Changing node webkit app icon on windows from cli - windows

I'm currently trying to build a .bat script to autobuild my node-webkit application, and the only missing thing is changing the generated .exe icon.
I've been digging the interwebs for a while whitout finding any working solution.
So far I've tried :
Resource Hacker : I managed to change the icon using the application, but could not make it work with a script. Here is a screenshot of resource hacker with my exe
I tried the following commands :
ResHacker -modify App.exe, AppTest.exe, MyIcon.ico, Icon, 1
ResHacker -modify App.exe, AppTest.exe, MyIcon.ico, Icon, 1, 1033
ResHacker -addoverwrite App.exe, AppTest.exe, MyIcon.ico, "Icon Group", IDR_MAINFRAME, 1033
ResHacker -addoverwrite App.exe, AppTest.exe, MyIcon.ico, "Icon Group", IDR_MAINFRAME
Unfortunately, none of these created the AppTest.exe file neither did they print and error message.
RCEDIT.exe which is part of the WinRun4JS application, their home page shows an example of using RCEDIT to change the icon : RCEDIT.exe /I [YourApp].exe [YourApp].ico, this is indeed working iconwise, but it breaks the node-webkit executable and leaves me with an application running the default nodejs page. ( As a reminder, node-webkit exe are built this way
Various other applications worked fine but none of them seemed to propose a command line interface.
I feel like I'm quite close to the solution with Resource Hacker and I might have missed something obious while fiddling with it but right now I can't thing of anything else to try.
Thank you for reading and have a nice day !

As always, I was not trying hard enough, the right command for ResHacker was :
ResHacker -addoverwrite "App.exe", "AppTest.exe", "MyIcon.ico", ICONGROUP, IDR_MAINFRAME, 1033
Also if someone wants to dig mvanderw's solution you will need Resourcer and then run the following command :
Resourcer -op:upd -src:App.exe -type:14 -name:IDR_MAINFRAME -file:MyIncon.ico

I would rather not update the icon of the nw.exe, since it's what NodeWebKit provides. What my solution was to launch the application through a shortcut and setting the proper icon for the shortcut. That way we are using NW but not hacking it.
Note: context was windows and a setup creator like "Inno Setup", makes it easy to do.
Now that I got your question, why don't you use the WinIco options of the nw-builder.
Extracted from the gulp task
var nw = new NwBuilder({
version: '0.12.0',
files: [ bases.dist + '**'],
platforms: ['win'],
buildDir: bases.webkit,
winIco: 'YourApp.ico',
macIcns: 'YourApp.icns'


Install a personal firefox web extension permanently

Previously, I could write an addon for personal usage packed as something.xpi and I clicked on it to install it.
After a while, mozilla introduced xpinstall.signatures.required which you could still get around it.
However, it did not stop stabbing developers who are interested to have a personal addon isolated from the world. Today, only web extensions are working and my XUL based addon is thrown away. The tutorials only talk about temporary installation of a web extension while I want my one runs on firefox forever.
Beside whether I can use web extension to write into files or create a GUI in an independent page, I have a bigger challenge:
How can I install a local web extension permanently without creating a Mozilla account for personal usage?
Navigate to the folder where your extension is located. You can build it in the usual way using web-ext:
web-ext build
You can install this ZIP file permanently in Firefox by going to about:addons and dragging this file into the tab.
In order for this to work, you need to set xpinstall.signatures.required to false in about:config (works only for Nightly and maybe Developer Edition).
Apart from setting xpinstall.signatures.required to false, you need to add this to your manifest.json:
"browser_specific_settings": {
"gecko": {
"id": ""
Found on, thanks to "alexherbo2".
You need a "blueish" Firefox -- Developer Edition (effectively beta) or Nightly (unstable, updated every night).
You can get them from
Then xpinstall.signatures.required will work again.
(As for permissions--you can create a GUI in a tab or a popup, but I don't think you can do it in a separate window (unless you do a webpage-style popup window). You won't be able to write to arbitrary files anywhere on the system--which is a good thing! You can write to the Downloads folder, and read/write some sort of internal storage, but that may not expose the actual files involved. For more information see
What you should be looking for is having your extension signed by Mozilla as Unlisted.
See Mixing Listed and Unlisted Add-ons on blog post for an overview.
That way, AMO does not host nor (normally) review your extension; it simply runs some basic automated checks and immediately signs your extension so that it can be privately distributed as an XPI.
For those interested in developing/running an extension from a local directory without having to package or load it manually via "Load Temporary Addon..." from about:debuggin#/runtime/this-firefox please go to this github repository.
From the
The procedure involves a few steps, but it needs to be done only once.
First you need to enable AutoConfig aka userchrome.js by copying the file config-prefs.js to [Your Firefox install directory]/defaults/pref
Note: For best security, on Windows it is best to leave your Firefox install in "c:\Program Files" so that your config-prefs.js and userChrome.js can only be modified when you are in root/admin mode.
Then you need to edit the file userChrome.js and modify the function installUnpackedExtensions() to reflect the locations of your own addons.
The modified userChrome.js then must be copied to your Firefox installation directory. For example on Windows this is usually "c:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox" for the 32-bit version of Firefox. You can rename the file, but remember to modify the corresponding line pref("general.config.filename", "userChrome.js") in defaults/pref/config-prefs.js
Now your addons from your local directories will be loaded automaticaly whenever Firefox starts. After editing your code remember to reload it from about:debuggin. You can also get there via the menu by selecting "More Tools", then "Remote Debugging", and click on "This Firefox" on the left side (but the quickiest way is to bookmark it and then add a bookmark keyword such as "dbg" for quick access.)
Please note that this is an automated install of the extension every time Firefox starts, so it is not quite the same as a "permenent install". That is, this procedure has exactly the same effect as clicking on "Load Temporary Addon..." from the about:debuggin page, just that the process is now automated via userChrome.js. This means that if you have code that does something after the installation of the extension such as browser.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(details => { if (details.reason == "install") { something after install... }); then this code will be called every time Firefox is launched.
You can try setting the preference extensions.legacy.enabled (this will only work in Nightly or Dev Edition).

Running AntlrWorks2 stand-alone on Windows 7

I must be missing something. After downloading AntlrWorks2 I found the executable bin/antlrworks2.exe and bin/antlrworks264.exe. Aren't these supposed to be the standalone version of the tool? Neither works for me; after a NetBeans splash screen, the first times around I got an error message on missing packages; after a couple of times I chose to go on regardless, but now (still after the initial spash screen) there is simply nothing happening at all.
I can't find any tutorial or manual detailing how to run AntlrWorks stand-alone, so any help is much appreciated.
This is due to a bug in the NetBeans platform. I filed a report but it hasn't received a reply yet:
Cannot launch platform application after moving installation folder
Here is a workaround that does not delete any preferences you have customized:
I found that deleting just the var folder under the user's generated
.antlrworks2 settings folder resolves the issue...
Still an issue as of date of this post. Deleting the .antlrworks2 folder from \users\username\AppData\Roaming does work - you can find this folder by putting %APPDATA% into your file explorer address bar (exactly as shown) - that will go to the app data folder for your current user login session. Delete the .antlrworks2 folder and then re-run the app.

Using Qt to open external game application

I have a windows qt application and I'm trying to open an external game, but I'm not having success.
Application is in C:\games\Oni\Edition\ and is called Oni.exe, the code I'm using right now is the follow:
void MainWindow::on_toolButton_clicked()
qint64 test=1;
QMessageBox msgBox;
msgBox.setText("Oni couln't be started!");
I don't know if I'm forgetting something? The game runs fine if I double click it. Thanks.
Alright, figured it out.
Just replaced the code:
And it's working like a charm.
I had also tried QProcess::startDetached("C:\\games\\Oni\\Edition\\Oni.exe"); before but didn't worked, seems we need to put always the full directory of the executable and also the full directory as working directory. This because seems only executing the file directly, the file itself may be looking for another folders/files in the QT Debug folder, when they are in the game folder. This cause the game quits prematurely. :)
Another solution would be use windows native api like user827992 pointed out in the follow link: QProcess::startDetached blocked by UAC (running an updater)
This latter solution also should work fine with UAC problems.

Windows 7: Property Handler works in Explorer but Not FileOpenDialog?

Working on writing a custom property Handler for our custom file type in windows 7. I have installed the Windows 7 SDK and built the sample Property Handler. After registering the handler, it works great in Windows Explorer, but in the common file open dialog the custom values do not appear. Does anyone know if there is something special I need to do to get the properties to appear in common dialogs?
File Open Dialog:
OK, figured it out. Here is the deal. My app is 32 bit and I am on a x64 system. Because the PropertyHandler is written in x64 to support the shell out of process. But for the file open dialog it needs to run inprocess, so the x64 dll can not run. I confirmed this by creating a quick x64 app and the fileopen dialog works the same as the OS. Hope this helps someone else in my shoes later on, hate answering my own question, but don't want people wasting NRG on this one as I found the solution.

Debugging UDK using nFringe in Visual Studio 2005

This is a pretty niche question, so I am not expecting a huge response...
Basically, I am learning how to use the UDK by following some tutorials, namely this one:
So far everything is going pretty well. The only real hangup I've had is getting everything to work in Visual Studio 2005 using this nFringe plugin. For a long time, couldn't get them to work at all. I've gotten into two or three chapters of the tutorial, and I've managed to use Visual Studio to edit the code, but I can't build the scripts within VS; I have to go to UDK Frontend to do that. And worse still, I can only really use Log commands in the unrealscripts to debug anything.
So my question is this: is it even possible to configure these tools in a way that I can put breakpoints in VS and have them be caught when I test the game? I feel as though I don't have something setup correctly.
Yes it is possible. Here are some info which might be useful to you.
First, both your .sln and your .ucproj files must be located in Development/src. Then, under visual studio, right-click your project (.ucproj file in the solution explorer) and open its properties.
You must set, under the General tab:
Target Game: UnrealEngine 3 Mod
UCC Path: ....\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe
Reference Source Path: ..\Src
Under the Build tab:
check "Build debug scripts"
Under the Debug tab:
Start Game Executable: ....\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe
Load map at startup: the name of your startup map, without path nor extension
Start with the specified game type: put your GameInfo class used for your mod, ie. MyMod.MyGameInfo
Disable startup movies can be checked to gain time at launch
Enable unpublished mods must be checked.
In your command line, the parameter -vadebug specifies that the breakpoints will be enabled.
After that, you must be able to build your script from Visual, and launch your game by pressing F5.
Breakpoints should work but you can't put them on a variable declaration, you have to put them on a function call, an assignment or a condition statement.
Hope this will help.
I havnt tried using breakpoints yet but I know its possable to build with nfringe and visual studio . You need to add a line to the
udk game / config / udk engine .ini
search for
exactly like that , then youll see a block like this
then add your own line pointing to a folder named what ever you want but make sure it has a folder in it named Classes and it has the uc files you wnat to compile in it
if you used that line then you are tellign udk you have a folder named
located in your development/src folder and you want it to compile everything in there
