Edit button with comments using MooTools/AJAX - ajax

So I'm using a PHP API to interact with, to build a forum using MooTools. I can get comments from my database and add comments, but I want to inject an edit button to coincide with each comment.
I inject the comments using:
function domReady() {
$('newComment').addEvent('submit', addComment);
function addComment(e){
var req = new Request({
function addajaxSuccess(idNo) {
new Element('span',{
'text':'Post successful.'
I want to attach an edit button to each comment injected, and add an event listener on the button to change the comment into a textarea for editting, with an update button.
Any ideas?

If you want to bind a global events to a dynamic content you have better look into Element Delegation In mootools.
Basically it's give you the ability to bind event to some container and "listen" to events of that children container base on selectors. I made you a little example here:
'click:relay(.mt-btn)': function (event, target) {
var btn = target;
if(btn.get('value') == 'Edit'){
btn.set('value','Done Editing');
var content = btn.getPrevious();
var textarea = new Element('textarea').set('text',content.get('text'));
var textarea = btn.getPrevious();
var new_value = textarea.get('value');
var content = btn.getPrevious();
Here you can see the mainContainer listen to the click event of every element who has mt-btn class (the buttons)
You have several errors in your code but maybe it is just an example so I didn't relate to it.


How to change the label of widget(Firefox Add-on SDK)

I want to change the label of a widget when user click it, then I write the code looks like this:
var widgets = require("sdk/widget");
var statusBar = widgets.Widget({
id: "patchouliStatus",
label: "Wait Page Loading...",
contentURL: "http://www.mozilla.org/favicon.ico",
onClick: function(){
this.contentURL = "http://www.google.com/favicon.ico";
this.label = "Clicked";
When I click the widget, the icon has changed, but nothing happen to the label.I move the mouse to the widget and it still show "Wait Page Loading...".Is there a way to dynamically change the label?
Firefox: v27.0.1
Add-on SDK: v1.15
Widget's label is read-only. You must use tooltip attribute to show the user a text on mouse hover, this way:
var widgets = require("sdk/widget");
var statusBar = widgets.Widget({
id: "patchouliStatus",
label: "Wait Page Loading...",
contentURL: "http://www.mozilla.org/favicon.ico",
onClick: function(){
this.contentURL = "http://www.google.com/favicon.ico";
this.tooltip = "Clicked";
As docs says somewhere in this section -I think it could be more clearly documented-, tooltip value is an "optional text to show when the user's mouse hovers over the widget. If not given, the label is used". Also, examples in that section don't make it clear enough as I think they should.
Ok man thanks for the XPI, change changeLabel function to this, my above was really bugged.
function changeLabel(str){
var DOMWindows = Services.wm.getEnumerator('navigator:browser');
while (DOMWindows.hasMoreElements()) {
var aDOMWindow = DOMWindows.getNext();
var myWidget = aDOMWindow.document.getElementById('widget:jid1-njALX8gXKY872g#jetpack-patchouliStatus');
if (myWidget) {
Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow.console.info('myWidget:', myWidget);
myWidget.setAttribute('label', str);
myWidget.setAttribute('tooltiptext', 'tooltip changed');
} else {
Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow.console.info('myWidget null:', myWidget);
It also seems that the id of your widget starts with tyour addon id name.
Now I gave you the enumerator function because that goes over all windows and you can add event listener. But really if you just want to target the one that was clicked just get the most recent window, as that will obviously hold the correct window with your widget as we just clicked there and the event listener fires on click.
Change changeLabel to this:
function changeLabel(str){
var aDOMWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser');
var myWidget = aDOMWindow.document.getElementById('widget:jid1-njALX8gXKY872g#jetpack-patchouliStatus');
if (myWidget) {
Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow.console.info('myWidget:', myWidget);
myWidget.setAttribute('label', str);
myWidget.setAttribute('tooltiptext', 'tooltip changed');
} else {
Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow.console.info('myWidget null:', myWidget);
Also that Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow.console.info is just something nice to debug, I left it in there so you can see how it works. It logs to "Browser Console" (Ctrl+Shift+J).
As a final note I used a non-sdk solution by requiring chrome. they advise you not to do that because they want you to use the SDK functions I don't know about SDK but you can use the getEnumerator and recentWindow function by requiring window/utils it looks like:
Read window/utils article here
I'll give you non-sdk solution here but someone will have to help convert it to sdk solution. You can paste this in your code it will work though.
Im not sure how the element is inserted into the dom but I guessed.
var {Cu, Ci} = require('chrome'); //if you want to paste this into scratchpad with with Environemnt set to Browser than dont need this line, this line is for sdk
var DOMWindows = Services.wm.getWindowEnumerator(null);
while (DOMWindows.hasMoreElements()) {
var aDOMWindow = aXULWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowInternal || Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
var myWidget = aDOMWindow.querySelector('#patchouliStatus'); //im not exactly sure how the element is inserted in the dom but im guessing here
if (myWidget) {
myWidget.label = 'rawr';

KendoUI PanelBar remember expanded items

I try implement Kendo UI PanelBar (see http://demos.kendoui.com/web/panelbar/images.html) If I open some items (Golf, Swimming) and next click to "Videos Records", I have expanded items. But when I do refresh page (click on some link), all expanded structure is lost.
On KendoUI forum I found, that I can get only possition of selected item and after reload page I must calculate all noded. Is there any way, how can I have expanded items in my situation? If do not need, I don't want to use the html frames.
Best regards,
Thank you for your answer, was very usefull. I add here code of skeleton of jQuery which remember 1 selected item now. Required add jquery.cookie.js [https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie]
function onSelect(e) {
var item = $(e.item),
index = item.parentsUntil(".k-panelbar", ".k-item").map(function () {
return $(this).index();
$.cookie("KendoUiPanelBarSelectedIndex", index);
var panel = $("#panelbar").kendoPanelBar({
select: onSelect
//$("button").click(function () {
// select([0, 2]);
function select(position) {
var ul = panel.element;
for (var i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
var item = ul.children().eq(position[i]);
if (i != position.length - 1) {
ul = item.children("ul");
if (!ul[0])
ul = item.children().children("ul");
panel.expand(item, false);
} else {
// on page ready select value from cookies
$(document).ready(function () {
if ($.cookie("KendoUiPanelBarSelectedIndex") != null) {
var numbersArray = $.cookie("KendoUiPanelBarSelectedIndex").split(',');
else {
alert("DocumenReadyFunction: KendoUiPanelBarSelectedIndex IS NULL");
The opening of the panels happens on the client. When the page is refreshed, the browser will render the provided markup, which does not include any additional markup for the selected panel.
In order to accomplish this, you will need to somehow store a value indicating the opened panel. The easiest way to accomplish this would be with a cookie (either set by JavaScript or do an AJAX call to the server).
Then, when the panelBar is being rendered, it will use the value in the cookie to set the correct tab as the selected one.
You can use this block to work withe the selected. in this example, i am just expanding the panel item. You can do other things such as saving panel item in your dom for later use or may be saving it somewhere to use it later:
var panelBar = $("#importCvPanelbar").data("kendoPanelBar");
panelBar.bind("select", function(e) {
var itemId = $(e.item)[0].id;
panelBar.expand(itemId);// will expand the selected one

jquery mobile ajax sends both GET and POST requests

Here is the problem:
By default jQuery Mobile is using GET requests for all links in the application, so I got this small script to remove it from each link.
$('a').each(function () {
$(this).attr("data-ajax", "false");
But I have a pager in which I actually want to use AJAX. The pager link uses HttpPost request for a controller action. So I commented the above jQuery code so that I can actually use AJAX.
The problem is that when I click on the link there are two requests sent out, one is HttpGet - which is the jQuery Mobile AJAX default (which I don't want), and the second one is the HttpPost that I actually want to work. When I have the above jQuery code working, AJAX is turned off completely and it just goes to the URL and reloads the window.
I am using asp.net MVC 3. Thank you
Instead of disabling AJAX-linking, you can hijack clicks on the links and decide whether or not to use $.post():
$(document).delegate('a', 'click', function (event) {
//prevent the default click behavior from occuring
//cache this link and it's href attribute
var $this = $(this),
href = $this.attr('href');
//check to see if this link has the `ajax-post` class
if ($this.hasClass('ajax-post')) {
//split the href attribute by the question mark to get just the query string, then iterate over all the key => value pairs and add them to an object to be added to the `$.post` request
var data = {};
if (href.indexOf('?') > -1) {
var tmp = href.split('?')[1].split('&'),
itmp = [];
for (var i = 0, len = tmp.length; i < len; i++) {
itmp = tmp[i].split('=');
data.[itmp[0]] = itmp[1];
//send POST request and show loading message
$.post(href, data, function (serverResponse) {
//append the server response to the `body` element (assuming your server-side script is outputting the proper HTML to append to the `body` element)
//now change to the newly added page and remove the loading message
} else {
The above code expects you to add the ajax-post class to any link you want to use the $.post() method.
On a general note, event.preventDefault() is useful to stop any other handling of an event so you can do what you want with the event. If you use event.preventDefault() you must declare event as an argument for the function it's in.
Also .each() isn't necessary in your code:
$('a').attr("data-ajax", "false");
will work just fine.
You can also turn off AJAX-linking globally by binding to the mobileinit event like this:
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function(){
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
Source: http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.0/docs/api/globalconfig.html

Firefox extension:adding a new tab,but addEventListener not working

There is a dialog, and I define a function OnAccept() and call it like this: ondialogaccept:ondialogaccept="OnAccept()".
function OnAccept() {
var windowManager = Components.classes["#mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService();
var windowManagerInterface = windowManager.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator );
var topWindow = windowManagerInterface.getMostRecentWindow( "navigator:browser" );
var web = topWindow.document.getElementById("content");
web.selectedTab = web.addTab("http://www.google.com");
var newBrowserHandle = web.getBrowserForTab(web.selectedTab);
newBrowserHandle.addEventListener("load", function() { alert("111"); }, true);
But the addEventListener doesn't work. I don't know why.
There are some issues in your code that are probably just bad copy&paste: ondialogaccept:ondialogaccept="OnAccept()" should be ondialogaccept="OnAccept()" and OnAccept(): should be OnAccept: (without parentheses).
The main issue: the load event listener doesn't get propagated from content to chrome, you would need progress listeners to get that event. You can listen to the DOMContentLoaded event however, that one can be caught on the browser element. This event will fire when only the document content is loaded, not images and such - but maybe that's ok for you.

FBJS...OnClick not being passed. DHTML/setInnerXHtml problem

thanks so much in advance...here is the problem...
I am trying to add dynamic HTML element (EX. [delete]),everytime on a event call using FBJS.I am able to append the element using following code.
var oldFriendHtml = document.getElementById('friend_container');
var numi = document.getElementById('theValue');
var num = (document.getElementById("theValue").getValue()-1)+2;
numi.value = num;
var newElementId = "new"+num;
var newFriendHTML = document.createElement('div');
newFriendHTML.setInnerXTML("HTML TO BE ADDED");
The problem I am facing is that FBJS parses out the onClick part (event call ) out from the original HTML added .This stops me in the further activity on the added element .It also removes the styling added in the HTML ..
Regarding onclick being parsed out of setInnerXHTML, you can add the event later by using addEventListener.
Here is some sample:
var my_obj = document.getElementById('test');
// add a new event listener for each type of event you needed to capture
my_obj.addEventListener('click',my_click_func); // in your case is onclick
function my_click_func(evnt){
// some action
more details see http://developers.facebook.com/docs/fbjs#events
