How to test methods in models when using Sinatra? [closed] - ruby

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a project that is using Sinatra framework.
How do I test methods in my models, or controllers that do not have web services but have to use DB connection?
Any link with github/ or Google would be great, as I can't find anything useful.

You can do functional tests of your Sinatra endpoints as outlined here:
And as for your models, just unit test them like normal with a unit test framework:
If you're not familiar with testing at all, I'd recommend digging into a book:
The RSpec Book: Behaviour Driven Development with RSpec, Cucumber, and Friends


mongodb vs apache DB (Derby) or Java DB [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Want to develop an application based on NoSQL DB.
I found apache DB, JavaDB & MongoDB are mostly used NoSQL Db's.
So I want to know what is the difference between these NoSQL DB's. I want to develop a web application. So which DB would be better to use.
The main difference is that:
"JavaDB" and "Apache DB" and Derby are the same
Derby is a very SQL standards-compliant database, and thus hardly a NoSQL DB

Multiple sites amazon ws windows [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm new with the amazon servers created my instance yesterday and is working with my site there.
However wanted to put more than one site, anyone know of any tutorial or something parecedido for the Windows version
You can serve any number of sites from an EC2 instace. You just need to point the domain name to the same instance using the DNS. You can use Route53 from AWS as the DNS:

An email service that offers imap access as well as sending? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been hunting for some time now for a service that both allows sending of messages and receiving of messages in a conveniently wrapped solution such as MailGun, Postmark, SendGrid and others. So far I have not been any "developer friendly" solution that facilitates both an smtp service + an imap service for receipt and account management for large quantities (ie, Google Apps is not acceptable).
Am I overlooking a robust already existent solution or do I need to roll my own?
MailGun, Postmark, SendGrid You do not need them. can speak directly with a server.
I post part one and part two for example what i use.
Have fun!

Service-now, where to begin? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm working as a Desktop Support Specialists at Day & Zimmerman. Along desktop support I code in a free time.
I would like to become a certified Service-Now Admin.
What are good materials to start learning about Service-Now?
I understand why companies are using Service-Now, how it is used, but I would like to learn how to configure it, configure workflows for Service Catalog requests, create groups to filter tickets between different IT teams, and create UI policies and scripts.
I have a strong JavaScript knowledge.
Start reading from Service Now Wiki.Start from get "Get Started".What ever you learn you can practice on demo instances provided by Service Now "" . In the this link add "001" to "023" after "demo"
It's simple o understand and start from the above.
2.Once you are familiar with the basics then you can go ahead with has a lot of useful code snippets.
You might already be in the best place to get started - ask some questions here on StackOverflow as there is a growing community of customers, partners and employees happy to help.
The ServiceNow Wiki is the traditional place to start. On the ServiceNow Community there are Learning Center resources.
On Google+ there is another growing community of friendly people to help you get up to speed.[0]. The #ServiceNow Twitter hashtag is very active too.
Lastly - find out how to connect with your local ServiceNow User Group (SNUG)[1]. You can meet other users in your area.
Good luck!
I took two classes that are offered by Service-Now, one is the admin class which is the recommended place to start and then a scripting class. Both were great classes...
More info:
A good place where to check for what others have done to achieve the certification is the following LinkedIn group:
Also, ServiceNowGuru has a very good list of skills you should master (pursuing a certification or not):

cloud sms services that could buy local numbers and map them together [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi I want to achieve this. Do you know a service that would allow me to do this
You could use Nexmo (or a similar SMS API), to purchase and proxy through the virtual numbers.
Here's some example code - the specific use case for the example is a situation where you want to mask the user's phone numbers; however, the same concept applies to what you want to do.
And here's a more high level implementation guide on proxying SMS through virtual numbers (or direct to the Prezi).
Disclaimer: I do some developer evangelism for Nexmo.
