Alfresco: How to update repository-tier workflow files without restarting the tomcat server? - maven

I'm currently working on developing a custom workflow with many custom behaviors and scripts. I'm using the Alfresco Maven SDK to build and test my project as I develop it. This necessitates that I restart the repository-tier tomcat server every time I want to make a change/update my workflow files. I am getting quite frustrated with how long this takes each time, and it means that I'm wasting time while waiting for the server to restart, especially when I've made a small typo in one of my files.
I'm looking for a way (if it's possible) to update my files (in particular the bpmn process file) and apply these changes to my Alfresco instance without having to restart the tomcat servers each time. I've set to true in my service-context.xml, and I have also tried to redeploy the workflow from the admin-workflow-console, but my changes do not take place unless I manually restart the server.
I am using: Alfresco Community 5.2, Maven SDK 2.2
Any tips or suggestions would be very welcome!

Yes, you can do it by
workflow admin console
Ex :: deploy alfresco/workflow/<workflow-definition>.xml
path for your workflow definition file.
Refer this docs for more information


How do you manage the application in your own ami?

We have some crawler for gathering data from internet.
EC2 spot is a very inexpensive solution for our application.
In our case, we can set up the crawler by following steps:
launch an ami from AMAZON quick start template
install the dependency library
send crawler app to instance
set up the launcher for our crawler, let it work after boot completed
make the instance as an ami
But we need to repeat the step 3 when crawler need to update.
It influences other settings, such as the 'ami-id' in auto scaling
or other spot instance request scripts.
Application managment in 'ami' is a deployment issue, therefore we need suggestions to make it as easy as possible. Now, there is another way to manage it. We use the source code management tool, and deployment steps is like this:
3 git clone from source code repo.
3.1 compile the app from source
3.2 remove the previous build
3.3 install the latest build
4 launcher always rebuild crawler from latest release before it wakes up the crawler.
The new method prevents from ami-id changing, but it must checkout source code each time. Finally, it takes more time to fetch source (source is growing everyday)
How do you manage your artifacts on ami ?
I'm not sure always building from source is the best choice.
It only overcome some deployment problem, but no addressing about updating after the crawler instance has been running.
Well, if your crawler is not updating every hour of the day then I think you should write some script ie You will be using both of your idea previous and new, to do so write the script to check from your server if the current build is latest then go normal crawling and if that older then move to the GIT Clone stuff, by this if you are not modifying the crawler very often you can have efficient performance.
with above actually you will be reducing the rebuild for most of the time because as you describe the rebuild process you must be doing these steps mostly for no reason
Hope this helps you

Reloading JSP Changes in Eclipse/STS

I'm just getting into GAE and I'm using STS (derivative of Eclipse). I'm currently getting a project set up to use Spring and Apache Tiles under GAE. I've got it mostly configured properly and it seems to work. My biggest problem is figuring out how others handle day-to-day developing in this kind of environment.
I make tons of changes to the front-end JSPs but so far it seems like I have to stop the GAE server and restart it every time I make a small change to a JSP. Having to restart when I make changes to the controller is fine, but having to restart it for a simple JSP change is driving me crazy.
Is there a way to have the GAE environment reload JSP changes in Eclipse/STS?
I'm using Maven for AppEngine project, so whenever I build the project, there will be a project target directory generated/updated which is where the server will load the files from. When I tried to update my jsp/css/js files, I always open the file in that directory and update it there. Once I'm satisfied with the it, I will copy the changes to my source file.
Essentially, I think for you, you can find out where is your target directory, and try to edit your files from there.
I'm not sure if my workaround is suitable for you but maybe you can get one or two here.
Apart from that, there are people using JRebel which is a hotdeploy tool. There is a AppEngine version of JRebel there, but I suspect it is not free...
I'd suggest to take a look at JRebel. Even if it is commercial software, it will save you a lot of nerves for this kind of development
You need to set parameter:
(Put it into if you use spring boot)

SVN Post-Commit to Update Working Copy when Working Copy is on a Network Drive

I work for a fairly new web development company and we are currently testing subversion installations to implement a versioning system. One of the features we need the versioning system to perform is to update the development server with an edited file once it has been committed.
We would like to maintain one server for all of our SVN repositories, even though, due to system requirements, we need to maintain several separate development servers. I understand that the updates are fairly simple when the development server resides in the same location as SVN, but that is just not possible for us. So, we need to map separate network drives to the SVN server for each development server.
However, this errors on commit. Here is my working copy test directory, as referenced in the post-commit.bat file:
This, however, results in an error...
post-commit hook failed (exit code 1) with output: svn: Error resolving case of 'Z:\testweb'
I'm sure this is because the server is not the same user as me and therefore does not have the share I need mapped to "Z" - I just have no idea how to work around this. Can anyone help?
UPDATE: The more I look in to these issues it appears that the real solution to the problem is to use a CI Server to accomplish what I am attempting to accomplish. I am currently looking in to TeamCity and what it might do for us.
Don't do this through a post-commit hook. If you ever manage to get the hook to succeed, you'll be causing the person who did the commit to wait until the update is complete. Instead, I recommend that you use Jenkins which is a continuous build engine.
It is possible that you don't have anything to build. After all, if you're using PHP or JavaScript, there's nothing to compile. However, you can still use Jenkins to do the update for you.
I can't get into the nitty-gritty detail hear, but one of the things you can do with Jenkins is redefine its working directory. You can do this by clicking on the Advanced button when you define a job, and it'll ask you where you want the working directory. In this case, you can specify your server's working directory.
One of the things you can do with Jenkins is have it automatically run tests, or maybe do a bit smoother update. For example, you might have to restart your web server when you change a few files, or maybe you need to make sure that if you're changing 100 files, they all get changed at once, or your server isn't in a stable state. You could use Jenkins to do this too. And, if there are any problems, you can have Jenkins email the person who is responsible for the server that the server update failed.
Jenkins is easy to setup and use. You can download it and start up Jenkins in 10 minutes. Setting up a job in Jenkins might take you another 15 minutes if you had never seen Jenkins before and had no idea how it works.

HowTo create a Setup Project for AppFabric / workflow based applications

i am interested in creating a setup tool for our business application which is based on a Windows Service and some WF4 workflows, currently hosted in IIS/AppFabric.
As long as i want to provide the best possible installing experience to our customers, I want to include IIS and Appfabric Setup Prerequirements as well as a WindowsService application into one Application-Setup Project.
Is there a proper way of doing this? Can someone give me some Links and/or Tips?
best regards,
The standard approach is to build a Deployment Package and import that into IIS. Is uses Web Deploy, see for more details.
For client deployment using a setup project, I've been a fan of using WIX and an automated build script (MSBuild or Nant) in the past. It allows me the flexibility to script the build of the setup.exe, allowing me to make the changes I need (connection strings) in advance of deploying; leaving the entire process (regardless of environment [dev, prod, QC]) scriptable and automated.
For deploying the workflow components, its as simple as xcopy deployment which, like the above, is easily scriptable and automatable.

RAD (Rational Application Developer) -- Clean vs. Publish vs Restart

I am currently using the Spring 3.0 framework in a websphere 6.1 environment. The IDE I am using is RAD (Rational Application Developer) 7.5. I was working on a problem last night and I found that my code wasn't being 100% refreshed on the server after making a change in my workspace. My question is what is the difference from websphere's perspective between the following:
Restarting the entire server with an EAR installed
Cleaning an EAR within WebSphere
Clicking on the project and selecting publish
Do other Application Server / IDEs have the same type of syning issues when developing J2EE applications?
With RAD here's the default behavior. When you 'clean' it gets rid of the compiled objects and recreates them via a 'build all' then does a 'publish'. When you 'build' it builds anything it thinks is necessary then does a 'publish'. When you 'build all' it builds all objects then does a 'publish'.
When you (or your IDE via the commands above) does a 'publish' it takes all of your compiled objects and deploys them onto the server that you've setup for this project (via a hot swap if the server is running). Hot swaps work well for some things (such as JSPs) but not as well for other things (configuration files, EJBs, etc). If unable to do a hot swap correctly you need to bounce your server.
For example, if you have RAD setup to automatically build, your server is running, and you change an EJB what will happen is:
1. The EJB will be compiled
2. If the project is OK RAD will deploy your changes
3. The server will probably not be able to pickup your hotswapped changes so the server will continue to run the old code
When this happens bounce the server and the code will be picked-up.
Restarting the server will take some time but surely reload the files if they exist on the file system. I am not sure about calling Clean from the Servers view.
If you call Publish within Servers view, RAD will restart the application on the server. Thereby changes normally get picked up.
You need to understand what kind of change you did and see what WebSphere Application Server requires to load the change. If you scroll to the bottom of the linked help entry, you can see for each JavaEE module type a link to a document which describes what needs to be done to pickup the changes.
Otherwise, you should understand the whole lifecycle of what happens from the change to picking it up in the browser, e.g. change on the file, file gets compiled, prepare for deployment runs, classloader sees the change, notices that application needs to be restarted, user calls Republish to restart the application on the server, user refreshes the web page, Firefox shows within Firebug that the Last-Modified timestamp in HTTP header changed.
I am not sure what hot-swap means but when debugging the server, hot code method replacement can replace a class within the debugged server if there is no reference held to the class or the class structure has not changed.
The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies, or opinions of IBM
