Debugging UDK using nFringe in Visual Studio 2005 - visual-studio-2005

This is a pretty niche question, so I am not expecting a huge response...
Basically, I am learning how to use the UDK by following some tutorials, namely this one:
So far everything is going pretty well. The only real hangup I've had is getting everything to work in Visual Studio 2005 using this nFringe plugin. For a long time, couldn't get them to work at all. I've gotten into two or three chapters of the tutorial, and I've managed to use Visual Studio to edit the code, but I can't build the scripts within VS; I have to go to UDK Frontend to do that. And worse still, I can only really use Log commands in the unrealscripts to debug anything.
So my question is this: is it even possible to configure these tools in a way that I can put breakpoints in VS and have them be caught when I test the game? I feel as though I don't have something setup correctly.

Yes it is possible. Here are some info which might be useful to you.
First, both your .sln and your .ucproj files must be located in Development/src. Then, under visual studio, right-click your project (.ucproj file in the solution explorer) and open its properties.
You must set, under the General tab:
Target Game: UnrealEngine 3 Mod
UCC Path: ....\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe
Reference Source Path: ..\Src
Under the Build tab:
check "Build debug scripts"
Under the Debug tab:
Start Game Executable: ....\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe
Load map at startup: the name of your startup map, without path nor extension
Start with the specified game type: put your GameInfo class used for your mod, ie. MyMod.MyGameInfo
Disable startup movies can be checked to gain time at launch
Enable unpublished mods must be checked.
In your command line, the parameter -vadebug specifies that the breakpoints will be enabled.
After that, you must be able to build your script from Visual, and launch your game by pressing F5.
Breakpoints should work but you can't put them on a variable declaration, you have to put them on a function call, an assignment or a condition statement.
Hope this will help.

I havnt tried using breakpoints yet but I know its possable to build with nfringe and visual studio . You need to add a line to the
udk game / config / udk engine .ini
search for
exactly like that , then youll see a block like this
then add your own line pointing to a folder named what ever you want but make sure it has a folder in it named Classes and it has the uc files you wnat to compile in it
if you used that line then you are tellign udk you have a folder named
located in your development/src folder and you want it to compile everything in there


Break point works just once in library project

We have some library projects with a VPI extension. Defined in the DPR with library at start and {$E vpi} at end (Options > output settings > Application > Target file extension: vpi).
library appname;
{$E vpi}
Problem: When I run a debug in a VPI project it works only once. After any change it won't hit the break again. Now showing a "green" breakpoint when you run the app. The only way to get it back to work is by closing and open the IDE.
My Co-worker asked me if I have this problem last year, which I didn't. In his machine "when you change anything in your source, even a space in a comment, the break points won't work till you close and open the IDE again" he said.
We've compared lots of config from the IDE and we didn't find anything.
Now for some "no reason" my computer also stopped working with the debug.
I have looked into this topic "Delphi: why breakpoints from time to time are not usable (green highlighted line on IDE)?" with no luck.
I've tried the Clear unit Cache, un-check and check again the debug info, include TD32, include remote debug, uncheck optimization.
I've asked to other teams and they said that some machines works others don't. But they also don't know why.
Maybe someone here have another trick that may help.

WINDBG doing strange jumps in source code

I have a windows service that was written in VB6 that I want to attach to and debug in WINDBG.
The service is compiled without optimizations (also all boxes in "Advanced Optimizations" are unchecked), and "Create Symbolic Debug Info" is checked. I have the source file of a class I want to set breakpoints in. I can set breakpoints on some lines but not all... even though the lines where I can't put a breakpoint at don't have anything exotic, simple variable assignments and such.
Regardless, the breakpoints I can set are hit when I run the service with the g command, but when I start to "step over" (F10), the code does some strange leaps and doesn't (or at least doesn't appear to) evaluate all lines...
It seems to me that the source file and the symbols file are out of sync, but I just compiled the project and moved the files over to the computer where I want to debug... What could cause the source files and the pdb/dll file of the project to be out of sync?

TFS API DownloadFile( ) functions cause exception when debugging

Whenever I call Item.DownloadFile(string localFileName) or VersionControlServer.DownloadFile(string serverPath, string localFileName) I get a FileNotFoundException whenever I try to debug in Visual Studio: Could not find file 'C:[Project Path]\bin\Debug\[ProjectName].vshost.exe.config'.
When I build the application and run it outside of visual studio there is no problem calling these functions. It works perfectly fine. Anyone know what could be causing it?
Before you ask, no, that file does not exist. I'm not doing anything with a config file, I don't need or want it to exist. I don't understand why it is even trying to access that file when I debug. When I run the application outside of visual studio that .config file still does not exist but I get no exception because it's not trying to access that file.
Also, it is not a vshost problem either. When I uncheck "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process" I get the same exception except when debugging but the file name changes from "[ProjectName].vshost.exe.config" to "[ProjectName].config"
Currently, when I want to debug this project I have to put a MessageBox.Show( ) function right after every call to DownloadFile( ) and run my application outside of visual studio. When that MessageBox is displayed then I can use attach to process and put a break point on the next line after that MessageBox, click OK on the messagebox and then it will catch the break point. But when I'm downloading files in a loop and want to debug the loop it's extremely annoying and time consuming to attach to process after DownloadFile is called, stop debugging before the next DownloadFile is called, attach to process again after DownloadFile is called, and keep repeating that all day long.
I'm not totally sure, but looks like it has something to do with the current path and the Workspace where you download the file to.
If you don't explicitly specify the workspace, the TFS API will try to determine it from the current path of your application by looking if that path is declared in a Workspace as a Mapping.
If I remember correctly, you can download an item from a Workspace object (or specify the Workspace in the operation), try to modify your code to do that and see if it's better.
You can also try to change the current path of your debugging session to something "inside a Workspace"

How to debug wince exe directly without using a vcproj

I'd like to humbly ask: How can I debug a wince executable(.exe) that has been stored on the wince device, using Visual Studio's debugging facility.
As we all know, using VS2005, we can create a Win32 Smart Device Project(.vcproj),add our source files to it, compile, select a target device, and press F5, then the generated exe will be deployed to the wince device and gets attached to the VS2005 wince debugger. But I'd really like to know, if someone has a wince exe(call it stock) already in his wince-device and have source code corresponding to that exe, HOW DO I start debugging that stock exe directly WITHOUT compiling the source code? I cannot compile the source code perhaps because I'm missing some library source or other reason.
For PC program, I know I can open an exe as a project so to start debugging that exe. I can find the main() function and set a break point on its first statement, then F5 will stop at that break point.
Thank you in advance.
I often run into this problem as well; I wish the "exe project" created would allow changing the debugger to "Smart Device Native Debugger" (or somehow set the platform) -> Let me know if someone knows how to do that.
The two ways I have been able to work around this are:
New Project Method:
Create an empty "Smart Device" project with no source code.
Change the "Configuration Properties > Debugging > Remote Executable" to your "Stock EXE" that you put on the device, ie: \FlashDisk\MyApp.exe
F5 to debug, and choose "Yes" when it says "deployment errors, do you wish to continue".
Attach to Process Method:
Same as above, but, instead of editing "Remote Executable" just start the "Stock EXE" via rapistart.exe / running manually via screen. Then make sure the "Attach to Process" transport is set to "Smart Device" and you should be able to attach.
After this you need to manually load the pdb, choose src files, etc, as you would a normal PC app.
If you want to debug a .NET CF managed application then the following link should help:
I only used managed .NET CF but I found this link that has loads of goodies on how to debug both managed and native code on a Windows Mobile 5 in VS2005. Most of it should apply to Win CE as well:
I figure out the method lately after going through quite a lot of reading and experiment(so many tricky points that Microsoft does not clearly document). user2093823 kindly summarized the procedure.
Some historical screen shots:

Can I create a Visual Studio macro to launch a specific project in the debugger?

My project has both client and server components in the same solution file. I usually have the debugger set to start them together when debugging, but it's often the case where I start the server up outside of the debugger so I can start and stop the client as needed when working on client-side only stuff. (this is much faster).
I'm trying to save myself the hassle of poking around in Solution Explorer to start individual projects and would rather just stick a button on the toolbar that calls a macro that starts the debugger for individual projects (while leaving "F5" type debugging alone to start up both processess).
I tried recording, but that didn't really result in anything useful.
So far all I've managed to do is to locate the project item in the solution explorer:
Dim projItem As UIHierarchyItem
projItem = DTE.ToolWindows.SolutionExplorer.GetItem("SolutionName\ProjectFolder\ProjectName").Select(vsUISelectionType.vsUISelectionTypeSelect)
(This is based loosely on how the macro recorder tried to do it. I'm not sure if navigating the UI object model is the correct approach, or if I should be looking at going through the Solution/Project object model instead).
Ok. This appears to work from most UI (all?) contexts provided the solution is loaded:
Sub DebugTheServer()
End Sub
From a C# add-in, the following worked for me:
