Couchbase as a cache and cache invalidation - caching

I'm thinking about using Couchbase as a cache layer. I'm aware of the many advantages provided by Couchbase, like the easy scalability. But what interests me more is the rich document model of couchbase, compared to the simple key-value one of memcached.
My RDBMS is SQL Server, and we use NHibernate. The queries and the database are already quite optimized and I think that caching is the best option for further scaling.
My project is to implement a simple relationnel model between entities (much simpler than the one in the RDBMS), to handle invalidation. When an entity is invalidated (removed from cache) by the application, all dependent entities could also be removed. The logic of defining the dependencies between entities would be handled at the application level by a dedicated component. There would be 10 or 12 different entities (I don't want to cache all my application domain).
My document model in Couchbase would look like this:
Key (the one generated by the application), keys' format depends on entity type
Hashed key (to have a uniform unique key accross all entities)
Dependencies - list of hashed keys of the entities that must be removed when main entity is removed
So my questions are:
On invalidation, we would need to resolve a graph of dependencies (asynchronously). Is it fast to look for specific keys with around 500k entities?
Any feedback on the general idea?
Maintaining the dependencies between entities can be quite simplified, and might not be such a big issue.

I use Couchbase 2.2 in production as a persistent cache layer and really happy with it (running about 2M documents). My app getting really fast gets (1 millisecond). Your idea is valid and I don't see anything wrong with using Couchbase as a entity storage for invalidation. Its a mature and very stable product.
You are correct in your entity design. You can have a main json doc that has list of references to other child documents. So that before deleting main document you will delete all children first.
Also, not sure if its applicable in your case, you can take advantage of Couchbase ability to expire documents. When you insert key/value(json doc) you can specify TTL(time to live) if you know it upfront. This way you don't need to explicitly delete entities from Couchbase.
Delete operation itself is fast (you can run it as asynchronous operation) and having 500K documents in the Couchbase cluster it really small size. You should see under 1 millisecond get operations.
But consider having minimum 3 Couchbase nodes in one cluster, so that you can take one node down at any given point of time without compromising data stored in the cluster. See Sizing a Couchbase Server 2.0 cluster
Some additional resources:
10 things developers should know about Couchbase
Top 10 things an Ops / Sys admin must know about Couchbase
App Development with Documents, their Schemas and Relationships
Couchbase Models

Here are my thoughts:
On invalidation, we would need to resolve a graph of dependencies
(asynchronously). Is it fast to look for specific keys with around
500k entities?
Are you looking for keys in your RDBMS or in CB? If in CB, you will need to use a view/index; now, views are disk-based, but stored in sorted order so they are no slower than SQL indices. Accessing them in parallel will be faster than in series. It will be the slow point in your operation though if you use CB.
Continuing along with this thought, I have used CB successfully to store and navigate a hierarchical data structure with 500k+ nodes in it. CB performs well, but does take a few seconds to spit out the whole index if I need it (which I do if I need to do a mass-update operation).
Any feedback on the general idea?
The idea is sound. In fact, I'm seeing 10x the performance of SQL with hierarchical queries when I run them on my Couchbase cluster. I also found that a single couchbase instance outperforms multiple instances when doing an index lookup - I do not know why that is (the 2-instance cb index is 5x faster than my SQL setup). To speed things up further, you can parellelize the queries to the cb index.


Cache only specific tables in Spring boot

I have a table with millions of rows (with 98% reads, maybe 1 - 2% writes) which has references to couple of other config tables (with maybe 20 entries each). What are the best practices for caching the tables in this case? I cannot cache the table with millions of rows. But at the same time, I also don't want to hit the DB for the config tables. Is there a work around for this? I'm using Spring boot, and the data is in postgres.
First of all, let me refer to this:
What are the best practices for caching the tables in this case
I don't think you should "cache tables" as you say. In the Application, you work with the data, and this is what should be cached. This means the object that you cache should be already in a structure that includes these relations. Of course, in order to fetch the whole object from the database, you can use JOINs, but when the object gets cached, it doesn't matter already, the translation from Relational model to the object model was done.
Now the question is too broad because the actual answer can vary on the technologies you use, nature of data, and so forth.
You should answer the following questions before you design the cache (the list is out my head, but hopefully you'll get the idea):
What is the cache invalidation strategy? You say, there are 2% writes, what happens if the data gets updated, the data in the cache may become stale. Is it ok?
A kind of generalization of the previous question: If you have multiple instances (JVMs) of the same application, and one of them triggered the update to the DB data, what should happen to other apps' caches?
How long the stale/invalid data can reside in the cache?
Do the use cases of your application access all the data from the tables with the same frequencies or some data is more "interesting" (for example, the oldest data is not read, but the latest data is always "hot")? Probably if its millions of data for configuration, the JVM doesn't have all these objects in the heap at the same time, so there should be some "slice" of this data...
What are the performance implications of having the cache? How does it affect the GC behavior?
What technologies can be used in your case (maybe due to some regulations/licensing, some technologies are just not available, this is more a case in large organizations)
Based on these observations you can go with:
In-memory cache:
Spring integrates with various in-memory cache technologies, you can also use them without spring at all, to name a few:
Google Guava cache (for older spring cache implementations)
Coffeine (for newer spring cache implementations)
In memory map of key / value
In memory but in another process:
Now, these caches are slower than those listed in the previous category but still can
be significantly faster than the DB.
Data Grids:
Off heap memory-based caches (this means that you store the data off-heap, so its not eligible for garbage collection)
Postgres related solutions. For example, you can still go to db, but since you can opt for keeping the index in-memory the queries will be significantly faster.
Some ORM mapping specific caches (like hibernate has its cache as well).
Some kind of mix of all above.
Implement your own solution - well, this is something that probably you shouldn't do as the first attempt to address the issue, because caching can be tricky.
In the end, let me provide a link to some very interesting session given by Michael Plod about caching. I believe it will help you to find the solution that works for you best.

Caching Strategy/Design Pattern for complex queries

We have an existing API with a very simple cache-hit/cache-miss system using Redis. It supports being searched by Key. So a query that translates to the following is easily cached based on it's primary key.
SELECT * FROM [Entities] WHERE PrimaryKeyCol = #p1
Any subsequent requests can lookup the entity in REDIS by it's primary key or fail back to the database, and then populate the cache with that result.
We're in the process of building a new API that will allow searches by a lot more params, will return multiple entries in the results, and will be under fairly high request volume (enough so that it will impact our existing DTU utilization in SQL Azure).
Queries will be searchable by several other terms, Multiple PKs in one search, various other FK lookup columns, LIKE/CONTAINS statements on text etc...
In this scenario, are there any design patterns, or cache strategies that we could consider. Redis doesn't seem to lend itself particularly well to these type of queries. I'm considering simply hashing the query params, and then cache that hash as the key, and the entire result set as the value.
But this feels like a bit of a naive approach given the key-value nature of Redis, and the fact that one entity might be contained within multiple result sets under multiple query hashes.
(For reference, the source of this data is currently SQL Azure, we're using Azure's hosted Redis service. We're also looking at alternative approaches to hitting the DB incl. denormalizing the data, ETLing the data to CosmosDB, hosting the data in Azure Search but there's other implications for doing these including Implementation time, "freshness" of data etc...)
Personally, I wouldn't try and cache the results, just the individual entities. When I've done things like this in the past, I return a list of IDs from live queries, and retrieve individual entities from my cache layer. That way the ID list is always "fresh", and you don't have nasty cache invalidation logic issues.
If you really do have commonly reoccurring searches, you can cache the results (of ids), but you will likely run into issues of pagination and such. Caching query results can be tricky, as you generally need to cache all the results, not just the first "page" worth. This is generally very expensive, and has high transfer costs that exceed the value of the caching.
Additionally, you will absolutely have freshness issues with caching query results. As new records show up, they won't be in the cached list. This is avoided with the entity-only cache, as the list of IDs is always fresh, just the entities themselves can be stale (but that has a much easier cache-expiration methodology).
If you are worried about the staleness of the entities, you can return not only an ID, but also a "Last updated date", which allows you to compare the freshness of each entity to the cache.

Difference between In-Memory cache and In-Memory Database

I was wondering if I could get an explanation between the differences between In-Memory cache(redis, memcached), In-Memory data grids (gemfire) and In-Memory database (VoltDB). I'm having a hard time distinguishing the key characteristics between the 3.
Cache - By definition means it is stored in memory. Any data stored in memory (RAM) for faster access is called cache. Examples: Ehcache, Memcache Typically you put an object in cache with String as Key and access the cache using the Key. It is very straight forward. It depends on the application when to access the cahce vs database and no complex processing happens in the Cache. If the cache spans multiple machines, then it is called distributed cache. For example, Netflix uses EVCAche which is built on top of Memcache to store the users movie recommendations that you see on the home screen.
In Memory Database - It has all the features of a Cache plus come processing/querying capabilities. Redis falls under this category. Redis supports multiple data structures and you can query the data in the Redis ( examples like get last 10 accessed items, get the most used item etc). It can span multiple machine and is usually very high performant and also support persistence to disk if needed. For example, Twitter uses Redis database to store the timeline information.
I don't know about gemfire and VoltDB, but even memcached and redis are very different. Memcached is really simple caching, a place to store variables in a very uncomplex fashion, and then retrieve them so you don't have to go to a file or database lookup every time you need that data. The types of variable are very simple. Redis on the other hand is actually an in memory database, with a very interesting selection of data types. It has a wonderful data type for doing sorted lists, which works great for applications such as leader boards. You add your new record to the data, and it gets sorted automagically.
So I wouldn't get too hung up on the categories. You really need to examine each tool differently to see what it can do for you, and the application you're building. It's kind of like trying to draw comparisons on nosql databases - they are all very different, and do different things well.
I would add that things in the "database" category tend to have more features to protect and replicate your data than a simple "cache". Cache is temporary (usually) where as database data should be persistent. Many cache solutions I've seen do not persist to disk, so if you lost power to your whole cluster, you'd lose everything in cache.
But there are some cache solutions that have persistence and replication features too, so the line is blurry.
An in-memory Cache is a common query store therefore relieves DB of read Workloads. Common examples of in-memory cache are Redis cache. An example could be Web site storing popular searches made by clients thereby relieving the DB of some load.
In-memory Cache provides query functionality on top of caching (storing session data in RAM (temporary storage)).
Memcache falls in the temp store caching category.

Searching/selecting query in cache

I have been using cache for a long time. We store data against some key and fetch it from cache whenever required. I know that StackOverflow and many other sites heavily rely on cache. My question is do they always use key-value mechanism for caching or do they form some sql like query within a cache? For instance, I want to view last week report. This report's content will vary each day. Do i need to store different reports against each day (where day as a key) or can I get this result from forming some query that aggregate result across different key? Does any caching product (like redis) provide this functionality?
Thanks In Advance
Cache is always done as a key-value hash table. This is how it stays so fast. If you're doing querying then you're not doing cache.
What you may be trying to ask is... you could have in your database a table that contains agregated report data. And you could query against that pre-calculated table.
One of the reasons for cache (e.g. memcached ) being fast is its simplicity of data access and querying protocol.
The more functionality you add, more tradeoff you will have to do on the efficiency part. A full fledged SQL engine in a "caching" database is not a good design. Though you can utilize a data structures oriented database like Redis to design your cache data to suit your querying needs. For example: one set or one hash for each date.
A step further, you can use databases like MongoDb , or memsql which are pretty fast and have rich querying support.So an aggregation report once a while won't be an issue.
However, as a design decision, you will have to accept that their caching throughput will not be as much as memcached or redis.

Handle huge data imported from facebook

I'm currently create a program that imports all groups and feeds from Facebook which the user wants.
I used to use the Graph API with OAuth and this works very well.
But I came to the point that I realized that one request can't handle the import of 1000 groups plus the feeds.
So I'm looking for a solution that imports this data in the background (like a cron job) into a database.
Runs in background
Runs under Linux
What's you experience about that?
Would hadoop the right solution?
You can use neo4j.
Neo4j is a graph database, reliable and fast for managing and querying highly connected data
1) Decide structure of nodes, relationships, and there properties and accordingly
You need to create API that will get data from facebook and store it in Neo4j.
I have used neo4j in 3 big projects, and it is best for graph data.
2) Create a cron jon that will get data from facebook and store into the neo4j.
I think implementing mysql for graph database is not a good idea. for large data neo4j is the good option.
Interestingly you designed the appropriate solution yourself already. So in fact you need following components:
a relational database, since you want to request data in a structured, quick way
-> from experiences I would pressure the fact to have a fully normalized data model (in your case with tables users, groups, users2groups), also have 4-Byte surrogate keys over larger keys from facebook (for back referencing you can store their keys as attributes, but internal relations are more efficient on surrogate keys)
-> establish indexes based on hashes rather than strings (eg. crc32(lower(STRING))) - an example select would than be this: select somethinguseful from users where name=SEARCHSTRING and hash=crc32(lower(SEARCHSTRING))
-> never,ever establish unique columns based on strings with length > 8 Byte; unique bulk inserts can be done based on hashes+string checking via
-> once you got that settled you could also look into sparse matrices (see wikipedia) and bitmaps to get your users2groups optimized (however I have learned that this is an extra that should not hinder you to come up with a first version soon)
a cron job that is run periodically
-> ideally along the caps, facebook is giving you (so if they rule you to not request more often than once per second, stick to that - not more, but also try to come as close as possible to the cap) -> invest some time in getting the management of this settled, if different types of requests need to be fired (request for user records <> requests for group records, but maybe hit by the same cap)
-> most of the optimization can only be done with development - so if I were you I would stick to any high level programming language that does not bother to much with var type juggling and that also comes along with a broad support for associative arrays such as PHP and I would programm that thing myself
-> I made good experiences with setting up the cron job as web page with deactivated output buffering (for php look at ob_end_flush(void)) - easy to test and the cron job can be triggered via curl; if you channel status outputs via an own function (eg with time stamps) this could then also become flexible to either run viw browser or via command line -> which means efficient testing + efficient production running
your user ui, which only requests your database and never, ever, never the external system api
lots of memory, to keep your performance high (optimal: all your data+index data fits into database memory/cache dedicated to the database)
-> if you use mysql as database you should look into innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0, and innodb_buffer_pool_size (just google, if interested)
Hadoop is a file system layer - it could help you with availability. However I would put this into the category of "sparse matrix", which is nothing that stops you from coming up with a solution. From my experience availability is not a primary constraint in data exposure projects.
-------------------------- UPDATE -------------------
I like neo4j from the other answer. So I wondered what I can learn for my future projects. My experiences with mysql is that RAM is usually the biggest constraint. So increasing your RAM to be able to load the full database can gain you performance improvements by a factor of 2-1000 - depending on from where you are coming from. Everything else such as index improvements and structure somehow follows. So if I would need to make up a performance prioritization list, it would be something like this:
MYSQL + enough RAM dedicated to the database to load all data
NEO4J + enough RAM dedicated to the database to load all data
I would still prefer MYSQL. It stores records efficiently, but needs to run joins for deriving relations (which neo4j does not require to that extend). Join-costs are usually low with the right indexes and according to neo4j does need to add extra management data to the property separation. For big data projects those management data sums up and in full load to memory set ups requires you buy more memory. Performance wise these both options are ultimate. Further, much further down the line you would find this:
NEO4J + not enough RAM dedicated to the database to load all data
MYSQL + not enough RAM dedicated to the database to load all data
In worst case MYSQL will even put indexes to disk (at least partly), which can result in massive read delay. In comparison with NEO4J you could perform a ' direct jump from node to node' exercise, which should - at least in theory - be faster.
