Magento: Catalog and product view price incl tax (VAT) is incorrect - magento

I have looked online to find a solution to my problem but can’t see an answer to that specific issue.
I’m using Magento CE 1.8.0
The prices in the catalogue are excluding VAT
VAT is set at 20%
The system is set as Prices exclude Tax
The front end catalog list and product page are set to show both prices excluding VAT and including VAT.
My issue is that the price including VAT on some products is out by 1p on the catalog list and product view, although it is correct at checkout.
For example a product priced at £34.49 ex VAT shows a price inc VAT of £41.38 in the list view and product page (which is incorrect) and £41.39 in the checkout page (which is correct).
The issue is that I have a Google merchant feed that is sending the correct price inc VAT (£41.39) to Google and they’re complaining that the price on the website is different (even if it’s just 1p).
I have seen plenty of people with the ckeckout totals being incorrect while the catalog price is correct but not the other way around.
Has anyone got any idea what the problem could be?

We had a similar problem and in researching it found out that certain settings in System > Configuration > SALES > Tax > Calculation Settings can cause rounding errors.
This may have the solution for you:


Edit tax calculation in Magento 1.9

I am working on an existing Magento 1.9 project.
Here is the scenario
In admin panel i have set the product price to 118, now in front end it showing the price to 100 + 18% tax, same in the checkout cart.
I just want to show 118 without any tax, how can i do that. Any guidance or pointing in direction will be a great help, this is my first php work..
Update to question Now i have update all tax rate to 0, but it is still reducing the prices as mentioned above, so i look at the My SQL table Sales_flate_quote, and it shows the price in column name subtotal-->495.76, base_subtotal--> 585, the price i set in magento is 585. i am still finding the possible cause.
On the index page, price is showing 585, when i go in cart it shows 495.76
I'm not sure if I correctly understand your question, but are you aware of the tax display settings in the config (determining if the price should be shown including or excluding tax in frontend)?
Screenshot of Magento System Configuration
You can find these settings in System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Tax
There are settings for tax display type of product prices as well as cart prices.
Edit: I forgot to mention the calculation settings that are more likely what you are searching for:
Screenshot of Tax Calculation Settings
Especially have a look at "Catalog Prices" ("Whether catalog prices entered by admin include tax.")
You can find these settings in System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Tax too.

Magento tax issue, tax being applied twice

We have a Magento Store, running CE edition.
We are setting up tax for Australia (GST). The tax is 10%.
It seems that the orders are adding our tax component twice.
Important: Now the order has a 50% catalog price rule used also. And not applied to shipping.
Screen shot of order can be viewed here: (see screen1 heading)
As you can see, I believe the GST(10%) has been added again, even though you see the products above the products include tax.
Here are some of my magneto settings:
(see screen2 heading on above screenshot link)
(see screen3 heading on above screenshot link)
Any help would be very much appreciated :)
Try following changes to your Tax Settings:
1. Tax Calculation Method Based On: Total
2. Catalog and Shipping Prices: Excluding Tax
Don't ignore such warnings:
Warning tax discount configuration might result in different discounts than a customer might expect .
Follow this article:
Please use this settings : After Discount for Apply Customer Tax option in screen2.
Your issue causes by that option. Now you are using the 50% discount and applies the tax before discount, so the tax will be applied to the original total.
It is just issue.
So you must use After Discount option
System->Configuration->Sales->Tax->Calculation Settings->Apply Customer Tax : After Discount

Magento VAT not being included in price on product page (and, yes, shipping origin IS set correctly)

I have a puzzling problem. I have set up my catalog to include VAT in the prices but for some reason (although VAT is being calculated correctly) it is NOT being displayed correctly including VAT on the product pages. The products' prices include VAT, I have configured Magento so that prices include VAT, etc. but nonetheless VAT is actually being backed out of the prices on the product page.
I HAVE SET the shipping origin correctly and VAT is being calculated correctly. Obviously, I'm missing something.
Prices shown correctly in backend (includes VAT)
Prices shown incorrectly in frontend (does not include VAT)
Tax calculation based on shipping address
Shipping origin set properly
Catalog prices including tax
Shipping prices including tax
VAT calculated correctly
have you checked below setting :-
System configuration >> tax >> Price Display Setting >> Display Product Prices In Catalog

Magento Grand Total Calculates Total without adding shipping Tax

So I have this weird thing going on in a magento site I'm working on.
I've set up the shipping table rate and I've checked and re-checked all the Tax setting but I'm still getting two different sets of results from the same order.
The PDF invoice and the backend view of an invoice displays the correct totals including all the shipping costs and the tax. See below.
Screen Shot -
However when viewing the products in the admin create order page the Shipping Tax is not included in the Grand Total. See image above.
Also the frontend of the site is not calculating the Tax on Shipping either. See below.
Screen Shot -
If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it. This one has me confused.
Thanks in advance!
Maybe somebody changed the value in System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Tax -> Tax Classes in the Tax Class for Shipping drop down.
Take a look on this value and then go to Sales -> Tax -> Manage Tax Rules and filter by the correct Customer Tax Class and in Product Tax Class choose the value that you looked before.
Now go through the filtered Tax Rules and check out whether the applied Tax Rates are correct.

Magento applies tax on product prices that already including tax

I've added products prices with tax included (in the field Price [EUR] [ Including Tax])
Now when I put a product in the cart, Magento applies the tax to price that already including the tax!
Example: if the product has "Price [EUR] [ Including Tax]"=100€ in the cart I have:
Product price € 100
Sub total € 100
Taxes € 20
Totale €120 (but the correct price including taxes is 100€!)
instead I want this:
Product price € 100
Sub totale € 80
Taxes € 20
Total €100
I'v tried all the settings and I'm going mad! is there a solution?
I will repost idophir's comment, that fixed my issue that led me to this question. I wasted hours looking at tax settings and tax rules, to finally find my culprit in shipping origin settings:
Check out the link below. It says that the shipping origin country
(System > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Settings > Origin) affects
the the way the price is displayed in the cart. Strange..
Make sure that the Origin Country is correctly specified under Configuration > Sales > Shipping Settings.
Go to System->Configuration->Sales->Taxes->Calculation
and search for Catalog Prices. Set the switch to "yes", then Magento assumes, that the tax is included in the catalog price.
Also check these setting in your store configuration scope, not only in default config.
I had the same issue and i was checking for soutions and came through this topic. Right now i got solution to my problem so telling you here.
In my case i previously selected 'Default Country' as United Kingdom in Default Tax Destination window, and i was signed in from an account with address other than United Kingdom. So all was fine, i tried every option and the tax was not updating on products and shopping cart page. When i logged out and found that it is working ;) Then i relized the issue. So if you have default country for tax calculation, check out the taxes with or without that. Hope it work for you.
And sorry i am late :)
when you go to TAX calculation section (Thats System->Configuration->Sales->Taxes->Calculation) you will find "catalog prices" you can customize whether you want to include price with TAX or not.
