Running tagged ScalaTest tests in Gradle - gradle

ScalaTest has such a feature as tagging different tests. It would be great somehow to instruct gradle about what type of tests it should run while executing test task(as it done in scalatest maven-plugin). How this can be achieved?

As Gradle doesn't have any specific ScalaTest support, the question is if ScalaTest exposes this feature in a JUnit-compatible way. Alternatively, you could leverage Gradle's support for JUnit categories (see "23.12.5. Test grouping" in the Gradle User Guide).


Best way to decouple integration test cases from build (gradle spring-boot)

I am working on a large project and need to offer users the ability to optionally enable or disable local integration test cases ( For pipeline, test cases must be enforced).
First of all, welcome to the community.
Next, you can modify the test task inside the build.gradle file or maybe add a new task called integrationTest and implement your custom logic there.
As an instance, you can check this gist on Github: Separating tests from integration tests with Gradle
You can also use #Profile annotation to your integration test classes and run your tests with different profiles. You can read more about profiles using the following link: Spring Profiles

How to run Cucumber tests in parallel at feature or scenario level using cucumber jvm 4.4.0 and without com.github.temyers?

I want to run scenarios/features in parallel, what maven config do i need for this.
Right now i am using com.github.temyers maven dependency but i don't want to use it any further.
I should be able to run tests in parallel at scenario or feature level.
You can use the built-in parallel execution, as mentioned by #Grasshoper. For more information, see the Cucumber docs on parallel execution.

How do I run one specific spec in Spock? Using it with GEB and gradle

I'm creating a fairly large test suite using gradle, geb, and spock in conjunction. Gradle is obviously building and kicking off geb and spock, but I think that spock is where I can control and specify which Spec to run.
I'm building this based off of this starter.
How can I set this to run just one Spec?
Gradle's Test task takes a tests option. The supported patterns are documented in the javadoc for TestFilter. So if you want to run spec class called MySpecToRun in the project you linked to then you can do it this way:
./gradlew chromeTest --tests=MySpecToRun

maven-surefire-plugin converted to gradle for Geb/Spock parallel test execution

I found this page that explains how to run Geb/Spock tests at the method level which is what I would like to do with my tests, but I am using gradle. Is there a way to convert this to gradle or is it strictly a maven plugin? I can import the maven-surefire-plugin with gradle just fine, however I can't figure out how to convert the configuration block, or if it is even possible.
I've tried something like below but it doesn't work.
tests {
options {
parallel = "methods"
forkCount = 4
I can execute the tests at the class (spec) level by using gradle maxParallelForks property, but I'd like to run parallel at the test level.
If you are able to run tests in parallel on the method level depends on what test framework you are using.
As far as I know, only TestNG supports it out of the box.
See here:
There is way to make it work independently of the test framework, using only Gradle, but this way you can only do it on the class level.
In your Gradle test task, set the maxParallelForks property.
See manual:`

how is junit related to maven sure fire plugin

I am fairly new to writing Maven pom files and JUnit tests. I have following in my pom and it is calling my test scripts as expected.
It seems JUnit is more popular than sure fire plugin.
1) How is JUnit similar/different from maven sure fire plugin's default behavior (that is working for me from above plugin configuration). I can imagine JUnit having additional API/library; but what do they give me in addition to sure fire plugin
2)what is the easiest way to change my current tests that are running with sure fire plugin to JUnit. I came across following link which sort of implies that adding few lines to pom would be sufficient (?)
3)about previous bullet, what benefits would I have if I convert sure fire plugin tests to JUnit.
Hopefully, I am unambiguous (with my intro background to maven and JUnit)
maven-surefire-plugin is not itself a test framework: it's a Maven plugin that will run tests written with a test framework, either JUnit or TestNG.
I have following in my pom and it is calling my test scripts as expected.
If this is already running your tests then, as Surefire only knows about those two test frameworks, it means you're already using either JUnit or TestNG. You should be able to tell which from the classes you're importing to write your test classes.
(that is working for me from above plugin configuration)
Unless you have a particular requirement there's little reason to move away from the framework you're already using; it doesn't sound like you need to change anything.
As it says right here:
To get started with JUnit, you need to add the required version of JUnit to your project ... This is the only step that is required to get started - you can now create tests in your test source directory (eg, src/test/java).
Your question is confusing and suggests you haven't done any preliminary research yet. When you say "surefire tests" you may mean Pojo tests. If you know what a JUnit test is, it's pretty common sense thing to convert the Pojo tests to JUnit tests. Just put #Test before the Pojo test methods. You may also want to convert assert into the appropriate JUnit assert methods. In summary, just read a JUnit tutorial and the rest will be straight forward.
