I have a code like this:
float[] x = {5,11,17,23,26,23,18,12,7,4,5,6,7,6,3,2,5,5,4,3,3,5,10,18,26,32,26,18,10,5,2,10,12,14,15,9,8,14,13,9,7,5,3,8,17,33,49,32,16,7,3,1,13,16,23,31,26,25,30,22,14,9,7,0,1,9,38,101,38,9,0,1,0,12,17,32,60,89,88,59,30,15,8,6,6,14,19,10,279,10,19,14,8,3,6,10,26,89,360,359,88,25,9,4,2,10,30,82,259,1000,260,82,32,13,5,5,9,26,89,358,359,89,26,9,4,3,6,13,19,9,280,9,20,14,8,3,11,17,31,60,89,89,60,31,16,9,6,0,1,9,38,102,38,9,0,1,0,12,16,23,30,25,25,31,22,14,10,7,3,8,17,33,50,33,17,8,3,1,9,11,13,14,8,9,15,13,10,7,6,5,10,18,27,33,27,18,11,6,3,5,6,6,6,2,3,6,6,5,4,1,5,11,18,24,27,24,18,12,7,3};
void setup(){
float k=1;
float q=0;
for (float j=0;j<height;j=j+30){
for(float i=30;i<width;i=i+60){
} else {
for(float i=0;i<width;i=i+60){
float kolor(float input){
return map(input,0,1000,0,255);
When I try to compile, I get "cannot convert float to int" error, connected with lines fill(kolor(x[q]));.
I tried changing this to fill((int)kolor(x[q]));.
Do you have any idea how to fix this?
The problem with line fill((int)kolor(x[q]) is that x is an array, and you can only access array members by using ints, while you access it using q which is a float.
Try changing float q = 0; to int q = 0;
By the way, it looks like java code, is it java?
Why are you using floats in the first place? You probably should be using ints, especially with the % in there.
Here is the signature of the fill() command, for those interested.
I'm learning processing and am trying generate fractals using Pascal's triangle. This requires arrays of PVectors. I have run into an issue that I don't understand—I'm getting cannot convert from void to PVector
This is an excerpt, not every variable is defined in the excerpt, but I figure the issue is probably something such that I won't need to reveal more code than this—more code shown might just obfuscate the problem.
points = new PVector[int(pow(2, j))];
if (j == 1)
points[0] = new PVector(0,0);
if (j == 2)
points[0] = new PVector(1,0);
points[1] = new PVector(-1,0);
//j will be 3 for the THIRD term in the series
int number_of_terms_to_fill = int(pow(j - 1, 2));
int[] pasc = PascalTriangle(j - 1);
float real = findReal(pasc, x, y, number_of_terms_to_fill);
float imagi = findImagi(pasc, x, y, number_of_terms_to_fill);
PVector v = new PVector(real, imagi);
for (int k = 0; k < number_of_terms_to_fill; k = k + 2)
points[k] = old_points[k].add(v); //!!***PROBLEM LINE***!!!
points[k+1] = old_points[k].sub(v);
My other functions, such as findReal and findImagi, I believe are correct. The addition on the problem line should be an addition between two PVectors—a legal operation. Instead something is void? Perhaps arrayCopy isn't a deep copy like I'd want?
Not sure what is going on.
The method .add() does not return a PVector (it returns nothing, thus void) so you can't do
points[k] = old_points[k].add(v);
I suppose what you are trying to do is add v to old_points[k] and pass it to points[k] which will not work like that... You have to do it like this:
points[k] = old_points[k];
points[k+1] = old_points[k];
In order for what you wrote to be valid, the add function should have been like this:
PVector add(PVector v) {
this.x += v.x;
this.y += v.y;
this.z += v.z;
return this;
Instead it looks sort of like this:
void add(PVector v) {
this.x += v.x;
this.y += v.y;
this.z += v.z;
Edit: After Ryan's comment below, I provide here another way, using the static .add() method which does return a PVector...
points[k] = PVector.add(old_points[k],v);
points[k+1] = PVector.sub(old_points[k],v);
I need a data structure for storing float values at an uniformly sampled 3D mesh:
x = x0 + ix*dx where 0 <= ix < nx
y = y0 + iy*dy where 0 <= iy < ny
z = z0 + iz*dz where 0 <= iz < nz
Up to now I have used my Array class:
Array3D<float> A(nx, ny,nz);
A(0,0,0) = 0.0f; // ix = iy = iz = 0
Internally it stores the float values as an 1D array with nx * ny * nz elements.
However now I need to represent an mesh with more values than I have RAM,
e.g. nx = ny = nz = 2000.
I think many neighbour nodes in such an mesh may have similar values so I was thinking if there was some simple way that I could "coarsen" the mesh adaptively.
For instance if the 8 (ix,iy,iz) nodes of an cell in this mesh have values that are less than 5% apart; they are "removed" and replaced by just one value; the mean of the 8 values.
How could I implement such a data structure in a simple and efficient way?
thanks Ante for suggesting lossy compression. I think this could work the following way:
#define BLOCK_SIZE 64
struct CompressedArray3D {
CompressedArray3D(int ni, int nj, int nk) {
NI = ni/BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
NJ = nj/BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
NK = nk/BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
blocks = new float*[NI*NJ*NK];
compressedSize = new unsigned int[NI*NJ*NK];
void setBlock(int I, int J, int K, float values[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE]) {
unsigned int csize;
blocks[I*NJ*NK + J*NK + K] = compress(values, csize);
compressedSize[I*NJ*NK + J*NK + K] = csize;
float getValue(int i, int j, int k) {
int I = i/BLOCK_SIZE;
int J = j/BLOCK_SIZE;
int K = k/BLOCK_SIZE;
int ii = i - I*BLOCK_SIZE;
int jj = j - J*BLOCK_SIZE;
int kk = k - K*BLOCK_SIZE;
float *compressedBlock = blocks[I*NJ*NK + J*NK + K];
unsigned int csize = compressedSize[I*NJ*NK + J*NK + K];
decompress(compressedBlock, csize, values);
return values[ii][jj][kk];
// number of blocks:
int NI, NJ, NK;
// number of samples:
int ni, nj, nk;
float** blocks;
unsigned int* compressedSize;
For this to be useful I need a lossy compression that is:
extremely fast, also on small datasets (e.g. 64x64x64)
compress quite hard > 3x, never mind if it looses quite a bit of info.
Any good candidates?
It sounds like you're looking for a LOD (level of detail) adaptive mesh. It's a recurring theme in video games and terrain simulation.
For terrain, see here: -- look for the ROAM video which is IIRC not only adaptive by distance, but also by view direction.
For non-terrain entities, there is a huge body of work (here's one example: Generic Adaptive Mesh Refinement).
I would suggest to use OctoMap to handle large 3D data.
And to extend it as shown here to handle geometrical properties.
I cannot find out an efficient way to generate the opposite edges of a given edge. My idea is just to do the iterates:
//construct the opposite half edges
for(int j=0;j<edge_num;j++)
for(int m=0;m<edge_num;m++)
if(edge[j].vert_end->v_index==edge[m].vert_start->v_index &&
edge[j].vert_start->v_index==edge[m].vert_end->v_index )
edge[j].pair = &edge[m];
edge[m].pair = &edge[j];
Other information about an half edge is generated from the procedure of loading .M file.
My structure is:
class HE_vert{
GLfloat x, y, z;
int v_index;
HE_edge *edge;
class HE_face{
int v1, v2, v3;
int f_index;
HE_edge* edge;
class HE_edge{
HE_edge(){ pair = NULL; }
HE_vert* vert_start; // vertex at the start of the half-edge
HE_vert* vert_end; // vertex at the end of the half-edge
HE_edge* pair; // oppositely oriented adjacent half-edge
HE_face* face; // face the half-edge borders
HE_edge* next; // next half-edge around the face
int e_index;
I checked all the output information and it’s correct, but it took a long computational time, especially when loading bunny.M. How can I do this in an more efficient way? Could you give me some hints?
// grid[i + vert_num*j] = edge from i to j
int grid[vert_num*vert_num]; // malloc()?
// memset()?
for (int i = vert_num*vert_num - 1; i >= 0; i--)
grid[i] = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < edge_num; i++)
int i_from = edge[i]->vert_start->v_index;
int i_to = edge[i]->vert_end->v_index;
int pair_index = grid[i_to + vert_num*i_from];
if (pair_index >= 0)
edge[i]->pair = edge[pair_index];
edge[pair_index]->pair = edge[i];
grid[i_to + vert_num*i_from] = -1;
grid[i_from + vert_num*i_to] = i;
Possible optimization: Use a linked list instead of a huge array. There will only be about 1-4 entries for each row/column.
Does anybody know how to find the local maxima in a grayscale IPL_DEPTH_8U image using OpenCV? HarrisCorner mentions something like that but I'm actually not interested in corners ...
A pixel is considered a local maximum if it is equal to the maximum value in a 'local' neighborhood. The function below captures this property in two lines of code.
To deal with pixels on 'plateaus' (value equal to their neighborhood) one can use the local minimum property, since plateaus pixels are equal to their local minimum. The rest of the code filters out those pixels.
void non_maxima_suppression(const cv::Mat& image, cv::Mat& mask, bool remove_plateaus) {
// find pixels that are equal to the local neighborhood not maximum (including 'plateaus')
cv::dilate(image, mask, cv::Mat());
cv::compare(image, mask, mask, cv::CMP_GE);
// optionally filter out pixels that are equal to the local minimum ('plateaus')
if (remove_plateaus) {
cv::Mat non_plateau_mask;
cv::erode(image, non_plateau_mask, cv::Mat());
cv::compare(image, non_plateau_mask, non_plateau_mask, cv::CMP_GT);
cv::bitwise_and(mask, non_plateau_mask, mask);
Here's a simple trick. The idea is to dilate with a kernel that contains a hole in the center. After the dilate operation, each pixel is replaced with the maximum of it's neighbors (using a 5 by 5 neighborhood in this example), excluding the original pixel.
Mat1b kernelLM(Size(5, 5), 1u);<uchar>(2, 2) = 0u;
Mat imageLM;
dilate(image, imageLM, kernelLM);
Mat1b localMaxima = (image > imageLM);
Actually after I posted the code above I wrote a better and very very faster one ..
The code above suffers even for a 640x480 picture..
I optimized it and now it is very very fast even for 1600x1200 pic.
Here is the code :
void localMaxima(cv::Mat src,cv::Mat &dst,int squareSize)
if (squareSize==0)
dst = src.clone();
Mat m0;
dst = src.clone();
Point maxLoc(0,0);
//1.Be sure to have at least 3x3 for at least looking at 1 pixel close neighbours
// Also the window must be <odd>x<odd>
int sqrCenter = (squareSize-1)/2;
//2.Create the localWindow mask to get things done faster
// When we find a local maxima we will multiply the subwindow with this MASK
// So that we will not search for those 0 values again and again
Mat localWindowMask = Mat::zeros(Size(squareSize,squareSize),CV_8U);//boolean<unsigned char>(sqrCenter,sqrCenter)=1;
//3.Find the threshold value to threshold the image
//this function here returns the peak of histogram of picture
//the picture is a thresholded picture it will have a lot of zero values in it
//so that the second boolean variable says :
// (boolean) ? "return peak even if it is at 0" : "return peak discarding 0"
int thrshld = maxUsedValInHistogramData(dst,false);
//4.Now delete all thresholded values from picture
dst = dst.mul(m0);
//put the src in the middle of the big array
for (int row=sqrCenter;row<dst.size().height-sqrCenter;row++)
for (int col=sqrCenter;col<dst.size().width-sqrCenter;col++)
//1.if the value is zero it can not be a local maxima
if (<unsigned char>(row,col)==0)
//2.the value at (row,col) is not 0 so it can be a local maxima point
m0 = dst.colRange(col-sqrCenter,col+sqrCenter+1).rowRange(row-sqrCenter,row+sqrCenter+1);
//if the maximum location of this subWindow is at center
//it means we found the local maxima
//so we should delete the surrounding values which lies in the subWindow area
//hence we will not try to find if a point is at localMaxima when already found a neighbour was
if ((maxLoc.x==sqrCenter)&&(maxLoc.y==sqrCenter))
m0 = m0.mul(localWindowMask);
//we can skip the values that we already made 0 by the above function
The following listing is a function similar to Matlab's "imregionalmax". It looks for at most nLocMax local maxima above threshold, where the found local maxima are at least minDistBtwLocMax pixels apart. It returns the actual number of local maxima found. Notice that it uses OpenCV's minMaxLoc to find global maxima. It is "opencv-self-contained" except for the (easy to implement) function vdist, which computes the (euclidian) distance between points (r,c) and (row,col).
input is one-channel CV_32F matrix, and locations is nLocMax (rows) by 2 (columns) CV_32S matrix.
int imregionalmax(Mat input, int nLocMax, float threshold, float minDistBtwLocMax, Mat locations)
Mat scratch = input.clone();
int nFoundLocMax = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nLocMax; i++) {
Point location;
double maxVal;
minMaxLoc(scratch, NULL, &maxVal, NULL, &location);
if (maxVal > threshold) {
nFoundLocMax += 1;
int row = location.y;
int col = location.x;<int>(i,0) = row;<int>(i,1) = col;
int r0 = (row-minDistBtwLocMax > -1 ? row-minDistBtwLocMax : 0);
int r1 = (row+minDistBtwLocMax < scratch.rows ? row+minDistBtwLocMax : scratch.rows-1);
int c0 = (col-minDistBtwLocMax > -1 ? col-minDistBtwLocMax : 0);
int c1 = (col+minDistBtwLocMax < scratch.cols ? col+minDistBtwLocMax : scratch.cols-1);
for (int r = r0; r <= r1; r++) {
for (int c = c0; c <= c1; c++) {
if (vdist(Point2DMake(r, c),Point2DMake(row, col)) <= minDistBtwLocMax) {<float>(r,c) = 0.0;
} else {
return nFoundLocMax;
The first question to answer would be what is "local" in your opinion. The answer may well be a square window (say 3x3 or 5x5) or circular window of a certain radius. You can then scan over the entire image with the window centered at each pixel and pick the highest value in the window.
See this for how to access pixel values in OpenCV.
This is very fast method. It stored founded maxima in a vector of
vector <Point> GetLocalMaxima(const cv::Mat Src,int MatchingSize, int Threshold, int GaussKernel )
vector <Point> vMaxLoc(0);
if ((MatchingSize % 2 == 0) || (GaussKernel % 2 == 0)) // MatchingSize and GaussKernel have to be "odd" and > 0
return vMaxLoc;
vMaxLoc.reserve(100); // Reserve place for fast access
Mat ProcessImg = Src.clone();
int W = Src.cols;
int H = Src.rows;
int SearchWidth = W - MatchingSize;
int SearchHeight = H - MatchingSize;
int MatchingSquareCenter = MatchingSize/2;
if(GaussKernel > 1) // If You need a smoothing
uchar* pProcess = (uchar *); // The pointer to image Data
int Shift = MatchingSquareCenter * ( W + 1);
int k = 0;
for(int y=0; y < SearchHeight; ++y)
int m = k + Shift;
for(int x=0;x < SearchWidth ; ++x)
if (pProcess[m++] >= Threshold)
Point LocMax;
Mat mROI(ProcessImg, Rect(x,y,MatchingSize,MatchingSize));
if (LocMax.x == MatchingSquareCenter && LocMax.y == MatchingSquareCenter)
vMaxLoc.push_back(Point( x+LocMax.x,y + LocMax.y ));
// imshow("W1",mROI);cvWaitKey(0); //For gebug
k += W;
return vMaxLoc;
Found a simple solution.
In this example, if you are trying to find 2 results of a matchTemplate function with a minimum distance from each other.
cv::Mat result;
matchTemplate(search, target, result, CV_TM_SQDIFF_NORMED);
float score1;
cv::Point displacement1 = MinMax(result, score1);
cv::circle(result, cv::Point(displacement1.x+result.cols/2 , displacement1.y+result.rows/2), 10, cv::Scalar(0), CV_FILLED, 8, 0);
float score2;
cv::Point displacement2 = MinMax(result, score2);
cv::Point MinMax(cv::Mat &result, float &score)
double minVal, maxVal;
cv::Point minLoc, maxLoc, matchLoc;
minMaxLoc(result, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc, cv::Mat());
matchLoc.x = minLoc.x - result.cols/2;
matchLoc.y = minLoc.y - result.rows/2;
return minVal;
The process is:
Find global Minimum using minMaxLoc
Draw a filled white circle around global minimum using min distance between minima as radius
Find another minimum
The the scores can be compared to each other to determine, for example, the certainty of the match,
To find more than just the global minimum and maximum try using this function from skimage:
You can parameterize the minimum distance between peaks, too. And more. To find minima, use negated values (take care of the array type though, 255-image could do the trick).
You can go over each pixel and test if it is a local maxima. Here is how I would do it.
The input is assumed to be type CV_32FC1
#include <vector>//std::vector
#include <algorithm>//std::sort
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
//structure for maximal values including position
struct SRegionalMaxPoint
float values;
int row;
int col;
//ascending order
bool operator()(const SRegionalMaxPoint& a, const SRegionalMaxPoint& b)
return a.values < b.values;
//checks if pixel is local max
bool isRegionalMax(const float* im_ptr, const int& cols )
float center = *im_ptr;
bool is_regional_max = true;
im_ptr -= (cols + 1);
for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ++ii, im_ptr+= (cols-3))
for (int jj = 0; jj < 3; ++jj, im_ptr++)
if (ii != 1 || jj != 1)
is_regional_max &= (center > *im_ptr);
return is_regional_max;
void imregionalmax(
const cv::Mat& input,
std::vector<SRegionalMaxPoint>& buffer)
//find local max - top maxima
static const int margin = 1;
const int rows = input.rows;
const int cols = input.cols;
for (int i = margin; i < rows - margin; ++i)
const float* im_ptr = input.ptr<float>(i, margin);
for (int j = margin; j < cols - margin; ++j, im_ptr++)
//Check if pixel is local maximum
if ( isRegionalMax(im_ptr, cols ) )
cv::Rect roi = cv::Rect(j - margin, i - margin, 3, 3);
cv::Mat subMat = input(roi);
float val = *im_ptr;
//replace smallest value in buffer
if ( val > buffer[0].values )
buffer[0].values = val;
buffer[0].row = i;
buffer[0].col = j;
std::sort(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), SRegionalMaxPoint());
For testing the code you can try this:
cv::Mat temp = cv::Mat::zeros(15, 15, CV_32FC1);<float>(7, 7) = 1;<float>(3, 5) = 6;<float>(8, 10) = 4;<float>(11, 13) = 7;<float>(10, 3) = 8;<float>(7, 13) = 3;
vector<SRegionalMaxPoint> buffer_(5);
imregionalmax(temp, buffer_);
cv::Mat debug;
cv::cvtColor(temp, debug, cv::COLOR_GRAY2BGR);
for (auto it = buffer_.begin(); it != buffer_.end(); ++it)
circle(debug, cv::Point(it->col, it->row), 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
This solution does not take plateaus into account so it is not exactly the same as matlab's imregionalmax()
I think you want to use the
MinMaxLoc(arr, mask=NULL)-> (minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc)
Finds global minimum and maximum in array or subarray
function on you image