KendoUI and breeze - kendo-ui

I am using Kendo grid in which I am binding breeze elements into it
query = IncidentRepositoryService.getQueyObject(['Severity', 'eq', 'Normal']);
IncidentRepositoryService.getEntitiesByQuery(query).then(function(results) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
I had to add the backing store cause when I added the real object I got out of stack exception from kendo. I cannot use the backing store cause I havee define properties on top of the breeze types and I need to bind to them

I know this answer comes a little bit late. But maybe someone still searches for an answer to this question.
You cannot use the Breeze Entity in a Kendo Grid since it contains circular references.
You can either use the experimental Breeze Kendo Datasource or implement yourself a function which creates an object without circular references:
// Converts a breeze entity to a kendo data source item.
// Data properties are written to a new objects. Breeze entity
// is moved to __breezeEntity property.
function toKendoItem(entity) {
if (entity === null || entity === undefined) {
return entity;
var props = entity.entityType.dataProperties,
obj = {};
props.forEach(function (prop) {
obj[] = entity[];
obj.__breezeEntity = entity;
return obj;
query = IncidentRepositoryService.getQueyObject(['Severity', 'eq', 'Normal']);
IncidentRepositoryService.getEntitiesByQuery(query).then(function(results) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {


How to get a standalone / unmanaged RealmObject using Realm Xamarin

Is there a way that when I read an object from Realm that it can become a standalone or unmanaged object? In EF, this is called no tracking. The usage for this would be when I want to implement more business logic on my data objects before they are updated on the persistent data storage. I may want to give the RealmObject to a ViewModel, but when the changes come back from the ViewModel, I want to compare the disconnected object to the object in the datastore to determine what was changed, so If there was a way that I could disconnect the object from Realm when I give it to the ViewModel, then I can better manage what properties have changed, using my biz logic to do what I need, then save the changes back to realm.
I understand Realm does a lot of magic and many people will not want to add a layer like this but in my app, I cant really have the UI directly updating the datastore, unless there is a event that is raised that I can subscribe too and then attach my business logic this way.
I only saw one event and it does not appear to perform this action.
Thanks for your assistance.
First, get json NUGET :
PM> Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
And, try this "hack" :
Deserialize the modified IsManaged property does the tricks.
public d DetachObject<d>(d Model) where d : RealmObject
return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<d>(
.Replace(",\"IsManaged\":true", ",\"IsManaged\":false")
If you facing slow-down on JsonConvert:
According to source code
, the 'IsManaged' property only has get accessor and return true when private field _realm which is available
So, we has to set the instance of field _realm to null does the tricks
public d DetachObject<d>(d Model) where d : RealmObject
System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.SetValue(Model, null);
return Model.IsManaged ? null : Model;
You will get empty RealmObject body after Realm are now implemented same strategy as LazyLoad
Record down live RealmObject and (deactivate) realm instance in object by Reflection. And set back recorded values to RealmObject. With handled all the ILists inside too.
public d DetachObject<d>(d Model) where d : RealmObject
return (d)DetachObjectInternal(Model);
private object DetachObjectInternal(object Model)
//Record down properties and fields on RealmObject
var Properties = Model.GetType().GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public)
.Where(x => x.Name != "ObjectSchema" && x.Name != "Realm" && x.Name != "IsValid" && x.Name != "IsManaged" && x.Name != "IsDefault")
.Select(x =>(x.PropertyType.Name == "IList`1")? ("-" + x.Name, x.GetValue(Model)) : (x.Name, x.GetValue(Model))).ToList();
var Fields = Model.GetType().GetFields(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public)
.Select(x => (x.Name, x.GetValue(Model))).ToList();
//Unbind realm instance from object
typeof(RealmObject).GetField("_realm", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(Model, null);
//Set back the properties and fields into RealmObject
foreach (var field in Fields)
Model.GetType().GetField(field.Item1, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(Model, field.Item2);
foreach (var property in Properties.OrderByDescending(x=>x.Item1[0]).ToList())
if (property.Item1[0] == '-')
int count = (int)property.Item2.GetType().GetMethod("get_Count").Invoke(property.Item2, null);
if (count > 0)
if (property.Item2.GetType().GenericTypeArguments[0].BaseType.Name == "RealmObject")
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var seter = property.Item2.GetType().GetMethod("set_Item");
var geter = property.Item2.GetType().GetMethod("get_Item");
property.Item2.GetType().GetField("_realm", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(property.Item2, null);
DetachObjectInternal(geter.Invoke(property.Item2, new object[] { i }));
Model.GetType().GetProperty(property.Item1, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(Model, property.Item2);
return Model;
For List of the RealmObject , Using Select():
DBs.All<MyRealmObject>().ToList().Select(t => DBs.DetachObject(t)).ToList();
(Java)You dont need this if youre in java:
Maybe some day, this feature will come to .NET Realm
#xamarin #C# #Realm #RealmObject #detach #managed #IsManaged #copyFromRealm
Until its added to Realm for Xamarin, I added a property to my Model that creates a copy of the object. This seems to work for my use. The TwoWay Binding error messages are now also not an issue. For a more complicated application, I don't want to put business or data logic in the ViewModel. This allows all the Magic of xamarin forms to work and me to implement logic when its finally time to save the changes back to realm.
public Contact ToStandalone()
return new Contact()
companyName = this.companyName,
dateAdded = this.dateAdded,
fullName = this.fullName,
gender = this.gender,
website =
However, If there are any relationships this method does not work for the relationships. Copying the List is not really an option either as the relationship cant exist if the object is not attached to Realm, I read this some where, can't find it to ref now. So I guess we will be waiting for the additions to the framework.
Not currently in the Xamarin interface but we could add it. The Java interface already has copyFromRealm which performs a deep copy. That also has a paired merging copyToRealmOrUpdate.
See Realm github issue for further discussion.
However, as a design issue, is this really meeting your need in an optimal way?
I have used converters in WPF apps to insert logic into the binding - these are available in Xamarin Forms.
Another way in Xamarin forms is to use Behaviours, as introduced in the blog article and covered in the API.
These approaches are more about adding logic between the UI and ViewModel, which you could consider as part of the ViewModel, but before updates are propagated to bound values.
After wasting too much time in 3rd party libraries like AutoMapper, I've created my own extension function which works pretty well. This function simply uses Reflection with the recession. (Currently, Only for List type. You can extend the functionality for Dictionary and other types of the collection very easily or you can completely modify the functionality based on your own requirements.).
I didn't do too much time and complexity analysis. I've tested only for my test case which contains many nested RealmObject, built from a 3500+ line of JSON object, took only 15 milliseconds to clone the object.
Here the complete extension available via Github Gist. If you want to extend the functionality of this extension please update this Github Gist, So, other developers can take advantage of it.
Here the complete extension -
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using Realms;
namespace ProjectName.Core.Extensions
public static class RealmExtension
public static T Clone<T>(this T source) where T: new()
//If source is null return null
if (source == null)
return default(T);
var target = new T();
var targetType = typeof(T);
//List of skip namespaces
var skipNamespaces = new List<string>
//Get the Namespace name of Generic Collection
var collectionNamespace = typeof(List<string>).Namespace;
//flags to get properties
var flags = BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;
//Get target properties list which follows the flags
var targetProperties = targetType.GetProperties(flags);
//if traget properties is null then return default target
if (targetProperties == null)
return target;
//enumerate properties
foreach (var property in targetProperties)
//skip property if it's belongs to namespace available in skipNamespaces list
if (skipNamespaces.Contains(property.DeclaringType.Namespace))
//Get property information and check if we can write value in it
var propertyInfo = targetType.GetProperty(property.Name, flags);
if (propertyInfo == null || !property.CanWrite)
//Get value from the source
var sourceValue = property.GetValue(source);
//If property derived from the RealmObject then Clone that too
if (property.PropertyType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(RealmObject)) && (sourceValue is RealmObject))
var propertyType = property.PropertyType;
var convertedSourceValue = Convert.ChangeType(sourceValue, propertyType);
sourceValue = typeof(RealmExtension).GetMethod("Clone", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
.MakeGenericMethod(propertyType).Invoke(convertedSourceValue, new[] { convertedSourceValue });
//Check if property belongs to the collection namespace and original value is not null
if (property.PropertyType.Namespace == collectionNamespace && sourceValue != null)
//get the type of the property (currently only supported List)
var listType = property.PropertyType;
//Create new instance of listType
var newList = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(listType);
//Convert source value into the list type
var convertedSourceValue = Convert.ChangeType(sourceValue, listType) as IEnumerable;
//Enumerate source list and recursively call Clone method on each object
foreach (var item in convertedSourceValue)
var value = typeof(RealmExtension).GetMethod("Clone", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
.MakeGenericMethod(item.GetType()).Invoke(item, new[] { item });
//update source value
sourceValue = newList;
//set updated original value into the target
propertyInfo.SetValue(target, sourceValue);
return target;

Getting lightswitch HTML client to load related entities

I am trying to load an entity based on a Query and allow the user to edit it. The entity loads without issues from the query, however it does not load its related entities, leaving detail pickers unfilled when loading the edit screen.
This is the code that I have:
myapp.BrowseCOAMissingHoldingCompanies.VW_ChartOfAccountsWithMissingHoldingCompanies_ItemTap_execute = function (screen) {
var accountName = screen.VW_ChartOfAccountsWithMissingHoldingCompanies.selectedItem.AccountFullName;
return myapp.activeDataWorkspace.Accounting360Data.FindChartOfAccountsMappingByAccountName(accountName)
.execute().then(function (query) {
var coa = query.results[0];
return myapp.showAddEditChartOfAccountsMapping(coa, {
beforeShown: function (addEditScreen) {
addEditScreen.ChartOfAccountsMapping = coa;
afterClosed: function () {
Interestingly if I open the browse screen (and nothing else) of that entity type first (which does retrieve the entity), then the related entities load correctly and everything works, but I can't figure out how to make that level of load happen in this code.
One method of tackling this (and to avoid the extra query execution of a follow on refresh) is to use the expand method to include any additional navigation properties as follows:
myapp.BrowseCOAMissingHoldingCompanies.VW_ChartOfAccountsWithMissingHoldingCompanies_ItemTap_execute = function (screen) {
var accountName = screen.VW_ChartOfAccountsWithMissingHoldingCompanies.selectedItem.AccountFullName;
return myapp.activeDataWorkspace.Accounting360Data.FindChartOfAccountsMappingByAccountName(
"RelatedEntity," +
"AnotherRelatedEntity," +
).execute().then(function (query) {
var coa = query.results[0];
return myapp.showAddEditChartOfAccountsMapping(coa, {
beforeShown: function (addEditScreen) {
addEditScreen.ChartOfAccountsMapping = coa;
afterClosed: function () {
As you've not mentioned the name of your entity's navigational properties, I've used coa.RelatedEntity, coa.AnotherRelatedEntity and coa.AnotherRelatedEntity.SubEntity in the above example.
As covered by LightSwitch's intellisense (in msls-?.?.?-vsdoc.js) this method 'Expands results by including additional navigation properties using an expression defined by the OData $expand system query option' and it accepts a single parameter of 'An OData expand expression (a comma-separated list of names of navigation properties)'.
The reason your forced refresh of coa also populates the navigational properties is that LightSwitch's refresh method implicitly expands all navigation properties (provided you don't specify the navigationPropertyNames parameter when calling the refresh). The following shows the internal implementation of the LightSwitch refresh method (with the implicit expand behaviour executing if the navigationPropertyNames parameter is null):
function refresh(navigationPropertyNames) {
var details = this,
properties =,
i, l = properties.length,
if (details.entityState !== _EntityState.unchanged) {
if (!navigationPropertyNames) {
navigationPropertyNames = [];
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
property = properties[i];
propertyEntry = property._entry;
if (isReferenceNavigationProperty(propertyEntry) &&
!isVirtualNavigationProperty(propertyEntry)) {
query = new _DataServiceQuery(
_entitySet: details.entitySet
if (navigationPropertyNames.length > 0) {
query = query.expand(navigationPropertyNames.join(","));
return query.merge(msls.MergeOption.unchangedOnly).execute();
However, if you take the refresh approach, you'll be performing an additional unnecessary query operation.
Entity Framework uses lazy loading by default, so related data will be loaded on demand, but in your case that's too late because the entity is already client-side a that point.
Try using the Include method in your query if you want eager loading.
Calling refresh on the details of the entity seems to do it:
return coa.details.refresh().then(function() {
return myapp.showAddEditChartOfAccountsMapping(coa, {
beforeShown: function (addEditScreen) {
addEditScreen.ChartOfAccountsMapping = coa;
afterClosed: function () {
You should use load method to fetch related data from Server. At this time we don't have any ways to force msls load related data.

Backbone.js + MVC3. Nested collection doesn't get populated

I have a backbone collection on the client.
Model of the collection has some properties along with another collection
When I do fetch() my action method on the server returns some data, collection gets populated, all the properties too, except that nested collection.
What could be the reason?
var Job = Backbone.Model.extend();
var Jobs = Backbone.Collection.extend({model: Job})
var Foo = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize:function(){ = new Jobs();
var FooCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({model: Foo})
var fooCol = new FooCollection()
fooCol.first().get('name') // => returns name
fooCol.first().jobs.toJSON() // returns nothing
// although this will
fooCol.first().get('jobs') //it will return an array
So somehow nested Backbone collection becomes just a regular property (Array)
OK - with your extra information, I can give you an answer.
First - "get" doesn't get a property off of the model. It gets a property off of the model's attributes property. So, the attributes probably look like:
name: 'blah',
jobs: [{name: 'job1'}, {name: 'job2'}]
Backbone doesn't automagically transform arrays into collections and models, and simply setting isn't going to work. What you need to do is a little more complex.
var Foo = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize:function(){ = new Jobs(;
This will set your 'jobs' property to a new jobs object with the data that was sent over for the jobs. But, alas, it won't automatically fire events on the Jobs collection, nor will it allow you to use helpers like this.get('jobs').each(fn); - you'll only be able to use it as
In order for you to use the attribute as an actual collection, you'll have to do a lot more complicated things.
var Foo = Backbone.Model.extend({
toJSON: function () {
var json = Backbone.Model.prototype.toJSON.apply(this); = this.get('jobs').toJSON();
return json;
set: function (key, val) {
var attributes;
if(!_.isObject(key)) {
attributes = {}; attributes[key] = val;
} else {
attributes = key;
safeAttributes = _.omit(attributes, 'jobs');, safeAttributes);
if( { this.get('jobs').reset(; }
clear: function () {
if(this.get('jobs') && this.get('jobs').destroy) {
createJobs: function (jobsArray) {
var jobsCollection = new Jobs(jobsArray);
jobsCollection.on('change', function () {this.trigger('change'); }, this);
this.set('jobs', jobsCollection);
Note that this is completely untested, but hopefully it shows some of the way you'd do this.

Reflection + Linq + DbSet

I use EF code-first 4.1. in my application. Now I want to get entities through WCF services using generic types.
I'm trying to reflect generic type and invoke the method ToList of DbSet Object.
Here is my code:
public string GetAllEntries(string objectType)
var mdc =
Globals.DbConnection.Create(#"some_db_connection", true);
// Getting assembly for types
var asob = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(CrmObject));
// getting requested object type from assembly
var genericType = asob.GetType(objectType, true, true);
if (genericType.BaseType == typeof(CrmObject))
// Getting Set<T> method
var method = mdc.GetType().GetMember("Set").Cast<MethodInfo>().Where(x => x.IsGenericMethodDefinition).FirstOrDefault();
// Making Set<SomeRealCrmObject>() method
var genericMethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(genericType);
// invoking Setmethod into invokeSet
var invokeSet = genericMethod.Invoke(mdc, null);
// invoking ToList method from Set<> invokeSet
var invokeToList = invokeSet.GetType().GetMember("ToList").Cast<MethodInfo>().FirstOrDefault();
//this return not referenced object as result
return invokeToList.ToString();
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
return ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace;
In fact then I write the code like return mdc.Set<SomeRealCrmObject>().ToList() - works fine for me! But then I use the generic types I cannot find the method ToList in object DbSet<SomeRealCrmObject>().
Eranga is correct, but this is an easier usage:
dynamic invokeSet = genericMethod.Invoke(mdc, null);
var list = Enumerable.ToList(invokeSet);
C# 4's dynamic takes care of the cumbersome generic reflection for you.
ToLIst() is not a member of DbSet/ObjectSet but is an extension method.
You can try this instead
var method = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("ToList");
var generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(genericType);
generic.Invoke(invokeSet, null);
I had a similar situation where I needed a way to dynamically load values for dropdown lists used for search criteria on a page allowing users to run adhoc queries against a given table. I wanted to do this dynamically so there would be no code change on the front or backend when new fields were added. So using a dynamic type and some basic reflection, it solved my problem.
What I needed to do was invoke a DbSet property on a DbContext based on the generic type for the DbSet. So for instance the type might be called County and the DbSet property is called Counties. The load method below would load objects of type T (the County) and return an array of T objects (list of County objects) by invoking the DbSet property called Counties. EntityList is just a decorator object that takes a list of lookup items and adds additional properties needed for the grid on the front-end.
public T[] Load<T>() where T : class
var dbProperty = typeof(Data.BmpDB).GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(
x => x.GetMethod.ReturnType.GenericTypeArguments[0].FullName == typeof(T).FullName);
if (dbProperty == null)
return null;
dynamic data = dbProperty.GetMethod.Invoke(BmpDb, null);
var list = Enumerable.ToList(data) as List<T>;
var entityList = new Data.EntityList<T>(list);
return entityList.Results;

Observing properties of an array that is being observed in KnockoutJS

I'm working on an ASP.Net MVC application. My action is returning a view with a model that is an array of objects (a class with properties like Name, ID, IsViewable).
var model = #Model.ToJson(); // done via extension call
I want to observe this array, so whenever it changes I can update a table that has been bound to a template.
var viewModel = {
accounts = ko.observableArray(model)
This works just fine for adding and deleting elements from the array. However, I also want the template to update when a property in one of the accounts changes (ie, Name or ID).
On the KnockoutJS website, it says: Of course, you can make those properties observable if you wish, but that’s an independent choice. This is what I cannot figure out how to do.
I tried something like this with no avail:
var viewModel = {
accounts = ko.oservableArray([])
for(var i = 0; i < model.length; i++) {
I can post the template and the table if it's needed.
You should look into the knockout.mapping plugin. I think it does everything you are looking to do.
I ended up getting this to work, so I thought I would share with anyone that might have having the same problem.
You need to wrap your array items in a JavaScript class. Then in the constructor, set each property to obserable:
var model = #Model.ToJson();
var viewModel = {
accounts = ko.observableArray(ko.utils.arrayMap(model, function(account) {
return new AccountWrapper(account);
function AccountWrapper(account) {
this.Property1 = ko.observable(account.Propery1);
this.Property2 = ko.observable(account.Propery2);
this.Property3 = ko.observable(account.Propery3);
And if you want to modify one of the items directly to see the change, you could do something like:
viewModel.accounts()[3].Name('My Name Changed');
And you can still get notified when items are added or remove:
Here's another approach that works and doesn't require the mapping plugin:
var model = #Model.ToJson();
var viewModel = {
accounts: ko.observableArray([]),
fromJS: function(js) {
for (var i = 0; i < js.length; i++) {
Property1: ko.observable(js[i].Property1),
Property2: ko.observable(js[i].Property2),
Property3: ko.observable(js[i].Property3)
