How to write test cases for IBM MQ using Embedded MQ? - spring-boot

I am new to IBM MQ and don't have any background. I have followed the below link for code development.
I am trying to figure out how to write/test IBM MQ using an embedded MQ server (For eg: Embedded Kafka), but unable to identify the solution. Can anyone help me with the following queries,
Do we have any Embedded MQ server support which can be used to test IBM MQ with Spring Boot application?
If yes, Can you please share some examples of how to test it.

Try the documentation at this git hub repo -
Extract from the readme:
IBM MQ JMS Spring Components
This repository contains code to help to provide Spring developers
with easy configuration of the IBM MQ JMS package.
The library contains:
mq-jms-spring-boot-starter for Spring Boot 2 applications


Mule application configured with ActiveMQ to be deployed in cloudhub

I have integrated JMS using ActiveMQ in one of my Mule application. I want to deploy it in cloudhub.
Could you please help me for the following queries:
For deploying the application with ActiveMQ configured JMS does it required anything groundwork to be done before deployment? (such as ActiveMQ is to be installed and configured for my CH account?)
For time being I have configured the ActiveMQ which is already installed in OnPremise server and is being used from cloudHub deployed application. Is it a proper or standard way to use externally installed ActiveMQ?
Appreciate the quick and best answer for the above queries.
Thank you,
Best Regards,
you have already installed MQ service on your server side, you can use those credentials to configure your mule MQ adapter through mule properties file same as like you are using with local runtime
CloudHub will connect to your on premise MQ service. Your approach is correct and no any MQ specific groundwork required.

Client jar file version for IBM MQ7 and MQ8

Our product will support IBM MQ7 and MQ8 based on client requirement. Now, we like to know latest client jar version that we may use for our application?
We would like to use JMS 1.1 specification. I have found following link for MQ 7.5 JAR-
Is it sufficient if we use above mentioned client jar to connect MQ 7 and MQ 8 server?
Application will use JRE 1.7 and WAS liberty
If you are using WebSphere Liberty as your application server, then you will need to the MQ JCA Resource Adapter (MQ-RA) to make use of MQ JMS messaging. Liberty (unlike traditional WebSphere Application Server) does not ship a copy of the MQ-RA, but you can download and install one pretty easily and then link to it from within the Liberty server's server.xml configuration file. Here's a link to explain how to do this:
Now, Liberty can use a copy of the WebSphere MQ V7.5.0.5 (or later) Resource Adapter, which only supports the JMS 1.1 API, and the Liberty feature you will want to enable with that version is "wmqJmsClient-1.1".
However, I would suggest you consider the latest version of the IBM MQ-RA (at the time of writing this is V9.0.0.0). The MQ V8.0.0.3 and V9 RAs support both the JMS 1.1 "classic" API as well as the newer 2.0 "simplified" API. Therefore you can use the newer MQ-RA levels but your JMS 1.1 application will still work perfectly fine. If using a V8 or V9 IBM MQ-RA, then the Liberty feature to enable to is "wmqJmsClient-2.0".
The V7.5, V8 and V9 MQ Resource Adapters can connect to any MQ queue manager version; the major or maintenance versions between the JMS client and the MQ server do not need to match.
For reference, here are a couple of links I recommend reading over as well:
I hope this helps!

Can IBM Websphere MQ client be used without installing

I want to use IBM Websphere MQ client v7.5. I am writing standalone JMS client application to send and consume messages from the IBM WebsphereMQ server(which is running somewhere else but I have authority to send/receive messages)
I followed steps below:
Installed Websphere MQ client(Free version for 6 months) and did all basic installation.
I copied required Jar to other location/host and wrote a sample JMS application to send/receive messages. I am able to communicate to with the server.
My questions is : Can I use these Jars independently on any host(even in production) for life long or I should buy proper licence, install the client and then use those JARs ?
MQ v8.0.0.4 provides exactly what you want. See here: Look for IBM MQ JMS and Java 'All Client'. Client is free but whoever runs the queue manager must have appropriate licenses.

Trying to use jms publisher/subscriber in jmeter to connect to IBM MQ

We have been using jms point-to-point sampler in jmeter to post an xml based request to the MQ. Since then our application has changed and now the messages that are posted to the MQ are Serialable objects created with spring integration. To have a test around this, we tried using jms publisher/subscriber. All the online support we tried is pointing to connection to ActiveMQ. Has anyone tried using jms published to post object message to and IBM MQ?
The online approach gives you all the elements to switch to IBM MQ.
You would need to:
put IBM MQ jars in lib folder of jmeter
Find the infos needed for :
This will help you:

Oracle Service Bus - Application Server & JMS Support

Is Oracle Service Bus supported by any application server in the backend - for eg: weblogic application server? Or does it have its own implementation of application server?
Tibco has something called EMS which is its implementation of JMS spec. Does OSB have its own implementation of JMS? Or does it utilize the capabilities of any application server which it is integrated with?
OSB runs on Weblogic and it is the only suppoorted application server. Some other fussion Middleware products can run on WebShpere. Details can be found in
OSB don't have its own JMS implementation. It can use any standard JMS (e.g. one shipped with Weblogic). It has also adapters for IBM WebSphere MQ.
