Practical guide on machine learning for developers? [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Machine learning seems to be a buzzword on startups, but as a traditional developer dealing mainly on MySQL, Python/PHP, Javascript, etc, I cannot find any really helpful tutorial online that can get me started on using machine learning techniques to enhance existing web projects.
So what I have in mind is like
- categorizing/tagging user submitted post automatically
- provide personalized recommendation
At the risk of being close as non constructive, might I ask here: would there be a "Hello World" kind of projects, or basic use-cases that help introducing machine learning techniques to practical programmers? Or at least some guides as to how to get started on this track?

Although many would recommend Elements of Statistical Learning, by Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman, I feel the following resources more suited for people with a programming background rather than a mathematical background:
Machine Learning for Hackers, Drew Conway and John Myles White, O'Reilly, 2012
Algorithms for the Intelligent Web Haralambos Marmanis and Dmitry Babenko, Manning, 2009
To really get hands on, choose a language and find a machine learning library in that language, along with an accompanying tutorial. For instance Apache Mahout, or Weka for Java, Scikit-learn for Python, etc.
Also, PyGotham2011 features a video tutorial on developing machine learning-based features for web development.

There's quiet a nice, practical hands-on book which might give you some basic insights on what is going on:
Collective Intelligence - Building smart Web2.0 applications
ISBN-10: 0596529325
ISBN-13: 978-0596529321
It is using Python as example language, but I think it should give you some ideas.
Regarding Recommendations, there is also a good Introduction to Mahout Recommenders:
Mahout also has the capabilities of doing clustering / categorizing texts, so it's worth to have a look into this machine learning library.


x86 assembly from Windows perspective? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm wanting to learn assembly programming and have found some great resources online, but the majority of them are oriented towards Linux users, DOS users, or use a high level assembler. I have no problem with Linux, but I just prefer Windows. Are there any resources (preferably online, but book is fine) that are oriented towards Windows users. I also would like it to give a strong explanation of the hardware.
To really learn the Intel/AMD processor, you may want to read from the source:
This will give you everything you need to know about all the instructions. It won't tell you how to write code for your assembler, though. However, Intel uses the same syntax as Microsoft uses, so it should be a perfect match.
Note that AMD has similar books that you can also download. I prefer the Intel docs, but unless you want to use extensions from one of these brands, you'll be good with either one.
These books are free too.
Yes, get a book.
But you'll also want programming tools. Visual Studio Express for C and C++ includes ML, an x86 assembler, and a quite nice development environment. To my amazement, it is free. Guess MS is making tons of money on Word.
This suggests you should get a book that is focused on Microsoft assembler, often called "MASM" in spite of being filed under "ML.exe".
There's plenty of good info on the web. for instance. Also, look up "wininc" (which can be used with jwasm). Microsoft's own online documentation is a bit challenging to search/read, but has all the details you'll need.

Good book to study and implement a Recommender system using big data technology like Mahout/hadoop/HBase? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am searching for a good book to study and implement recommender systems. I tried to follow the recommender systems course offered at coursera but I could not work on it because I was really busy with other work. I want a good book to study and implement a full fledged recommender system. A book, because with that I can manage reading and working on it when-ever I want.
Also, I want use mahout/hadoop in implementing it. So a book that will guide me through architecture using mahout apis step-by-step would really help.
I think the book you want is Mahout in Action. I'm a coauthor and don't mind recommending it to you since I think it directly addresses your points: Mahout APIs, Hadoop, steps to implementing a recommender.

What resources would you recommend for learning about OS security? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm interested to discuss security and want to work in this field.
I need a difference of useful resources!
I first want to study the security of operating systems,
both Windows and a version of Linux.
Which Linux version is better for security work, and what is the best resource for learning?
What is the best resource for learning Windows Security?
What are the resources for learning programming under these operating systems?
I do not mean to be rude, but Google will really fetch you some updated articles on what you want. Trust me, I've been there. Also try YouTube.
There's no Linux "version". What you want is a distribution, or a distro! Try BackTrack Linux. It is hot among the sec guys, as it comes pre-loaded with all the security auditing tools you may need.
Get the book called "The Art of Exploitation" and get your hands dirty, even if that means running a deliberately vulnerable Linux kernel (old, unpatched). That'll get you to learn the concepts of overflows, format-string attacks, injections etc.
The book mentioned discusses about Windows security(?) as well.
As far as programming is concerned, learn C/C++ first. Understand the low level UNIX system calls. Then, move on to learning WIN API (go to msdn and search) for Windows and strengthen your programming skills on Linux using a library related to what you like : study OpenGL/GLUT if you're into graphics, learn QT if you wish to build X-platform GUIs.
"Programming" is an art that no one, nor any "resource" can teach you. You have to survive those segfaults, hair-pulling moments and evening-to-early-morning code marathons to actually bring out the "programmer" in you :)
EDIT: subscribe to security mailing lists :)
Happy (never-ending) journey,
keep learning,

HCI/UX Design Blogs [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm interested in learning more about HCI design decisions and practices, but I haven't been able to find any consistent source of articles on the subject: Many blogs have an article or two on the subject, then go off and talk about something else. I would stick to web design blogs, but videos like this one about Firefox 4 tab design provide evidence that there is a lot of interesting ground to cover in desktop application design. Anyone know where I should get started?
The web journal UXMatters recently listed the favorite blogs of various UX experts. For that matter UXMatters is an excellent resource for UX design.
The following sites frequently have articles giving concrete UX design guidance specifically applicable to the web:
A List Apart. Gets into the nuts and bolts of web design and development
Bokardo. Social design in web apps.
Boxes and Arrows. Another journal emphasizing IA.
Brain Sparks. Especially UIEtips articles.
Functioning Form. Especially for articles on web form design.
There's more on my blogroll under "usability," although those remaining sites (like my own) tend to lean towards general application UI design, rather than web site design specifically.
Perhaps user-interface design patterns will help. I find that sources are consistent and patterns well-documented.
A good number of resources can be found here:
I would suggest looking at the following books. These are pretty much the standard for any one looking to get good information about HCI. You need to understand the core principles first.
The Design of Everyday things - Donald Norman
The inmates are running the asylum - Alan Cooper
The Humane interface - Jeff Raskin
How things work - Donald Norman
Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity - Jackob Nielsen
If you want to get more into the science of why:
Principles of cognitive psychology - Eysenck

Any standard guide for Ruby WIN32OLE API? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I searched a lot on this but haven't yet got any standard or rather systematic guide for Win32Ole in Ruby. Ruby on windows by David is very good but I need a complete, systematic standard tutorial for WIN32OLE ruby APIs.
Please suggest!
I fear you may not find one. David Mullet is working on a book but that rather implies that it's still some considerable time away from publication.
I need a complete, systematic standard
tutorial for WIN32OLE ruby APIs.
How "complete", "systematic" and "standard" do you really need it to be? You have to consider that someone needs to have the motivation to produce such a tutorial, which would be a substantial piece of work to undertake for no reward; that's why a book is in preparation - then we can pay David for his expertise!
So we may need to modify your need to be more satisfiable by current reality: are there particular problem(s) you are trying to solve? Could you put some more specific questions here?
I was thinking about posting the same question when I came across your post. I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to do, but I have had some success with Ruby and Excel. I find that if you can create an Excel macro that does something similar to what you would like Ruby to do, you can more or less 'rubyfy' the macro code and access all the same methods and attributes in your Ruby code. I was able to figure out how to get Ruby to create Excel graphs, and cell color coding this way. If the software you want to interact with has a similar macroing tool, you may be able to work out how to use ruby to interact with that software. I do look forward to the book that Mike mentioned.
Assuming that the problems are with win32OLE rather than with ruby, I'd be half tempted to look for guides in other scripting languages, such as perl.
