Xamarin - The name 'Resource' does not exist in the current context - xamarin

I've googled till I'm blue in the fingers trying to find a resolution to this issue. I've tried several things but nothing helps. I've got Xamarin and Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise. I had everything working on a previous PC a few months back. Now I have a new one and am just now getting Xamarin set up. I have a few demo and self hacked solutions I was working with. Now all of them give me the above error message. I've made sure the namespace is correct in all modules. The solutions are really small. Nothing fancy at all. Basically Hello World stuff so I'm at a failure to figure out why it fails now. Case in Point: The Hello World that is failing is one HelloWorld.cs file and a few PNGs in the Resources tree along with a main.xml.
If anyone could shed some light I would be most grateful.
I just updated (through VS) Xamarin. Now the older solutions I had won't load. If I create a new solution, I've got the same Resource does not exist error. Xamarin appears to be broken. I've worked with it in the past and had no problems like these.

I resolved it. My Xamarin version was not updated. I updated it by going to
Programs & Features => Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2015, click on change/modify. Now in Visual Studio Popup under Cross Platform Mobile Developement update the C#/.NET (Xamarin v__). After updating this error gets resolved.
For me I didn't required to install Visual Studio 2017.
Also Thanks Martin for your suggestion, your answer can also workaround but it is not necessary to install 2017 just need to upgrade Xamarin version to work with VS 2015.

This bug currently arises with Visual Studio 2015. See this thread and this thread on the Xamarin Forums. Apparently the only workarounds now is to install Visual Studio 2017 or downgrade to older version of Xamarin. There is also an opened bug report for this, so it hopefully should get resolved soon.


Visual Studio 2019 WebBrowser Extension Problem

I'm Using Visual Studio 2019 and I have a Windows Forms Project, But In This Project I can't Find WebbBrowser Extension, Can Anyone Help Me?
Having this same issue, IDK why your post was -1 other than the fact Google held the answer.
Here is a link to the Dev Community page I found. Apparently, the web browser has been removed in the 2019 version. Looks like I'll be using 2017 for some projects.
Another user also asked here. and got a better answer than mine.
That's like making a new car and thinking only of left-handed people...

Visual Studio 2015 "...has stopped working" when trying to install

Trying to install 'Visual Studio 2015 with Update 3' using the .exe installer provided for the visualstudio.com website. I also tried the standard version (without the update).
The black/grey installer opens, the green bar moves along the progress bar once and it crashes. I get a white pop-up window saying 'Microsoft Visual Studio Community with Updates has stopped working'.
I can't seem to find any other situations like mine on Google or StackOverflow.
I have Visual Studio 2017 also installed. Why do I need 2015 too? I'm helping (trying) another student who is using VS2015 and has problems - however, I can't even get it downloaded!
Thanks in advance for any help.
One possible solution is to not worry about 2015 and just help him by using 2017. It's hard to tell for sure if this will resolve your issue, as there is not info on exactly what you are trying to help him with.
If you go this route, I would save out the solution file just after loading it with _vs2017 tacked on the end, or something similar, so that you do not overwrite the info in his solution file. (Edit: The purpose of this is just in case it breaks something for him - it may not be a problem, he may be able to load your 2017 solution file fine). I've moved fluidly between 2017 Community and 2015 Express or Community with some solutions without a problem.
I do realize there are some issues that this may not be a solution for, but it should be an option, especially for those that are more language-based. The main problems with this solution would be if other student is using features or libraries that are deprecated in 2017, or directly struggling with getting VS 2015 features to work.
Go to control Panel -> Programs and features -> turn on windows features ,
Disable .net 3.5
check for windows update,
Then restart the system. Now it will work . 100% working .
Have fun.

Visual Studio 2017 add item cross-platform missing

I have installed Visual Studio 2017 to follow along with online training for Xamarin created in May. They instructed us to add a new item and then selected Cross-Platform.
I did not have Cross-Platform as an option. I found a post for an older version of Visual Studio where they showed how to add it manually. I did this and it created the Cross-Platform item but this only contained four options instead of the ten in the video.
Has this been taken away in a newer release or do I need to do something to add all the items?
Many thanks
I have finally found a solution. I used the Visual Studio uninstaller to uninstall Mobile Development with .Net, rebooted and then installed it again. Works like a charm. There must have been old versions that were not getting updated or something was corrupt. Hope this helps someone.

Windows App Studio App customizing in VS 2013 getting started

So basically I just opened the app source download from the app studio app builder site and there are a ton of errors, I bet it's simple to fix.
I just don't know what the first step are in term of fixing this. These errors are not helpful.
Can someone explain what steps I should take to getting my app studio app to build through Visual Studio 2013?
I think you should fix it by these steps:
check if all the projects in your solution loaded.
check the references in your project, normal, warning? and check the version of references.
check other errors.

the service microsoft.visualstudio.shell.interop.iselectioncontainer already exists in the service container

I recently installed Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate version on my machine. I'm just trying to create a sample windows form project and trying to open the designer / form by double clicking on Form1.cs and I'm getting this weird error message:
"the service microsoft.visualstudio.shell.interop.iselectioncontainer already exists in the service container"
My system is already having Visual Studio 2010 which is working smoothly from a long time. I then installed Visual Studio 2012 which was giving the same problem as above. So I went ahead with installing VS 2013 hoping that I might be able to get rid of this issue, but no use.
Once I click OK on the error windows, I can see the following "message" in the bottom Error List window:
"The file 'C:\Users\ABCD\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\WebSite1\WindowsFormsApplication1\Form1.cs' does not support code parsing or generation because it is not contained within a project that supports code."
I have spent 2-3 days searching various blogs like these, all of which talk about previous version of Visual Studio like VS 2005 / VS 2008:
Form inheritance in Visual Studio 2008 doesn't work
I have even tried uninstalling and reinstalling VS 2013, again no use.
It would be really great if someone can help me out in fixing this.
I've just had the exact same error message.
After compiling the solution(F6 or Build->Build Solution) it worked fine for me.
To deal with your issue, please first make sure that you installed latest updates on your Windows 8 machine, and then repair VS2013.
During your repairing process, please temporally turn off your anti-virus/antispyware software and repair VS2013 with the Administrator privilege.
follow this link
The problem got resolved finally, after so many days and various frustrating tries to resolve the issue. I should thank Tim Atkins from Microsoft for helping me with resolving this issue.
Fix: When we tried 'gacutil /l system.design', we found that there were 3 variants of system.design; One from .Net 2.0 targetting MSIL, second from .Net 4.0 targetting x86 and last one also from .Net 4.0, but targetting MSIL.
On a working machine, there were only 2 entries, the .Net 4.0 one targetting x86 wasn't there. Hence we uninstalled this version using gacutil which did the magic. I was so relieved seeing the win forms popping up without any errors anymore :)
I changed the target framework from 4.5 to 4.6.1 and it fixed it for me. My assumption is sometimes when you change target framework back and forth and the process does not go through all the way (cancelling in the middle of changing it) - something happens that leads to this error. Hope that helps
I solved this be closing VS, deleting contents of the .vs folder where my solution is, restarting VS and recompiling.
Seems like one of those file/settings/caching problems that pop up now and then, might be after switching source branch.
VS2019, .net fw 4.6.2.
If your C drive (Where you are installing Visual Studio) does not have enough space, try moving some files from the C drive to another drives.
