Install Appharbor Add-on through API - appharbor

After reading :
I can do almost everything through APIs.
But how can I install/remove add-on through the API.
for example :
I want to install SQL nano for my instance through API.

Add-ons are not yet officially part of the API, but it's very simple to just drive the web interface. You can see how AppHarbify does that here.


update client code in electron

So I have multiple clients using an app built in electron. The entire application is actually a number of electron windows that talk to each other. When I have an update for the client side code (html/js/css) I have to have them shutdown, and run a utility that downloads from our internal server to update their app. I would like to know if there is a way I can either push new code to the clients (maybe through a socket) to overwrite the old code, or even maybe poll our 'code server' for updates, and then have it automatically update/overwrite existing code.
Is this possible? Is there functionality built in to electron that allows this?
And, if possible, how can it be accomplished? i.e. is there a library I can look at that will help me?? (i found a filesaver.js library, but its not exactly what I need). Thanks in advance.
You can have your Electron app load all code from a server every startup and cache this locally. You can do this by simply hosting your electron code on a web server and pointing Electron at the URL. You could make the app work offline by using a Service Worker.
This isn't a great idea though as code loaded from the internet will have access to all the node APIs. You will have essentially made a DIY botnet and securing it from abuse can be tricky.
You should read Security, Native Capabilities, and Your Responsibility in the Electron docs and be sure you understand the implications.
You can use the built-in autoUpdater of Electron:
You need a server the autoUpdater can talk to, to download the updates from. The updates are installed after download.
You can host a server by yourself or use a service like
What you need is electron updater and you can use electron-builder for that.

Building a web application to access Gmail

I am trying to build a web application which essentially traces all my subscriptions in my gmail account, something very similar to here. But I have no clue how to get started with the development process. Could someone suggest what tools / technology stack I need to be familiar to be able to implement something like this.
One possible case that I could think of was google app script but I want this more like a web app that I can share with people.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Google offer an API for developers that want to interact with Gmail.
Here you can learn how to integrate your app with Gmail.
They offer an SDK like library called Gmail Google Client Library in the following languages:
JAVA, .NET and Python

Recommended method for communicating with QuickBooks Pro 2012

I am attempting to integrate a web site with Quickbooks Pro 2012 and would like to know what the recommended method is as I'm having a hard time getting information from the Intuit site.
Can I use QBFC13 with Quickbooks 2012 or do I have to use QBFC12?
Since this is a website, I think the correct method is to use Web Connector, although the web server could have direct access to the QuickBooks company file.
I'm been looking for a recent Web Connector sample (one that doesn't use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB)
1. Can I use QBFC13 with Quickbooks 2012 or do I have to use QBFC12?
To my knowledge, all newer version of the SDK should work fine on older version of Quickbooks. I believe I read somewhere that they make an effort to keep it backwards compatible.
2. Since this is a website, I think the correct method is to use Web Connector, although the web server could have direct access to the QuickBooks company file.
I personally did not go with the webconnector route, because I needed real time comms. The webconnector will periodically "connect" to your website, and ask if it has any work for it to do. I personally created my own WCF Self Hosted service, which the website conencts to when needed. This wcf service, then interfaces with the quickbooks SDK, and passes the required info back to my website, when it wants it.
3. I'm been looking for a recent Web Connector sample (one that doesn't
use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB)
Cant help you out here, although the QB specific stuff should generally still apply? Can't see why an example using a Jet DB would make the QB part of it unclear?
You can use either. You just need to make sure the QBXML version used is supported by QB.
Yes, you will need to use the web connector since this is going to a web site. mac API

I have built a kiosk environment in MAC OSX 10.6.6 and i wanto charge a PC user before he starts using the system. i have the application made. I wanto use for authenticating. With what i have searched, CIM SOAP is the method i should use.
My question is is there any webservice available on where i can send a xml file and expect a response .? If not, what other options do i have??
thanks in advance. If any sample code or reference is there, let me know( FOR MAC)
Authorize.Net's API is platform agnostic so it doesn't matter what environment you use it in. It can be a Mac, PC, POS system, or website, etc.
Their AIM API has an XML interface for processing transactions. You can get a developer's account to test your integration with. They also offer sample code to get you started.

Handle skype message using Ruby

Is there any library that allows to handle Skype messages using Ruby?
Take a look at this:
If you are using JRuby might be a better option
For the public API doc:
You can use the RestClient gem and the service to send and receive Skype IMs. See the documentation for their REST api here:
They're currently not charging for the service that sends/receives instant messages.
There are currently two ways of accessing the Skype network in a sanctioned manner. The first is the Skype Public API, which requires talking to the official Skype client running on a local machine. The other is SkypeKit which I am led to believe has a very restrictive agreement attached to it.
SkypeKit for ruby is available as a gem here.
The following is historical only; Skype no longer supports the Public API for their client. I have also been working on a Ruby wrapper around the Skype Public API. It's far from finished at the moment but supports Windows and Linux currently (OSX should be easy to implement as well, however I currently don't have a Mac) and allows you to connect and send commands to Skype manually. Long term the entire API will be wrapped.
In the interests of full disclosure, there seem to be a few other projects hanging around too, however they seem to only target a single platform and the ones I found seem to be abandonware at the moment.
libpurple have a plugin for Skype, but this is not easy to Setup.
Unfortunately, Skype protocol is closed & encripted, so there are no good libs out there.
