Data matching Algorithm Approach - algorithm

I don't really know where to start with this project, and so I'm hoping a broad question can at least point me in the right direction.
I have 2 data sets right now, each about 5gb with 2million observations. They are the assessed and historical data gathered for property listings of a given area for a certain amount of time. What I need to do is match properties to one another. So a property may arise in the historical since it gets sold 2 or 3 times during the period. In this historical I have the seller info, the loan info, and sale info. In the assessor data I have all of the characteristics that would describe the property sold. So in order to do any pricing model, I need to match the two.
I have variables that are similar in each, however they are going to differ slightly (misspellings, abbreviations, etc). Does anyone have any recommendations for me about going through this? First off, what program would I want to do this in? I have experience in STATA, R and a little bit of SAS and Matlab, but I'd prefer to use the former two.
I read through this:
Data matching algorithm
Where he uses .NET and one user suggested a Levenshtein approach (where the distance between strings is calculated) so for fields like Address I could use this and weight the approximate accuracy between the two string. Then it was suggested maybe to use Soundex for maybe Name of the seller/owner.
But I'm really lost in how to implement any of this, and before I approach anyone in my department I really need to have some sort of idea of what I'm doing!
Any help or advice would be immensely helpful.

Yes, there are several good algorithms for the string matching problem you describe, namely:
damerau-levenshtein, and
to name the few.
I recommend A Comparison of String Distance Metrics for Name-Matching Tasks, by W. W. Cohen, P. Ravikumar, S. Fienberg for an overview of what might be working the best for what.
SoftTFIDF claims to be the best one. It is available as a Java package. There are other implementations of string matching and record linkage algorithms available in:
Java (SecondString),
Python (JellyFish),
C# (FuzzyString), and
Scala StringMetric


How are keyword clouds constructed?

How are keyword clouds constructed?
I know there are a lot of nlp methods, but I'm not sure how they solve the following problem:
You can have several items that each have a list of keywords relating to them.
(In my own program, these items are articles where I can use nlp methods to detect proper nouns, people, places, and (?) possibly subjects. This will be a very large list given a sufficiently sized article, but I will assume that I can winnow the list down using some method by comparing articles. How to do this properly is what I am confused about).
Each item can have a list of keywords, but how do they pick keywords such that the keywords aren't overly specific or overly general between each item?
For example, trivially "the" can be a keyword that is a lot of items.
While "supercalifragilistic" could only be in one.
I suppose that I could create a heuristic where if a word exists in n% of the items where n is sufficiently small, but will return a nice sublist (say 5% of 1000 articles is 50, which seems reasonable) then I could just use that. However, the issue that I take with this approach is that given two different sets of entirely different items, there is most likely some difference in interrelatedness between the items, and I'm throwing away that information.
This is very unsatisfying.
I feel that given the popularity of keyword clouds there must have been a solution created already. I don't want to use a library however as I want to understand and manipulate the assumptions in the math.
If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
freenode/programming/guardianx has suggested
tf-idf is ok btw, but the issue is that the weighting needs to be determined apriori. Given that two distinct collections of documents will have a different inherent similarity between documents, assuming an apriori weighting does not feel correct
freenode/programming/anon suggested
I'm not sure I want something that uses a neural net (a little complicated for this problem?), but still considering.
Tf-idf is still a pretty standard method for extracting keywords. You can try a demo of a tf-idf-based keyword extractor (which has the idf vector, as you say apriori determined, estimated from Wikipedia). A popular alternative is the TextRank algorithm based on PageRank that has an off-the-shelf implementation in Gensim.
If you decide for your own implementation, note that all algorithms typically need plenty of tuning and text preprocessing to work correctly.
The minimum you need to do is removing stopwords that you know that they never can be a keyword (prepositions, articles, pronouns, etc.). If you want something fancier, you can use for instance Spacy to keep only desired parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives). You can also include frequent multiword expressions (gensim has good function for automatic collocation detection), named entities (spacy can do it). You can get better results if you run coreference resolution and substitute pronouns with what they refer to... There are endless options for improvements.

How do I get a quick and dirty recognition of possible typos in .net?

I have to manually go through a long list of terms (~3500) which have been entered by users through the years. Beside other things, I want to reduce the list by looking for synonyms, typos and alternate spellings.
My work will be much easier if I can group the list into clusters of possible typos before starting. I was imagining to use some metric which can calculate the similarity to a term, e.g. in percent, and then cluster everything which has a similarity higher than some threshold. As I am going through it manually anyway, I don't mind a high failure rate, if it can keep the whole thing simple.
Ideally, there exists some easily available library to do this for me, implemented by people who know what they are doing. If there is no such, then at least one calculating a similarity metric for a pair of strings would be great, I can manage the clustering myself.
If this is not available either, do you know of a good algorithm which is simple to implement? I was first thinking a Hamming distance divided by word length will be a good metric, but noticed that while it will catch swapped letters, it won't handle deletions and insertions well (ptgs-1 will be caught as very similar to ptgs/1, but hematopoiesis won't be caught as very similar to haematopoiesis).
As for the requirements on the library/algorithm: it has to rely completely on spelling. I know that the usual NLP libraries don't work this way, but
there is no full text available for it to consider context.
it can't use a dictionary corpus of words, because the terms are far outside of any everyday language, frequently abbreviations of highly specialized terms.
Finally, I am most familiar with C# as a programming language, and I already have a C# pseudoscript which does some preliminary cleanup. If there is no one-step solution (feed list in, get grouped list out), I will prefer a library I can call from within a .NET program.
The whole thing should be relatively quick to learn for somebody with almost no previous knowledge in information retrieval. This will save me maybe 5-6 hours of manual work, and I don't want to spend more time than that in setting up an automated solution. OK, maybe up to 50% longer if I get the chance to learn something awesome :)
The question: What should I use, a library, or an algorithm? Which ones should I consider? If what I need is a library, how do I recognize one which is capable of delivering results based on spelling alone, as opposed to relying on context or dictionary use?
edit To clarify, I am not looking for actual semantic relatedness the way search or recommendation engines need it. I need to catch typos. So, I am looking for a metric by which mouse and rodent have zero similarity, but mouse and house have a very high similarity. And I am afraid that tools like Lucene use a metric which gets these two examples wrong (for my purposes).
Basically you are looking to cluster terms according to Semantic Relatedness.
One (hard) way to do it is following Markovitch and Gabrilovitch approach.
A quicker way will be consisting of the following steps:
download wikipedia dump and an open source Information Retrieval library such as Lucene (or Lucene.NET).
Index the files.
Search each term in the index - and get a vector - denoting how relevant the term (the query) is for each document. Note that this will be a vector of size |D|, where |D| is the total number of documents in the collection.
Cluster your vectors in any clustering algorithm. Each vector represents one term from your initial list.
If you are interested only in "visual" similarity (words are written similar to each other) then you can settle for levenshtein distance, but it won't be able to give you semantic relatedness of terms.For example, you won't be able to relate between "fall" and "autumn".

Fuzzy record matching with multiple columns of information

I have a question that is somewhat high level, so I'll try to be as specific as possible.
I'm doing a lot of research that involves combining disparate data sets with header information that refers to the same entity, usually a company or a financial security. This record linking usually involves header information in which the name is the only common primary identifier, but where some secondary information is often available (such as city and state, dates of operation, relative size, etc). These matches are usually one-to-many, but may be one-to-one or even many-to-many. I have usually done this matching by hand or with very basic text comparison of cleaned substrings. I have occasionally used a simple matching algorithm like a Levenshtein distance measure, but I never got much out of it, in part because I didn't have a good formal way of applying it.
My guess is that this is a fairly common question and that there must be some formalized processes that have been developed to do this type of thing. I've read a few academic papers on the subject that deal with theoretical appropriateness of given approaches, but I haven't found any good source that walks through a recipe or at least a practical framework.
My question is the following:
Does anyone know of a good source for implementing multi-dimensional fuzzy record matching, like a book or a website or a published article or working paper?
I'd prefer something that had practical examples and a well defined approach.
The approach could be iterative, with human checks for improvement at intermediate stages.
(edit) The linked data is used for statistical analysis. As such, a little bit of noise is OK, but there is a strong preference for fewer "incorrect matches" over fewer "incorrect non-matches".
If they were in Python that would be fantastic, but not necessary.
One last thing, if it matters, is that I don't care much about computational efficiency. I'm not implementing this dynamically and I'm usually dealing with a few thousand records.
One common method that shouldn't be terribly expensive for "a few thousand records" would be cosine similarity. Although most often used for comparing text documents, you can easily modify it to work with any kind of data.
The linked Wikipedia article is pretty sparse on details, but following links and doing a few searches will get you some good info. Potentially an implementation that you can modify to fit your purposes. In fact, take a look at Simple implementation of N-Gram, tf-idf and Cosine similarity in Python
A simpler calculation, and one that might be "good enough" for your purposes would be a Jaccard index. The primary difference is that typically cosine similarity takes into account the number of times a word is used in a document and in the entire set of documents, whereas the Jaccard index only cares that a particular word is in the document. There are other differences, but that one strikes me as the most important.
The problem is that you have an array of distances, at least one for each column, and you want to combine those distances in an optimal way to indicate whether a pair of records are the same thing or not.
This is a problem of classification, there are many ways to do it, but logistic regression is one of simpler methods. To train a classifer, you will need to label some pairs of records as either matches or not.
The dedupe python library helps you do this and other parts of the difficult task of record linkage. The documentation has a pretty good overview of how to approach the problem of record linkage comprehensively.

Which data mining algorithm would you suggest for this particular scenario?

This is not a directly programming related question, but it's about selecting the right data mining algorithm.
I want to infer the age of people from their first names, from the region they live, and if they have an internet product or not. The idea behind it is that:
there are names that are old-fashioned or popular in a particular decade (celebrities, politicians etc.) (this may not hold in the USA, but in the country of interest that's true),
young people tend to live in highly populated regions whereas old people prefer countrysides, and
Internet is used more by young people than by old people.
I am not sure if those assumptions hold, but I want to test that. So what I have is 100K observations from our customer database with
approx. 500 different names (nominal input variable with too many classes)
20 different regions (nominal input variable)
Internet Yes/No (binary input variable)
91 distinct birthyears (numerical target variable with range: 1910-1992)
Because I have so many nominal inputs, I don't think regression is a good candidate. Because the target is numerical, I don't think decision tree is a good option either. Can anyone suggest me a method that is applicable for such a scenario?
I think you could design discrete variables that reflect the split you are trying to determine. It doesn't seem like you need a regression on their exact age.
One possibility is to cluster the ages, and then treat the clusters as discrete variables. Should this not be appropriate, another possibility is to divide the ages into bins of equal distribution.
One technique that could work very well for your purposes is, instead of clustering or partitioning the ages directly, cluster or partition the average age per name. That is to say, generate a list of all of the average ages, and work with this instead. (There may be some statistical problems in the classifier if you the discrete categories here are too fine-grained, though).
However, the best case is if you have a clear notion of what age range you consider appropriate for 'young' and 'old'. Then, use these directly.
New answer
I would try using regression, but in the manner that I specify. I would try binarizing each variable (if this is the correct term). The Internet variable is binary, but I would make it into two separate binary values. I will illustrate with an example because I feel it will be more illuminating. For my example, I will just use three names (Gertrude, Jennifer, and Mary) and the internet variable.
I have 4 women. Here are their data:
Gertrude, Internet, 57
Jennifer, Internet, 23
Gertrude, No Internet, 60
Mary, No Internet, 35
I would generate a matrix, A, like this (each row represents a respective woman in my list):
The first three columns represent the names and the latter two Internet/No Internet. Thus, the columns represent
[Gertrude, Jennifer, Mary, Internet, No Internet]
You can keep doing this with more names (500 columns for the names), and for the regions (20 columns for those). Then you will just be solving the standard linear algebra problem A*x=b where b for the above example is
You may be worried that A will now be a huge matrix, but it is a huge, extremely sparse matrix and thus can be stored very efficiently in a sparse matrix form. Each row has 3 1's in it and the rest are 0. You can then just solve this with a sparse matrix solver. You will want to do some sort of correlation test on the resulting predicting ages to see how effective it is.
You might check out the babynamewizard. It shows the changes in name frequency over time and should help convert your names to a numeric input. Also, you should be able to use population density from data to get a numeric value associated with your regions. I would suggest an additional flag regarding the availability of DSL access - many rural areas don't have DSL coverage. No coverage = less demand for internet services.
My first inclination would be to divide your response into two groups, those very likely to have used computers in school or work and those much less likely. The exposure to computer use at an age early in their career or schooling probably has some effect on their likelihood to use a computer later in their life. Then you might consider regressions on the groups separately. This should eliminate some of the natural correlation of your inputs.
I would use a classification algorithm that accepts nominal attributes and numeric class, like M5 (for trees or rules). Perhaps I would combine it with the bagging meta classifier to reduce variance. The original algorithm M5 was invented by R. Quinlan and Yong Wang made improvements.
The algorithm is implemented in R (library RWeka)
It also can be found in the open source machine learning software Weka
For more information see:
Ross J. Quinlan: Learning with Continuous Classes. In: 5th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Singapore, 343-348, 1992.
Y. Wang, I. H. Witten: Induction of model trees for predicting continuous classes. In: Poster papers of the 9th European Conference on Machine Learning, 1997.
I think slightly different from you, I believe that trees are excellent algorithms to deal with nominal data because they can help you build a model that you can easily interpret and identify the influence of each one of these nominal variables and it's different values.
You can also use regression with dummy variables in order to represent the nominal attributes, this is also a good solution.
But you can also use other algorithms such as SVM(smo), with the previous transformation of the nominal variables to binary dummy ones, same as in regression.

Predicting missing data values in a database

I have a database, consisting of a whole bunch of records (around 600,000) where some of the records have certain fields missing. My goal is to find a way to predict what the missing data values should be (so I can fill them in) based on the existing data.
One option I am looking at is clustering - i.e. representing the records that are all complete as points in some space, looking for clusters of points, and then when given a record with missing data values try to find out if there are any clusters that could belong in that are consistent with the existing data values. However this may not be possible because some of the data fields are on a nominal scale (e.g. color) and thus can't be put in order.
Another idea I had is to create some sort of probabilistic model that would predict the data, train it on the existing data, and then use it to extrapolate.
What algorithms are available for doing the above, and is there any freely available software that implements those algorithms (This software is going to be in c# by the way).
This is less of an algorithmic and more of a philosophical and methodological question. There are a few different techniques available to tackle this kind of question. Acock (2005) gives a good introduction to some of the methods. Although it may seem that there is a lot of math/statistics involved (and may seem like a lot of effort), it's worth thinking what would happen if you messed up.
Andrew Gelman's blog is also a good resource, although the search functionality on his blog leaves something to be desired...
Hope this helps.
Acock (2005)
Andrew Gelman's blog
Dealing with missing values is a methodical question that has to do with the actual meaning of the data.
Several methods you can use (detailed post on my blog):
Ignore the data row. This is usually done when the class label is missing (assuming you data mining goal is classification), or many attributes are missing from the row (not just one). However you'll obviously get poor performance if the percentage of such rows is high
Use a global constant to fill in for missing values. Like "unknown", "N/A" or minus infinity. This is used because sometimes is just doesnt make sense to try and predict the missing value. For example if you have a DB if, say, college candidates and state of residence is missing for some, filling it in doesn't make much sense...
Use attribute mean. For example if the average income of a US family is X you can use that value to replace missing income values.
Use attribute mean for all samples belonging to the same class. Lets say you have a cars pricing DB that, among other things, classifies cars to "Luxury" and "Low budget" and you're dealing with missing values in the cost field. Replacing missing cost of a luxury car with the average cost of all luxury cars is probably more accurate then the value you'd get if you factor in the low budget cars
Use data mining algorithm to predict the value. The value can be determined using regression, inference based tools using Baysian formalism , decision trees, clustering algorithms used to generate input for step method #4 (K-Mean\Median etc.)
I'd suggest looking into regression and decision trees first (ID3 tree generation) as they're relatively easy and there are plenty of examples on the net.
As for packages, if you can afford it and you're in the Microsoft world look at SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS for short) that implement most of the mentioned above.
Here are some links to free data minning software packages:
Although not C# he's a pretty good intro to decision trees and baysian learning (using Ruby):
There's also this Ruby library that I find very useful (also for learning purposes):
There should be plenty of samples for these algorithms online in any language so I'm sure you'll easily find C# stuff too...
Forgot this in my original post. This is a definately MUST HAVE if you're playing with data mining...
Download Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Data Mining Add-ins for Microsoft Office 2007 (It requires SQL Server Analysis Services - SSAS - which isn't free but you can download a trial).
This will allow you to easily play and try out the different techniques in Excel before you go and implement this stuff yourself. Then again, since you're in the Microsoft ecosystem, you might even decide to go for an SSAS based solution and count on the SQL Server guys to do it for ya :)
Predicting missing values is generally considered to be part of data cleansing phase which needs to be done before the data is mined or analyzed further. This is quite prominent in real world data.
Please have a look at this algorithm
Currently Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 also comes with algorithms like these which help in predictive modelling of attributes.
