How to Show a link in footer when site is in mobile version? - magento

I want to show a link in footer to view desktop site. my mobile site url and desktop site url is different.I only want this link in mobile site so that if a user want to show full desktop site so he/she can click on link which is in footer and can see full version of the site. i want to put it in a condition i.e., only in mobile version not in desktop version. i want this without using manage store. if anyone knows this, then please help me out. thanks!
I have added a Magento Mobile HTML5 Theme in admin now howcan i add a link in footer, i am not getting it...please explain briefly

In your Magento Mobile HTML5 Theme, locate footer.phtml and place a link for 'View Desktop Site' and redirect it to your main store theme.


Magento 2.0 Front End Products Description Updating

When I am updating the Products description on the Admin Panel for Magento 2.0, the space for description sometimes comes up without the HTML tool Bar. It also does not allow me to save the entered description.
If I refresh the page, it works fine. I have seen this issue predominantly on Chrome and Internet Explorer browsers only.
I don’t work on Firefox a lot but I am yet to seen this error on Firefox.
Is this a known issue?

Can I disable modules with mobile detection in Joomla?

I am using Joomla 3.3.6 and I have a mobile responsive site. But certain modules I'm using on the site I would like to either disable completely or changed with the site is being viewed with a mobile browser. Does anyone know any scripts or extension I can use with Joomla to do this?
I searched for like 5 seconds and I found this post Joomla 3 hide module just for mobile devices which basically contains your problem

Direct link to apps in new Google Apps Marketplace

When instructing a domain admin to install an app from the legacy marketplace, we could just give them a direct link from which they could click an install/add button. Is there an equivalent direct link for apps in the new marketplace?
Clicking on the name of the app in the Chrome Webstore Developer Dashboard will take you to a standalone page for your app that you can share with others.
See this -
It's not a direct link unfortunately but serves a similar purpose.

Magento: Previewing template / theme?

I'm a web designer creating a new theme for a client's existing site, I don't have full access to the server so I'm not able to create a staging site for the purpose of testing a theme...
Is there a simple way to preview a custom theme without interfering with the live site in Magento 1.4 similar to Magento Go theme preview? Or if anybody has any other suggestions that would be great.
Many thanks in advance!
You can create a test site on your own PC or Mac with Apache Friends Xampp, Download and install Magento. instruction here.
Now you can play and experiment without taking down a live site.
Be sure to read up on theme building.

Is there a way to display the URL bar for an external page in a windows Phone app made in Phonegap?

I am building an app in Phonegap for windows phone 7, iOS and android using JQuery mobile. The app was rejected by Microsoft because when it links to an external page to donate to a charity, the URL bar is not visible when the user goes to this external page to show the user that HTTPS is being used. Is there a way to show the URL bar in the external page or to maybe force the link to open in Internet explorer.
Have you tried to use
for external ulr?
Alternatively you can use the ChildBrowser Plugin.
