Is it possible to make Guake terminal to use 256 colors instead of just 8?
The only info that I found on the internet is this post but it didn't work.
Guake supports natively 256 colours. And this is the answer to your question ;)
For testing it, you can simply run this script.
Ok fixed: You just need to run this scripts provided here:
I'm trying to configure my Cygwin64 terminal to do certain existing commands using shorter keywords. For example, I want to be able to use clear by typing clr in all cases. However, I still want the original clear to work. Is this type of command "forwarding" possible?
This is known as command aliasing:
alias clr=clear
Both clr and clear will work
I hope this helps!
Is it possible to colour the console output with OCaml on Windows ?
It seems to be possible on a linux terminal : print_string "\027[31m blabla" but I cannot find any information regarding the Windows console.
Using ther Vanilla windows tooling..
Color management is not possible by default using the command ( ms dos ) console emulation.
Out of the box, the best you can get is by using the PowerShell command line interface instead and to configure the colors like explained in this page.
In an opened terminal:
write-host -foregroundcolor Red "Hello"
will result in Hello printed in Red ...
But this is not convenient at all..
A better solution provided by an external tool
The easiest way is to uses an external tool to do the job, but you'll need to install a kind of windows command line extension.
A nice project can be found HERE it's called ANSICON and will directly interpret the ANSI codes the same way the Linux modern terminal emulators does.
You may be interested in ANSITerminal
. I do not remember how good the Windows version is — I personally do not use that platform — but do not hesitate to fill issues or submit pull requests.
If you are looking for ANSI color support (and more) in cmd.exe you can use clink.
Is there any sort of utility I can use to convert an image to ASCII and then print it in my terminal? I looked for one but couldn't seem to find any.
A program called cacaview allows you to do this.
It is interactive, allowing you to pan, zoom, and change display modes.
(Full size image)
more simply, you may use img2txt from the caca library (cacaview is an image browser and opens a new window, which is not what is asked here I guess);
For instance :
on macosx, you may use homebrew :
$ brew reinstall libcaca --with-imlib2
(imlib is used to convert from different formats)
Try using the Google-Ninja before asking!
I found cacaview and aview.
A high quality fast standalone conversion utility (provided you have a 256 color terminal) is pxl, available at
Here's a utility that does this (with source code):
I like to use chafa.
chafa example.png
You can download Chafa from Chafa's website or from your favourite package manager, like APT:
sudo apt install chafa
Another alternative is to use the Ipython notebook: it is pretty good at doing what you ask for.
For bash: You have to prepend commands with a bang.
For images: You may use the rich display system from ipython.
A screenshot of the result:
Complete answer in this post.
I am new to cygwin, since I usually use Linux. I had a quick question regarding it. From the xterm window of cywin, how do I create multiple terminal tabs, so that I can have multiple ssh (with X11 forwarding) sessions from the same window?
I tried googling this, but could not find any useful link for this problem.... I am sure there is some way to do this, just can't figure it out.
Thanks a lot for your help!
If you're already open to starting up X11, check out mrxvt. It does multiple tabs, and last I checked, it built smoothly under Cygwin.
There's also Terminator, which is a java terminal emulator... ISTR it doesn't require X11.
Vim is acting slow when I scroll. The cursor skips some lines when I'm pressing j/k continually.
I'm using xterm and urxvt. In both vim acts like this.
This happens locally, with small or big files. I do use Control + F/B they work just fine.
EDIT: ttyfast in small files did the trick but in bigger is the same. When running without customization it goes allright.
:set lazyredraw will buffer screen updates instead of updating all the time. I generally enable it when I'm doing a complex macro playback. Might help you here.
Have you tried the 'ttyfast' option? See:
:help 'ttyfast'
for help, and:
:set ttyfast
to enable it.
Also, what version are you using? And have you tried this with no customizations to see if something you've set is interfering?
Run it like this to omit any of your vimrc settings and plugins:
vim -u NONE
EDIT: If removal of customizations fixes it. Remove things iteratively until the behavior returns. Start by narrowing it down to either a vimrc problem or to plugins.
I had this problem only when using the pylint.vim plugin with syntastic. The only thing I can find that's helpful (other than disabling the syntax checker) is to disable highlighting current line:
:set cul!
This sped up my scrolling significantly.
Regexp Recomputation Bug on Vim
Depending on the version of Vim you are using, you might be affected by a regexp recomputation bug, whose main culprits seem to be highlighting the cursor line and displaying relative line numbers:
set relativenumber
set cursorline
The web is scattered with threads reporting this issue (here, here and here). The issue seems to be exacerbated if one also uses syntax highlighting.
Personally I just solved my slow scrolling problems by disabling relativenumber by adding this to my vimrc:
set number
My Vim
My Vim is the one provided by the vim-nox package version 2:7.3.547-7 on Debian 7.9. Typing :version in Vim yields:
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Dec 11 2014 03:17:52)
Included patches: 1-488
If the other suggestions don't work, it may be a problem with your terminal. My gnome-terminal on Ubuntu was scrolling much slower than PuTTY with the same file.
If you're using Ubuntu's default gnome-terminal, you might want try another terminal program. urxvt both worked for me (terminator had similar problems):
$ sudo apt-get install rxvt-unicode
$ urxvt
The major downside is that it doesn't look very good. You can try the advice here to make it look a bit better
Slow tab switching in Vim with large terminal
The GNOME Terminal is very slow in GNOME 3 [AskUbuntu]
Edit: It seems that the real solution for me may be to stop full-screening my terminal when using vim.
Late answer, but the above did not help me.
First, figure out what the exact problem is rather than flailing about disabling random stuff. Vim has a super nifty profiler.
:help prof
will get you started, but I did
:prof start ~/vim_profile
:prof func *
:prof file *
Then did a bunch of super slow scrolling. Afterwards,
:prof exit
You can then look at the vim_profile and see exactly what the problem is. In my case it was the matchparen which I fixed by adding
set noshowmatch
to .vimrc, but could be different for you.
As an aside, after I got vim itself tuned, I was able to improve performance more by using a different terminal (iTerm2, or Alacritty) instead of the built in one.
My scrolling was fixed after disabling parenthesis highlighting. In ~/.vimrc put:
let loaded_matchparen = 1
Check your silent mappings as well. If you have mappings starting with j, k, h,l then that may also cause a momentary lag.
I was running vim on a Raspberry Pi 1. Disabling this one line sped things up for me:
set foldmethod=syntax "slow!
I came here with similar scrolling problems. I really didn't want to turn off syntax highlighting altogether, so I disabled "set cursorcolumn" and "set cursorline" and my scrolling became much faster.