Surveymonkey REST API - Skip logic - logic

I am investigating Survey Monkey as a way to complete a survey-based project using the REST API.
The questions would need to branch (as in if Answer B given to Question 1, then go to Question 3 etc).
Looking at the REST API documentation, it seems that I can query a page to get a list of questions using:
But what happens if I implement skip logic? Is there a way to find out if this logic exists and if so go to a different page/question? Does the API cover this?
I am currently using a free account so cannot implement skip logic at the moment in any case, but would like to know if this is possible before I upgrade.
Many thanks

Skip logic is not currently available through the API. We do have intention to provide the skip logic information at /surveys/{id}/pages/{id}/questions as you've mentioned but there is no ETA for that at the moment.
Also, we don't intend to allow skip logic to be followed/validated when submitting responses through the API.


REST full API best practice Design

I wonder what is the best practice for this business model is:
I have a User object and a Post object, the user has one or many Posts, so I want to know what's the best design:
1 - Create separate endpoints GET /users/id and GET /posts?userId=id
2 - Create only one endpoint GET /users/id and in my service layer call getPostsByUserId() then add posts to my user object and return them in the API.
could you tell me which is the right approach and the pros and cons?
If you go with the first approach, Then you are using Lazy fetching which is common in RestApis and it's being used for one-to-many relationships where you want to get instances related to one entity; Simply it has better performance because your client fetches data as specified and as much as they needed. The second approach uses Eager fetching which is good for loading a single related instance. In the end, Your selection between these two is toughly close to your usage. In RestApis the first approach is the more common and better solution. But in traditional web applications like Spring MVC, In some situations, You have to use the second approach to load all necessary things on your page.

How to structure a microservice management layer calls

I am building a microservice that will have a management layer, and another corresponding microservice for a public api. The management layer's client will be imported into the api service as well as a few other apps. What I am wondering is what the proper way to structure the mgmt layer's calls would be. I'm using rpc.
For example, let's say the service contains Human, Dog, Food. Food has to be owned by a Human OR Dog, not both and not neither.
Now since the mgmt service will only be accessed by client and not url, would it be better to define the specs like:
POST: /humans/id/food Client call: mgmtService.createFoodForHuman(humanId, Food)
POST: /dogs/id/food Client call: mgmtService.createFoodForDog(dogId, Food)
POST: /food Client call: mgmtService.createFood(Food)
where the second instance of Food will require the user to pass in one of human id or dog id.
To me, the first example seems more straightforward from a code-client perspective since the methods are more defined and the second example doesn't give any info of what kind of id is needed, but I am interested if there is any thoughts on which one is best practice. Thanks!
It is actually depends, on larger scale you would want to apply the first method. Sometimes, when you works with the other teams to build a complex services, it is possible that the other teams has to fix your bug because of your absent or any case where you can't fix the bug that time, if the bug is really an urgent cases, you wouldn't want it becomes a blocker because they did not understand how your code works.
Well, you can always provide a documentation for every API details on your platform such as Confluence, but still that would takes time to look for it.
On the other hand, with second method you can achieve that one for all API.
TL;DR -> Large scale 1st method, small scale 2nd method.

Ideal way to use graphql

I am new user for graphql. I am planning to use graphql as a middleware layer where different application will hit the API and get the data they require. But main problem is training different groups as to how to post data and query the data they require. Is is good idea to build a middleware which accepts JSON over REST api and converts it to graphql request. I am thinking of 2 options
1. Build REST middle layer which accepts JSON and convert it to graphql request.
2. Ask user to get comfortable with graphql.
Mixing REST and graphql is never a good idea for a new project, because you will waste your resources for doing the same thing in two different ways and you will have to maintain larger codebase. Providing REST and graphql at the same time may seems like a convenience for your customers but in the long run, it is not. Smaller, well structured and well documented API is always preferable.
If you are going to mix and match different resources or call outside services graphql offers better solution. Graphql provides strong typing, single round trip, query batching, instrospection and better dev tools, versionless API.

RESTful CRUD functions which handle multiple actions?

I'm currently developing an app in Laravel. While trying to adhere to REST API guidelines I've come across a scenario that I'm not sure how to handle RESTfully.
I have a Lease resource that handles multiple actions:
Route::get('/lease/create', 'API\LeaseController#create');
Route::get('/lease/{leaseId}', 'API\LeaseController#show');
Route::post('/lease', 'API\LeaseController#store');
Route::patch('/lease/{leaseId}', 'API\LeaseController#update');
Route::delete('/lease/{leaseId}', 'API\LeaseController#destroy');
So far these are a 1:1 between the URI and the controller actions. Now I have additional operations that I need to perform on a Lease and this is where I'm not sure what the best way to handle this is.
1) A Lease can be renewed (clone existing lease with new start and end dates).
2) A Lease can be ended (status changed to Inactive, end date updated).
When I think about doing this RESTfully I look at these two additional operations as a post and a patch to existing endpoints (both would map to the store and update method on the controller and could use the existing URIs.
Should I continue to think about it that way and map them both to existing endpoints? My concern with that is how would I handle different responses? For example if after a renew operation completes I want to pass a message saying "This lease has been successfully renewed.", how would I differentiate between a renew operation and a regular store operation since they both hit the same end point?
Or should I create two new URI's, something like:
Route::patch('/lease/{leaseId}/end', 'API\LeaseController#updateLeaseEnd');
Route::post('/lease/{leaseId}/renew', 'API\LeaseController#storeLeaseRenew');
And control logic in two separate functions even though it would be somewhat redundant since they really are just additional stores and updates?
It looks like you are trying to fit a RPC style API into a RESTful style API, which is possible, but can be confusing. You could do like you were saying with using the PATCH method, but now you have an overloaded method that should only do a partial update, but now it might execute an action on the resource. That would be confusing.
One way I've seen this done is by using what is called a verb (not to be confused by the "HTTP Verb") in the URI. This is essentially what you were stating as your last option in the question.
The underscore is there to signify that this is not a resource, but rather an execution call.
Another option would be to separate your REST API from your RPC API. You could use the traditional SOAP web service or go with the new gRPC, by Google.

Additional validation logic before sending a request to the external system

I'm publishing a comment on Instagram using their API. In the documentation they describe the rules that the message that is being sent has to pass. So far my approach always was to add the validation layer just before the message would be sent to the service checking if it satisfies all the requirements. I preferred to get back to the user quicker with the proper error without sending any requests to the social network.
It requires to maintain additional logic in my application and in case of Instagram, where rules are not so simple (like e.g. just limiting the length of the message) I started thinking if that's the optimal approach.
For example, one of the requirements on comments is that they cannot contain more than 4 hashtags which forces me to keep some logic to be able to check how many hashtags are in a string.
Would you think that the effort put into keeping that validation is worth it? I always thought so, but am not so sure any more.
Would you think that the effort put into keeping that validation is
worth it? I always thought so, but am not so sure any more.
Absolutely yes unless you don't care about user at all.
User is your primary value and his comfort is above all things. So, double validation is a must for a good software.
I think you shouldn't struggle to implement absolutely ALL Instagram checks, but at least most of those, that users fail most often.
