How to see exactly what make is doing - makefile

Ive got some large make files for a third party project that are not building due to linker issues.
From looking at the make files, I think it should be executing something like:
LIBS = -lm
CC = gcc
bin = bin
myapp: $(bin)/main.o $(bin)/other.o $(bin)/etc.o
$(CC) $(bin)/main.o $(bin)/other.o $(bin)/etc.o $(LIBS) -o myapp
gcc bin/main.o bin/other.o bin/etc.o -lm -o myapp
Instead from the error it seems to be failing on something like: It also didn't put any of the .o files in the expected bin/ location, but just left them in the source directory...
cc main.o -o myapp
But I cant locate anywhere that might come from. Is there some way to get some kind of stacktrace through the make files?
I am aware of -n and -d, but neither seems to tell me what target line and file yeilded that command, or which series of targets led there and the values of any $() expansions (The one im expecting is the only myapp: I can find in any of the makefiles...)

Check out the --debug option. From my manpage:
Print debugging information in addition to normal processing. If the
FLAGS are omitted, then the behavior is the same as if -d was specified.
FLAGS may be a for all debugging output (same as using -d), b for basic
debugging, v for more verbose basic debugging, i for showing implicit
rules, j for details on invocation of commands, and m for debugging
while remaking makefiles.

remake is a very good choice but in a pinch something like the following (saved as can be a good help too. It won't tell you as much as remake but it might tell you enough to start with.
# Use as: make
ifneq (undefined,$(origin X))
override X = -x
SHELL = $(if $#,$(warning Running $#$(if $<, (from: $<))$(if $?, (newer: $?))))$(OLD_SHELL) $(X)
You can print out the other automatic variables there too if you wanted to see a bit more about what was going on.


Trouble with simple makefile in C

I am somewhat of a beginner in C and have a project due where I need to include a makefile to compile my single file program that uses pthreads and semaphores. My makefile looks like:
# Makefile for pizza program
pizza: pizza.o
gcc -lrt -lpthread -g -o pizza pizza.o
pizza.o: pizza.c
gcc -lrt -lpthread -g -c pizza.o pizza.c
and I keep getting:
make: Nothing to be done for 'Makefile'.
I have done several makefiles before and have never gotten this message. I've tried different semantics in the makefile and have only gotten this same message. And yes, the command is tabbed after the target and dependency line.
Using gcc on tcsh. I have read other makefile posts on SO but I wasn't able to use any of the answers to figure it out for my case.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The arguments to make are the targets to be built.
You are running make Makefile which is telling make to try to build the Makefile target.
There is no such target in your makefile, make has no built-in rule that applies to that target and the file exists (and is assumed to be up-to-date) which is what that message is telling you.
To run the default target (by default the first target listed) you can just run make (assuming you are using a default name like Makefile for your makefile).
You can also use the -f argument to make to select an alternate makefile name.
So make -f Makefile will in this case (since Makefile is a default searched name) do the same thing as make.

make command with math library

I need to just run the make command for makefile. But when I run this make command I get the error that "undefined reference to `log'" because I know this fact that it doesn't include math Library and we have to include at runtime. I know that if I run this using gcc comiler then i can write -lm at the end, it will include math library. My problem is I need to run it using make command that is- make lu.
In this if I write make lu -lm it is not linking math library. Please help
Using this link How to use LDFLAGS in makefile
I updated my make file but still same problem persists. Please Help.
include ../config/make.def
OBJS = ep.o ${COMMON}/c_print_results.o ${COMMON}/c_${RAND}.o \
${COMMON}/c_timers.o ${COMMON}/c_wtime.o
include ../sys/make.common
${PROGRAM}: config ${OBJS}
ep.o: ep.c npbparams.h
${CCOMPILE} ep.c
- rm -f *.o *~
- rm -f npbparams.h core
Why does your makefile refer to all sorts of variables that don't exist, like LOADLIBES, C_LIB? Why do you set variables that you never use, like LDLIBS?
The reason it doesn't work is that you're putting the library reference in the LDFLAGS variable, which comes early in your link command before any of your object files. So when the linker goes to link in the math library it thinks that it's not needed because nothing is using it yet.
You have to put libraries at the end of the link line.
Since you already have the C_LIB variable at the end which you are not using, if you add:
C_LIB = -lm
then it should work.

Passing Variable to make from the command line?

I'm trying to pass variables to make from the command line. My command is below
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/my_dir/bin/arm-openwrt-linux-g++
The error I received is
g++: error: arm: No such file or directory
But the file 'arm-openwrt-linux-g++' does exist.
I think the problem is I need to pass varibale to sub-make files. Can some help with an example of how to pass varialbes to sub-makefile from the command-line. I have tried using the -e and export options for make, but can't seen to get anything to work.
Content of makefile:
# GNU Make solution makefile autogenerated by Premake
# Type "make help" for usage help
ifndef config
export config
PROJECTS := json openjaus
.PHONY: all clean help $(PROJECTS)
all: $(PROJECTS)
#echo "==== Building json ($(config)) ===="
#${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C .build -f json.make
openjaus: json
#echo "==== Building openjaus ($(config)) ===="
#${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C .build -f openjaus.make
So, your problem is not related to sending variables over the command line.
Your problem is that in one of the makefiles in your sub-directories, which you haven't shown us, you're using the variable $(ARCH) in an incorrect way such that the expansion of the command line is not a legal g++ command line.
Based on the error message, most likely you're adding a space somewhere where it shouldn't be, so instead of something like -fmarch=arm you're getting -fmarch= arm. Obviously this is just an example because you didn't provide nearly enough information.
One other note: we can't know how your makefiles work but typically makefiles that support a variable like CROSS_COMPILE expect it to be set to just the prefix of the cross-compilation command; in your case it would be CROSS_COMPILE=/my_dir/bin/arm-openwrt-linux-. But, your makefiles might be different.
When asking questions, it's best to if you don't immediately jump to a guess about what the answer is. First describe the problem, and that includes showing the error line as well as a few lines before it. For example in this case you're getting an error from g++ so the command line that make printed out showing you how it invoked g++ would have helped greatly.
Once you've given the underlying detail, then if you think you have an idea about what the problem is go ahead and suggest it, and/or ask about it.
If you provide the rule that invokes g++ and/or the output from make showing the g++ command line, then we can help more.
Here's what I think needs to happen:
You need to make sure that your sub-makefiles actually respect the $(ARCH) and $(CROSS_COMPILE) variables. Are they also generated by Premake? If so, is that how it handles cross-compilation? Check the docs.
In my test (below), I found that variables set on the command line are propagated to sub-makes, which makes me think that your sub-makefiles aren't respecting $(ARCH):
$(MAKE) -C z
#echo "MAKE=$(MAKE)"
#echo "ARCH=$(ARCH)"
Running make with no arguments:
$ make
make -C z
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/foo/test/z'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/foo/test/z'
Running make ARCH=bar:
$ make ARCH=bar
make -C z
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/foo/z/z'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/foo/z/z'

Error when running: make clean

I am trying to build some simulation software using makefile provided by them after I have made some changes to the libraries. But when I run make clean, it stops midway and I get the following error
rm: invalid option -- 'l'
Try `rm --help' for more information.
make: *** [neat] Error 1
I checked the man page for rm and there is no -l option, but I don't know why this command is being executed with -l option. Is there anyway to ignore this, or find out which specific file is causing the problem?
I have figured out the source of the error, but dont know how to edit it to make it work properly. Below is a snippet from an included Makefile with the faulty line:
$(UDP_INTERFACE_DIR)/interfaceudp_app.cpp \
$(UDP_INTERFACE_DIR)/interfaceudp.cpp \
$(UDP_INTERFACE_DIR)/external_interface_udp.cpp \
$(UDP_INTERFACE_DIR)/packet_send.cpp \
$(UDP_INTERFACE_DIR)/addr.cpp \
$(UDP_INTERFACE_DIR)/packet_capture.cpp -lpcap \
In particular, the line: $(UDP_INTERFACE_DIR)/packet_capture.cpp -lpcap \
is causing the error. What does the "-lpcap" added after "packet_capture.cpp" do? Now if I try to remove it, "make" gives an error saying:
./interfaces/extinterface/src/packet_capture.o: In function pcap_sniff_packets(void*)': /home/qualnet/4.5/main/../interfaces/extinterface/src/packet_capture.cpp:63: undefined reference to pcap_setdirection' make: *** [../bin/qualnet] Error 1
I checked the line number 63 in packet_capture.cpp in an effort to understand what -lpcap means. But I have no idea what that code does.
(This is clearly an iterative process, and the comments are getting long, so I'd better start an answer.)
You say: "When I put echo SIM_JOBS: $(SIM_OBJS) in the rule, i get the following when i run make clean: rm -f ../bin/qualnet ../bin/radio_range"
This doesn't make sense. You should get something like
SIM_JOBS: ../bin/qualnet ../bin/radio_range
rm -f ../bin/qualnet ../bin/radio_range
SIM_JOBS: something/else
rm -f ../bin/qualnet ../bin/radio_range
or at least
rm -f ../bin/qualnet ../bin/radio_range
This suggests that you are looking at the wrong rule: the rule which produces rm -f ../bin/qualnet ../bin/radio_range is not the rule in which you put the echo ... command. If it is the rule and you were just being imprecise in the report, put this right above the clean rule:
SIM_JOBS=../bin/qualnet ../bin/radio_range
and tell us what happens.
Sorry, I wrote `SIM_JOBS` when I meant `SIM_OBJS`.
The `echo` command was outside the rule, where it cannot work.
It looks as if the problem. Could you edit your question to show the line you mentioned to #thiton, and a few previous lines? It looks as if the flag "-lpcap" is getting into a variable, where it doesn't belong.
The "-lpcap" is a kludge. My guess is that it's an option intended for the linker. Suppose you want to link a bunch of object files into an executable, and you want to search a certain library called "pcap":
gcc foo.o -lpcap bar.o baz.o
The order is very important; when the linker is searching for something, you want it to search foo.o first, then pcap, then bar, then baz. It's a question of precedence. But you want to store those filenames in a nice tidy variable, and how will you insert the lpcap at the right place? You could do it a good way, or use a lazy hack like this:
OBJECTS = foo.o -lpcap bar.o baz.o
gcc $(OBJECTS)
And if you're deducing the OBJECTS from the SOURCES, you have to put the hack in earlier:
SOURCES = -lpcap
Whoever wrote these makefiles saved half an hour with this kludge, and it's taking you days to fix it. If you can confirm that this is what's happening, the easiest way is probably to split the list in two:
Like #AndrejPanjkov noted in the comments, the standard tool to find out what exactly is going on in Makefiles is the -n (--dry-run) switch of make. It prints all commands as they would be run by the shell, even those normally silenced (e.g. via #).
Have a long, hard look in this output for any pattern like ' -l' (piping the output to less and using / helps). If that doesn't help, try running all commands output by -n by hand in make's shell (normally /bin/sh) or try removing all the silencers (# characters at a rule's start) from the Makefile and running make clean, checking the last line of output.

Issue with Makefile in top level directory, sources in subdirectories

I have a directory called project.
It contains two sub-directories called client and server, and a makefile called Makefile.
client and server have got source files called client.c and server.c, respectively.
I don't have any separate makefiles in the subdirectories for sources belonging to that directory. All builds are done by the single makefile. The Makefile code is
FLAGS = -W -Wall -g -pthread
SERV =./server/server.c #My server code
CLI =./client/client.c #My client code
build:svr cnt
svr: $(SERV)
cc $(FLAGS) $(SERV) -o ./server/server.out
cnt: $(CLI)
cc $(FLAGS) $(CLI) -o ./client/client.out
Now I ran make cnt and it replied
cc -W -Wall -g -pthread ./client/client.c -o ./client/client.out
The problem is all the subsequent make cnt commands end up compiling it again and outputting the above text even though I'm not changing ./client/client.c
I'm stuck here. Don't know what to do.
What I want to do is:
With make cnt, compile client/client.c and output its executable in the client/ directory
With make svr, compile server/server.c and output its executable in server/ directory.
And with make, compile bothserver/server.candclient/client.c` and output their executables in their respective directories
But since I don't have any executables called svr and `cnt the problem I am having isn't solved.
If I change the target to ./client/client.out instead of cnt and then call make client/client.out then it would be fine, exactly what I need but I don't want to enter long command make client/client.out in my terminal
The workaround I have got is as follows
cnt: $(CLI)
cc $(FLAGS) $(CLI) -o cnt
cp cnt ./client/client.out
But not quite satisfied with it. I'm sure what I want to do is really simple and there should be some convenient way around doing it. So how can I do that?
Let's formulate what you want. You want target named `cnt' not to be rebuilt. The makefile you've written knows nothing about client.out file, because it only appears in shell commands within a rule. Make program doesn't read information from shell commands, it only does substitutions there and executes them.
When makefile chooses the targets it will rebuild (`cnt' is one of these targets), it compares update time of a target file with update time of its prerequsites. Since at the time you run ``make cnt'' the file named cnt is absent, the target named so is considered as requiring update. So commands are run and yield no file named cnt, so next make run will consider it for updating as well.
There are two possible solutions. The first one is to give targets same names as of the file, that the rule commands will generate. So, you might end up like this:
client/client.out: $(CLI)
cc $(FLAGS) $(CLI) -o ./client/client.out
Your questioin has nothing to do with directories, by the way. You should also read about .PHONY directive, use $(CC) instead of cc and read gnu make manual, which might be very helpful.
Try this:
SERVO =./server/server.out
CLIO =./client/client.out
.PHONY: srv cnt build
build: svr cnt
svr: $(SERVO)
cnt: $(CLIO)
$(SERVO) $(CLIO): %.out : %.c
cc $(FLAGS) $^ -o $#
Now you can make srv, make cnt, or just make.
There are slightly more sophisticated things you can do, but this should be enough for now.
