What's a simple system to model and compare journeys? - algorithm

Let's say I would like to build a system modelling the behaviour of visitors to a city.
For argument's sake, the city has 5 places of interest: A, B, C, D, and E. All are equally likely to be the first place to visit, and all are within easy reach of one another.
I am interested in drawing conclusions resembling the following:
"Users who visit C commonly go on to visit B."
"Users who visit A hardly ever go on to visit D."
"Users who visit B are equally likely to visit C and E."
My problems as I understand them are as follows:
I don't know anything about graph theory. (But I am prepared to read up on it).
I'm uncertain of the best way to store this kind of data. If not an SQL DB, what?
What sort of operations am I going to be performing on the data I end up with? Could I use a general-purpose language like Ruby?
Thank you for any guidance.

The type of storage obviously depends on the sort of data you have. If it's just what you describe here then you can represent each journey as a string:
This well fits in a database, but of course such a list can be stored using any means, whatever is most easily available to you. You probably don't even need the entire list, an accumulated version might be sufficient, where you store each string exactly once, along with its count:
ABDC 177
DEA 2996
For such a table a database is appropriate, but its still simple enough to be stored in a plain file.
For examining the data you don't care about graph theory, rather read up on statistics and machine learning. The first thing you want to analyze is the correlation of the various places. You can do that using simple string operations, e.g. count the substrings "AD" to find out how often people go from A to D. And regarding the language: You want to calculate and visualize correlations, so maybe you pick something where that kind of stuff isn't too hard. This could be something specialized like Matlab or R, or something more general like Python/Matplotlib/scikit-learn. I don't know about Ruby.


A simple explanation of Random Forest

I'm trying to understand how random forest works in plain English instead of mathematics. Can anybody give me a really simple explanation of how this algorithm works?
As far as I understand, we feed the features and labels without telling the algorithm which feature should be classified as which label? As I used to do Naive Bayes which is based on probability we need to tell which feature should be which label. Am I completely far off?
If I can get any very simple explanation I'd be really appreciated.
RandomForest uses a so-called bagging approach. The idea is based on the classic bias-variance trade off. Suppose that we have a set (say N) of overfitted estimators that have low bias but high cross-sample-variance. So low bias is good and we want to keep it, high variance is bad and we want to reduce it. RandomForest tries to achieve this by doing a so-called bootstraps/sub-sampling (as #Alexander mentioned, this is a combination of bootstrap sampling on both observations and features). The prediction is the average of individual estimators so the low-bias property is successfully preserved. And further by Central Limit Theorem, the variance of this sample average has a variance equal to variance of individual estimator divided by square root of N. So now, it has both low-bias and low-variance properties, and this is why RandomForest often outperforms stand-alone estimator.
Adding on to the above two answers, Since you mentioned a simple explanation. Here is a write up that I feel is the most simple way you can explain random forests.
Credits go to Edwin Chen for the simple explanation here in layman terms for random forests. Posting the same below.
Suppose you’re very indecisive, so whenever you want to watch a movie, you ask your friend Willow if she thinks you’ll like it. In order to answer, Willow first needs to figure out what movies you like, so you give her a bunch of movies and tell her whether you liked each one or not (i.e., you give her a labeled training set). Then, when you ask her if she thinks you’ll like movie X or not, she plays a 20 questions-like game with IMDB, asking questions like “Is X a romantic movie?”, “Does Johnny Depp star in X?”, and so on. She asks more informative questions first (i.e., she maximizes the information gain of each question), and gives you a yes/no answer at the end.
Thus, Willow is a decision tree for your movie preferences.
But Willow is only human, so she doesn’t always generalize your preferences very well (i.e., she overfits). In order to get more accurate recommendations, you’d like to ask a bunch of your friends and watch movie X if most of them say they think you’ll like it. That is, instead of asking only Willow, you want to ask Woody, Apple, and Cartman as well, and they vote on whether you’ll like a movie (i.e., you build an ensemble classifier, aka a forest in this case).
Now you don’t want each of your friends to do the same thing and give you the same answer, so you first give each of them slightly different data. After all, you’re not absolutely sure of your preferences yourself – you told Willow you loved Titanic, but maybe you were just happy that day because it was your birthday, so maybe some of your friends shouldn’t use the fact that you liked Titanic in making their recommendations. Or maybe you told her you loved Cinderella, but actually you really really loved it, so some of your friends should give Cinderella more weight. So instead of giving your friends the same data you gave Willow, you give them slightly perturbed versions. You don’t change your love/hate decisions, you just say you love/hate some movies a little more or less (formally, you give each of your friends a bootstrapped version of your original training data). For example, whereas you told Willow that you liked Black Swan and Harry Potter and disliked Avatar, you tell Woody that you liked Black Swan so much you watched it twice, you disliked Avatar, and don’t mention Harry Potter at all.
By using this ensemble, you hope that while each of your friends gives somewhat idiosyncratic recommendations (Willow thinks you like vampire movies more than you do, Woody thinks you like Pixar movies, and Cartman thinks you just hate everything), the errors get canceled out in the majority. Thus, your friends now form a bagged (bootstrap aggregated) forest of your movie preferences.
There’s still one problem with your data, however. While you loved both Titanic and Inception, it wasn’t because you like movies that star Leonardo DiCaprio. Maybe you liked both movies for other reasons. Thus, you don’t want your friends to all base their recommendations on whether Leo is in a movie or not. So when each friend asks IMDB a question, only a random subset of the possible questions is allowed (i.e., when you’re building a decision tree, at each node you use some randomness in selecting the attribute to split on, say by randomly selecting an attribute or by selecting an attribute from a random subset). This means your friends aren’t allowed to ask whether Leonardo DiCaprio is in the movie whenever they want. So whereas previously you injected randomness at the data level, by perturbing your movie preferences slightly, now you’re injecting randomness at the model level, by making your friends ask different questions at different times.
And so your friends now form a random forest.
I will try to give another complementary explanation with simple words.
A random forest is a collection of random decision trees (of number n_estimators in sklearn).
What you need to understand is how to build one random decision tree.
Roughly speaking, to build a random decision tree you start from a subset of your training samples. At each node you will draw randomly a subset of features (number determined by max_features in sklearn). For each of these features you will test different thresholds and see how they split your samples according to a given criterion (generally entropy or gini, criterion parameter in sklearn). Then you will keep the feature and its threshold that best split your data and record it in the node.
When the construction of the tree ends (it can be for different reasons: maximum depth is reached (max_depth in sklearn), minimum sample number is reached (min_samples_leaf in sklearn) etc.) you look at the samples in each leaf and keep the frequency of the labels.
As a result, it is like the tree gives you a partition of your training samples according to meaningful features.
As each node is built from features taken randomly, you understand that each tree built in this way will be different. This contributes to the good compromise between bias and variance, as explained by #Jianxun Li.
Then in testing mode, a test sample will go through each tree, giving you label frequencies for each tree. The most represented label is generally the final classification result.

Data matching Algorithm Approach

I don't really know where to start with this project, and so I'm hoping a broad question can at least point me in the right direction.
I have 2 data sets right now, each about 5gb with 2million observations. They are the assessed and historical data gathered for property listings of a given area for a certain amount of time. What I need to do is match properties to one another. So a property may arise in the historical since it gets sold 2 or 3 times during the period. In this historical I have the seller info, the loan info, and sale info. In the assessor data I have all of the characteristics that would describe the property sold. So in order to do any pricing model, I need to match the two.
I have variables that are similar in each, however they are going to differ slightly (misspellings, abbreviations, etc). Does anyone have any recommendations for me about going through this? First off, what program would I want to do this in? I have experience in STATA, R and a little bit of SAS and Matlab, but I'd prefer to use the former two.
I read through this:
Data matching algorithm
Where he uses .NET and one user suggested a Levenshtein approach (where the distance between strings is calculated) so for fields like Address I could use this and weight the approximate accuracy between the two string. Then it was suggested maybe to use Soundex for maybe Name of the seller/owner.
But I'm really lost in how to implement any of this, and before I approach anyone in my department I really need to have some sort of idea of what I'm doing!
Any help or advice would be immensely helpful.
Yes, there are several good algorithms for the string matching problem you describe, namely:
damerau-levenshtein, and
to name the few.
I recommend A Comparison of String Distance Metrics for Name-Matching Tasks, by W. W. Cohen, P. Ravikumar, S. Fienberg for an overview of what might be working the best for what.
SoftTFIDF claims to be the best one. It is available as a Java package. There are other implementations of string matching and record linkage algorithms available in:
Java (SecondString),
Python (JellyFish),
C# (FuzzyString), and
Scala StringMetric

Separation and pattern matching techniques

I am new to Artificial Neural Networks.
I am interested in an application like this:
I have a significantly large set of objects. Each object has six properties, denoted by P1–P6. Each property has a value which is a symbolic value. In other words, in my example P1–P6 can have a value from the set {A, B, C, D, E, F}. They are not numeric. (Suppose A,B,C,D,E,F are colours; then you will understand my idea.)
Now, there is another property R that I am interested in. Suppose
R = {G1, G2, G3, G4, G5}
I need to train a system for a large set of P1–P6 and the relevant R. Now I want to do the following.
I have an object and I know the values of P1 to P6. I need to find
the R (The Group that the object belongs.)
To get a desired R what is the pattern I need to have in P1–P6.
As an example given that R = G2 I need to figure out any pattern in P1–P6.
My questions are:
What are the theories/technologies/techniques I should read and
learn in order to implement 1 and 2, respectively?
What are the tools/libraries you can recommend to get this
The way you described your problem, you need to look up various machine learning techniques. If it were me, I would try and read about k-NN (k Nearest Neighbours) for the classification. When I say classification, I mean getting the R if you know P1-P6. It is a really simple technique and should be helpful here.
As for the other way around, what you basically need is a representative sample of your population. This is I think not so usual, but you could try something like a k-means Clustering. Clustering methods usually determine the class of an object (property R) by themselves, but k-means Clustering is cool in this situation because you need to give it the number of object classes (e.g. different possible values of R), and in the end you get one representative sample.
You definitely shouldn't go for any really complex techniques (like neural networks) in my opinion since your data doesn't have a precise numerical interpretation and the values can't be interpreted gradually.
The recommended tools really depend on your base programming language. There's a great tool called Orange which is Python-based and it's my tool of choice for these kind of things (especially since it is really easy to connect your Python modules with C/C++). If you prefer Java, there's a quite similar tool called Weka that you could use. I think Weka is a little bit better documented, but I don't like Java so I've never tried it out.
Both of these tools have a graphical clickable interface where you could just load your data and get the classification done, play with the parameters and check what kind of output you get using different techniques and different set-ups. Once you decide that you got the results you need (or if you just don't like graphical interfaces) you can also use both of them as libraries of a kind when programming (Python for Orange and Java for Weka) and make the classification a part of a bigger project.
If you look through the documentation of Orange or Weka, I think it will give you a few ideas about what you could actually do with the data you have and when you know a few techniques that seem interesting to you and applicable to the data, maybe you could get more quality comments and info on a few specific methods here than when just searching for a general advice.
You should check out classification algorithms (a subsection of artificial intelligence), especially the nearest neighbor-algorithms. Your problem may be solved by different techniques, which all have different advantages and disadvantages.
However, I do not know of any method in artificial intelligence, which allows a two-way classification (or in other words, that both implement your prerequisites 1 and 2 simultaneously). As all you want to do so far is having a bidirectional mapping of P1..P6 <=> R, I would suggest to just use a mapping table instead of an artificial intelligence algorithm. An AI would work great if you not exactly know, which of your samples is categorized under A..E in P1..P6.
If you insist on using an AI for it, I'd suggest to first look at a Perceptron. A perceptron consists of input, intermediate and output neurons. For your example, you'd have the input-Neurons P1a..P1e, P2a..P2e, ... and five output neurons R1..R5. After training, you should be able to input P1..P6 and get the appropriate R1..R5 as output.
As for frameworks and technologies, I only know of the Business Intelligence suite for Visual Studio, although there are a lot of other frameworks for AI out there. Since I do not have used any of them (I always coded them myself in C/C++), I can't recommend any.
It seems like a typical classification problem. In case you really have a lot of data have a look at Apache Mahout which provides distributed implementations of machine learning algorithms. If you need something less complex for prototyping TimBL is a nice alternative.

Intelligent web features, algorithms (people you may follow, similar to you ...)

I have 3 main questions about the algorithms in intelligent web (web 2.0)
Here the book I'm reading http://www.amazon.com/Algorithms-Intelligent-Web-Haralambos-Marmanis/dp/1933988665 and I want to learn the algorithms in deeper
1. People You may follow (Twitter)
How can one determine the nearest result to my requests ? Data mining? which algorithms?
2. How you’re connected feature (Linkedin)
Simply algorithm works like that. It draws the path between two nodes let say between Me and the other person is C. Me -> A, B -> A connections -> C . It is not any brute force algorithms or any other like graph algorithms :)
3. Similar to you (Twitter, Facebook)
This algorithms is similar to 1. Does it simply work the max(count) friend in common (facebook) or the max(count) follower in Twitter? or any other algorithms they implement? I think the second part is true because running the loop
dict{count, person}
for person in contacts:
return dict(max)
is a silly act in every refreshing page.
4. Did you mean (Google)
I know that they may implement it with phonetic algorithm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonetic_algorithm simply soundex http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soundex and here is the Google VP of Engineering and CIO Douglas Merrill speak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syKY8CrHkck#t=22m03s
What about first 3 questions? Any ideas are welcome !
People who you may follow
You can use the factors based calculations:
factorA = getFactorA(); // say double(0.3)
factorB = getFactorB(); // say double(0.6)
factorC = getFactorC(); // say double(0.8)
result = (factorA+factorB+factorC) / 3 // double(0.5666666666666667)
// if result is more than 0.5, you show this person
So say in the case of Twitter, "People who you may follow" can based on the following factors (User A is the user viewing this "People who you may follow" feature, there may be more or less factors):
Relativity between frequent keywords found in User A's and User B's tweets
Relativity between the profile description of both users
Relativity between the location of User A and B
Are people User A is following follows User B?
So where do they compare "People who you may follow" from? The list probably came from a combination of people with high amount of followers (they are probably celebrities, alpha geeks, famous products/services, etc.) and [people whom User A is following] is following.
Basically there's a certain level of data mining to be done here, reading the tweets and bios, calculations. This can be done on a daily or weekly cron job when the server load is least for the day (or maybe done 24/7 on a separate server).
How are you connected
This is probably a smart work here to make you feel that loads of brute force has been done to determine the path. However after some surface research, I find that this is simple:
Say you are User A; User B is your connection; and User C is a connection of User B.
In order for you to visit User C, you need to visit User B's profile first. By visiting User B's profile, the website already save the info indiciating that User A is at User B's profile. So when you visit User C from User B, the website immediately tells you that 'User A -> User B -> User C', ignoring all other possible paths.
This is the max level as at User C, User Acannot go on to look at his connections until User C is User A's connection.
Source: observing LinkedIN
Similar to you
It's the exact same thing as #1 (People you may follow), except that the algorithm reads in a different list of people. The list of people that the algorithm reads in is the people whom you follow.
Did you mean
Well you got it right there, except that Google probably used more than just soundex. There's language translation, word replacement, and many other algorithms used for the case of Google. I can't comment much on this because it will probably get very complex and I am not an expert to handle languages.
If we research a little more into Google's infrastructure, we can find that Google has servers dedicated to Spelling and Translation services. You can get more information on Google platform at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_platform.
The key to highly intensified algorithms is caching. Once you cache the result, you don't have to load it every page. Google does it, Stack Overflow does it (on most of the pages with list of questions) and Twitter not surprisingly too!
Basically, algorithms are defined by developers. You may use others' algorithms, but ultimately, you can also create your own.
People you may follow
Could be one of many types of recommendation algorithms, maybe collaborative filtering?
How you are connected
This is just a shortest path algorithm on the social graph. Assuming there is no weight to the connections, it will simply use breadth-first.
Similar to you
Simply a re-arrangement of the data set using the same algorithm as People you may follow.
Check out the book Programming Collective Intelligence for a good introduction to the type of algorithms that are used for People you may follow and Similar to you, it has great python code available too.
People You may follow
From Twitter blog - "suggestions are based on several factors, including people you follow and the people they follow" http://blog.twitter.com/2010/07/discovering-who-to-follow.html
So if you follow A and B and they both follow C, then Twitter will suggest C to you...
How you’re connected feature
I think you have answered this one.
Similar to you
As above and as you say, although the results are probably cached - so its only done once per session or maybe even less frequently...
Hope that helps,
I don't use twitter; but with that in mind:
1). On the surface, this isn't that difficult: For each person I follow, see who they follow. Then for each of the people they follow, see who they follow, etc. The deeper you go, of course, the more number crunching it takes.
You can take this a bit further, if you can also efficiently extract the reverse: For those I follow, who also follows them?
For both ways, what's unsaid is a way to weight the tweeters to see if they're someone I'd really want to follow: A liberal follower may also follow a conservative tweeter, but that doesn't mean I'd want follow the conservative (see #3).
2). Not sure, thinking about it...
3). Assuming the bio and tweets are the only thing to go on, the hard parts are:
Deciding what attributes should exist (political affiliation, topic types, etc.)
Cleaning each 140 characters to data-mine.
Once you have the right set of attributes, then two different algorithms come to mind:
K means clustering, to decide which attributes I tend to discriminate on.
N-Nearest neighbor, to find the N most similar tweeters to you given the attributes I tend to give weight to.
EDIT: Actually, a decision tree is probably a FAR better way to do all of this...
This is all speculative, but it sounds fun if one were getting paid to do this.

How to automate creation of vocabulary questions

We would like to prepare a quiz which will improve the vocabulary of the students.
What does pittance mean?
a) tiny, inadequate amount of payment
b) to feel pity or remorse
c) to go against, rebuttal an argument
d) regret, wishing you could take back what has been done or said
The answer to the above question is (a). So in order to create this question, the person creating the quiz provides a word and the right meaning and he has to look for 3 other choices. This is a time consuming process and we would like to automate this if possible. What logic should we use to create the other choices (it would be preferable to have the rest of the choices as close as possible to the original meaning, but aren't correct so that the time taken by the student to find the answer is tough).
That looks like a tough nut to crack. I would rather take the closest synonyms of "Pittance" and use their meanings as 2 of the choices. You could do this by indexing a dictionary. AS to the fourth choice, generate a string with the substring word of the question. Like Pit for pittance. Hope that helps.
