SSRS Page footer does not display the correct information after the first page - visual-studio

I am working on a SSRS report for SQL 2005 in Visual Studio 2005 and I need to include information in the page footers from a dataset. I followed the information in the following Microsoft article
I setup several hidden textboxes in the body of the report to hold the aggregated dataset information I need. I then reference those textboxes in the page footer of my report.
The page footer on the first page is correct but on the rest of the report pages the text boxes are not getting the information. In my situation, I am getting the user id and date from a dataset and trying to display it on each report page in the footer.
More details:
In the first hidden textbox (lblDatetime) in the body I get the value from the dataset like the following:
=First(Fields!Date.Value, "headerData1")
In the second hidden textbox (lblUserID) in the body I get the value from the dataset like the following:
=First(Fields!UserID.Value, "headerData1")
I then reference the first textbox in the footer using the following:
I then reference the second textbox in the footer using the following:
I tried aggregating the dataset directly in the footer but this is not possible and causes errors.

I came up with a different solution to the one suggested in the article.
Instead of adding hidden textboxes to my body, I created two global hidden parameters. I set the default value using the "From Query" for those parameters to the datasets I needed. I then referenced those two new global parameters instead of the textboxes.
This fixed my issue.


SSRS Binding Textbox to a field from the query

I have a question similar to this one:
How do you populate an SSRS TextBox with a DataSet value?
I'm on old release 2012 R1 and designing report in Visual Studio 2010 shell.
I want user to enter a specific order number, and thus the query will return just one row. I want to show the fields down the page (better for viewing/printing), instead of across the page like the normal table does (especially if I have so many fields that they don't fit on the width of one screen).
Don't I just bind the textbox to a database field on the properties using DataElementName. That's what I didn't understand about the post I referenced above.
I think I figured it out. I clicked Action then was able to select the database field from a list. After that, I also noticed I can right click, then click "Expressions", and the following screen appears:

Oracle Application Express - Form Fields not Populated with Data

By default, when creating an application with Report + Form pages, you would get something like this (and I initially did):
Report Page
Form Page (when pencil is clicked on the Report Page)
This is what my Form Page looks after making some changes to the application
Form fields are not being populated anymore, even though data source is set as a corresponding database column for every field. Does anyone have a clue why the values are suddenly not showing anymore? Which attributes are responsible for displaying data on a Form Page?
When you click on the edit pencil in your report Apex sends you to the form page with a parameter that uniquely identifies the record that you want to edit. This parameter can be the Primary Key or the RowID. You can see this in the URL of the Form page that will look something like this:
Most probably you are not sending the parameter from the Report to the Form page. Go on your Report, click on Attributes and at the Link Attribute be sure to set your ROWID(or PK) from Form Page with the value of the ROWID from the Report Page. Something like in the below img (3 is my form page in this example):

Hyperlink in Oracle Reports (.RDF) Content using Oracle Report Builder

I am not sure if this is the correct forum to ask this question,
I am currently creating an oracle report (.RDF) using Oracle Report Builder and my client wants me to place hyperlinks in the content instead of putting URL in the content.
This report is going to be generated as PDF.
My current sentence looks like
Click here ( to see USP
member countries.
The URL automatically converts to hyperlink in the above sentence.
What my client wants:
Click here to see USP member countries.
I tried to look for an option where I can use HTML <a> tag.
I would like to know if there is a way to include hyperlinks in Oracle Reports.
What you could in order to achieve this is, select property inspector of item you would like to have hyperlink and choose Hyperlink.
Also choose Yes for Contains HTML Tags.
Format for passing dynamic values in URL is where DEPTNO is the value in report.
This is what I did to achieve your expected output, you could modify based on your requirements
Created sql query for the source
select 'Click here' txt from dual
Select Property Inspector for the field
Added link in Hyperlink property and selected Yes in Contains
To see the output, generate report as PDF or run report in web
Hope this helps.

sub report always coming second page of crystal report in visual studio project

I designed crystal report like this:
in this i have a sub report named
that i given in ReportFooter part. while coming records am getting two problems
1->sub report heading not coming all pages,,i want to show sub report heading where ever i am getting subreport
2->in first page of my crystal report only showing main report...not getting sub report,,sub report alwayes showing 2 nd page of my crystal reports onwards,,
how i can resolve these two issues?
The way your report is structured is the reason you are not getting correct results. Report Header and Footer should only contain information you want to show ONCE. Page Header and Footer should contain information you want to see on every page (i.e. a logo, legal info in the footer, etc.). Group Header and Footer will show data for the items you have grouped by. The detail section will show all data that pertains to the group. So either group your data and then put the subreport in the Detail section or create a second detail section and put your subreport in there.

jqGrid issue - getRowData

I seem to be havign yet another problem with jqGrid :-( I am trying to get the current row data using getRowData, but all I get back is an array [object, Object]. What am I doing wrong?
This is what I'm using
var rowdata = $("#list").jqGrid('getRowData');
Can somebody help?
After reading in the comments additional information about your problem I would recommend you following.
If you need to print the page which contains jqGrid you could need to prepare additional CSS for media="print". See here for additional information.
The method getRowData called without parameters give back the array of rows which are array of visible cells. For every cell will be called unformatter, so the data could be not identical to to data which you posted to jqGrid. Moreover if you use data paging or filtering you can have another problem: only visible cells from the current page will be returned back.
I personally prefer to use export to Excel instead of printing the pages. In the case I add an custom button in the navigator bar. If the button will be clicked by the user the request to the corresponding MVC controller action will be sent. The server get all data for the corresponding grid from the database and generate XLSX Excel data as stream with respect of Open XML SDK. The corresponding code is not very small, but in the way one can generate perfect Excel file formatted like it is required. In the case you don't need install Microsoft Office on the server side. The user just opens Excel with all data if he/she clicks the "Export to Excel" button in the jqGrid. In Excel there are very good printing possibility. The most users knows Excel very good and can customize the data (hide some columns for example) before printing.
So my suggestion to you to spend some time in implementing export to Excel instead of implementing printing of jqGrid directly.
