Setup Macports on an offline machine - macos

I need to install dpkg for my mac and the easiest way I have seen for doing that is to install Macports. Unfortunately the machine I want to install it on is not connected to the internet.
Is there a way to download dpkg and its dependencies for macports and install the packages on the offline machine?
I have seen people mention to set it up on an online machine and move the whole macports folder, however the only machine I have online is running a different OSX version which could cause issues.
Thanks in advance.

You could try to download all sourcefiles using
sudo port fetch rdepof:dpkg
and then copy everything in (/opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/) to the offline machine and put it in the same folder there.
Then you should be able to build dpkg using
sudo port install -s dpkg
The -s option forces macports to build from source. (Prevent MacPorts from installing pre-built package?)


What is equivalent option of --print-uris in apt for yum?

When you need to do apt upgrade but you cannot get the Ubuntu PC connected the internet, you will use following command in order to know urls of packages that the Ubuntu needs for upgrade.
sudo apt --print-uris upgrade
Then, you will download all deb files at another PC connected the internet and get the Ubuntu PC read these files via flash drive or something to upgrade with below command.
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
I'd like to know how to do same operation with yum manager in OracleLinux8. I am very beginner of radhat.
Thank you,

How to install pyez from local directory

I have to install pyez using pip. This at least is stated as requirement to use the role Juniper.junos to run ansible commands against Juniper routers. I'm using cygwin on a windows laptop without any adminrights in a corporate network. The problem is, I cannot use the corporate proxy because of that proprietary Microsoft NTLM protocol so a simple "pip install junos-eznc" is not possible. But what I could do is download the software, tarball or whatever and run pip against that downloaded stuff. I tried several things and failed miserably and google doesn't return anything useful. Can anyone help? What am I supposed to do to get that installed successfully? Many thanks in advance.
Youcan download required package and install it like this
pip install <file_name>
I solved it.
First issue: Proxy
px.exe on
Second issue: missing libs:
I had to install several libs and make on cygwin in order to get junos-eznc installed:
Third issue: cryptography
Don't use latest version of cryptography because it'll need rust which is pita on cygwin
pip install cryptography==3.2
... and then ...
pip install junos-eznc
After that, installation of ...
ansible-galaxy install Juniper.junos
... was quite smooth

gnupg installation on windows

I successfully installed pear & pecl on my windows machine.
Now, i would like to install gnupg extension using pecl.
My need is to get the extension for php7 to upload it on a linux server on which I have no rights. The extension does not exist on this server, this is the reason why I need to get it to transfer it.
When I run pecl install gnupon my machine, I get the following result:
C:\WEB>pecl install gnupg-1.4.0.tgz
6 source files, building
ERROR: The DSP gnupg.dsp does not exist.
After some research, I found out that I migth need a .dll but there is no way to find anything about it.
Is there anyone who can help me?
pecl install downloads the source code and compiles it for the system pecl runs on. It will not work on a different system, especially not on a Linux one when you are compiling it on windows.
You have three options that will work, in order of preference:
Install the distribution-provided pecl-gnupg package
Run the pecl install command on your server
Setup an identical machine as your live server, run pecl install on it and copy the generated .so file to your live server.

How can I install qpdf on Mac 10.8.3?

When running R CMD check on packages on a Mac build server, I'm getting a warning
‘qpdf’ is needed for checks on size reduction of PDFs
I can't seem to get qpdf installed and on the system. I tried installing via the fink package manager, but according to the package database (, qpdf doesn't seem to have been built since osx 10.6, and I'm on 10.8.3.
Can anyone point me to qpdf mac install or build instructions? Or is there a way to disable the warning when checking R packages?
This is somewhat related to the question qpdf.exe for compactPDF?, although they were on a windows machine and I'm on a mac.
You can install qpdf with homebrew:
brew install qpdf
MacPorts can help you. Download MacPorts from and run sudo port install qpdf.

How to create .deb packages on Mac OS X

I am trying to upload my app on Cydia and it requires .deb package. I am unable to figure out how to make .deb packages on mac. I am using 10.6.3 when I write this command on terminal
dpkg-deb -b MyProgram
Terminal output is
-bash: dpkg-deb: command not found
I've install fink, Mac ports insert Mac DVD to find out but nothing helps.
It's available on Homebrew:
brew install dpkg
If you don't have Homebrew installed, go to It's a simple one-liner to install.
Homebrew is less invasive, less complicated, and more popular than Macports or similar.
I installed mac ports 1.7 through terminal as no package is available.
After that I installed Mac ports 1.9 through installer.
Then goto this path /opt/local/bin and run sudo port selfupdate
after that execute sudo port install dpkg
it will take some time and after that your dpkg is successfully configured.
Run this command sudo dpkg-deb -b MyProgram to make MyProgram.deb
Note MyProgram should contain DEBIAN folder and under that control file remove txt extention
Below is control file
Maintainer: zeeshanullah <>
Name: Snapture
Package: zeeshanullah
Section: zeeshanullah
Version: 2.x.x
Architecture: iphoneos-arm
Description: GPS joke.
Sponsor: <zeeshanullah>
dont forget to place a new line at the end of control file otherwise you will get an error.
You need Xcode installed on your system before using mac ports - you find it on the second mac DVD, I think. After that, you can install mac ports and then via the Terminal type "sudo port install dpkg", press return and enter your password. It may take some time to compile. You tried that?
Best option is to use FPM and you can create it in 50 secs:
i think these links can be useful for you:
How to make a deb on mac
Using ant to create deb
