Hyper V Networking - connect to local webserver VM - windows

I'm running windows 8 pro and have a VM running windows server 2008 for development purposes.
When I set up my VM to have external network access it is given a local network IP and I can connect to it from the host machine and all is well.
However when I am commuting I have no external network access and am unable to connect to the VM using my web browser.
Is it possible to set up some form of internal VM network which allows me to connect to the VM's without an external network connection?


Access Shared Folder on GCP Windows VM Instance

I've set up Windows Server VM instance on GCP. I've set up a static IP for that server and I'm able to remote desktop in without problem using the inside IP address as I have a VPN connection between my on premesis network and my GCP network. On the Windows Server, I've set up a sharing folder with the proper permissions.
Now, on my local PC running Windows 10, I'm trying to map a network a drive to that shared folder on the VM. What's the correct path to specific it to map to? I tried \\ but it doesn't work.
I have enabled network discovery, checked all firewall rules and enabled file and print sharing.
I can ping from my local pc to my Windows VM instance.
Thanks in advance
I have opened up the following ports on GCP Network:
tcp-access Ingress Apply to all IP ranges:
Still unable to access.
I thought by default google had all ingress ports open on the local IP?
I checked the firewall on the server and everything is open as well.
Thanks in advnace.

Windows 10 Docker Container Clients can't access SQL on Host

Set up is:
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
All Hyper-V and Container features turned on
Full Sql Server, standard port 1433
Visual Studio 2017
Docker Community Edition Version 18.03.1-ce-win65 (17513)
Stock Windows 10 Firewall rules and security Polices
No additional anti-virus or security
I built a POC .net core 2.1 service in VS2017, added docker support. For test purposes I am trying to connect to the Sql Server from the service. I understand it runs in its own private network. When I run the service as a standalone outside of docker, it connects to Sql fine, so all that is working. Inside of the container it can't connect. I'm specifying the IP of vEthernet (nat).
If I turn off Windows Firewall, then it can connect. When I turn on firewall logging, I can see the packets are being dropped.
In network and sharing, my PC appears in the Network / Private Network group and the vEthernet (default switch) and vEthernet (nat) appear in the Unidentified / Private network group. Access type is No network access.
My PC is connected to the internet via a wi-fi router, so I don't want to open up a big fat security hole, but I'd like the container to be able to connect.
I can't specify the IP of the container since that is dynamic.
How should I set things up to let the containers connect to the Sql?
Maybe, Hyper-V is not connected to the local sever. Open Hyper-V Manager and connect to server...

Can't access APEX server from another same network PC

I have Oracle APEX 5.X installed over Oracle Express DB on windows 10 on a virtual machine.
I turned off all firewalls on the guest windows 10 VM and added all outbound and inbound rules to allow connecting to Oracle APEX port 8008.
I ran execute dbms_xdb.setListenerLocalAccess(l_access => FALSE); to allow accessing the APEX server over network instead of just localhost.
Now, What I'm able to do:
I can ping the guest machine IP address ( from other
PCs on the network
I can open Oracle APEX inside the guest machine
What I can't do:
I can't open from any other PC in the same
network. I get an error: This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
I searched for 5 hours now without any help.
Issue solved after connecting the laptop with the VM to a wired LAN connection instead of wireless.

How To Setup Local Tunnel Through Windows Remote Desktop

My local machine is using MacOSX/linux and am able to connect to a Windows Remote Desktop machine (using Windows Remote Desktop/Remote Desktop Connection).
The Windows Remote Desktop machine is able to connect to certain servers that I cannot connect to locally on my MAC. For example, connection to database servers, specific web servers, etc.
How can I setup some kind of tunnel so that I can access the servers locally on my mac?
You can configure port forwarding on the Windows machine
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=3390 listenaddress= connectport=3389 connectaddress=
where is IP of your Windows machine and is destination server. From your Mac you will connect to Windows machine specifying port in RDP connection and you will be connected to the remote server. You have to provide credentials from the server, not your local Win machine. This configuration survive restarting Windows machine.
Just install Igiko on your windows machine and then open it in web browser on your MacOSX. Igiko is acting like web-based RDP gateway, using it you will be able to open RDP console to any Windows machine in your network.

From Win 8 host machine can't access Oracle on VMWARE using WS 2008

I've just created a vmware virtual machine with Windows Server 2008 and intalled Oracle XE 11g.
On the host system (Windows 8.1), I am trying to connect to this Oracle Server through SQL Developer, without any success. The error I get is:
Status: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
The network is set to Host-only: A private network shared with the host, and I can ping to it from the host machine.
Also I have already disabled the firewall in the VM.
Can anyone help me on this?
Thanks in advance.
Faced the same problem, I was need to connect from host to vm oracle database, my solution below
Use network bridge adapter om VM
Set static IP address on VM
Disable vm firewall or forward port (1521)
Stop database instance, listener etc
Edit ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora and
RACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora to change localhost on
static ip
Start database
