WebSphere variables into WebLogic - websphere

in WebSphere there's a section about WebSphere variables, that are available inside the Java code of any web application.
Is there a similar section into Oracle WebLogic?


How to write test cases for IBM MQ using Embedded MQ?

I am new to IBM MQ and don't have any background. I have followed the below link for code development.
I am trying to figure out how to write/test IBM MQ using an embedded MQ server (For eg: Embedded Kafka), but unable to identify the solution. Can anyone help me with the following queries,
Do we have any Embedded MQ server support which can be used to test IBM MQ with Spring Boot application?
If yes, Can you please share some examples of how to test it.
Try the documentation at this git hub repo - https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-jms-spring
Extract from the readme:
IBM MQ JMS Spring Components
This repository contains code to help to provide Spring developers
with easy configuration of the IBM MQ JMS package.
The library contains:
mq-jms-spring-boot-starter for Spring Boot 2 applications

Rational application developer(RAD) 9.6 cannot use Websphere Application Server 8.5?

I installed the Rational application developer(RAD) 9.6, and find that there is no WebSphere Application Server 8.5 in the option list when config the new server.
Define new server options
WebSphere 8.5 traditional is available with RAD 9.6. I have it here. You do have to select it during the installation process. Or you can use Installation Manager to Modify and add it:

how to get the server display name and process name in Websphere Liberty Profile

In the WebSphere (node) application server, there are the following classes that provide the display name and the process name,
what is the equivalent in WebSphere Liberty Profile
Classes from the WebSphere (traditional) are
I am using Liberty Profile v
You can retrieve server info from the ServerInfoMBean in Liberty as described in this IBM KnowledgeCenter topic. For more info on how to use management mbeans on Liberty, see this topic.

WebSphere 8.5: Importing 6.1 Profile ends with "fail to deploy application isclite"

On the 6.1 server I run...
$AdminTask exportWasprofile {-archive c:/tmp/my.car}
On the 8.5 server I see...
$AdminTask importWasprofile {-archive c:/tmp/my.car}
WASX7015E: Exception running command: "$AdminTask importWasprofile {-archive c:/
tmp/my.car}"; exception information:
com.ibm.wsspi.configarchive.ConfigArchiveException: fail to deploy application isclite
Is there something special I have to do to properly migrate profiles? Is there a place I can look to get more info as to what is going wrong?
From IBM WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit's website:
The IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Migration Toolkit is a suite of
tools and knowledge collections that enables your organization to
quickly and cost-effectively migrate to WebSphere Application Server
V7, V8, or V8.5, whether from a previous version of WebSphere
Application Server or competitive application servers including Apache
Tomcat Server, JBoss Application Server, Oracle Application Server,
and Oracle® WebLogic Server.
You should use it as it's bundled in WebSphere Application Server 6.1 (and higher) and offers two scripts that help you in the migration: WASPreUpgrade and WASPostUpgrade.
WASPreUpgrade "saves the configuration of a previously installed version of WebSphere Application Server into a migration-specific backup directory." while WASPostUpgrade "retrieves the saved configuration that was created by the WASPreUpgrade command from the backupDirectory that you specified." (quoting their pages).
Although they might be using wsadmin/Jython, I think you may have more success with these two command-line utilities.

Pmi Client is not created while using with sun java instead of IBM java

My task to monitor the IBM Websphere through pmi client.Pmi client is an agent provided by the IBM to get MBeans and is running under IBM Java. I tried it to run under Sun java. But, it fails to create the Pmiclient. Did Anyone come across this issue?
The IBM JRE has slightly customized classes. This is unfortunately not uncommon with PMI (and also JMX by the way) when working with different WebSphere Application Server versions.
There are hacks around involving copying the relevant IBM implementations and running them with the Sun/Oracle JRE but I don't think that is valid according to the licensing terms. What you really should do is to use the IBM provided JRE.
If you want a riskless shortcut you will build an applicaton (perhaps EJB or servlets) that runs on the WebSphere Application Server and exposes the results from PMI via custom interface. For instance web service.
