Searching through NHibernate -

I have a search code which searches using three parameters but i want to pass a single parameter and match it with all three or four or any number of variables in the code.Can any one show me the way forward
ICriteria oCriteria = base.Session.CreateCriteria<Patient>("p").CreateCriteria("User", "u", NHibernate.SqlCommand.JoinType.InnerJoin)
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("u.IsDeleted", false)).Add(Restrictions.Eq("u.IsPatientSignUp", false)).Add(Restrictions.Like("u.FirstName", '%' + data + "%"))
.Add(Restrictions.Like("u.LastName", '%' + data + "%")).Add(Restrictions.Like("u.Email", '%' + data + "%"))
.Add(Restrictions.Or(cr1, cr2))
.AddOrder(Order.Asc(Projections.Cast(NHibernateUtil.Int32, Projections.Property("p.MedNexusId"))));
patient = oCriteria.List<Patient>().Skip(pageNumber * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();

NHibernate gives us a set of basic tools (Restrictions in this case) and we can either extend them (create new ICriterion) or combine them. So we can create common methods like these:
// multiple AND
public static AbstractCriterion AllLike(IEnumerable<string> properties, string toCompare)
Conjunction conjunction = Restrictions.Conjunction();
foreach (var name in properties)
conjunction.Add(Restrictions.Like(name, toCompare, MatchMode.Anywhere));
return conjunction;
// multiple OR
public static AbstractCriterion AnyLike(IEnumerable<string> properties, string toCompare)
Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.Disjunction();
foreach (var name in properties)
disjunction.Add(Restrictions.Like(name, toCompare, MatchMode.Anywhere));
return disjunction;
And now we can call them like:
ICriteria oCriteria = ....
var toMatch = new[] {"u.LastName", "u.Email", ...};
criteria.Add(AllLike(toMatch, data));
// or
criteria.Add(AnyLike(toMatch, data));
NOTE: the similar implementation is already there Restrictions.AllEq(IDictionary propertyNameValues)


Complex foreach loop possible to shorten to linq?

I have a cluttery piece of code that I would like to shorten using Linq. It's about the part in the foreach() loop that performs an additional grouping on the result set and builds a nested Dictionary.
Is this possible using a shorter Linq syntax?
var q = from entity in this.Context.Entities
join text in this.Context.Texts on new { ObjectType = 1, ObjectId = entity.EntityId} equals new { ObjectType = text.ObjectType, ObjectId = text.ObjectId}
into texts
select new {entity, texts};
foreach (var result in q)
//Can this grouping be performed in the LINQ query above?
var grouped = from tx in result.texts
group tx by tx.Language
into langGroup
select new
//End grouping
var byLanguage = grouped.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.langGroup.ToDictionary(y => y.PropertyName, y => y.Text));
result.f.Apply(x => x.Texts = byLanguage);
return q.Select(x => x.entity);
What basically happens is that "texts" for every language and for every property for a certain objecttype (in this case hardcoded 1) are selected and grouped by language. A dictionary of dictionaries is created for every language and then for every property.
Entities have a property called Texts (the dictionary of dictionaries). Apply is a custom extension method which looks like this:
public static T Apply<T>(this T subject, Action<T> action)
return subject;
isn't this far simpler?
foreach(var entity in Context.Entities)
// Create the result dictionary.
entity.Texts = new Dictionary<Language,Dictionary<PropertyName,Text>>();
// loop through each text we want to classify
foreach(var text in Context.Texts.Where(t => t.ObjectType == 1
&& t.ObjectId == entity.ObjectId))
var language = text.Language;
var property = text.PropertyName;
// Create the sub-level dictionary, if required
if (!entity.Texts.ContainsKey(language))
entity.Texts[language] = new Dictionary<PropertyName,Text>();
entity.Texts[language][property] = text;
Sometimes good old foreach loops do the job much better.
Language, PropertyName and Text have no type in your code, so I named my types after the names...

linq: Using methods in select clause

I'm breaking my head with this and decided to share my problem with you
I want to create an anonymous select from several tables, some of them may contain more than one result. i want to concatenate these results into one string
i did something like this:
var resultTable = from item in dc.table
select new
name= CreateString((from name in item.Ref_Items_Names
select name.Name).ToList()),
and the CreateString() is:
private string CreateString(List<string> list)
StringBuilder stringedData = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
stringedData.Append(list[i] + ", ");
return stringedData.ToString();
my intentions were to convert the "name" query to list and then sent it to CreateString() to convert it to one long concatenated string.
I tried using .Aggregate((current,next) => current + "," + next);
but when i try to convert my query to DataTable like below:
public DataTable ToDataTable(Object query)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
IDbCommand cmd = dc.GetCommand(query as IQueryable);
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
adapter.SelectCommand = (SqlCommand)cmd;
return dt;
I'm getting exception that "dc.GetCommand()" can't understand query with Aggregate method
later I tried to even use this simple query:
var resultTable = from itemin dc.table
select new
name = CreateString()
When CreateString() returns "success", nothing was inserted to "name"
why there is no way of using methods in select clause?
Thank you
There is difference between LINQ to objects and LINQ to some-db-provider. Generally speaking, when using IQueryable, you can't use any methods, except the ones your provider understands.
What you can do is to retrieve the data from the database and then do the formatting using LINQ to objects:
var data = from item in dc.table
where /* some condition */
select item;
var result = from item in data.AsEnumerable()
select new
name = SomeFunction(item)
The AsEnumerable() extension method forces processing using LINQ to objects.
Forgive me if I've miss interpreted your question. It seems that what you are trying to do is abstract your select method for reuse. If this is the case, you may consider projection using a lambda expression. For example:
internal static class MyProjectors
internal static Expression<Func<Object1, ReturnObject>> StringDataProjector
return d => new Object1()
//assignment here
Now you can select your datasets as such:
As for the concatenation logic, what about selecting to some base class with an IEnumerable<string> property and a read-only property to handle the concatenation of the string?

How can I create an Expression within another Expression?

Forgive me if this has been asked already. I've only just started using LINQ. I have the following Expression:
public static Expression<Func<TblCustomer, CustomerSummary>> SelectToSummary()
return m => (new CustomerSummary()
ID = m.ID,
CustomerName = m.CustomerName,
LastSalesContact = // This is a Person entity, no idea how to create it
I want to be able to populate LastSalesContact, which is a Person entity.
The details that I wish to populate come from m.LatestPerson, so how can I map over the fields from m.LatestPerson to LastSalesContact. I want the mapping to be re-useable, i.e. I do not want to do this:
LastSalesContact = new Person()
// Etc
Can I use a static Expression, such as this:
public static Expression<Func<TblUser, User>> SelectToUser()
return x => (new User()
// Populate
This is what I need to do:
return m => (new CustomerSummary()
ID = m.ID,
CustomerName = m.CustomerName,
LastSalesContact = new Person()
PersonId = m.LatestPerson.PersonId,
PersonName = m.LatestPerson.PersonName,
Company = new Company()
CompanyId = m.LatestPerson.Company.CompanyId,
But I will be re-using the Person() creation in about 10-15 different classes, so I don't want exactly the same code duplicated X amount of times. I'd probably also want to do the same for Company.
Can't you just use automapper for that?
public static Expression<Func<TblCustomer, CustomerSummary>> SelectToSummary()
return m => Mapper.Map<TblCustomer, CustommerSummary>(m);
You'd have to do some bootstrapping, but then it's very reusable.
I may not be getting something, but what it the purpose of this function? If you just want to map one or collection of Tbl object to other objects, why have the expression?
You could just have something like this:
var customers = _customerRepository.GetAll(); // returns IEnumerable<TblCustomer>
var summaries = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<TblCustomer>, IEnumerable<CustomerSummary>>(customers);
Or is there something I missed?
I don't think you'll be able to use a lambda expression to do this... you'll need to build up the expression tree by hand using the factory methods in Expression. It's unlikely to be pleasant, to be honest.
My generally preferred way of working out how to build up expression trees is to start with a simple example of what you want to do written as a lambda expression, and then decompile it. That should show you how the expression tree is built - although the C# compiler gets to use the metadata associated with properties more easily than we can (we have to use Type.GetProperty).
This is always assuming I've understood you correctly... it's quite possible that I haven't.
How about this:
public static Person CreatePerson(TblPerson data)
// ...
public static Expression<Func<TblPerson, Person>> CreatePersonExpression()
return d => CreatePerson(d);
return m => (new CustomerSummary()
ID = m.ID,
CustomerName = m.CustomerName,
LastSalesContact = CreatePerson(m.LatestPerson)

How to access data into IQueryable?

I have IQueryable object and I need to take the data inside the IQueryable to put it into Textboxs controls. Is this possible?
I try something like:
public void setdata (IQueryable mydata)
textbox1.text = mydata.????
I'm doing this:
public IQueryable getData(String tableName, Hashtable myparams)
decimal id = 0;
if (myparams.ContainsKey("id") == true)
id = (decimal)myparams["id"];
Type myType= Type.GetType("ORM_Linq." + tableName + ", ORM_Linq");
return this.GetTable(tableName , "select * from Articu where id_tipo_p = '" + id + "'");
public IQueryable<T> GetTable<T>(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate) where T : class
return _datacontext.GetTable<T>().Where(predicate);
This returns a {System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider+OneTimeEnumerable1[ORM_Linq.Articu]}`
I don't see any method like you tell me. I see Cast<>, Expression, ToString...
EDIT: Updated based on additional info from your other posts...
Your getData method is returning IQueryable instead of a strongly typed result, which is why you end up casting it. Try changing it to:
public IQueryable<ORM_Linq.Articu> getData(...)
Are you trying to query for "Articu" from different tables?
With the above change in place, your code can be rewritten as follows:
ORM_Linq.Articu result = mydata.SingleOrDefault();
if (result != null)
TextBoxCode.Text =;
TextBoxName.Text = result.descrip;
If you have a single result use SingleOrDefault which will return a default value if no results are returned:
var result = mydata.SingleOrDefault();
if (result != null)
textbox1.text = result.ProductName; // use the column name
// do something
If you have multiple results then loop over them:
foreach (var item in mydata)
string name = item.ProductName;
int id = item.ProductId;
// etc..
First, you should be using a strongly-typed version of IQueryable. Say that your objects are of type MyObject and that MyObject has a property called Name of type string. Then, first change the parameter mydata to be of type IQueryable<MyObject>:
public void setdata (IQueryable<MyObject> mydata)
Then we can write a body like so to actually get some data out of. Let's say that we just want the first result from the query:
public void setdata (IQueryable<MyObject> mydata) {
MyObject first = mydata.FirstOrDefault();
if(first != null) {
textbox1.Text = first.Name;
Or, if you want to concatenate all the names:
public void setdata(IQueryable<MyObject> mydata) {
string text = String.Join(", ", mydata.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray());
textbo1.Text = text;
Well, as the name suggests, an object implementing IQueryable is... Queryable! You'll need to write a linq query to get at the internal details of your IQueryable object. In your linq query you'll be able to pull out its data and assign bits of it where ever you'd like - like your text box.
Here's a great starting place for learning Linq.
I think you find the same mental struggle when coming from FoxPro and from DataSet. Really nice, powerful string-based capabilities(sql for query, access to tables and columns name) in these worlds are not available, but replaced with a compiled, strongly-typed set of capabilities.
This is very nice if you are statically defining the UI for search and results display against a data source known at compile time. Not so nice if you are trying to build a system which attaches to existing data sources known only at runtime and defined by configuration data.
If you expect only one value just call FirstOrDefault() method.
public void setdata (IQueryable mydata)
textbox1.text = mydata.FirstOrDefault().PropertyName;

How to dynamically add OR operator to WHERE clause in LINQ

I have a variable size array of strings, and I am trying to programatically loop through the array and match all the rows in a table where the column "Tags" contains at least one of the strings in the array. Here is some pseudo code:
IQueryable<Songs> allSongMatches = musicDb.Songs; // all rows in the table
I can easily query this table filtering on a fixed set of strings, like this:
allSongMatches=allSongMatches.Where(SongsVar => SongsVar.Tags.Contains("foo1") || SongsVar.Tags.Contains("foo2") || SongsVar.Tags.Contains("foo3"));
However, this does not work (I get the following error: "A lambda expression with a statement body cannot be converted to an expression tree")
allSongMatches = allSongMatches.Where(SongsVar =>
bool retVal = false;
foreach(string str in strArray)
retVal = retVal || SongsVar.Tags.Contains(str);
return retVal;
Can anybody show me the correct strategy to accomplish this? I am still new to the world of LINQ :-)
You can use the PredicateBuilder class:
var searchPredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<Songs>();
foreach(string str in strArray)
var closureVariable = str; // See the link below for the reason
searchPredicate =
searchPredicate.Or(SongsVar => SongsVar.Tags.Contains(closureVariable));
var allSongMatches = db.Songs.Where(searchPredicate);
LinqToSql strange behaviour
I recently created an extension method for creating string searches that also allows for OR searches. Blogged about here
I also created it as a nuget package that you can install:
Once installed you will be able to do the following
var result = db.Songs.Search(s => s.Tags, strArray);
If you want to create your own version to allow the above, you will need to do the following:
public static class QueryableExtensions
public static IQueryable<T> Search<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, string>> stringProperty, params string[] searchTerms)
if (!searchTerms.Any())
return source;
Expression orExpression = null;
foreach (var searchTerm in searchTerms)
//Create expression to represent x.[property].Contains(searchTerm)
var searchTermExpression = Expression.Constant(searchTerm);
var containsExpression = BuildContainsExpression(stringProperty, searchTermExpression);
orExpression = BuildOrExpression(orExpression, containsExpression);
var completeExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(orExpression, stringProperty.Parameters);
return source.Where(completeExpression);
private static Expression BuildOrExpression(Expression existingExpression, Expression expressionToAdd)
if (existingExpression == null)
return expressionToAdd;
//Build 'OR' expression for each property
return Expression.OrElse(existingExpression, expressionToAdd);
Alternatively, take a look at the github project for NinjaNye.SearchExtensions as this has other options and has been refactored somewhat to allow other combinations
There is another, somewhat easier method that will accomplish this. ScottGu's blog details a dynamic linq library that I've found very helpful in the past. Essentially, it generates the query from a string you pass in. Here's a sample of the code you'd write:
Dim Northwind As New NorthwindDataContext
Dim query = Northwind.Products _
.Where("CategoryID=2 AND UnitPrice>3") _
Gridview1.DataSource = query
More info can be found at scottgu's blog here.
Either build an Expression<T> yourself, or look at a different route.
Assuming possibleTags is a collection of tags, you can make use of a closure and a join to find matches. This should find any songs with at least one tag in possibleTags:
allSongMatches = allSongMatches.Where(s => (select t from s.Tags
join tt from possibleTags
on t == tt
select t).Count() > 0)
