What should I do when users log out? - mixpanel

I am setting Mixpanel up, and I found out that if I log in with a user (and identify that user), log out and then re-register as a new user, the new user's details overwrite the previously logged in user (presumably when I call alias). How can I tell mixpanel that a user has logged out and to reset the identity token (make it anonymous again)?

I ran into the same issue, and after some sleuthing I discovered that you can manually clear the mixpanel cookies with mixpanel.cookie.clear().
However, you need to make sure that the mixpanel library has loaded, so I ended up putting it in a stupid timeout:
var id = window.setInterval(function() {
if (mixpanel.cookie && mixpanel.cookie.clear) {
}, 50);
And then, since I didn't want to do this on every page, I added a query string parameter onto my logout redirect URL. So after visiting /logout it would redirect them to /home?_ref=logout, at which point I would clear the mixpanel cookie only if that query string parameter existed.
It was pretty annoying, but it seemed to work.

It was released on Mixpanel Javascript version v2.8.0 the mixpanel.reset() function, so that's officially what should be called on user logout. See https://github.com/mixpanel/mixpanel-js/issues/67 .

for android
on logout you can use this MixpanelAPI.reset()

Call clearSuperProperties() to remove any Super Properties in local
Set new_distinct_id = UUID.randomUUID().toString());
Call .identify(new_distinct_id) and .getPeople().identify(new_distinct_id)
This should wipe the device clean for a fresh user that can then register and be aliased to another distinct_id.
The best way to do this with javascript is to delete the cookie. The name of the cookie is mp_{mixpanel_token_id}_mixpanel


Meteor logout on stale session logout

I am new to meteor.js and I am sorry if my question is not appropriate according to the community standards.
Well, I am trying to create a simple application on it and came across a problem of timing out after the user inactivity.
I am using "stale session meteor package" to automatically timeout the user after some specified time of inactivity. It logs off the user but doesn't unset the "Meteor.user()" by which I could know in meteor that the user has been logged out and call the route for the "Login" page to re-login.
Example, the stale session logs off the user after 30 seconds of inactivity, then I checked the returned value of "Meteor.user()", It should have returned undefined if the stale-session is timed out, instead, it is running the complete user object with id and other details.
I simply want to forcefully logout the user when the stale session times out and show the login screen.
I have been searching on internet for two days but couldn't find any solution on how to do this. Finally, posted the question.
I have found the solution and it is working so posting it here if somebody need.
I dug into the stale package code, and in its client.js I replaced the code with this
Meteor.setInterval(function() {
if (Meteor.userId()) {
activityDetected = false;
} else {
//This is the wanted behavior
}, heartbeatInterval);
If no activity is detected in terms of jquery events, I simply call logout and dont need to worry about Meteor.user() or Meteor.userId() etc. It simply logs out and goes to the Login Screen route which I implemented.

Yii2 $session->setId() not working

I'm using Ajax to log in a user from subdomain. The Yii2 app is on another subdomain. Both subdomains are configured to use same cookie and session domains and save paths. I'm including session ID with Ajax call to write the user information to the same session used by non-app subdomain like this:
$session = Yii::$app->session;
$session["user.id"] = $user->id;
echo $session->id; // This does not return the same ID originating from post!
Unfortunately the user information IS NOT written to the session already existing, but a new one. Is there a session involved somewhere in the middle of login process or why isn't it working? I've also tried session_id($post["session"]), but nothing.
This was actually working on previous domain, so I must be missing something. All of the AJAX posted info is correct and checked, the user is logged in properly (checked the logs) but into wrong session.
Thanks in advance!
yii\web\Session::setId() is a wrapper for session_id(), you should read PHP documentation about this function :
string session_id([ string $id ])
If id is specified, it will replace the current session id. session_id() needs to be called before session_start() for that purpose.
So you should simply try :
$session = Yii::$app->session;
I Don't think you are following the correct way to SET & GET session.
Try This:
$session = Yii::$app->session;
$session->set('id', $post["session"]);
echo $session->get('id');
For more info, please click Session Management - Yii2

cakephp, session not working unless allow a cookie in browser

Using latest version of cakephp v2.3.3
I have a problem with my session variables when a browser doesn't allow cookies.
I pass variables from one controller to the other and this works perfect as long as the browser has cookies enabled. I have tried it with the Session helper in the controllers, but no effort, same problem.
How to fix this, is there a work around???
Cookies are required to keep track of the session ID, but you can manually get or set the session ID using $this->Session->id(). By adding the code below to the App Controllers' before filter you can set the session ID as a URL paramter like http://example.com/posts/view/1?session=qkv108c2pqeubcpeos1q7ekds3, for example.
if (!empty($this->request->query['session'])) {
The session ID is required for every request which means you have to include it in every link. I would suggest extending the HTML helpers' url and link methods to automatically add it.
You should verify that $this->Session->read('Config.userAgent'); or $this->request->clientIp(); has not changed since the user was authenticated to prevent session hijacking. Thanks to thaJeztah for pointing this out.

Magento - Redirect back (similar to using setBeforeAuthUrl) when user creates a new account

I have the following controller action, which redirects to the login page if no user is logged in:
public function requireloginAction() {
if(!Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()) {
// Not logged in
// Save requested URL for later redirection
header("Status: 301");
header('Location: '.Mage::helper('customer')->getLoginUrl()); // send to the login page
else {
// Logged in
.. do something ..
By using setBeforeAuthUrl, once the user logs in he/she is redirected back to this action.
If instead of logging in, the user, creates an account he/she is then redirected to the main page, rather then to the url set in setBeforeAuthUrl.
Is there something similar to setBeforeAuthUrl that works with Account Creation too? Or how can I achieve the desired effect?
(Magento Version 1.6)
You can try using the following extension. http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/MagePsycho/extension/3763/custom_login_redirect
Or you can also open app/code/core/Mage/Customer/controllers/AccountController.php and look for the createPostAction() function around line 328 edit:
$url = $this->_welcomeCustomer($customer);
$url = 'http://www.mycustomrediurecturl.com';
If you want to do it the nice way override the controller add configuration options and make it a module :)
Found solution.
First of all, setBeforeAuthUrl($url) does work for both "Log In" and "New Account Creation"!
The main difference (and the reason I had the problem) is that for a "New Account Creation" Magento checks if $url is within the domain name of the current store and if it is not, it redirects to the "My Account" page. While the redirection for "Log In" redirects to any $url.
I do not know if this is a bug or a feature (I'm using V1.6.0.0).
So just make sure to redirect to a url within the domain name of the current store - especially in a Multi Store configuration.

Manually start session with specific id / transitioning session cookie between domains

My host requires me to use a different domain for SSL secured access (shared SSL), so I need to transition the user session between two domains. One part of the page lives at http://example.com, while the SSL'd part is at https://example.hosting.com. As such I can't set a domain-spanning cookie.
What I'm trying to do is to transition the session id over and re-set the cookie like this:
http://example.com/normal/page, user clicks link to secure area and goes to:
http://example.com/secure/page, which causes a redirect to:
https://example.hosting.com/secure/page?sess=ikub..., which resurrects the session and sets a new cookie valid for the domain, then redirects to:
This works up to the point where the session should be resurrected. I'm doing:
function beforeFilter() {
As far as I can tell this should start the session with the given ID. It actually generates a new session ID though and this session is empty, the data is not restored.
This is on CakePHP 1.2.4. Do I need to do something else, or is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do?
When Configure::write('Security.level') is set to medium or higher, session.referer_check is implicitly activated, which makes the whole thing fail. Setting the security level to low (or using a custom session configuration) makes everything work as it should.
There went about 5 hours of debugging... ( -_-;;)
My first thought is to use the Cake file sessions and copy the file over, and then perhaps try and start a new session with that phpsessid, although I'm not even sure if that would actually work or not :)
With Cake 2.6.1 -- This is what worked for me.
$this->Session->id("tfvjv43hjmsnjkh0v3ss539uq7"); // add session id you want to set
$this->Session->read("key"); // hhoorray worked :)
with SessionComponent id() function needs to be called twice once with session id to set session_id(); and second time to start cake session.
First call does not really start the session ... I dont know how Cake Guys missed it .....
Upvote if this works for you.
