Stripe payment split - how to implement? - ruby

I am working on an app that will allow friends to split the cost of a service among themselves. I am wondering if
a) this is possible via Stripe
b) is there any working example of this / code that I can look at?
c) any security issues that arise specifically from this implementation


How to structure a microservice management layer calls

I am building a microservice that will have a management layer, and another corresponding microservice for a public api. The management layer's client will be imported into the api service as well as a few other apps. What I am wondering is what the proper way to structure the mgmt layer's calls would be. I'm using rpc.
For example, let's say the service contains Human, Dog, Food. Food has to be owned by a Human OR Dog, not both and not neither.
Now since the mgmt service will only be accessed by client and not url, would it be better to define the specs like:
POST: /humans/id/food Client call: mgmtService.createFoodForHuman(humanId, Food)
POST: /dogs/id/food Client call: mgmtService.createFoodForDog(dogId, Food)
POST: /food Client call: mgmtService.createFood(Food)
where the second instance of Food will require the user to pass in one of human id or dog id.
To me, the first example seems more straightforward from a code-client perspective since the methods are more defined and the second example doesn't give any info of what kind of id is needed, but I am interested if there is any thoughts on which one is best practice. Thanks!
It is actually depends, on larger scale you would want to apply the first method. Sometimes, when you works with the other teams to build a complex services, it is possible that the other teams has to fix your bug because of your absent or any case where you can't fix the bug that time, if the bug is really an urgent cases, you wouldn't want it becomes a blocker because they did not understand how your code works.
Well, you can always provide a documentation for every API details on your platform such as Confluence, but still that would takes time to look for it.
On the other hand, with second method you can achieve that one for all API.
TL;DR -> Large scale 1st method, small scale 2nd method.

Microservices: model sharing between bounded contexts

I am currently building a microservices-based application developed with the mean stack and am running into several situations where I need to share models between bounded contexts.
As an example, I have a User service that handles the registration process as well as login(generate jwt), logout, etc. I also have an File service which handles the uploading of profile pics and other images the user happens to upload. Additionally, I have an Friends service that keeps track of the associations between members.
Currently, I am adding the guid of the user from the user table used by the User service as well as the first, middle and last name fields to the File table and the Friend table. This way I can query for these fields whenever I need them in the other services(Friend and File) without needing to make any rest calls to get the information every time it is queried.
Here is the caveat:
The downside seems to be that I have to, I chose seneca with rabbitmq, notify the File and Friend tables whenever a user updates their information from the User table.
1) Should I be worried about the services getting too chatty?
2) Could this lead to any performance issues, if alot of updates take place over an hour, let's say?
3) in trying to isolate boundaries, I just am not seeing another way of pulling this off. What is the recommended approach to solving this issue and am I on the right track?
It's a trade off. I would personally not store the user details alongside the user identifier in the dependent services. But neither would I query the users service to get this information. What you probably need is some kind of read-model for the system as a whole, which can store this data in a way which is optimized for your particular needs (reporting, displaying together on a webpage etc).
The read-model is a pattern which is popular in the event-driven architecture space. There is a really good article that talks about these kinds of questions (in two parts):
Many common questions about microservices seem to be largely around the decomposition of a domain model, and how to overcome situations where requirements such as querying resist that decomposition. This article spells the options out clearly. Definitely worth the time to read.
In your specific case, it would mean that the File and Friends services would only need to store the primary key for the user. However, all services should publish state changes which can then be aggregated into a read-model.
If you are worry about a high volume of messages and high TPS for example 100,000 TPS for producing and consuming events I suggest that Instead of using RabbitMQ use apache Kafka or NATS (Go version because NATS has Rubby version also) in order to support a high volume of messages per second.
Also Regarding Database design you should design each micro-service base business capabilities and bounded-context according to domain driven design (DDD). so because unlike SOA it is suggested that each micro-service should has its own database then you should not be worried about normalization because you may have to repeat many structures, fields, tables and features for each microservice in order to keep them Decoupled from each other and letting them work independently to raise Availability and having scalability.
Also you can use Event sourcing + CQRS technique or Transaction Log Tailing to circumvent 2PC (2 Phase Commitment) - which is not recommended when implementing microservices - in order to exchange events between your microservices and manipulating states to have Eventual Consistency according to CAP theorem.

How to detect relationships using Microsoft Cognitive services?

Microsoft Cognitive Services offers a wide variety of capabilities to extract information from natural language. However I am not able to find how to use them in order to detect "relationships" where e.g. two (or more) specific "entities" are involved.
For example, detecting company acquisitions / merging.
These could be expressed in News articles as
"Company 1" has announced to acquire "Company2".
Certainly, there are several approaches to address that need, some that include entity detection first (e.g. Company1 and Company2 being companies) and then the relation (e.g. acquire ...).
Other approaches involve identifying first the "action" ( acquire ) and then through grammatical analysis find which is the "actor" and which the "object" of the action.
Machine learning approaches for semantic relation extraction has also been developed, in order to avoid humans to craft formal relation rules.
I would like to know if / how this use case can be performed with the Microsoft Cognitive Services.
Depends on tech used to examine response from the API
I use JQuery to parse the json response (webclient in code behind) from Luis/Cognitive Services API (I am not using the Bot Framework). I have a rules engine that I can configure for clients and save it, so that when the page loads, they fire functions based on the parsed json response. The rules engine includes various condition functions like contains, begins with, is, etc so I can test the users query for specific entities or virtually anything in the users query. It really comes down to a && or || javascript functions...
For example if intent=product in the json response, I then show a shopping cart widget. Or if entity=coffee black OR entity=double double then it triggers a widget to inject into the chat window (SHOW Shopping Cart). In short you either handle the AND/OR via the Bot Framework or via your tech of choice.

Surveymonkey REST API - Skip logic

I am investigating Survey Monkey as a way to complete a survey-based project using the REST API.
The questions would need to branch (as in if Answer B given to Question 1, then go to Question 3 etc).
Looking at the REST API documentation, it seems that I can query a page to get a list of questions using:
But what happens if I implement skip logic? Is there a way to find out if this logic exists and if so go to a different page/question? Does the API cover this?
I am currently using a free account so cannot implement skip logic at the moment in any case, but would like to know if this is possible before I upgrade.
Many thanks
Skip logic is not currently available through the API. We do have intention to provide the skip logic information at /surveys/{id}/pages/{id}/questions as you've mentioned but there is no ETA for that at the moment.
Also, we don't intend to allow skip logic to be followed/validated when submitting responses through the API.

Threaded group SMS conversations

I am trying to develop a web based SMS application and one of the features I would like to have is threaded group conversations.
Imagine there are 5 people, A, B, C, D, and E. 'A' is the person using the web application and 'B','C','D','E' are on their mobile phones.
I want to create two threads such as this:
A -> (B, C, D)
A -> (B, C, E)
And track those conversations so that person A can see a threaded conversation of those separate group chats.
One way that I know that I can do this is by using multiple twilio numbers but is there a way to do it without using multiple numbers? Is there a way to embed a key or ID in the messages that are sent/received? Twilio has cookie support but that seems to be limited to two person conversations and only works for conversations that are initiated outside the app.
I looked into Plivo and Nexmo but I don't think it's possible with them either.
Is this just a limitation of SMS or is it possible to do what I am trying to do?
SMS is stateless, and there's no way to tie two messages to each other (as a thread) other than match meta data (the pairing of a to / from).
For what you're trying to do, you'll need multiple virtual numbers, as this is limitation of SMS itself.
