I have a use-case where I have few image files (for my README page) outside of the maven project. I want Sonar analysis to skip performing analysis on that file. I tried keeping the file in the main project pom as below:
This still gives me the error:
[sonar4bitbucket] Failed to parse diff: string matching regex `\z' expected but `B' found
Any suggestions to skip .png images being allowed outside of maven project with Sonar analysis ?
you can configure exclusions in the UI:
At the global level, the navigation path is Administration > General
Settings > Analysis Scope. At the project level, the navigation path
is Project Settings > General Settings > Analysis Scope
Source: Narrowing the focus
If you want to stay with maven properties, also make sure you do not override those in the build using mvn … -Dsonar.exclusions=….
Also keep in mind that those property-basedd exclusions are not being stored in the Sonar DB. Therefore you might see an old coverage check jumping in which you might want to exclude as well:
Recently we were migrated SonarQube-6.3 to SonarQube7.9. From the Hybris side we are using sonar.xml is ant build file.
When we ran the sonar via ant command is ant sonar
we are getting the below issues.
[sonar:sonar] File 'someFile.java' is ignored. It is not located in project basedir 'D:\HybrisSuites\HYBRISCOMM6400P\hybris\bin\platform'.
based on the sonar.xml, we are mentioned the sonar properties in local.properties file.
sonar.java.source=1.8 sonar.excludedExtensions=core,testweb,b2bacceleratoraddon,hystrixaddon,oauth2,embeddedserver,tomcatembeddedserver,platformbackoffice,voucherbackoffice,backofficesolrsearch,pcmbackoffice,promotionsbackoffice,ticketsystembackoffice,adaptivesearch,ordercalculation,webservicescommons,solrfacetsearchbackoffice,basecommercebackoffice,ruleengine,ruleengineservices,ruledefinitions,ruleenginebackoffice,b2bcommercefacades,b2bapprovalprocessfacades,droolsruleengineservices,promotionengineservices,promotionenginebackoffice,couponservices,couponwebservices,couponfacades,couponbackoffice,rulebuilderbackoffice,solrserver,commerceservicesbackoffice,customersupportbackoffice,adaptivesearchbackoffice,adaptivesearchsolr,warehousing,commerceorgaddon,paymetric,scripting,paymentstandard,mediaweb,maintenanceweb,deliveryzone,commons,processing,impex,validation,catalog,europe1,platformservices,workflow,hac,comments,advancedsavedquery,springintegrationlibs,ldap,hmc,virtualjdbc,cockpit,admincockpit,reportcockpit,platformhmc,productcockpit,customerreview,sapcoretest,sapcoreodata,sapcore,sapcorejco,sapcorejcorec,sapcorebol,advancedexport,backoffice,datahubbackoffice,mcc,wishlist,mediaconversion,solrfacetsearch,solrfacetsearchhmc,voucher,promotions,basecommerce,ticketsystem,cms2,cms2lib,btg,cmscockpit,btgcockpit,b2bcommerce,payment,commerceservices,b2bapprovalprocess,commercewebservicescommons,cscockpit,acceleratorservices,b2bacceleratorservices,acceleratorcms,commercefacades,acceleratorfacades,acceleratorstorefrontcommons,b2bacceleratorfacades,addonsupport,sapcoreaddon,captchaaddon,liveeditaddon,commercesearch,commercesearchhmc,commercesearchbackoffice,datahubadapter,sapcoreconfiguration,sapmodel,sapproductavailability,sapproductavailabilityhmc,b2bsapproductavailability,sappricingbol,sappricinghmc,sappricing,sappricingproductcarouseladdon,b2bsappricing,sapcustomerb2c,sapcustomerb2b,sapmodelhmc,saporderexchange,saporderexchangeb2b,sapcoreconfigurationhmc,sapproducthmc,sapcoreconfigurationbackoffice,multipaymentmode,amazonpay,codpayment,bspay,paypalservice,acceleratorcmshmc,warehousingwebservices,npmancillary,acceleratorwebservicesaddon,commerceserviceshmc,yaddon,customerticketingfacades,consignmenttrackingservices,ordermanagementwebservices,ordermanagementaddon,sap,promotionenginesamplesaddon,cmsfacades,consignmenttrackingfacades,ordermanagementfacade,warehousingfacade,samlsinglesignon,ycommercewebservices,consignmenttrackingaddon,ycommercewebservices,ycommercewebserviceshmc,acceleratorserviceshmc,customerticketingaddon,orderselfserviceaddon,asynchronousOM,saporderexchangehmc,saporderexchangebackoffice
sonar.global.exclusions= **/gensrc/**/*.java ,**/mobile/**/*.java,**/v1/**/*.java
sonar.exclusions=**/gensrc/**/*.java ,**/mobile/**/*.java,**/v1/**/*.java
Can you please let me know is there any properties i missed?
This will only scan under the base directory, so all files that are not under the base directory will be ignored
I'm using TestNG Results Plugin.
I defined TestNG XML report pattern as: **\target\surefire-reports\testng-results.xml
I'm getting this error:
TestNG Reports Processing: START
Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: **\target\surefire-reports\testng-results.xml
Did not find any matching files.
What should be the correct pattern?
I just fixed this problem!
It's because that the current directory was changed to the default Jenkins workspace, something like '/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/workspace/your_project_name' when it ran!!
You will find it yourself if you add shell command 'pwd' before Post-build Actions in the Configuration of your project in Jenkins.
You just need configure your project in General -> Advanced... -> Use custom workspace, and fill in the full path of your project, and it will work!!!
The following pattern works for me: **/target/surefire-reports/*.xml
Also ensure that the default listeners are not disabled in your surefire configuration to ensure that surefire creates the xml reports for ReoprtNG/TestNG. Until I removed the disabling of default listeners I got the same error.
Current my scanner is running through and only scanning the parent and skipping the rest of my nested files. If I run sonarlint (using the cli and specifying some test and source files) , it tries to analyze 37k files instead of the few I need. I have been able to skip ~3k files by adding the <sonar.skip>true</sonar.skip> property to a pom file. However, I still can't configure the project to run across certain sub-folders and print out some kind of code coverage test. (Is JaCoCo needed for the latest version(6.3,0)? Or can code-coverage be handled through some configuration?).
If Sonar seems to be analyzing too many files, it is probably because you had not set the sonar.sources=src/main/java in your sonar-project.properties file, so it defaults to the basedir and includes everything.
SonarQube can't do code-coverage itself, it just reports on coverage-reports from a tool like JaCoCo. It is funny they don't clarify these things in https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SCAN/Analyzing+with+SonarQube+Scanner --but with enough digging, you can find good info on that site.
I have used Maven project with Selenium & TestNG to create automated scripts which I want to execute from Jenkins. In Jenkins I have added the TestNG plugin to publish the TestNG report. But it is not getting displayed. I'm getting the below mentioned error.
TestNG Reports Processing: START
Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: /target/surefire-reports/testng-results.xml
Did not find any matching files.
Finished: SUCCESS
Actual path of the TestNG report file:
I have tried the following options but didn't work out for me.
Tried giving the full path of the TestNG report. Forward ans backward slash in the pattern.
I have tried different other options by changing the TestNG result file path but it's working for me.
Please share some inputs on how to resolve this issue.
"testng-results.xml" file is available in workspace. But it's failed to display the report. I have attached screenshot of Jenkins workspace and Console Output.
Note: I am using Jenkins 2.7.0 in Windows 10.
Jenkins Workspace
I have attached the Job configuration details of Jenkins.
Job Configuration Details
Few checkpoints :
1. Check if testng is producing this file at the specified location : /target/surefire-reports/testng-results.xml
2. TestNG needs to be configured to generate xml report
If this file is there, pass path in file locator as :
Hopefully, you will get results on jenkins if everything mentioned above is correct.