vuetify v-text-field prevent height change when showing error/message - vuetify.js

When a message or error message is applied to a v-text-field (commonly as a result of form validation) the hight of the element changes slightly. Is there an easy / clean way to avoid this?
The issue is easily observed in the "Password Input" section examples of the Vuetify official docs. Just click back and forth between the two text inputs labeled "Normal with hint text" and "Not visible":
Overriding vuetify's css styling solves the problem:
.v-messages__message {
line-height: 12px;
But seems like a very brittle solution.


How to change size of pagination icons in angular-slickgrid

i have to reduce size of pagination icons and fonts in order to fit into a slickgrid
attached screenshot for ref-
enter image description here
Changing the CSS style of the Pagination buttons is not going to help much, it will barely give you back couple of pixels, if you want to do that then I added a couple more SASS variables if you want to play with them
with SASS, you can lower these 2 variables (defaults are shown below, for more take a look at all the SASS variables)
$pagination-button-height: 32px; // around 28px
$pagination-button-padding: 6px 12px; // around 4px 8px
Another thing you could maybe try is to change the English translation for "items per page" and remove the word "items" (via Translations (Wiki) or Locale File (Wiki) file depending on what you use).
"ITEMS_PER_PAGE": "items per page" // --> "per page"
The last option would be to create your own Custom Pagination but that would require much more effort but someone did just that and you can see it in this Example - Custom Pagination

Silverstripe & ReCaptcha formatting

I have a recapture form field added through userforms module for Silverstripe. And if you look at you will see the captcha form looks quite messy.
Using Chrome debugger I noticed that the captcha is adding an extra <tr> field and I've looked everywhere and have no idea how to get rid of it.
Please help!
The reason it looks so messy is the height of the captcha input that it inherits from your page css pushes out the box height. We need to reset the height of this input field.
Add the following to your css:
.recaptchatable #recaptcha_response_field {
height: auto;

Disabled textarea and input fields, make font more readable (instead blur)?

In several of my mvc pages, I have disable certain fields like textarea and input boxes with the "disabled" attribute that are uneditable fields. But users are complaining about the text/font being hard to read. It looks blurred and too light.
Anyone have recommendation to make diabled fields more readable?
Well, you can use CSS style for that. I suggest you to use the :disabled selector.
As an example, you can do something like this to change the color for example :
input:disabled { color: #FF0000; background: #ccc; }
You can find a good tutorial here.

Extra space added to HTML e-mail when sent from Outlook to Gmail

If I open the following HTML e-mail in Gmail or Outlook it renders as it should:
<img src="img.png" />
However, if I open it in Outlook and then forward it to Gmail, it adds extra garbage HTML that makes the area taller than it should be (the 'p' tag is responsible for the added height - 3px specifically):
<p class="MsoNormal">
<span style="font-size:10.0pt">
<img src="img.png">
There are lots of solutions for fixing spacing issues in Gmail, like adding display:block to the image, setting the font-size and line-height to 0, etc. I've tried over a dozen methods and none have worked because of behind the scenes HTML modification that I have no control over - styles and attributes getting stripped, tags with their own properties getting added, etc.
Is there is a work around to allow the original formatting to always be preserved? I will gladly provide any additional details needed, just let me know.
There is no fix for this, but there are ways to limit and hide the size of the separation. I'll refer to it as separation, but it is really the top cell expanding due to Outlook applying the mso-normal p tag. Here is a related article.
Between tables creates a bigger gap (about 15px) than between table rows (2px). It is more complex, but try and put everything that you can't afford separating into one big table. Colspans and rowspans can be complex, but they work if set up correctly.
To hide the separation, wrap all the tables in a master-content table with the bgcolor set. For example, make one big content pane set to white. When sending from Outlook, all your child tables will then move, but the gaps will remain white, stopping unwanted lines appearing in your email body.
A trick for footers - As the last child table of your main white panel, when this separates, it will create a white line underneath it. Either remove the footer table from the main panel or set the cell bgcolor to the same as your email background to hide this separation.
I managed to change this situation by changing the MsoNormal class
td p.MsoNormal {margin: -4px !important}
/* ou */
.MsoNormal {
margin: -4px !important;

How to style "sort by" dropdown box in Magento

I'm trying to style the "sort by" dropdown box on the magento products grid page using css.
I would consider myself pretty good at targeting and styling elements with css , but for the life of me i cannot find or style this dropdown box.
I have got as far as styling the backgound using input.input-text:focus,select:focus,textarea:focus { background-color:#FFCCFF; } line 182 in styles.css. but cant find the hover element (blue color) on mouse over..?
I've tried stying "select option" and all sorts of combinations of :focus and :hover
I've also looked at some javascript but cant see anything there..?
Any help would be appreciated the live url is
I don't see a :hover rule set for form elements like this... so just add another rule.
input.input-text:hover,select:hover,textarea:hover { background-color:#FFCCFF; }
I get that there's a hesitation to modify the imposing magento style sheet too much. But its yours. go nuts.
