector(0,0);
if (j == 2)
points[0] = new PVector(1,0);
points[1] = new PVector(-1,0);
//j will be 3 for the THIRD term in the series
int number_of_terms_to_fill = int(pow(j - 1, 2));
int[] pasc = PascalTriangle(j - 1);
float real = findReal(pasc, x, y, number_of_terms_to_fill);
float imagi = findImagi(pasc, x, y, number_of_terms_to_fill);
PVector v = new PVector(real, imagi);
for (int k = 0; k < number_of_terms_to_fill; k = k + 2)
points[k] = old_points[k].add(v); //!!***PROBLEM LINE***!!!
points[k+1] = old_points[k].sub(v);
My other functions, such as findReal and findImagi, I believe are correct. The addition on the problem line should be an addition between two PVectors—a legal operation. Instead something is void? Perhaps arrayCopy isn't a deep copy like I'd want?
Not sure what is going on.
The method .add() does not return a PVector (it returns nothing, thus void) so you can't do
points[k] = old_points[k].add(v);
I suppose what you are trying to do is add v to old_points[k] and pass it to points[k] which will not work like that... You have to do it like this:
points[k] = old_points[k];
points[k+1] = old_points[k];
In order for what you wrote to be valid, the add function should have been like this:
PVector add(PVector v) {
this.x += v.x;
this.y += v.y;
this.z += v.z;
return this;
Instead it looks sort of like this:
void add(PVector v) {
this.x += v.x;
this.y += v.y;
this.z += v.z;
Edit: After Ryan's comment below, I provide here another way, using the static .add() method which does return a PVector...
points[k] = PVector.add(old_points[k],v);
points[k+1] = PVector.sub(old_points[k],v);
I want to create a function to determine the most number of pieces of paper on a parent paper size
The formula above is still not optimal. If using the above formula will only produce at most 32 cut/sheet.
I want it like below.
This seems to be a very difficult problem to solve optimally. See http://lagrange.ime.usp.br/~lobato/packing/ for a discussion of a 2008 paper claiming that the problem is believed (but not proven) to be NP-hard. The researchers found some approximation algorithms and implemented them on that website.
The following solution uses Top-Down Dynamic Programming to find optimal solutions to this problem. I am providing this solution in C#, which shouldn't be too hard to convert into the language of your choice (or whatever style of pseudocode you prefer). I have tested this solution on your specific example and it completes in less than a second (I'm not sure how much less than a second).
It should be noted that this solution assumes that only guillotine cuts are allowed. This is a common restriction for real-world 2D Stock-Cutting applications and it greatly simplifies the solution complexity. However, CS, Math and other programming problems often allow all types of cutting, so in that case this solution would not necessarily find the optimal solution (but it would still provide a better heuristic answer than your current formula).
First, we need a value-structure to represent the size of the starting stock, the desired rectangle(s) and of the pieces cut from the stock (this needs to be a value-type because it will be used as the key to our memoization cache and other collections, and we need to to compare the actual values rather than an object reference address):
public struct Vector2D
public int X;
public int Y;
public Vector2D(int x, int y)
X = x;
Y = y;
Here is the main method to be called. Note that all values need to be in integers, for the specific case above this just means multiplying everything by 100. These methods here require integers, but are otherwise are scale-invariant so multiplying by 100 or 1000 or whatever won't affect performance (just make sure that the values don't overflow an int).
public int SolveMaxCount1R(Vector2D Parent, Vector2D Item)
// make a list to hold both the item size and its rotation
List<Vector2D> itemSizes = new List<Vector2D>();
if (Item.X != Item.Y)
itemSizes.Add(new Vector2D(Item.Y, Item.X));
int solution = SolveGeneralMaxCount(Parent, itemSizes.ToArray());
return solution;
Here is an example of how you would call this method with your parameter values. In this case I have assumed that all of the solution methods are part of a class called SolverClass:
SolverClass solver = new SolverClass();
int count = solver.SolveMaxCount1R(new Vector2D(2500, 3800), new Vector2D(425, 550));
//(all units are in tenths of a millimeter to make everything integers)
The main method calls a general solver method for this type of problem (that is not restricted to just one size rectangle and its rotation):
public int SolveGeneralMaxCount(Vector2D Parent, Vector2D[] ItemSizes)
// determine the maximum x and y scaling factors using GCDs (Greastest
// Common Divisor)
List<int> xValues = new List<int>();
List<int> yValues = new List<int>();
foreach (Vector2D size in ItemSizes)
int xScale = NaturalNumbers.GCD(xValues);
int yScale = NaturalNumbers.GCD(yValues);
// rescale our parameters
Vector2D parent = new Vector2D(Parent.X / xScale, Parent.Y / yScale);
var baseShapes = new Dictionary<Vector2D, Vector2D>();
foreach (var size in ItemSizes)
var reducedSize = new Vector2D(size.X / xScale, size.Y / yScale);
baseShapes.Add(reducedSize, reducedSize);
//determine the minimum values that an allowed item shape can fit into
_xMin = int.MaxValue;
_yMin = int.MaxValue;
foreach (var size in baseShapes.Keys)
if (size.X < _xMin) _xMin = size.X;
if (size.Y < _yMin) _yMin = size.Y;
// create the memoization cache for shapes
Dictionary<Vector2D, SizeCount> shapesCache = new Dictionary<Vector2D, SizeCount>();
// find the solution pattern with the most finished items
int best = solveGMC(shapesCache, baseShapes, parent);
return best;
private int _xMin;
private int _yMin;
The general solution method calls a recursive worker method that does most of the actual work.
private int solveGMC(
Dictionary<Vector2D, SizeCount> shapeCache,
Dictionary<Vector2D, Vector2D> baseShapes,
Vector2D sheet )
// have we already solved this size?
if (shapeCache.ContainsKey(sheet)) return shapeCache[sheet].ItemCount;
SizeCount item = new SizeCount(sheet, 0);
if ((sheet.X < _xMin) || (sheet.Y < _yMin))
// if it's too small in either dimension then this is a scrap piece
item.ItemCount = 0;
else // try every way of cutting this sheet (guillotine cuts only)
int child0;
int child1;
// try every size of horizontal guillotine cut
for (int c = sheet.X / 2; c > 0; c--)
child0 = solveGMC(shapeCache, baseShapes, new Vector2D(c, sheet.Y));
child1 = solveGMC(shapeCache, baseShapes, new Vector2D(sheet.X - c, sheet.Y));
if (child0 + child1 > item.ItemCount)
item.ItemCount = child0 + child1;
// try every size of vertical guillotine cut
for (int c = sheet.Y / 2; c > 0; c--)
child0 = solveGMC(shapeCache, baseShapes, new Vector2D(sheet.X, c));
child1 = solveGMC(shapeCache, baseShapes, new Vector2D(sheet.X, sheet.Y - c));
if (child0 + child1 > item.ItemCount)
item.ItemCount = child0 + child1;
// if no children returned finished items, then the sheet is
// either scrap or a finished item itself
if (item.ItemCount == 0)
if (baseShapes.ContainsKey(item.Size))
item.ItemCount = 1;
item.ItemCount = 0;
// add the item to the cache before we return it
shapeCache.Add(item.Size, item);
return item.ItemCount;
Finally, the general solution method uses a GCD function to rescale the dimensions to achieve scale-invariance. This is implemented in a static class called NaturalNumbers. I have included the rlevant parts of this class below:
static class NaturalNumbers
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Greatest Common Divisor of two natural numbers.
/// Returns Zero if either number is Zero,
/// Returns One if either number is One and both numbers are >Zero
/// </summary>
public static int GCD(int a, int b)
if ((a == 0) || (b == 0)) return 0;
if (a >= b)
return gcd_(a, b);
return gcd_(b, a);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Greatest Common Divisor of a list of natural numbers.
/// (Note: will run fastest if the list is in ascending order)
/// </summary>
public static int GCD(IEnumerable<int> numbers)
// parameter checks
if (numbers == null || numbers.Count() == 0) return 0;
int first = numbers.First();
if (first <= 1) return 0;
int g = (int)first;
if (g <= 1) return g;
int i = 0;
foreach (int n in numbers)
if (i == 0)
g = n;
g = GCD(n, g);
if (g <= 1) return g;
return g;
// Euclidian method with Euclidian Division,
// From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_algorithm
private static int gcd_(int a, int b)
while (b != 0)
int t = b;
b = (a % b);
a = t;
return a;
Please let me know of any problems or questions you might have with this solution.
Oops, forgot that I was also using this class:
public class SizeCount
public Vector2D Size;
public int ItemCount;
public SizeCount(Vector2D itemSize, int itemCount)
Size = itemSize;
ItemCount = itemCount;
As I mentioned in the comments, it would actually be pretty easy to factor this class out of the code, but it's still in there right now.
I'm sure it's simple but I don't know how to do it.
How do I translate vector array as argument from processing to p5.js in the fisrt line of my code.
many thanks David
int inPolyCheck(PVector v, PVector [] p) {
float a = 0;
for (int i =0; i<p.length-1; ++i) {
PVector v1 = p[i].get();
PVector v2 = p[i+1].get();
a += vAtan2cent180(v, v1, v2);
PVector v1 = p[p.length-1].get();
PVector v2 = p[0].get();
a += vAtan2cent180(v, v1, v2);
if (abs(abs(a) - TWO_PI) < 0.01) return 1;
else return 0;
float vAtan2cent180(PVector cent, PVector v2, PVector v1) {
PVector vA = v1.get();
PVector vB = v2.get();
float ang = atan2(vB.x, vB.y) - atan2(vA.x, vA.y);
if (ang < 0) ang = TWO_PI + ang;
return ang;
Javascript is dynamically typed, unlike Java which is statically typed.
What does that mean for you?
It means you don't have to worry about declaring data types of variables(in this case, the arguments). The datatype of a variable is automatically configured according to the type of data stored in it. I think that is enough info to let you figure out what you need to do, if not then I would suggest you learn Javascript before learning how to replicate Processing code in Javascript.
I'm working on making a matrix text rain effect in Processing 3.3 as a simple starter project for learning the processing library and Java. My code so far:
class Symbol {
int x, y;
int switchInterval = round(random(2, 50));
float speed;
char value;
Symbol(int x, int y, float speed) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.speed = speed;
//Sets to random symbol based on the Katakana Unicode block
void setToRandomSymbol() {
if(frameCount % switchInterval == 0) {
value = char((int) random(0x30A0, 0x3100));
//rains the characters down the screen and loops them to the top when they
// reach the bottom of the screen
void rain() {
if(y <= height) {
y += speed;
}else {
y = 0;
Symbol symbol;
class Stream {
int totalSymbols = round(random(5, 30));
Symbol[] symbols = new Symbol[500];
float speed = random(5, 20);
//generates the symbols and adds them to the array, each symbol one symbol
//height above the one previous
void generateSymbols() {
int y = 0;
int x = width / 2;
for (int i = 0; i <= totalSymbols; i++) {
symbols[i] = new Symbol(x, y, speed);
y -= symbolSize;
void render() {
for(Symbol s : symbols) {
fill(0, 255, 70);
text(s.value, s.x, s.y);
Ok, so that was a lot of code, Let me explain my dilemma. The issue I'm having is that when I run the code I get a NullpointerException at the s.setToRandomSymbol(); method call in the for each loop in the render function. The weird part about this NullPointerException error and the part I'm not understanding is that it's being thrown on a method that doesn't take in any arguments that could be coming back empty, and the method itself is void, so it shouldn't be returning anything, right? Why is this returning Null and what did I do wrong to have it return this way?
First you come up with a random number betwen 5 and 30:
int totalSymbols = round(random(5, 30));
Then you create an array that holds 500 instances of your Symbol class:
Symbol[] symbols = new Symbol[500];
Note that this array holds 500 null values at this point.
Then you add a maximum of 30 instances of Symbol to your array:
for (int i = 0; i <= totalSymbols; i++) {
symbols[i] = new Symbol(x, y, speed);
Note that this array now holds at least 470 null values at this point.
Then you iterate over all 500 indexes:
for(Symbol s : symbols) {
But remember that at least 470 of these indexes are null, which is why you're getting a NullPointerException.
Some basic debugging would have told you all of this. I would have started by adding a basic println() statement just before you get the error:
for(Symbol s : symbols) {
println("s: " + s);
This would have showed you that you're iterating over null values.
Anyway, to fix your problem you need to stop iterating over your entire array, or you need to stop making room for indexes you never use.
In the future, please try to narrow your problem down to a MCVE before posting. Note that this much smaller example program shows your error:
String[] array = new String[10];
array[0] = "test";
for(String s : array){
Im trying to add settings to a snake game made in processing. I want to have something like easy, normal and hard or something along the lines of that and change the speed and maybe size of the grid. If anyone coudl explain how to id greatly appreciate it!
ArrayList<Integer> x = new ArrayList<Integer>(), y = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int w = 30, h = 30, bs = 20, dir = 2, applex = 12, appley = 10;
int[] dx = {0,0,1,-1}, dy = {1,-1,0,0};
boolean gameover = false;
void setup() {
void draw() {
for(int i = 0 ; i < w; i++) line(i*bs, 0, i*bs, height); //Vertical line for grid
for(int i = 0 ; i < h; i++) line(0, i*bs, width, i*bs); //Horizontal line for grid
for(int i = 0 ; i < x.size(); i++) {
fill (0,255,0);
rect(x.get(i)*bs, y.get(i)*bs, bs, bs);
if(!gameover) {
rect(applex*bs, appley*bs, bs, bs);
if(frameCount%5==0) {
x.add(0,x.get(0) + dx[dir]);
y.add(0,y.get(0) + dy[dir]);
if(x.get(0) < 0 || y.get(0) < 0 || x.get(0) >= w || y.get(0) >= h) gameover = true;
for(int i = 1; i < x.size(); i++) if(x.get(0) == x.get(i) && y.get(0) == y.get(i)) gameover = true;
if(x.get(0)==applex && y.get(0)==appley) {
applex = (int)random(0,w);
appley = (int)random(0,h);
}else {
} else {
text("GAME OVER. Press Space to Play Again", 20, height/2);
if(keyPressed && key == ' ') {
x.clear(); //Clear array list
y.clear(); //Clear array list
gameover = false;
if (keyPressed == true) {
int newdir = key=='s' ? 0 : (key=='w' ? 1 : (key=='d' ? 2 : (key=='a' ? 3 : -1)));
if(newdir != -1 && (x.size() <= 1 || !(x.get(1) ==x.get(0) + dx[newdir] && y.get (1) == y.get(0) + dy[newdir]))) dir = newdir;
You need to break your problem down into smaller steps:
Step one: Can you store the difficulty in a variable? This might be an int that keeps track of a level, or a boolean that switches between easy and hard. Just hardcode the value of that variable for now.
Step two: Can you write your code so it changes behavior based on the difficulty level? Use the variable you created in step one. You might use an if statement to check the difficulty level, or maybe the speed increases over time. It's completely up to you. Start out with a hard-coded value. Change the value to see different behaviors.
Step three: Can you programatically change that value? Maybe this requires a settings screen where the user chooses the difficulty, or maybe it gets more difficult over time. But you have to do the first two steps before you can start this step.
If you get stuck on a specific step, then post an MCVE and we'll go from there.
int x = 31;
int y = 31;
int x_dir = 4;
int y_dir = 0;
void setup ()
size (800, 800);
void draw ()
background (150);
ellipse (x,y,60, 60);
if (x+30>=width)
x_dir =-4;
y_dir = 4;
if (y+30>=height)
y_dir = 0;
if (x+30>=width)
x_dir = -4;
I have to create this program in processing which produces an animation of a ball going in a Z pattern (top left to top right, diagonal top right to bottom left, and then straight from bottom left to bottom right) which then goes backwards along the same path it came.
While I have the code written out for the forward direction, I don't know what 2 if or else statements I need to write for the program so that based on one condition it goes forwards, and based on another condition it will go backwards, and it will continue doing so until it terminates.
If I am able to figure out which two if statements I need to write, all I need to do is copy and reverse the x_dir and y_dir signs on the forward loop.
There are a ton of different ways you can do this.
One approach is to keep track of which "mode" you're in. You could do this using an int variable that's 0 when you're on the first part of the path, 1 when you're on the second part of the path, etc. Then just use an if statement to decide what to do, how to move the ball, etc.
Here's an example:
int x = 31;
int y = 31;
int mode = 0;
void setup ()
size (800, 800);
void draw ()
background (150);
ellipse (x, y, 60, 60);
if (mode == 0) {
x = x + 4;
if (x+30>=width) {
mode = 1;
} else if (mode == 1) {
x = x - 4;
y = y + 4;
if (y+30>=height) {
mode = 2;
} else if (mode == 2) {
x = x + 4;
if (x+30>=width) {
mode = 3;
} else if (mode == 3) {
x = x - 4;
y = y - 4;
if (y-30 < 0) {
mode = 2;
Like I said, this is only one way to approach the problem, and there are some obvious improvements you could make. For example, you could store the movement speeds and the conditions that change the mode in an array (or better yet, in objects) and get rid of all of the if statements.