IntelliJ Tomcat deployment with large resources - maven

I'm developing a web application using IntelliJ 13 Ultimate and want to run it on a tomcat (7.0.50).
Everything works as it should, but now I need to include a huge amount of images (500k / 3,5 GB) and as I am writing this, my IntelliJ is still copying the files. I am not sure weather it really takes this long or it just died and doesn't tell me. All it says is: "Building artifact ':war exploded': copying files..."
Is there a way to link the resources so that they will not be copied on server startup?

Don't let IntelliJ build the artifact prior deployment. In the "Server Run Configuration" there is a configuration "Before Launch". Remove the build task and just build the artifact prior launching your application, using Maven or whatever.
Also, is it really necessary to include so many images within your application? Are these images really a part of your app or just part of the data you create/collect with your app. If the later shouldn't these be stored in an seperate folder you app has access too?


Changes not reflecting on EAR in WebSphere Application Server after syncNode?

We needed to test a functionality on WebSphere.
While the dmgr had the updated code, we needed the old code.
So we stopped auto synchronization, restored the old EAR from backup and copied the EAR to the profiles/installedApps/cell/ directory while all the while having backup of the new EAR in the same directory (with a different name like EAR_bkp).
After the testing was done, we enabled auto synch again and ran a syncNode command to manually sync the EAR, but we are unable to see the new changes. We see the EAR file imported to nodeagents/cells/applications directory but changes are not reflecting on the profiles/installedApps/cell/ directory.
What could be the issue? Please suggest.
WebSphere ND has management tools for handling a variety of application updates without having to tinker in the directories on the dmgr or nodes directly, Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications, then select the app, then click Update. There are several options described in the attached link. Also look at the Rollout Update option mentioned on the same page.
Application update from console

Alfresco: How to update repository-tier workflow files without restarting the tomcat server?

I'm currently working on developing a custom workflow with many custom behaviors and scripts. I'm using the Alfresco Maven SDK to build and test my project as I develop it. This necessitates that I restart the repository-tier tomcat server every time I want to make a change/update my workflow files. I am getting quite frustrated with how long this takes each time, and it means that I'm wasting time while waiting for the server to restart, especially when I've made a small typo in one of my files.
I'm looking for a way (if it's possible) to update my files (in particular the bpmn process file) and apply these changes to my Alfresco instance without having to restart the tomcat servers each time. I've set to true in my service-context.xml, and I have also tried to redeploy the workflow from the admin-workflow-console, but my changes do not take place unless I manually restart the server.
I am using: Alfresco Community 5.2, Maven SDK 2.2
Any tips or suggestions would be very welcome!
Yes, you can do it by
workflow admin console
Ex :: deploy alfresco/workflow/<workflow-definition>.xml
path for your workflow definition file.
Refer this docs for more information

Tomcat requires restart to take Jasper Reports changes

I'm using Jasper Reports as part of my Spring application. I deploy my application on a Tomcat 6 server through eclipse, so my project is a WTP project. The problem I have is that when I change a Jasper Reports file (jrxml) I need to restart the server in order to get the changes published. I already checked on the deployment folder and the .jrxml is updated, but for some reason the browser keeps getting the old report, I already cleaned the cache on the browser without luck.
Any ideas on how to solve this, is super annoying when doing development.
I suppose that you use ireport to change .jrxml, when you save changes in that, the eclipse will not be immediately notified that. So you need to fresh your project in eclipse, if necessary, clean and rebuild the project, and redeploy to tomcat.
Also, you can set eclipse to auto build project (Porject-->check Build automatically) and keep refresh the project. When you see the status 'Synchronized' of your project changes to 'Republic' in the 'Server' View, you can restart the server and see the changes. Press 'ctrl+f5' to fresh the page with refreshing all the cache.

Spring Tool Suite: How do i clean Spring Tool Suite cache (if there is one)?

Few days back I created a maven project and i'm using angularJS for view, but whenever i make changes in the html file it doesn't show up after running the project, i clean the project countless number of times but the changes still don't show up.
But what i don't understand is that sometimes the changes show up the next day I run the project.
So is there some kind of cache that i need to delete after making new changes to my project??
I'm using STS Version: 3.3.0.RELEASE.
It sounds like your JavaScript files are not being copied over to the target directory properly. Make sure that after you do a build in the workspace that the proper version of the JS files are in the target folder on the filesystem (i.e., look outside of Eclipse). If the files are not correct, then your maven commands are not being completely invoked inside the workspace.
It's hard to say exactly what is going on without more information, but this sounds possible.

Jenkins/Hudson Java.IO error Unable to clean workspace - Windows server

I have a Jenkins/Hudson CI server, hosted on a Dedicated server (Kindly hosted by someone else). We have come to a problem which we cannot solve, and need help from people who may know solutions:
When we try to run a build, we get a Build Failed, and Unable to delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\JumpPorts-2\workspace
Jenkins was able to create the files, so surely it can delete them? It is running as a service, and it is cloning the source (Maven - Java) from GitHub. This is on a windows server. I tested it on my VPS (Centos5) and it worked correctly, however due to it being a VPS, java does not run well with my other services, so i am unable to host it on there.
Full Error:
Thanks in advance
Most likely you are using the Maven project type.
The Maven project type can parse the pom on disk before building and while accessing the GUI. As a result when building on Windows, there is the chance that window's strict version of file locking can get in the way, marking a file as in use until absolutely every file handle is released.
One way to reduce this issue is to have the windows builds run on a slave node rather than the master (note that the slave node can be the same physical machine, but because the remoting channel is required to see the slave's filesystem, the file handles may not be as big an issue)
Another way to reduce this issue is to switch to a FreeStyle project with a Maven build step. Note that my personal preference is to avoid the Maven project type on pain of death. ;-)
