Complex foreach loop possible to shorten to linq? - linq

I have a cluttery piece of code that I would like to shorten using Linq. It's about the part in the foreach() loop that performs an additional grouping on the result set and builds a nested Dictionary.
Is this possible using a shorter Linq syntax?
var q = from entity in this.Context.Entities
join text in this.Context.Texts on new { ObjectType = 1, ObjectId = entity.EntityId} equals new { ObjectType = text.ObjectType, ObjectId = text.ObjectId}
into texts
select new {entity, texts};
foreach (var result in q)
//Can this grouping be performed in the LINQ query above?
var grouped = from tx in result.texts
group tx by tx.Language
into langGroup
select new
//End grouping
var byLanguage = grouped.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.langGroup.ToDictionary(y => y.PropertyName, y => y.Text));
result.f.Apply(x => x.Texts = byLanguage);
return q.Select(x => x.entity);
What basically happens is that "texts" for every language and for every property for a certain objecttype (in this case hardcoded 1) are selected and grouped by language. A dictionary of dictionaries is created for every language and then for every property.
Entities have a property called Texts (the dictionary of dictionaries). Apply is a custom extension method which looks like this:
public static T Apply<T>(this T subject, Action<T> action)
return subject;

isn't this far simpler?
foreach(var entity in Context.Entities)
// Create the result dictionary.
entity.Texts = new Dictionary<Language,Dictionary<PropertyName,Text>>();
// loop through each text we want to classify
foreach(var text in Context.Texts.Where(t => t.ObjectType == 1
&& t.ObjectId == entity.ObjectId))
var language = text.Language;
var property = text.PropertyName;
// Create the sub-level dictionary, if required
if (!entity.Texts.ContainsKey(language))
entity.Texts[language] = new Dictionary<PropertyName,Text>();
entity.Texts[language][property] = text;
Sometimes good old foreach loops do the job much better.
Language, PropertyName and Text have no type in your code, so I named my types after the names...


How to order items within the group of anonymous type?

I would like to get a result of Linq query as groups of anonymous objects. The items within the groups should be ordered by ID field. I can reach this partly by lambda syntax, but can't get an anonymous objects as result. So I need part of each example.
Executable code:
var res_g = (from dg in list
group new { dg.ID, dg.IDOperation, dg.IDDiagnosis } by dg.IDOperation
into dg_group
select dg_group);
lambda syntax
var res_g = list
.GroupBy(x => x.IDOperation)
.Select(x => x.OrderBy(x => x.ID)); // order dg by ID asc within group
Alas, you didn't describe exactly your requirements where, only that you want some anonymous type and that they should be ordered by Id. Your query syntax makes different groups than your method syntax. So I can only give an example to create your sequence of anonymous objects
So you have a sequence of similar items, where every item has at least properties Id and IdOperation. You want to make groups of items where every item in each group has the same value for IdOperation. You want to order the elements in each group by ascending Id, and create some anonymous type.
You didn't specify what you want in your anonymous object (after all: your code doesn't do what you want, so I can't deduct it from your code)
Whenever I use GroupBy, and I want to specify the elements of each group, I use the overload of GroupBy that has a parameter resultSelector. With the resultSelector I can precisely define the elements of the group. (The link refers to IQueryable, there is also an IEnumerable version)
IEnumerable<Operations> operations = ... // = your list
// Make Groups of Operations that have the same value for IdOperation
var result = operations.GroupBy(operation => operation.IdOperation,
// parameter resultSelector: take the key (=idOperation) and all Operations that have
// this idOperation, to make one new.
(idOperation, operationsWithThisId) => new
// do you need the common idOperation?
IdOperation = idOperation,
// Order the elements in each group by Id:
Operations = operationsWithThisId.OrderBy(operation => operation.Id)
.Select(operation => new
// Select only the operation properties that you plan to use
Id = operation.Id,
Name = operation.Name,
StartDate = operation.StartDate,
In words: from your sequence of Operations, make groups of Operations that have the same value for IdOperation. Then take this common IdOperation, and all Operations that are in this group, to make one anonymous object: this is the anonymous object that you were talking about. So per group, you make one anonymous object.
IdOperation is the value that all Operations in this group have in common
Operations is a list. All Operations in this group are ordered by ascending Id. Several properties are Selected and the result is put in a List.
If you want to group differently, like in you query syntax, simply change parameter keySelector:
var result = operations.GroupBy(operation => new
Id = operation.ID,
IdOperation = operation.IDOperation,
IdDiagnosis = operation.IDDiagnosis
Although this corresponds with what you did in your query syntax, you will have groups of Operations that have same value for Id / IdOperation / IDDiagnosis. It will be useless to sort the elements in the group by Id, because all Ids in this group will be equal.
With parameter resultSelector you can define the result exactly as you want: the result is not an IEnumerable<IGrouping<Tkey, TElement>>, but an IEnumerable<TResult>.
The TResult is one object created from all elements in one group and the common group value.
you can update GetDict function inner loop to use orderby on group elements
public static void GetDict(List<Operation> list)
var res_g = (from dg in list
group new { dg.ID, dg.IDOperation, dg.IDDiagnosis } by dg.IDOperation
into dg_group
select dg_group);
foreach (var x in res_g)
Console.WriteLine("Key: " + x.Key);
foreach (var y in x.OrderBy(o=>o.ID))
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", y.ID, y.IDOperation, y.IDDiagnosis); ;
I hope this solve the issue.
Depending on your Requirements EDIT but I'm Tuning the result set
var res_g_2 = list.Select( p=> new { p.ID, p.IDOperation, p.IDDiagnosis }) .GroupBy(g => g.IDOperation)
.Select(g => new {
IDOperation = g.Key,
Records = g.OrderBy(group => group.ID)
Edit full version
public static void GetDict(List<Operation> list)
var res_g = (from dg in list
group new { dg.ID, dg.IDOperation, dg.IDDiagnosis } by dg.IDOperation
into dg_group
select new
Key = dg_group.Key,
Records = dg_group.OrderBy(g => g.ID)
}) ;
var res_g_2 = list.Select( p=> new { p.ID, p.IDOperation, p.IDDiagnosis }) .GroupBy(g => g.IDOperation)
.Select(g => new {
Key = g.Key,
Records = g.OrderBy(group => group.ID)
// you can use either res_g or res_g_2 both give the same results
foreach (var x in res_g)
Console.WriteLine("Key: " + x.Key);
foreach (var y in x.Records)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", y.ID, y.IDOperation, y.IDDiagnosis); ;

Another how do I use LINQ to Enumerate Dictionaries

Thank you to all the folks who answered and contributed to my last question. I have run into another interesting incarnation of a LINQ question... so like before...
I have the following
const String A_CONVERSATION = "AD Channels";
const String NOT_REPUTABLE = "AD Resolution";
const String DO_NOT_KNOW = "Capture Input";
private enum Properties
{ MyHow, Thats, It }
List<String> MyList = new List<string>
private Dictionary <Properties, String> PropertyToString;
private Dictionary <String, Properies> StringToProperty;
How can I use LINQ to populate each of the dictionaries so that I can use the following? Is there a one line LINQ statement that would populate each?
Properties MyResult1 = StringToProperty[A_CONVERSATION];
String MySResult2 = PropertyToString[Properties.It];
I specifically would like to use the actaull property to index in the second case.
Providing this is what you want...
In two statements (one could be merged I guess via some lookup somehow - but I didn't think it was that relevant - not everything has to be in one line:)
var properties = ((Properties[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Properties))).ToList();
var propertyToString = properties.Zip(MyList, (p, s) => new { Prop = p, Text = s }).ToDictionary(x => x.Prop, x => x.Text);
var stringToProperty = properties.Zip(MyList, (p, s) => new { Prop = p, Text = s }).ToDictionary(x => x.Text, x => x.Prop);
I deliberately separated the makings of the enum list - for clarity - you can move that into one line if you'd like.

Selecting related pairs LINQ

I'm using LINQ to manipulate a datatable. I have 3 columns - I would like group by one and then select the remaining 2 columns together. At the moment I have something like this
var query = reportDataTable.AsEnumerable()
.GroupBy(c => c["Code"])
.Select(g =>
new {
Code = g.Key,
Rank = g.Select(f => new
{ f["rank"],
but I get issues due to anonymous types. I know this syntax would work if I could reference the the column headers directly (in say a list or w/e). How can I get around this with DataTables? Cheers.
Well I'd like to be able to reference the fields later when I come to populate the data into a different datatable:
foreach (var q in query)
DataRow df = dp.NewRow();
df["Code"] = q.Code;
foreach (var rank in q.Rank)
df[] = rank.rank;
define your Rank fields, Also if you have a class for it, call related class constructor,
you can see this in bellow code, before ToArray.
var query = reportDataTable.AsEnumerable()
.GroupBy(c => c["Code"])
.Select(g =>
new { Code = g.Key, Rank =
g.Select(f => new { rank = f["rank"], name = f["Name"]})
.ToArray() });

LINQ (Dynamic): OrderBy within a GroupBy using dynamic linq?

I had the following query using normal linq and it was working great (using anonymous type),
var result = from s in Items
group s by s.StartTime into groupedItems
select new {groupedItems.Key, Items= groupedItems.OrderBy(x => x.Name) };
But using Dynamic Linq I cannot get it to order by within the groupby.
result = Items.GroupBy("StartTime", "it").OrderBy("Name");
It states the Name isn't available. It is worth noting that if I take my OrderBy off, everything works great but items inside each "Key" are not ordered.
This is a good question!
I simulated your situation by creating a class called Item.
public class Item
public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
and then created a basic list of items to do the groupby.
List<Item> Items = new List<Item>()
new Item() { StartTime = DateTime.Today, Name = "item2"},
new Item() { StartTime = DateTime.Today, Name = "item1"},
new Item() { StartTime = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1), Name = "item3"},
Now the big difference in the 2 queries is where the order by is being performed. In the first query, when you perform groupedItems.OrderBy(x => x.Name) its being performed on a IGrouping<DateTime,Item> or a single entry as it iterates through all the groupings.
In the second query, the orderby is being performed after the fact. This means you're doing an orderby on a IEnumerable<IGrouping<DateTime,Item>> because the iterations have already happened.
Since Microsoft was nice they added something to help deal with this for expressions. This overload allows you to specify the item returned as it iterates through the collection. Here's an example of the code:
var expressionResult = Items.GroupBy(x => x.StartTime,
(key, grpItems) => new { key, Items = grpItems.OrderBy(y => y.Name) });
The second part of the GroupBy you can specify a lambda expression that takes a key and a grouping of items under that key and return an entry that you specify, which is the same as you're doing in the original query.
Hope this helps!

linq: Using methods in select clause

I'm breaking my head with this and decided to share my problem with you
I want to create an anonymous select from several tables, some of them may contain more than one result. i want to concatenate these results into one string
i did something like this:
var resultTable = from item in dc.table
select new
name= CreateString((from name in item.Ref_Items_Names
select name.Name).ToList()),
and the CreateString() is:
private string CreateString(List<string> list)
StringBuilder stringedData = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
stringedData.Append(list[i] + ", ");
return stringedData.ToString();
my intentions were to convert the "name" query to list and then sent it to CreateString() to convert it to one long concatenated string.
I tried using .Aggregate((current,next) => current + "," + next);
but when i try to convert my query to DataTable like below:
public DataTable ToDataTable(Object query)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
IDbCommand cmd = dc.GetCommand(query as IQueryable);
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
adapter.SelectCommand = (SqlCommand)cmd;
return dt;
I'm getting exception that "dc.GetCommand()" can't understand query with Aggregate method
later I tried to even use this simple query:
var resultTable = from itemin dc.table
select new
name = CreateString()
When CreateString() returns "success", nothing was inserted to "name"
why there is no way of using methods in select clause?
Thank you
There is difference between LINQ to objects and LINQ to some-db-provider. Generally speaking, when using IQueryable, you can't use any methods, except the ones your provider understands.
What you can do is to retrieve the data from the database and then do the formatting using LINQ to objects:
var data = from item in dc.table
where /* some condition */
select item;
var result = from item in data.AsEnumerable()
select new
name = SomeFunction(item)
The AsEnumerable() extension method forces processing using LINQ to objects.
Forgive me if I've miss interpreted your question. It seems that what you are trying to do is abstract your select method for reuse. If this is the case, you may consider projection using a lambda expression. For example:
internal static class MyProjectors
internal static Expression<Func<Object1, ReturnObject>> StringDataProjector
return d => new Object1()
//assignment here
Now you can select your datasets as such:
As for the concatenation logic, what about selecting to some base class with an IEnumerable<string> property and a read-only property to handle the concatenation of the string?
