Technology stack behind YouTrack and TeamCity [closed] - teamcity

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would love to know the technology stacks behind YouTrack and TeamCity. Their UX is pretty good.

YouTrack is built using JetBrains MPS, so one can expect a heavy use of DSLs inside for database access, web layer and other routine tasks. DSLs are compiled into Java/JS. There is an interesting case study document, where developers are summarizing their experience with MPS during YouTrack development.
YouTrack uses custom in-house nosql solution as a persistence backend. I was always woundering if they're planning to release it as open source.
From a web layer perspective I found nothing unexpected: JQuery + ton of custom javascript on top of it. Rest API is powered by Oracle Jersey.
As for deployment, one can either run a JAR file, which has an embedded Jetty container inside, or deploy the application inside a Servlet container.
(information is taken from the public sources: articles, conference talks, webinars, etc)


What does a cloud application look like? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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There are many applications that are called Cloud applications. As an example, those companies who deliver a web-based application for lots of customers (e.g. Salesforce) over the web call their application a Cloud App. On the other hand, many people know Cloud-based Apps as the ones built on top of Hadoop or similar technologies that could scale-up to many computing resources.
Now the Q is, is there an exact definition of a Cloud App? Is there any good resources on Cloud Apps? There is a nice link here, but it is a little bit old.
As far as I can tell, there's no clear definition.
The loosest is simply any application that does most of the work on a server, not on the local client's device.
The strictest definition I've heard is an application that runs almost entirely on a cluster of virtualized servers that are provided as a service, not hosted on-site. And the client device does almost nothing; probably just a simple web browser with minimal scripting.
Any definition in between could make sense in context.
I wouldn't get too caught-up by it. "Cloud" is mostly just a marketing buzz-word with no serious technical definition.

Are there reports or thesis about the performance of Google App Engine or other cloud platforms [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Are there reports or thesis about the performance of Google App Engine or other cloud platforms?
I'am writing an article about how to choose an appropriate cloud platform, and want to reference some test data.
A little work with Google may bring up some material that others have found. For instance the canonical resource for Azure benchmarking is here: However, there's not much comparative material as it really doesn't make sense.
Comparing cloud platforms solely on performance is like comparing apples with bananas with oranges. Each have their own qualities that make them appropriate for a particular kind of application.
For example, in broad terms, for multi-platform use where you have control of the underlying OS, go EC2; for a managed Windows application platform go Azure; or for a managed Java/Python platform choose App Engine. Once you've chosen the platform you can pretty much then pay for the performance you need.
Bear in mind too that "performance" means different things for different applications. The application I'm working on, for instance, relies heavily on SQL database performance. That will have a very different performance profile from (say) an application that uses a key-value pair storage system, or an application that's mostly static HTML.
So, in practice, there aren't much in the way of performance benchmarks out there because every application is different.

Anyone know of a hosted TeamCity build provider? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm looking to set up a TeamCity server for continuously building a .NET web application. I already have hosting, so I don't want to get a whole new hosting account such as AppHarbor.
I don't maintain my own physical server, nor do I want to.
I also don't want to have to pay $50 or more per month for an entire dedicated Windows machine, just to host TeamCity.
I really don't care if it's slow and on a shared machine, as it's just continuous build which will be running in the background.
I'll want to have the outputs automatically deployed to a server of my choice through FTP.
Is there anyone on the market providing hosted TeamCity environments?
AppVeyor CI provides hosted continuous integration for .NET developers.
Disclaimer: I'm the developer of this service.
If your open source project you can get a free account at Code Better I don't know of any for non open source. offers Cloud Powered Continuous Deployment for.Net websites and services.
Disclosure: I am the developer and founder of this service.
Just came across BuildBox (now Buildkite) from a tweet from someone I follow. Seems like a suitable solution to this.

Node.js equivalent of Play! Framework [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been looking into using Node.js + CoffeeScript for my project instead of the Play! framework. I like the idea of being able to write both my client-side and server-side code in CoffeeScript, which is a great language.
I've taken a quick look through the list of frameworks here and there seem to be quite a few choices in the web framework market. Can anyone recommend one that has a strong MVC architecture, and would afford the smoothest transition to Node.js?
Some of my nice-to-have features:
Built-in security functionality
ORM/some other kind of MySQL querying API
View templates
Express (Django-like web) + Mongoose (ORM)
EDIT: Sorry, forgot the part about MySQL. Mongoose is for MongoDB only. In that case, try Sequelize:
try Batman.js
extremely fast app server based on node.js uses all your same app code (models, controllers) so you don't duplicate code*
include specific server side code, like security or proprietary code or extra validations*
can do extra things like compile and minimize your code
You may want to take a look at the:
compound.js, formerly RailwayJS, (express-on-railway) adds rails-style structure and MVC to Express

Continuous Integration monitoring inside an intranet [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm thinking about extending our continuous integration framework at work and wanted to know how easy the following would be. Also any pointers as to where to start.
We use an Ant build to build an Oracle Service Bus project and SOAPUI to run automated tests. I want to move over to using Hudson instead of Continuum for continuous integration. I also want better real time monitoring. For example connecting Hudson up to a Twitter like service that can be easily shown on a friendly dashboard for the project.
My only issue is that our network doesn't have a connection to the internet so I can't reuse already built Twitter plugins. Is there a way to set up a (preferably free) Twitter like service on our intranet that can be hooked into Hudson? Has anyone had any experience of this?
For a friendly dashboard for a project, I prefer using Sonar, called from the maven script run by the Jenkin job.
Regarding ClearCase, I monitor issue 8305, for the Jenkin ClearCase plugin to be able to get the right config spec out of a file, instead of copy-paste it in the job directly.
Not exactly what you're asking for, but you can always retrieve the hudson status xml over it's web API.
Here's a simple adobe Flex view of the data:
Hudson -CI Screen saver setup
Of course the Hudson Radiator View Plugin, and the Extreme Feedback plugin are good for this purpose too.
