x86 assembly from Windows perspective? [closed] - windows

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm wanting to learn assembly programming and have found some great resources online, but the majority of them are oriented towards Linux users, DOS users, or use a high level assembler. I have no problem with Linux, but I just prefer Windows. Are there any resources (preferably online, but book is fine) that are oriented towards Windows users. I also would like it to give a strong explanation of the hardware.

To really learn the Intel/AMD processor, you may want to read from the source:
This will give you everything you need to know about all the instructions. It won't tell you how to write code for your assembler, though. However, Intel uses the same syntax as Microsoft uses, so it should be a perfect match.
Note that AMD has similar books that you can also download. I prefer the Intel docs, but unless you want to use extensions from one of these brands, you'll be good with either one.
These books are free too.

Yes, get a book.
But you'll also want programming tools. Visual Studio Express for C and C++ includes ML, an x86 assembler, and a quite nice development environment. To my amazement, it is free. Guess MS is making tons of money on Word.
This suggests you should get a book that is focused on Microsoft assembler, often called "MASM" in spite of being filed under "ML.exe".

There's plenty of good info on the web. http://masm32.com/ for instance. Also, look up "wininc" (which can be used with jwasm). Microsoft's own online documentation is a bit challenging to search/read, but has all the details you'll need.


Alive GUI library with FRP support for Haskell [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there any alive Haskell library which implements FRP and could be used to program UI/interactive graphics?
What I expect from such a library:
Doesn't use any crazy GHC extension, so code could be understood by mortals.
Not abandoned (had some commits in last 6 mouths and few answered thread in mailing lists).
Backed by some modern window library (Qt, GTK) and covers fair amount of it functionality.
Also has drawing and animation support, i.e. let the user to simply define some shapes and effects and bind their parameters to behaviors.
I checked some resources and picture is quite sad.
Original Fran and its ancestor Fruit family are officially dead.
Reactive is an abstract framework and doesn't have bindings to real UI/graphics (did I miss something?).
Netwire also look aimed for general case. Currently it has no documentation covering how to build UI/graphics with it. The only example is a full application not even close to tutorial.
Grapefruit looks good, but it had last commits in December 2013 and the mailing list full of spam. I consider it abandoned.
Yampa has not documentation at all, and the mailing list is silent since November 2013.
Reactive Banana has been updated relatively regularly, has bindings to SDL, some decent examples, a tutorial and a relatively small but decently commented API reference.
There's also a backend to wx, and see this question about using it with GtK.
The maintainer, Heinrich Apfelmus, is on Stack Overflow, and often answers questions on the reactive-banana tag.
Does this suit your needs?
GUI programming is the major use case of reactive-banana I believe.

Convert from a high-level OOP to Linux Kernel programmer [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to convert myself from a high-level OOP programmer to a kernel device driver programmer.
So i must somehow learn low level stuff ( e.g. advanced bit manipulation and stuff ), Linux kernel plus device driver programming.
This is my new job, so my only option is to comply.
A list of books or tutorials will be much appreciated.
For an introduction http://www.tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/lkmpg.pdf . Others may be
Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition - Jonathan Corbet,
Linux System Programming: Talking Directly to the Kernel and C Library - Robert Love,
Understanding the Linux Kernel - Daniel P. Bovet.
Learn C. I mean really learn, not just how to make something work, but understand pointers inside out, be able to know what complex expressions do, type promotions etc.
And in parallel just start working on it. Learning by experiencing usually works very well. Maybe try a simple driver that just exports something through sysfs, and then the same with procfs, debugfs, device file. Issues with multiple readers/writers ... there's always some scenario you can make up and then try to solve it.
Get hold of a target machine
Reading books alone is not enough, the best way would be to get a target board (I prefer Raspberry Pi) to load and test the kernel that you will be compiling, the driver that you will be writing.
Among other things, following are the best resources on the internet:
LWN - Has articles on linux kernel features, some of them wriiten by the original authors of those features
Linux Journal - A magazine of linux kernel tools and features
LXR - Online indexed Linux source code
Mailing lists - Subscribe to one of the linux kernel mailing lists that relates to what you would be working on to stay updated
And these are very valuable resources for linux kernel information:

Practical guide on machine learning for developers? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Machine learning seems to be a buzzword on startups, but as a traditional developer dealing mainly on MySQL, Python/PHP, Javascript, etc, I cannot find any really helpful tutorial online that can get me started on using machine learning techniques to enhance existing web projects.
So what I have in mind is like
- categorizing/tagging user submitted post automatically
- provide personalized recommendation
At the risk of being close as non constructive, might I ask here: would there be a "Hello World" kind of projects, or basic use-cases that help introducing machine learning techniques to practical programmers? Or at least some guides as to how to get started on this track?
Although many would recommend Elements of Statistical Learning, by Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman, I feel the following resources more suited for people with a programming background rather than a mathematical background:
Machine Learning for Hackers, Drew Conway and John Myles White, O'Reilly, 2012
Algorithms for the Intelligent Web Haralambos Marmanis and Dmitry Babenko, Manning, 2009
To really get hands on, choose a language and find a machine learning library in that language, along with an accompanying tutorial. For instance Apache Mahout, or Weka for Java, Scikit-learn for Python, etc.
Also, PyGotham2011 features a video tutorial on developing machine learning-based features for web development.
There's quiet a nice, practical hands-on book which might give you some basic insights on what is going on:
Collective Intelligence - Building smart Web2.0 applications
ISBN-10: 0596529325
ISBN-13: 978-0596529321
It is using Python as example language, but I think it should give you some ideas.
Regarding Recommendations, there is also a good Introduction to Mahout Recommenders:
Mahout also has the capabilities of doing clustering / categorizing texts, so it's worth to have a look into this machine learning library.

Anyone using a third-party Windows registry editor that they would recommend to others? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I work with the Windows registry editor (regedit.exe) on a near-daily basis, and occasionally find myself wishing it had more features.
For example, it'd be nice if it had:
a way to import and export favorites.
an advanced search feature that lists all the keys it found, rather than a simple Find feature. It would be great if there was a way to narrow the results as you type, but yes, I realize I'm probably asking for a lot.
a list of keys I recently accessed (history)
So essentially, I'm just looking for a reliable third-party tool that builds upon the existing regedit feature set. I'm interested in both free and commercial solutions.
Previous developer recommendations have led me to discover great tools like Notepad++ and RegexBuddy, so I'm really looking forward to your answers.
Besides the applications suggested by others, you might consider looking into learning a bit about Windows PowerShell. PowerShell's registry provider allows access to the registry with its powerful scripting language, so you might be able to script solutions for some of your common problems.
Perhaps this is to your liking:
Registry Workshop
These programs might be worth looking at:
I can't vouch for them (haven't used them), but they might meet your needs.

Are there any High Level, easy to install GUI libraries for Common Lisp? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Are there any good, cross platform (SBCL and CLISP at the very least) easy to install GUI libraries?
Ltk is quite popular, very portable, and reasonably well documented through the Tk docs. Installation on SBCL is as easy as saying:
(require :asdf-install)
(asdf-install:install :ltk)
There's also Cells-Gtk, which is reported to be quite usable but may have a slightly steeper learning curve because of its reliance on Cells.
EDIT: Note that ASDF-INSTALL is integrated this well with SBCL only. Installing libraries from within other Lisp implementations may prove harder. (Personally, I always install my libraries from within SBCL and then use them from all implementations.) Sorry about any confusion this may have caused.
clg is a binding of GTK for Common Lisp. Both complete and lispish.
If you want to design graphical interfaces in CL, you might want to take a look at CLIM, too, which some kind of standard API for GUIs. Allegro and Lispworks have their own implementation of it, and there's a free software one, McCLIM.
Also, just found a Smoke library QT bindings, called CommonQt for CL
There's also wxCL, providing CFFI bindings for wxWidgets.
LispWorks comes with CAPI, it's portable accross Mac, Windows and Linux and even has some GUI-Builder. It's free for personal use.
