Haskell function nub inefficient - performance

I'm confused by the implementation of the 'nub' (select unique values) function in the Haskell standard library Data.List. The GHC implementation is
nub l = nub' l []
nub' [] _ = []
nub' (x:xs) ls
| x `elem` ls = nub' xs ls
| otherwise = x : nub' xs (x:ls)
As far as I can tell, this has a worst-case time complexity of O(n^2), since for a list of unique values it has to compare them all once to see that they are in fact unique.
If one used a hash table, the complexity could be reduced to O(n) for building the table + O(1) for checking each value against previous values in the hash table. Granted, this would not produce an ordered list but that would also be possible in O(n log n) using GHC's own ordered Data.Map, if that is necessary.
Why choose such an inefficient implementation for an important library function? I understand efficiency is not a main concern in Haskell but at least the standard library could make an effort to choose the (asymptotically) best data structure for the job.

Efficiency is quite a concern in Haskell, after all the language performs on par with Java, and beats it in terms of memory consumption, but of course it's not C.
The answer to your question is pretty simple: the Prelude's nub requires only an Eq constraint, while any implementation based on Map or Set would also require either an Ord or Hashable.

You're absolutely correct - nub is an O(n^2) algorithm. However, there are still reasons why you might want to use it instead of using a hashmap:
for small lists it still might be faster
nub only requires the Eq constraint; by comparison Data.Map requires an Ord constraint on keys and Data.HashMap requires a key type with both Hashable and Ord type classes
it's lazy - you don't have to run through the entire input list to start getting results
Edit: Slight correction on the third point -- you don't have to process the entire list to start getting results; you'll still have to examine every element of the input list (so nub won't work on infinite lists), but you'll start returning results as soon as you find a unique element.

In my experience, "beginner" Haskell (including Prelude and the bad packages) simply ignores performance in many cases, in favor of simplicity.
Haskell performance is a complex problem to solve, so if you aren't experienced enough to search through Platform or Hackage for alternatives to the simple nub (and especially if your input is in a List just because you haven't thought about alternative structures), then Data.List.nub is likely not your only major performance problem and also you are probably writing code for a toy project where performance doesn't really matter.
You just have to have faith that when you get to building a large (in code or data) project, you will be more experienced and know how to set up your programs more efficiently.
In other words, don't worry about it, and assume that anything in Haskell 98 that comes from Prelude or base is likely to not be the most efficient way to solve a problem.


OCaml: Stack_overflow exception in pervasives.ml

I got a Stack_overflow error in my OCaml program lately. If I turn on backtracing, I see the exception is raised by a "primitive operation" "pervasives.ml", line 270. I went into the OCaml source code and saw that line 270 defines the function # (i.e. list append). I don't get any other information from the backtrace, not even where the exception gets thrown in my program. I switched to bytecode and tried ocamldebug, and it doesn't help (no backtrace generated).
I thought this is an extremely weird situation. The only places in my program where I used a list is (a) building a list containing integers 1 to 1000000, (b) in-order traversing a RBT and putting the result into a list, and (c) printing a list of integers containing ostensibly 1000000 numbers. I've tested all functions and none of them contain could an infinite loop, and I thought 1000000 isn't even a huge number. Moreover, I've tried the equivalent of my program in Haskell (GHC), Scala and SML (MLton), and all of those versions worked perfectly and in a reasonably short amount of time. So, the question is, what could be going on? Can I debug it?
The # operator is not tail-recursive in the OCaml standard library,
let rec ( # ) l1 l2 =
match l1 with
[] -> l2
| hd :: tl -> hd :: (tl # l2)
Thus calling it with large lists (as the left argument) will overflow your stack.
It could be possible, that you're building your list by appending a new element to the end of the already generated list, e.g.,
let rec init n x = if n > 0 then init (n-1) x # [x] else []
This has time complexity n^2 and will consume n slots in the stack space.
Concerning the general question - how to debug such stack overflows, my usual recipe is to reduce the stack size, so that the problem is triggered as soon as possible before the trace is bloated, e.g.,
OCAMLRUNPARAM=b,l=1024 ocaml ./test.ml
If you're compiling your OCaml code to the native code, then you need to pass the -g option to the compiler, so that it can produce backtraces. Also, in the native execution, the size of the stack is controlled by the operating system and should be set using the corresponding mechanism of your OS, for example with ulimit in GNU/Linux, e.g., ulimit -s 1024.
As a bonus track, the following init function is tail recursive and will have O(N) time complexity and will take O(1) stack space:
let init n x =
let rec loop n xs =
if n = 0 then xs else loop (n-1) (x :: xs) in
loop n []
The idea is to use an accumulator list and build the list in the heap space.
If you don't like thinking about tail-recursiveness then you can use Janestreet Base library (or Core), or Batteries library. They both provide tail-recursive versions of the init function, as well as guarantees that all other functions are tail-recursive.
List functions in the standard library are optimised for small lists and are not necessarily tail-recursive; with the partial justification that lists are not an efficient data structure for storing large amount of data (note that Haskell lists are lazy and thus are quite different than OCaml eager lists).
In particular, if you get a stackoverflow error using #, you are quite probably implementing an algorithm with a quadratic time-complexity due to the fact that #'s complexity is linear in the size of its left argument.
They are probably far better data structure than list for your problem, if you want iteration the sequence library or any other forms of iterator would be far more efficient for instance.
With all the caveat stated before, it is relatively straightforward to redefine tail-recursive but inefficient version of the standard library function, e.g. :
let (#!) x y = List.rev_append (List.rev x) y
Another option is to use the containers library or any of the extended standard libraries (batteries or base essentially): all of those libraries reimplement tail-recursive version of list functions.

Scala performance question

In the article written by Daniel Korzekwa, he said that the performance of following code:
list.map(e => e*2).filter(e => e>10)
is much worse than the iterative solution written using Java.
Can anyone explain why? And what is the best solution for such code in Scala (I hope it's not a Java iterative version which is Scala-fied)?
The reason that particular code is slow is because it's working on primitives but it's using generic operations, so the primitives have to be boxed. (This could be improved if List and its ancestors were specialized.) This will probably slow things down by a factor of 5 or so.
Also, algorithmically, those operations are somewhat expensive, because you make a whole list, and then make a whole new list throwing a few components of the intermediate list away. If you did it in one swoop, then you'd be better off. You could do something like:
list collect (case e if (e*2>10) => e*2)
but what if the calculation e*2 is really expensive? Then you could
(List[Int]() /: list)((ls,e) => { val x = e*2; if (x>10) x :: ls else ls }
except that this would appear backwards. (You could reverse it if need be, but that requires creating a new list, which again isn't ideal algorithmically.)
Of course, you have the same sort of algorithmic problems in Java if you're using a singly linked list--your new list will end up backwards, or you have to create it twice, first in reverse and then forwards, or you have to build it with (non-tail) recursion (which is easy in Scala, but inadvisable for this sort of thing in either language since you'll exhaust the stack), or you have to create a mutable list and then pretend afterwards that it's not mutable. (Which, incidentally, you can do in Scala also--see mutable.LinkedList.)
Basically it's traversing a list twice. Once for multiplying every element with two. And then another time to filter the results.
Think of it as one while loop producing a LinkedList with the intermediate results. And then another loop applying the filter to produce the final results.
This should be faster:
list.view.map(e => e * 2).filter(e => e > 10).force
The solution lies mostly with JVM. Though Scala has a workaround in the figure of #specialization, that increases the size of any specialized class hugely, and only solves half the problem -- the other half being the creation of temporary objects.
The JVM actually does a good job optimizing a lot of it, or the performance would be even more terrible, but Java does not require the optimizations that Scala does, so JVM does not provide them. I expect that to change to some extent with the introduction of SAM not-real-closures in Java.
But, in the end, it comes down to balancing the needs. The same while loop that Java and Scala do so much faster than Scala's function equivalent can be done faster yet in C. Yet, despite what the microbenchmarks tell us, people use Java.
Scala approach is much more abstract and generic. Therefore it is hard to optimize every single case.
I could imagine that HotSpot JIT compiler might apply stream- and loop-fusion to the code in the future if it sees that the immediate results are not used.
Additionally the Java code just does much more.
If you really just want to mutate over a datastructure, consider transform.
It looks a bit like map but doesn't create a new collection, e. g.:
val array = Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).transform(_ * 2)
// array is now WrappedArray(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
I really hope some additional in-place operations will be added ion the future...
To avoid traversing the list twice, I think the for syntax is a nice option here:
val list2 = for(v <- list1; e = v * 2; if e > 10) yield e
Rex Kerr correctly states the major problem: Operating on immutable lists, the stated piece of code creates intermediate lists in memory. Note that this is not necessarily slower than equivalent Java code; you just never use immutable datastructures in Java.
Wilfried Springer has a nice, Scala idomatic solution. Using view, no (manipulated) copies of the whole list are created.
Note that using view might not always be ideal. For example, if your first call is filter that is expected to throw away most of the list, is might be worthwhile to create the shorter version explicitly and use view only after that in order to improve memory locality for later iterations.
list.filter(e => e*2>10).map(e => e*2)
This attempt reduces first the List. So the second traversing is on less elements.

Is Scala functional programming slower than traditional coding?

In one of my first attempts to create functional code, I ran into a performance issue.
I started with a common task - multiply the elements of two arrays and sum up the results:
var first:Array[Float] ...
var second:Array[Float] ...
var sum=0f;
for (ix<-0 until first.length)
sum += first(ix) * second(ix);
Here is how I reformed the work:
sum = first.zip(second).map{ case (a,b) => a*b }.reduceLeft(_+_)
When I benchmarked the two approaches, the second method takes 40 times as long to complete!
Why does the second method take so much longer? How can I reform the work to be both speed efficient and use functional programming style?
The main reasons why these two examples are so different in speed are:
the faster one doesn't use any generics, so it doesn't face boxing/unboxing.
the faster one doesn't create temporary collections and, thus, avoids extra memory copies.
Let's consider the slower one by parts. First:
That creates a new array, an array of Tuple2. It will copy all elements from both arrays into Tuple2 objects, and then copy a reference to each of these objects into a third array. Now, notice that Tuple2 is parameterized, so it can't store Float directly. Instead, new instances of java.lang.Float are created for each number, the numbers are stored in them, and then a reference for each of them is stored into the Tuple2.
map{ case (a,b) => a*b }
Now a fourth array is created. To compute the values of these elements, it needs to read the reference to the tuple from the third array, read the reference to the java.lang.Float stored in them, read the numbers, multiply, create a new java.lang.Float to store the result, and then pass this reference back, which will be de-referenced again to be stored in the array (arrays are not type-erased).
We are not finished, though. Here's the next part:
That one is relatively harmless, except that it still do boxing/unboxing and java.lang.Float creation at iteration, since reduceLeft receives a Function2, which is parameterized.
Scala 2.8 introduces a feature called specialization which will get rid of a lot of these boxing/unboxing. But let's consider alternative faster versions. We could, for instance, do map and reduceLeft in a single step:
sum = first.zip(second).foldLeft(0f) { case (a, (b, c)) => a + b * c }
We could use view (Scala 2.8) or projection (Scala 2.7) to avoid creating intermediary collections altogether:
sum = first.view.zip(second).map{ case (a,b) => a*b }.reduceLeft(_+_)
This last one doesn't save much, actually, so I think the non-strictness if being "lost" pretty fast (ie, one of these methods is strict even in a view). There's also an alternative way of zipping that is non-strict (ie, avoids some intermediary results) by default:
sum = (first,second).zipped.map{ case (a,b) => a*b }.reduceLeft(_+_)
This gives much better result that the former. Better than the foldLeft one, though not by much. Unfortunately, we can't combined zipped with foldLeft because the former doesn't support the latter.
The last one is the fastest I could get. Faster than that, only with specialization. Now, Function2 happens to be specialized, but for Int, Long and Double. The other primitives were left out, as specialization increases code size rather dramatically for each primitive. On my tests, though Double is actually taking longer. That might be a result of it being twice the size, or it might be something I'm doing wrong.
So, in the end, the problem is a combination of factors, including producing intermediary copies of elements, and the way Java (JVM) handles primitives and generics. A similar code in Haskell using supercompilation would be equal to anything short of assembler. On the JVM, you have to be aware of the trade-offs and be prepared to optimize critical code.
I did some variations of this with Scala 2.8. The loop version is as you write but the
functional version is slightly different:
(xs, ys).zipped map (_ * _) reduceLeft(_ + _)
I ran with Double instead of Float, because currently specialization only kicks in for Double. I then tested with arrays and vectors as the carrier type. Furthermore, I tested Boxed variants which work on java.lang.Double's instead of primitive Doubles to measure
the effect of primitive type boxing and unboxing. Here is what I got (running Java 1.6_10 server VM, Scala 2.8 RC1, 5 runs per test).
loopArray 461 437 436 437 435
reduceArray 6573 6544 6718 6828 6554
loopVector 5877 5773 5775 5791 5657
reduceVector 5064 4880 4844 4828 4926
loopArrayBoxed 2627 2551 2569 2537 2546
reduceArrayBoxed 4809 4434 4496 4434 4365
loopVectorBoxed 7577 7450 7456 7463 7432
reduceVectorBoxed 5116 4903 5006 4957 5122
The first thing to notice is that by far the biggest difference is between primitive array loops and primitive array functional reduce. It's about a factor of 15 instead of the 40 you have seen, which reflects improvements in Scala 2.8 over 2.7. Still, primitive array loops are the fastest of all tests whereas primitive array reduces are the slowest. The reason is that primitive Java arrays and generic operations are just not a very good fit. Accessing elements of primitive Java arrays from generic functions requires a lot of boxing/unboxing and sometimes even requires reflection. Future versions of Scala will specialize the Array class and then we should see some improvement. But right now that's what it is.
If you go from arrays to vectors, you notice several things. First, the reduce version is now faster than the imperative loop! This is because vector reduce can make use of efficient bulk operations. Second, vector reduce is faster than array reduce, which illustrates the inherent overhead that arrays of primitive types pose for generic higher-order functions.
If you eliminate the overhead of boxing/unboxing by working only with boxed java.lang.Double values, the picture changes. Now reduce over arrays is a bit less than 2 times slower than looping, instead of the 15 times difference before. That more closely approximates the inherent overhead of the three loops with intermediate data structures instead of the fused loop of the imperative version. Looping over vectors is now by far the slowest solution, whereas reducing over vectors is a little bit slower than reducing over arrays.
So the overall answer is: it depends. If you have tight loops over arrays of primitive values, nothing beats an imperative loop. And there's no problem writing the loops because they are neither longer nor less comprehensible than the functional versions. In all other situations, the FP solution looks competitive.
This is a microbenchmark, and it depends on how the compiler optimizes you code. You have 3 loops composed here,
zip . map . fold
Now, I'm fairly sure the Scala compiler cannot fuse those three loops into a single loop, and the underlying data type is strict, so each (.) corresponds to an intermediate array being created. The imperative/mutable solution would reuse the buffer each time, avoiding copies.
Now, an understanding of what composing those three functions means is key to understanding performance in a functional programming language -- and indeed, in Haskell, those three loops will be optimized into a single loop that reuses an underlying buffer -- but Scala cannot do that.
There are benefits to sticking to the combinator approach, however -- by distinguishing those three functions, it will be easier to parallelize the code (replace map with parMap etc). In fact, given the right array type, (such as a parallel array) a sufficiently smart compiler will be able to automatically parallelize your code, yielding more performance wins.
So, in summary:
naive translations may have unexpected copies and inefficiences
clever FP compilers remove this overhead (but Scala can't yet)
sticking to the high level approach pays off if you want to retarget your code, e.g. to parallelize it
Don Stewart has a fine answer, but it might not be obvious how going from one loop to three creates a factor of 40 slowdown. I'll add to his answer that Scala compiles to JVM bytecodes, and not only does the Scala compiler not fuse the three loops into one, but the Scala compiler is almost certainly allocating all the intermediate arrays. Notoriously, implementations of the JVM are not designed to handle the allocation rates required by functional languages. Allocation is a significant cost in functional programs, and that's one the loop-fusion transformations that Don Stewart and his colleagues have implemented for Haskell are so powerful: they eliminate lots of allocations. When you don't have those transformations, plus you're using an expensive allocator such as is found on a typical JVM, that's where the big slowdown comes from.
Scala is a great vehicle for experimenting with the expressive power of an unusual mix of language ideas: classes, mixins, modules, functions, and so on. But it's a relatively young research language, and it runs on the JVM, so it's unreasonable to expect great performance except on the kind of code that JVMs are good at. If you want to experiment with the mix of language ideas that Scala offers, great—it's a really interesting design—but don't expect the same performance on pure functional code that you'd get with a mature compiler for a functional language, like GHC or MLton.
Is scala functional programming slower than traditional coding?
Not necessarily. Stuff to do with first-class functions, pattern matching, and currying need not be especially slow. But with Scala, more than with other implementations of other functional languages, you really have to watch out for allocations—they can be very expensive.
The Scala collections library is fully generic, and the operations provided are chosen for maximum capability, not maximum speed. So, yes, if you use a functional paradigm with Scala without paying attention (especially if you are using primitive data types), your code will take longer to run (in most cases) than if you use an imperative/iterative paradigm without paying attention.
That said, you can easily create non-generic functional operations that perform quickly for your desired task. In the case of working with pairs of floats, we might do the following:
class FastFloatOps(a: Array[Float]) {
def fastMapOnto(f: Float => Float) = {
var i = 0
while (i < a.length) { a(i) = f(a(i)); i += 1 }
def fastMapWith(b: Array[Float])(f: (Float,Float) => Float) = {
val len = a.length min b.length
val c = new Array[Float](len)
var i = 0
while (i < len) { c(i) = f(a(i),b(i)); i += 1 }
def fastReduce(f: (Float,Float) => Float) = {
if (a.length==0) Float.NaN
else {
var r = a(0)
var i = 1
while (i < a.length) { r = f(r,a(i)); i += 1 }
implicit def farray2fastfarray(a: Array[Float]) = new FastFloatOps(a)
and then these operations will be much faster. (Faster still if you use Double and 2.8.RC1, because then the functions (Double,Double)=>Double will be specialized, not generic; if you're using something earlier, you can create your own abstract class F { def f(a: Float) : Float } and then call with new F { def f(a: Float) = a*a } instead of (a: Float) => a*a.)
Anyway, the point is that it's not the functional style that makes functional coding in Scala slow, it's that the library is designed with maximum power/flexibility in mind, not maximum speed. This is sensible, since each person's speed requirements are typically subtly different, so it's hard to cover everyone supremely well. But if it's something you're doing more than just a little, you can write your own stuff where the performance penalty for a functional style is extremely small.
I am not an expert Scala programmer, so there is probably a more efficient method, but what about something like this. This can be tail call optimized, so performance should be OK.
def multiply_and_sum(l1:List[Int], l2:List[Int], sum:Int):Int = {
if (l1 != Nil && l2 != Nil) {
multiply_and_sum(l1.tail, l2.tail, sum + (l1.head * l2.head))
else {
val first = Array(1,2,3,4,5)
val second = Array(6,7,8,9,10)
multiply_and_sum(first.toList, second.toList, 0) //Returns: 130
To answer the question in the title: Simple functional constructs may be slower than imperative on the JVM.
But, if we consider only simple constructs, then we might as well throw out all modern languages and stick with C or assembler. If you look a the programming language shootout, C always wins.
So why choose a modern language? Because it lets you express a cleaner design. Cleaner design leads to performance gains in the overall operation of the application. Even if some low-level methods can be slower. One of my favorite examples is the performance of BuildR vs. Maven. BuildR is written in Ruby, an interpreted, slow, language. Maven is written in Java. A build in BuildR is twice as fast as Maven. This is due mostly to the design of BuildR which is lightweight compared with that of Maven.
Your functional solution is slow because it is generating unnecessary temporary data structures. Removing these is known as deforesting and it is easily done in strict functional languages by rolling your anonymous functions into a single anonymous function and using a single aggregator. For example, your solution written in F# using zip, map and reduce:
let dot xs ys = Array.zip xs ys |> Array.map (fun (x, y) -> x * y) -> Array.reduce ( * )
may be rewritten using fold2 so as to avoid all temporary data structures:
let dot xs ys = Array.fold2 (fun t x y -> t + x * y) 0.0 xs ys
This is a lot faster and the same transformation can be done in Scala and other strict functional languages. In F#, you can also define the fold2 as inline in order to have the higher-order function inlined with its functional argument whereupon you recover the optimal performance of the imperative loop.
Here is dbyrnes solution with arrays (assuming Arrays are to be used) and just iterating over the index:
def multiplyAndSum (l1: Array[Int], l2: Array[Int]) : Int =
def productSum (idx: Int, sum: Int) : Int =
if (idx < l1.length)
productSum (idx + 1, sum + (l1(idx) * l2(idx))) else
if (l2.length == l1.length)
productSum (0, 0) else
error ("lengths don't fit " + l1.length + " != " + l2.length)
val first = (1 to 500).map (_ * 1.1) toArray
val second = (11 to 510).map (_ * 1.2) toArray
def loopi (n: Int) = (1 to n).foreach (dummy => multiplyAndSum (first, second))
println (timed (loopi (100*1000)))
That needs about 1/40 of the time of the list-approach. I don't have 2.8 installed, so you have to test #tailrec yourself. :)

Optimizing the computation of a recursive sequence

What is the fastest way in R to compute a recursive sequence defined as
x[1] <- x1
x[n] <- f(x[n-1])
I am assuming that the vector x of proper length is preallocated. Is there a smarter way than just looping?
Variant: extend this to vectors:
x[,1] <- x1
x[,n] <- f(x[,n-1])
Solve the recurrence relationship ;)
In terms of the question of whether this can be fully "vectorized" in any way, I think the answer is probably "no". The fundamental idea behind array programming is that operations apply to an entire set of values at the same time. Similarly for questions of "embarassingly parallel" computation. In this case, since your recursive algorithm depends on each prior state, there would be no way to gain speed from parallel processing: it must be run serially.
That being said, the usual advice for speeding up your program applies. For instance, do as much of the calculation outside of your recursive function as possible. Sort everything. Predefine your array lengths so they don't have to grow during the looping. Etc. See this question for a similar discussion. There is also a pseudocode example in Tim Hesterberg's article on efficient S-Plus Programming.
You could consider writing it in C / C++ / Fortran and use the handy inline package to deal with the compiling, linking and loading for you.
Of course, your function f() may be a real constraint if that one needs to remain an R function. There is a callback-from-C++-to-R example in Rcpp but this requires a bit more work than just using inline.
Well if you need the entire sequence how fast it can be? assuming that the function is O(1), you cannot do better than O(n), and looping through will give you just that.
In general, the syntax x$y <- f(z) will have to reallocate x every time, which would be very slow if x is a large object. But, it turns out that R has some tricks so that the list replacement function [[<- doesn't reallocate the whole list every time. So I think you can reasonably efficiently do:
x[[1]] <- x1
for (m in seq(2, n))
x[[m]] <- f(x[[m-1]])
The only wasteful aspect here is that you have to generate an array of length n-1 for the for loop, which isn't ideal, but it's probably not a giant issue. You could replace it by a while loop if you preferred. The usual vectorization tricks (lapply, etc.) won't work here...
(The double brackets give you a list element, which is what you probably want, rather than a singleton list.)
For more details, see Chambers (2008). Software for Data Analysis. p. 473-474.

Haskell caching results of a function

I have a function that takes a parameter and produces a result. Unfortunately, it takes quite long for the function to produce the result. The function is being called quite often with the same input, that's why it would be convenient if I could cache the results. Something like
let cachedFunction = createCache slowFunction
in (cachedFunction 3.1) + (cachedFunction 4.2) + (cachedFunction 3.1)
I was looking into Data.Array and although the array is lazy, I need to initialize it with a list of pairs (using listArray) - which is impractical . If the 'key' is e.g. the 'Double' type, I cannot initialize it at all, and even if I can theoretically assign an Integer to every possible input, I have several tens of thousands possible inputs and I only actually use a handful. I would need to initialize the array (or, preferably a hash table, as only a handful of resutls will be used) using a function instead of a list.
Update: I am reading the memoization articles and as far as I understand it the MemoTrie could work the way I want. Maybe. Could somebody try to produce the 'cachedFunction'? Prefereably for a slow function that takes 2 Double arguments? Or, alternatively, that takes one Int argument in a domain of ~ [0..1 billion] that wouldn't eat all memory?
Well, there's Data.HashTable. Hash tables don't tend to play nicely with immutable data and referential transparency, though, so I don't think it sees a lot of use.
For a small number of values, stashing them in a search tree (such as Data.Map) would probably be fast enough. If you can put up with doing some mangling of your Doubles, a more robust solution would be to use a trie-like structure, such as Data.IntMap; these have lookup times proportional primarily to key length, and roughly constant in collection size. If Int is too limiting, you can dig around on Hackage to find trie libraries that are more flexible in the type of key used.
As for how to cache the results, I think what you want is usually called "memoization". If you want to compute and memoize results on demand, the gist of the technique is to define an indexed data structure containing all possible results, in such a way that when you ask for a specific result it forces only the computations needed to get the answer you want. Common examples usually involve indexing into a list, but the same principle should apply for any non-strict data structure. As a rule of thumb, non-function values (including infinite recursive data structures) will often be cached by the runtime, but not function results, so the trick is to wrap all of your computations inside a top-level definition that doesn't depend on any arguments.
Edit: MemoTrie example ahoy!
This is a quick and dirty proof of concept; better approaches may exist.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Data.MemoTrie
import Data.Binary
import Data.ByteString.Lazy hiding (map)
mangle :: Double -> [Int]
mangle = map fromIntegral . unpack . encode
unmangle :: [Int] -> Double
unmangle = decode . pack . map fromIntegral
instance HasTrie Double where
data Double :->: a = DoubleTrie ([Int] :->: a)
trie f = DoubleTrie $ trie $ f . unmangle
untrie (DoubleTrie t) = untrie t . mangle
slow x
| x < 1 = 1
| otherwise = slow (x / 2) + slow (x / 3)
memoSlow :: Double -> Integer
memoSlow = memo slow
Do note the GHC extensions used by the MemoTrie package; hopefully that isn't a problem. Load it up in GHCi and try calling slow vs. memoSlow with something like (10^6) or (10^7) to see it in action.
Generalizing this to functions taking multiple arguments or whatnot should be fairly straightforward. For further details on using MemoTrie, you might find this blog post by its author helpful.
See memoization
There are a number of tools in GHC's runtime system explicitly to support memoization.
Unfortunately, memoization isn't really a one-size fits all affair, so there are several different approaches that we need to support in order to cope with different user needs.
You may find the original 1999 writeup useful as it includes several implementations as examples:
Stretching the Storage Manager: Weak Pointers and Stable Names in Haskell by Simon Peyton Jones, Simon Marlow, and Conal Elliott
I will add my own solution, which seems to be quite slow as well. First parameter is a function that returns Int32 - which is unique identifier of the parameter. If you want to uniquely identify it by different means (e.g. by 'id'), you have to change the second parameter in H.new to a different hash function. I will try to find out how to use Data.Map and test if I get faster results.
import qualified Data.HashTable as H
import Data.Int
import System.IO.Unsafe
cache :: (a -> Int32) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
cache ident f = unsafePerformIO $ createfunc
createfunc = do
storage <- H.new (==) id
return (doit storage)
doit storage = unsafePerformIO . comp
comp x = do
look <- H.lookup storage (ident x)
case look of
Just res -> return res
Nothing -> do
result <- return (f x)
H.insert storage (ident x) result
return result
You can write the slow function as a higher order function, returning a function itself. Thus you can do all the preprocessing inside the slow function and the part that is different in each computation in the returned (hopefully fast) function. An example could look like this:
(SML code, but the idea should be clear)
fun computeComplicatedThing (x:float) (y:float) = (* ... some very complicated computation *)
fun computeComplicatedThingFast = computeComplicatedThing 3.14 (* provide x, do computation that needs only x *)
val result1 = computeComplicatedThingFast 2.71 (* provide y, do computation that needs x and y *)
val result2 = computeComplicatedThingFast 2.81
val result3 = computeComplicatedThingFast 2.91
I have several tens of thousands possible inputs and I only actually use a handful. I would need to initialize the array ... using a function instead of a list.
I'd go with listArray (start, end) (map func [start..end])
func doesn't really get called above. Haskell is lazy and creates thunks which will be evaluated when the value is actually required.
When using a normal array you always need to initialize its values. So the work required for creating these thunks is necessary anyhow.
Several tens of thousands is far from a lot. If you'd have trillions then I would suggest to use a hash table yada yada
I don't know haskell specifically, but how about keeping existing answers in some hashed datastructure (might be called a dictionary, or hashmap)? You can wrap your slow function in another function that first check the map and only calls the slow function if it hasn't found an answer.
You could make it fancy by limiting the size of the map to a certain size and when it reaches that, throwing out the least recently used entry. For this you would additionally need to keep a map of key-to-timestamp mappings.
