Best way to decouple integration test cases from build (gradle spring-boot) - spring-boot

I am working on a large project and need to offer users the ability to optionally enable or disable local integration test cases ( For pipeline, test cases must be enforced).

First of all, welcome to the community.
Next, you can modify the test task inside the build.gradle file or maybe add a new task called integrationTest and implement your custom logic there.
As an instance, you can check this gist on Github: Separating tests from integration tests with Gradle
You can also use #Profile annotation to your integration test classes and run your tests with different profiles. You can read more about profiles using the following link: Spring Profiles


How to order unit test execution from Gradle?

Is there any way to specify the order of the unit tests classes run by a Gradle Test task?
I'd like to get some known longer-running tests at either the front or the back of the list, but don't know if it's possible without splitting my tests' execution between multiple tasks.
Running JUnit 4.12 and Gradle 4.5.
Gradle simply delegates execution to the JUnit runner.
So if you want specific test class ordering, you will need to create a Suite and specify the test classes in the order you want, see the JUnit documentation for this.
Now, given the flexibility of Gradle in terms of having different source roots, I would strongly recommend doing the separation at the Gradle level, by create extra test source roots, test task and the like. This will allow you to effectively control when these long running tests are run in a standard build execution, but also to skip them or run these only when desired. The ordering at the JUnit level will not give that flexibility without much more tweaking. See the Gradle documentation on adding source sets.

Multiple Profiles For Spring Integration Tests?

I need different profiles for a few things. First we have the issue of my databases. When I run local tests I expect to use one datasource. When I run an acceptance profile (for a CI acceptance build), I expect to use a different datasource. Finally, when I run acceptance not in test I expect to use a third datasource. How I imagined this would work is.
However when I run mvn clean install it does not run the
Finally, I would like to be able to run a mvn install while running the tests but not the integrations test. For this I imagine I would add a and then simply add an #ActiveProfiles('!nointegration') on the integration tests.
I've had no luck with either of these. Is it even possible to get profiles on test runs?
If it helps I am using Spring Boot 1.3.0.RELEASE.
On my integration tests I have #ActiveProfiles("test"). Is there any way to generate the profile here based on the java-opt

Is it a fallacy to have a 'tester goal'?

Well, I would like to have a maven goal execute-custom-tests inside my custom-maven-plugin that consists of running test methods (This tests are not unit tests). Something similar to test goal of soapui-pro-maven-plugin, for example.
Why? Basically the main objectives of the plugin are testing stuff (not unit testing) and the tests in src/test are for unit testing, right?
Being more specific I was thinking about something like this:
#Mojo (name = "run-custom-tests", LifecyclePhase.TEST)
public class TesterMojo extends AbstractMojo {
#Parameter(property = "someParameter")
private String someParameter;
// [...] parameters for test configuration
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
// Piece of code that executes a set of custom tests which procedure I specified.
When test fail, I would like them to be marked as failed tests not as failed executions. What's the right thing to do here? Show me the light, please.
Maven conventions support two types of testing out of the box: unit tests (via maven-surefire-plugin) and integration tests (via maven-failsafe-plugin).
By default, maven-surefire-plugin only looks for the following files with unit tests:
Similarly, default includes for integration tests run by maven-failsafe-plugin are the following:
So, as you can see, Maven lets each plugin figure out which tests it should care about. So it's perfectly fine for src/test/java to contain different types of tests, not just unit tests.
Different folder
You can put tests in a different folder too. One example would be if you have non-Java tests, since then src/test/java location doesn't make sense. Standard Maven plugins get project model from Maven to figure out the src/test/java location and some 3rd party plugins use the same mechanism. Depending on the plugin you use, you might want to check out its configuration or use maven-build-helper-plugin to add-test-source in order for some plugins to pick up another test folder automatically.
Different tests on demand
From the Maven perspective the core difference between unit tests and integration tests is the additional requirements for the later: they often need to have your project already packaged and they often need additional setup or teardown. But you yourself can set up multiple test goals during both test and integration-test phases. All major test frameworks support specifying which test suite should be run when (e.g., via groups). If your framework doesn't, you can still use plugin includes/excludes. It is a standard practice to combine this with Maven profiles in order to only run smoke tests by default (during development) and to run full tests on CI environment. You can use the same approach to enable anyone (a tester?) to run extra tests on demand, e.g., to run extra heavy tests when certain important part of the code has changed.

How to run tests after deployment using Maven?

I'm trying to decide how to create a set of Acceptance Tests for a Java-EE web application.
Here's the setup: Maven is used to generate a WAR file and deploy it into Glassfish. On deployment, the MySQL database schema is automatically updated from model classes using Hibernate ("hbm2ddl=auto" option).
The Acceptance Tests need to test the deployed code by invoking various methods and checking the results are as expected(*). We wrote an additional set of packages to hook into an existing system so the Acceptance Tests should show how these can be integrated into the existing codebase.
(*) This may sound more like Unit/Integration Testing but they are Acceptance Tests in the sense that they should prove what we did works and they need to be run after deployment so there is a database in place.
From the above, my current thinking is to use JUnit to check expected values etc. The bit I'm struggling with is how to invoke these tests after deployment. "deploy" is Maven's last phase so not sure if this is possible?
Just because that phase is called deploy doesn't mean that you have to use it for deploying your application for testing. In fact, it should only be used for "deploying" the artifact to a maven repository. Read through the description of the Maven lifecycle phases and you'll see that there are some phases dedicated to your use case:
Have a look at the Cargo Maven plugin. It's made to deploy your WAR file to various containers for testing. They definitely show demos of use cases like the one you describe on your site. I would expect that ultimately, you can be using Cargo to deploy to your container ( from one of the earlier phases like pre-integration-test )
Note, Jenkins also has a plugin that is a wrapper around the Cargo plugin. So you might do what you need via Jenkins. Also note, you don't need to run your Jenkins build job as mvn clean deploy. You could have one build job that just runs the integration tests, and fires another "deploy" job only when it succeeds.
If you really need to do stuff after deployment, then you can either run failsafe, and by implication JUnit) as part of the deploy phase.
What I usually do, if to have seperate module. So, you can have one maven project, which contains your project and a separate 'deployment test' project. Then, building the parent project will build and run your war and then run the deployment tests. You can use junit as normal.
The second fits better into jenkins because you'll still have a single project as well.

maven cargo integration test - how to get cargo.hostname or profile?

I'm using Maven 2 w/ cargo to deploy to different remote tomcats depending on the maven profile used.
I also have integration tests (junit w/ remote webservice calls) that I would like to automatically run.
Question: How do I setup my test code to be able to read either the cargo.hostname (preferred, changed property value based on maven profile) or the maven profile actived so it knows which url to go run the tests against?
Specifically, this is in java in the test case.
Either you define a fixed value for the cargo.hostname (not the best; but sometimes it workds well, cause using a fixed test server) or better define an appropriate property in Maven for it and put the information also into a properties file which will be filtered by the build process in the src/test/resources folder which can be read before the real integration tests.
