Windows 10 Docker Container Clients can't access SQL on Host - windows

Set up is:
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
All Hyper-V and Container features turned on
Full Sql Server, standard port 1433
Visual Studio 2017
Docker Community Edition Version 18.03.1-ce-win65 (17513)
Stock Windows 10 Firewall rules and security Polices
No additional anti-virus or security
I built a POC .net core 2.1 service in VS2017, added docker support. For test purposes I am trying to connect to the Sql Server from the service. I understand it runs in its own private network. When I run the service as a standalone outside of docker, it connects to Sql fine, so all that is working. Inside of the container it can't connect. I'm specifying the IP of vEthernet (nat).
If I turn off Windows Firewall, then it can connect. When I turn on firewall logging, I can see the packets are being dropped.
In network and sharing, my PC appears in the Network / Private Network group and the vEthernet (default switch) and vEthernet (nat) appear in the Unidentified / Private network group. Access type is No network access.
My PC is connected to the internet via a wi-fi router, so I don't want to open up a big fat security hole, but I'd like the container to be able to connect.
I can't specify the IP of the container since that is dynamic.
How should I set things up to let the containers connect to the Sql?

Maybe, Hyper-V is not connected to the local sever. Open Hyper-V Manager and connect to server...


Hyper-V - No Guest Internet

I'm using a Windows Server 2019 server from Microsoft Azure. I have installed Hyper-V with the management tools and am now trying to setup a Ubuntu 14.04LTS VM inside of Hyper-V. I create a new External Switch however when setting up the Ubuntu instance there it tells me that there is an issue with the DHCP server. When I check my network connections for the newly created switch there is IPV4 connectivity, with packets being sent and received.
Things that I have tried:
-Ensured that inside of the Virtual Switch Manager that in my newly created virtual switch, the external network is selected as my main internet adapter. And that the "Allow management os to share this network adapter".
-Tried selecting "Internal Network"
-Inside of the ubuntu server, tried dchlient -r and dhclient eth0 to try to retrieve a new IP (For internal network this has worked, but without internet access, for external ip it hangs on the command dhclient eth0)
-In Network Connections I have tried bridging the two connections (out of desperation, "bricks" the vps causing me to not be able to rdp, must create a new azure vm)
-I have tried right clicking the main "ethernet" inside the Network Connections and allowing sharing options to other users.
Please help as I'm quite lost as to why the Ubuntu Guest is not connecting to the internet with the new network switch
The virtual switch connection types are very confusingly named, and sharing is somewhat flaky. I've had best results with the Internal Network. Most of the time it just works but there are certain situations when the NAT service breaks and you will have to restart some combination of the host and guest machines, possibly both -- I've not found a way to just restart the virtual switch service without restarting the host OS.
If you need to use the External Network type, be aware that your actual physical router will be in the mix, so you must make sure that it is properly configured, especially if you're doing MAC filtering on your router and the guest is not using the hardware MAC. This usually happens because of the virtualisation process itself, even if it's not something you've configured in the guest.

Use Windows VPN connection to Azure P2S VPN from MacOS

Windows 10 Virtual Machine hosted using Parallels on MacOS Catalina
Azure VPN - Basic SKU
Shared Network setup using Parallels
I can successfully connect to the Azure VPN using a Point-to-site connection from the Windows 10 installation.
Problem: I would like to use the VPN connection (established by Windows 10 VM) with macOS Host. Is this possible?
I have tried adding a static route on Mac OS as below, where is the Azure Network CIDR, and is the IP address of the Windows 10 VM on Parallels.
sudo route add -net
But this does not work. Any suggestions, or is there no way to share the VPN connection even with custom routing configuration?
Note. I understand that you can connect to Azure VPN from MacOS using the Standard SKU of Azure VPN, but would like to see if it is possible without.

How to rdp from mac to azure vm through vnet gateway

I am trying to rdp from my local mac to an Azure instance through a (IKEv2) vpn connection. I am never prompted for a password, and it looks like the connection just times out. The error code I get is 0x204.
I have tried using both Microsoft Remote Desktop 8 and 10 for mac.
The connection is active and reports that it is connected.
From the mac, I can connect to another VM (in the same azure account) which is not running behind a vpn.
From Parallels Desktop (with networking set to Shared mode and the vpn connection active on the mac), I can successfully connect using the windows rdp client.
So it seems the Microsoft RDP-client for mac is not using the vpn connection.
Is there a way to make it do so?
Is there another solution, that will allow me to rdp to an Azure VM from my mac (without going through Parallels)?
Note: This is not the same question as this, since that is not about going through an azure vnet gateway.
I needed to add hosts file entries for each azure site I needed to access.
For example for accessing, I needed to add a hosts file entry for it's private IP within the subnet. E.g.
The reason everything worked in Windows under Parallels, is that the relevant entries had already been added to the hosts file previously.

Unable to connect to a subversion edge server remotely

I have the following configuration:
Windows 7 Enterprise x64 Host running VMWare Workstation v11.0.0 build 2305329
Client (VM) is Windows Server 2008 r2 x64
Symantec Endpoint Protection client (unmanaged) v12.1.5337.5000
using Collabnet Subversion Edge v5.0.1-4144.7
I can connect to subversion's admin port of 3343/4434 from the host computer, however when attempting to connect to the client from two external servers, I get page cannot be displayed. I can connect to the default web port of 80 and get the default IIS 7 page.
I think this may be a firewall configuration situation, however I have tried opening all tcp/udp ports in both windows firewall rules and SEP rules and I still am unable to connect.
I might be able to get it working if I install TFS on port 8080 and uninstall TFS. But I really would rather not.
Check the Advanced/Profiles section of the firewall rule for "CollabNet Subversion Edge Console". This defaults to Public but you many need Domain and/or Private too.

How to disable Network in Windows Server 2008

I have a virtual machine on VMWare Workstation with Windows Server 2008 R2.
There are some not admin users. They have to have an internet access for theirs work (for example, to use SVN, Maven and so on). But at the same time, I have to close access to the Network for them.
What i have already tried:
I've tried to turn off network discovery in Network and Sharing Center. But it disables network only via gui(explorer), so users still can access other devices like that \\SOME_MACHINE_PC. More then that, users (which are even not admins) can change back this option in Control Panel.
I've tried to edit registry, adding such configuration:
"NoEntireNetwork "=dword:00000001
But it have not changed anything at all.
I've tried to change Network Adapter config in WMware to Host-only: A private network shared with the host.
But this turns off internet.
So, is there any other variants?
You can create an extra subnet for the VM, and don't route from this subnet to the company network.Then you can access the VM via the Host System (I am doing it via vnc). When the VM doesn't need access to the host network, it should work.
If the VM needs access to the company lan:
You could create a second VM for the internet only use, and use the existing VM for its current purpose.
