I would like to ask:
how I can add expressions in Maxima? i.e. I have:
A = x + y;
B = 2*x + 2*y;
How to get Maxima to give me (A + B)?
how I can do numerical calculation in Maxima? I want to assign
x = 1;
b = 2;
How to get the numerical value of (A + B)?
(1) assignment in Maxima uses the colon symbol (i.e., ":") not the equal sign ("=").
(2) there are a couple of ways to evaluate with specific values.
(2a) subst([x = ..., y = ...], foo) where foo is some expression such as foo : A + B.
(2b) ev(foo, x = ..., y = ...)
(%i1) A : x + y;
(%o1) y + x
(%i2) B : 2*x + 2*y;
(%o2) 2 y + 2 x
(%i3) foo : A + B;
(%o3) 3 y + 3 x
(%i4) subst ([x = 1, y = 2], foo);
(%o4) 9
(%i5) ev (foo, x = 1, y = 2);
(%o5) 9
Yet another way to substitute values into a formula is with the '' operator as follows:
(%i57) A : 2*a+b ; B : a-b;
(%o57) b + 2 a
(%o58) a - b
(%i59) a : 4; b : 10;
(%o59) 4
(%o60) 10
(%i61) A;
(%o61) b + 2 a
(%i62) ''A;
(%o62) 18
(%i63) ''B;
(%o64) - 6
(%i65) ''A + ''B;
(%o65) 12
(%i66) ''(A+B);
(%o66) 12
Can I simply ask the logical flow of the below Mathematica code? What are the variables arg and abs doing? I have been searching for answers online and used ToMatlab but still cannot get the answer. Thank you.
PositiveCubicRoot[p_, q_, r_] :=
Module[{po3 = p/3, a, b, det, abs, arg},
b = ( po3^3 - po3 q/2 + r/2);
a = (-po3^2 + q/3);
det = a^3 + b^2;
If[det >= 0,
det = Power[Sqrt[det] - b, 1/3];
-po3 - a/det + det
(* evaluate real part, imaginary parts cancel anyway *)
abs = Sqrt[-a^3];
arg = ArcCos[-b/abs];
abs = Power[abs, 1/3];
abs = (abs - a/abs);
arg = -po3 + abs*Cos[arg/3]
abs and arg are being reused multiple times in the algorithm.
In a case where det > 0 the steps are
po3 = p/3;
b = (po3^3 - po3 q/2 + r/2);
a = (-po3^2 + q/3);
abs1 = Sqrt[-a^3];
arg1 = ArcCos[-b/abs1];
abs2 = Power[abs1, 1/3];
abs3 = (abs2 - a/abs2);
arg2 = -po3 + abs3*Cos[arg1/3]
abs3 can be identified as A in this answer: Using trig identity to a solve cubic equation
That is the most salient point of this answer.
Evaluating symbolically and numerically may provide some other insights.
Using demo inputs
{p, q, r} = {-2.52111798, -71.424692, -129.51520};
Copyable version of trig identity notes - NB a, b, p & q are used differently in this post
Plot[x^3 - 2.52111798 x^2 - 71.424692 x - 129.51520, {x, 0, 15}]
a = 1;
b = -2.52111798;
c = -71.424692;
d = -129.51520;
p = (3 a c - b^2)/3 a^2;
q = (2 b^3 - 9 a b c + 27 a^2 d)/27 a^3;
A = 2 Sqrt[-p/3]
A == abs3
-(b/3) + A Cos[1/3 ArcCos[
-((b/3)^3 - (b/3) c/2 + d/2)/Sqrt[-(-(b^2/9) + c/3)^3]]]
There is also a solution shown here
Clear[a, b, c]
1/3 (-a + 2 Sqrt[a^2 - 3 b] Cos[1/3 ArcCos[
(-2 a^3 + 9 a b - 27 c)/(2 (a^2 - 3 b)^(3/2))]]) /.
{a -> -2.52111798, b -> -71.424692, c -> -129.51520}
I want to loop through two lists, pass the the combos to a function, and get the following output:
ru = ['a', 'b', 'c']
ni = ['x', 'y', 'z']
def my_func(ru, ni):
print("{} + {}".format(ru, ni))
for i in ru:
for j in ni:
# Output
a + x
a + y
a + z
b + x
b + y
b + z
c + x
c + y
c + z
Since this is Pyspark, I would like to parallelize it, since each iteration of the function can run independently.
Note: My actual function is a long complicated algorithm in pyspark. Just wanted to post an easy example to generalize.
What is the best way to do this?
Use cartesian:
ru = sc.parallelize(['a', 'b', 'c'])
ni = sc.parallelize(['x', 'y', 'z'])
For your case,
def my_func(ru, ni):
print("{} + {}".format(ru, ni))
ru.cartesian(ni).foreach(lambda t: my_func(t[0], t[1]))
a + z
a + y
a + x
b + y
b + x
b + z
c + y
c + x
c + z
Example :
A=5, B=2, N=12
Then let x=2, y=1, so 12 - (5(2) + 2(1)) = 0.
Another example:
A=5, B=4, N=12
Here x=1, y=1 is the best possible. Note x=2, y=0 would be better except that x=0 is not allowed.
I'm looking for something fast.
Note it's sufficient to find the value of Ax+By. It's not necessary to give x or y explicitly.
If gcd(A,B)|N, then N is your maximal value. Otherwise, it's the greatest multiple of gcd(A,B) that's smaller than N. Using 4x+2y=13 as an example, that value is gcd(4,2)*6=12 realized by 4(2)+2(2)=12 (among many solutions).
As a formula, your maximal value is Floor(N/gcd(A,B))*gcd(A,B).
Edit: If both x and y must be positive, this may not work. However, won't even be a solution if A+B>N. Here's an algorithm for you...
from math import floor, ceil
def euclid_wallis(m, n):
col1 = [1, 0, m]
col2 = [0, 1, n]
while col2[-1] != 0:
f = -1 * (col1[-1] // col2[-1])
col2, col1 = [x2 * f + x1 for x1, x2 in zip(col1, col2)], col2
return col1, col2
def positive_solutions(A, B, N):
(x, y, gcf), (cx, cy, _) = euclid_wallis(A, B)
f = N // gcf
while f > 0:
fx, fy, n = f*x, f*y, f*gcf
k_min = (-fx + 0.) / cx
k_max = (-fy + 0.) / cy
if cx < 0:
k_min, k_max = k_max, k_min
if floor(k_min) + 1 <= ceil(k_max) - 1:
example_k = int(floor(k_min) + 1)
return fx + cx * example_k, fy + cy * example_k, n
if k_max <= 1:
raise Exception('No solution - A: {}, B: {}, N: {}'.format(A, B, N))
f -= 1
print positive_solutions(5, 4, 12) # (1, 1, 9)
print positive_solutions(2, 3, 6) # (1, 1, 5)
print positive_solutions(23, 37, 238) # (7, 2, 235)
A brute-force O(N^2 / A / B) algorithm, implemented in plain Python3:
import math
def axby(A, B, N):
return [A * x + B * y
for x in range(1, 1 + math.ceil(N / A))
for y in range(1, 1 + math.ceil(N / B))
if (N - A * x - B * y) >= 0]
def bestAxBy(A, B, N):
return min(axby(A, B, N), key=lambda x: N - x)
This matched your examples:
In [2]: bestAxBy(5, 2, 12)
Out[2]: 12 # 5 * (2) + 2 * (1)
In [3]: bestAxBy(5, 4, 12)
Out[3]: 9 # 5 * (1) + 4 * (1)
Have no idea what algorithm that might be, but I think you need something like that (C#)
static class Program
static int solve( int a, int b, int N )
if( a <= 0 || b <= 0 || N <= 0 )
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
if( a + b > N )
return -1; // Even x=1, y=1 still more then N
int x = 1;
int y = ( N - ( x * a ) ) / b;
int zInitial = a * x + b * y;
int zMax = zInitial;
while( true )
y = ( N - ( x * a ) ) / b;
if( y <= 0 )
return zMax; // With that x, no positive y possible
int z = a * x + b * y;
if( z > zMax )
zMax = z; // Nice, found better
if( z == zInitial )
return zMax; // x/y/z are periodical, returned where started, meaning no new values are expected
static void Main( string[] args )
int r = solve( 5, 4, 12 );
Console.WriteLine( "{0}", r );
How is it performing swapping?
I don't agree that it's swap to a book!!!
The book options include "complements of values of a and b" ,"negate and b".Hope these options aren't satisfying it too???
The correct algorithm should be:
a = a + b
b = a - b
a = a - b
The swap is performed using XOR, which is typically written as a plus within a circle; for example:
a := 5
b := 7
a := a xor b (2)
b := a xor b (5)
a := b xor a (7)
I recently underwent an interview for java fresher, the interviewer asked me to perform swapping of two numbers (but in one line).
Swapping of two numbers can be performed in one line also, without using a temp variable.
The logic is really simple,
x is added with y in the same line, y is assigned as x which is subtracted by their sum.
after performing this one line arithmetics the numbers were swapped. (only in one line)
public class SwapInOneLine {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int x = 10; int y = 20;
System.out.println("Before Swaping: x = " + x + " and y= " + y);
x = x + y - (y = x);
System.out.println("After Swaping: x = " + x + " and y= " + y);
Before Swaping: x = 10 and y= 20
After Swaping: x = 20 and y= 10
We can use XOR (^) for this.
Advantage of XOR : As XOR works on bit level, it takes very less amount of time than any other operations.
If a = 5 and b = 7
then to swap :
a = a ^ b
b = a ^ b
a = a ^ b
Where '^' means XOR.
Result :
a = 7 and b = 5
Actually, it can be done by two ways:
int a = 5, b = 10;
Using Addition(+) and Subtraction(-)
a = a + b;
b = a - b;
a = a - b;
Using Multiple(*) and Division(/)
a = a * b;
b = a / b;
a = a / b;
I have two lines:
y = -1/3x + 4
y = 3x + 85
The intersection is at [24.3, 12.1].
I have a set of coordinates prepared:
points = [[1, 3], [4, 8], [25, 10], ... ]
#y = -1/3x + b
m_regr = -1/3
b_regr = 4
m_perp = 3 #(1 / m_regr * -1)
distances = []
points.each do |pair|
x1 = pair.first
y2 = pair.last
x2 = ((b_perp - b_regr / (m_regr - m_perp))
y2 = ((m_regr * b_perp) / (m_perp * b_regr))/(m_regr - m_perp)
distance = Math.hypot((y2 - y1), (x2 - x1))
distances << distance
Is there a gem or some better method for this?
NOTE: THE ABOVE METHOD DOES NOT WORK. See my answer for a solution that works.
What's wrong with using a little math?
If you have:
y = m1 x + b1
y = m2 x + b2
It's a simple system of linear equations.
If you solve them, your intersection is:
x = (b2 - b1)/(m1 - m2)
y = (m1 b2 - m2 b1)/(m1 - m2)
After much suffering and many different tries, I found a simple algebraic method here that not only works but is dramatically simplified.
distance = ((y - mx - b).abs / Math.sqrt(m**2 + 1))
where x and y are the coordinates for the known point.
For Future Googlers:
def solution k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s
intrsc_x1 = m - k
intrsc_y1 = n - l
intrsc_x2 = r - p
intrsc_y2 = s - q
v1 = (-intrsc_y1 * (k - p) + intrsc_x1 * (l - q)) / (-intrsc_x2 * intrsc_y1 + intrsc_x1 * intrsc_y2);
v2 = ( intrsc_x2 * (l - q) - intrsc_y2 * (k - p)) / (-intrsc_x2 * intrsc_y1 + intrsc_x1 * intrsc_y2);
(v1 >= 0 && v1 <= 1 && v2 >= 0 && v2 <= 1) ? true : false
The simplest and cleanest way I've found on the internet.