Getting Image element from raw HTML - image

My app create popUp through SafeHTMLBuilder. I want to add Click handler (resize onClick) to this img.
I know that if I use uiBinder i can add ui:field tag:
In my case I think I should use JSNI but I dont imagine how it looks.
SafeHtmlBuilder html = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
html.appendHtmlConstant("<div class=\"detailsPopup\">")
Template of image
#Template("<img id=\"img\" src=\"{0}\"/>")
SafeHtml image(String url);

You can achieve that with Label.wrap(). Your code would look something like this (not tested)
Element element = new Element();
Label label = new Label();
Or simply use GwtQuery like this
$("#detailsPopup").click(new Function() {
public boolean f(Event e){
Window.alert("This is GWT code without widget baggage!");
return true;


Insert image in editor after upload

I've managed to upload images through drag & drop to a SP 2013 library by intercepting the paste and fileUploadrequest events (+ added mandatory headers and used /_api/web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl(\'/sites/theSite/theLibrary\')/files/add(overwrite=true,%20url=\'aDynamicFilename.jpg\') as the request's URL).
The problem with this approach is that even if the image is uploaded, the image is not inserted in the editor (no error). I'm not setting config.uploadUrl for this approach.
Q#1: Is there any step which I should go through after the image is uploaded? Like telling the CKEDITOR instance to insert the image?
Later on, I've noticed that if I'm setting the config.uploadUrl to the same URL as I'm using above, the editor inserts successfully the image. The problem is that, from my trials, the config.uploadUrl is initialized together with the CKEDITOR instance (therefore, can't be assigned dynamically for each image, in case that multiple images are dragged and dropped on the editor).
Q#2: Is there another way to configure the uploadUrl or maybe some other config property that would allow the custom upload to work and insert the image in the editor?
Eventually made it work by following a similar approach as the on in this repo:
Use a FileReader and start loading the image when it's pasted to the
On the fileReader's onload event, create a img element in the
editor's document object with some opacity and with the fileReader's
Base64 string as the src
On the fileLoader's uploaded event, remove
the img and re-add it with the actual file's url (changing the src
attribute on the img was not triggering the editor's change event, which I was hooking into,so I chose to replace the whole element)
Here's the relevant section from the ckeditor-ImageUploader plugin:
fileDialog.on('change', function (e) {
var fileTools = CKEDITOR.fileTools,
uploadUrl = fileTools.getUploadUrl( editor.config, 'image' ),
file =[0],
loader = editor.uploadRepository.create(file),
reader = new FileReader(),
// verify
if (!/image/i.test(file.type)) {
notification = editor.showNotification( 'Please check the correct format.', 'warning' );
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
return false
// preview image
reader.onload = function (e) {
img = editor.document.createElement('img');
img.setStyle('opacity', 0.3);
loader.on('uploaded', function(evt) {
editor.widgets.initOn(img, 'image', {
src: evt.sender.url
img.setAttribute('src', evt.sender.url);
img.setStyle('opacity', 1);
loader.on('error', function() {
img.$ && img.$.remove();
fileTools.bindNotifications(editor, loader);
// empty input
fileDialog[0].value = "";

How to delete MapImage from Ammap.js

I have been using Ammap Library and created Map.
I want to delete Map images object by using method(), Details are in below link.
Could any one let me know how to use this method()
Method Name:"deleteObject()"
Thanks in Advance
deleteObject is a member method of the image/object itself, so you just call it from the object you want to delete, e.g.
If your map is using custom HTML elements like in the demo, you also need to remove the div generated in your createCustomMarker method by calling removeChild in the DOM. You need to be able to access that div somehow, so I recommend modifying it to set the div's id to something you can look up later like the image's id:
// this function creates and returns a new marker element
function createCustomMarker(image) {
// create holder
var holder = document.createElement("div");
holder.className = "map-marker";
holder.title = image.title; =; //added to make div lookup easier
// ...
This modification assumes you set an id in your images, which is also recommended since you can use the getObjectById method to get the image object and call its deleteObject method.
Here's a sample function that deletes both the image and custom marker when an image ID is provided:
function deleteImage(imageId) {
var image = map.getObjectById(imageId);
var imageDiv;
if (image) {
image.deleteObject(); //delete the ammap image object
imageDiv = document.getElementById(imageId); //get the custom marker div
imageDiv.parentNode.removeChild(imageDiv); //remove it from the DOM
Demo - Click on the buttons to delete the corresponding marker.

RadComboBox is not displaying image

I have a custom RadComboBox with an image bound to it. It is not displaying the image, it's displaying the path to the image file in text.
public IDictionary<string, object> Attributes
//Fix for XT-2253
_attributes["DisplayStatusType"] =string.Format(null, "<div class=\"bed_priority_field\"><img src=\"../img/assignment_{0}.png\" /></div>","priority");
_attributes["Tooltip"] = Tooltip;
return _attributes;
How do I get it to display the image instead of the text?
You should use Templates in this case.
Check this online demo on how to do it:

Edit button with comments using MooTools/AJAX

So I'm using a PHP API to interact with, to build a forum using MooTools. I can get comments from my database and add comments, but I want to inject an edit button to coincide with each comment.
I inject the comments using:
function domReady() {
$('newComment').addEvent('submit', addComment);
function addComment(e){
var req = new Request({
function addajaxSuccess(idNo) {
new Element('span',{
'text':'Post successful.'
I want to attach an edit button to each comment injected, and add an event listener on the button to change the comment into a textarea for editting, with an update button.
Any ideas?
If you want to bind a global events to a dynamic content you have better look into Element Delegation In mootools.
Basically it's give you the ability to bind event to some container and "listen" to events of that children container base on selectors. I made you a little example here:
'click:relay(.mt-btn)': function (event, target) {
var btn = target;
if(btn.get('value') == 'Edit'){
btn.set('value','Done Editing');
var content = btn.getPrevious();
var textarea = new Element('textarea').set('text',content.get('text'));
var textarea = btn.getPrevious();
var new_value = textarea.get('value');
var content = btn.getPrevious();
Here you can see the mainContainer listen to the click event of every element who has mt-btn class (the buttons)
You have several errors in your code but maybe it is just an example so I didn't relate to it.

MVC 3 Displaying a dynamic image created in a controller

I'm trying generate a images/chart in my controller and have that image displayed in an image tag in the view. In my view, I have
<div id="graphcontainer">Close Graph<img id="chartImage" alt="" /></div>
and in my controller (called EventReport) I have a method called "BuildChart". My idea was to capture the click event of a button designated as the build report button. In the click event handler I would want to assign the image's source to something like "/EventReport/BuildChart" to have the image control populated.
Here's what's in the controller
public ActionResult BuildChart()
var chart = new Chart
Height = Unit.Pixel(400),
Width = Unit.Pixel(600),
AntiAliasing = AntiAliasingStyles.Graphics,
BackColor = Color.White
// Populate chart here ...
var ms = new MemoryStream();
return File(ms.ToArray(), "image/png");
I'm just having problems wiring this up. Am I on the right track?
Set src of your image as link to your action on the click of your button, eg:
using jquery:
$('#build-chart').click(function() {
$('#chartImage').attr('src', '/EventReport/BuildChart');
and action will be asked for content for image. Probably some 'loading' indicator will be needed.
