Matrix using matlab - algorithm

this is my first question on this website. I'm looking at a Matlab problem, and don't seem to know how to do it. Before I type the question, I want to make it clear that I'm looking for an UNDERSTANDING, NOT an ANSWER. Although, I must admit, I won't be angry if an answer is posted. But more importantly, I need to understand this.
"The matrix factorization LU = PA can be used to compute the determinant of A. We have
det(L)det(U) = det(P)det(A).
Because L is triangular with ones on the diagonal, det(L) = 1. Because U is
triangular, det(U) = u 11 u 22 · · · u nn . Because P is a permutation, det(P) =
+1 if the number of interchanges is even and −1 if it is odd. So
det(A) = ±u 11 u 22 · · · u nn .
Modify the lutx function so that it returns four outputs.
function [L,U,p,sig] = lutx(A)
%LU Triangular factorization
% [L,U,p,sig] = lutx(A) computes a unit lower triangular
% matrix L, an upper triangular matrix U, a permutation
% vector p, and a scalar sig, so that L*U = A(p,:) and
% sig = +1 or -1 if p is an even or odd permutation.
Write a function mydet(A) that uses your modified lutx to compute the
determinant of A. In Matlab, the product u 11 u 22 · · · u nn can be computed
by the expression prod(diag(U))."`
The lutx code can be found here:
I'm having difficulty understanding the concept of the problem, and also the code that needs to be written. Any help would be very appreciated. Thank you.

As you mentioned in your problem in the following equation:
det(L)det(U) = det(P)det(A)
actually the lutx function decompose the input matrix and returns the decomposed elements. It means if you give it the A matrix, it will calculate the L,U,p. you can check the source code.
actually in your problem, three out of four elements are 'known', so you can use the lutx function to find the det(A).
because :
det(A) = det(L)det(U) / det(P);
so what you can do is this:
[L,U,p,sig] = lutx(A); % here I am using the modified version of lutx that you mentioned
DetA = 1 * prod(diag(U)) * sig;
because, det(L) = 1 (I mention it in the previous line of code just for underestanding), and det(U) = prod(diag(U)), and sig gives the sign.
finally you can compare your result with matlab function: det(A).

The exercise appears to be mainly to compute "sig", which lutx currently doesn't return. As a hint, you must compute
delta_p = (1:length(p))-p;
and check whether delta_p has an even or odd number of non-zero elements. That will determine the sign of sig.


Quaternion(Hurwitz Integers) gcrd algorithm

I want a ref or pseudo-algorithm or an actual algorithm for Quaternion GCD, I need this to find out the 4 squares that make up any given integer $n$, I did all the other work but I am stuck on this since there is no information on Wikipedia or Arxiv on how to do such GCD.
I tried to Extend the Complex(Gaussian Integers) gcd but with no success.
The key for these things is the Euclidean algorithm:
def euclidean_rightdiv_hurwitz(B,D):
#if B is not D, returns q,r such that
#B = qD + r
#r==0 or norm(r)< norm(D)
nor = norm(D)
for a,b,c,d in [-sqrt(nor), sqrt(nor)+1]:
r = quaternion(a,b,c,d)
if r==0 or norm(r)< nor:
diff = (B-r)
if hurwitz_is_rightdivisible(diff,D):
return diff/D, r
To implement hurwitz_is_rightdivisible, notice that if diff is rightdivisible by D it must be the case that diff*inv(D) is an integer, so just compute it and check each coordinate.

How to find least square fit for two combined functions

I have a curvefit problem
I have two functions
y = ax+b
y = ax^2+bx-2.3
I have one set of data each for the above functions
I need to find a and b using least square method combining both the functions
I was using fminsearch function to minimize the sum of squares of errors of these two functions.
I am unable to use this method in lsqcurvefit
Kindly help me
I think you'll need to worry less about which library routine to use and more about the math. Assuming you mean vertical offset least squares, then you'll want
D = sum_{i=1..m}(y_Li - a x_Li + b)^2 + sum_{i=j..n}(y_Pj - a x_Pj^2 - b x_Pj + 2.3)^2
where there are m points (x_Li, y_Li) on the line and n points (x_Pj, y_Pj) on the parabola. Now find partial derivatives of D with respect to a and b. Setting them to zero provides two linear equations in 2 unknowns, a and b. Solve this linear system.
y = ax+b
y = ax^2+bx-2.3
In order to not confuse y of the first equation with y of the second equation we use distinct notations :
u = ax+b
v = ax^2+bx+c
The method of linear regression combined for the two functions is shown on the joint page :
HINT : If you want to find by yourself the matrixial equation appearing above, follow the Gene's answer.

Understanding a FastICA implementation

I'm trying to implement FastICA (independent component analysis) for blind signal separation of images, but first I thought I'd take a look at some examples from Github that produce good results. I'm trying to compare the main loop from the algorithm's steps on Wikipedia's FastICA and I'm having quite a bit of difficulty seeing how they're actually the same.
They look very similar, but there's a few differences that I don't understand. It looks like this implementation is similar to (or the same as) the "Multiple component extraction" version from Wiki.
Would someone please help me understand what's going on in the four or so lines having to do with the nonlinearity function with its first and second derivatives, and the first line of updating the weight vector? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Here's the implementation with the variables changed to mirror the Wiki more closely:
% X is sized (NxM, 3x50K) mixed image data matrix (one row for each mixed image)
C=3; % number of components to separate
W=zeros(numofIC,VariableNum); % weights matrix
for p=1:C
% initialize random weight vector of length N
wp = rand(C,1);
wp = wp / norm(wp);
% like do:
i = 1;
maxIterations = 100;
while i <= maxIterations+1
% until mat iterations
if i == maxIterations
fprintf('No convergence: ', p,maxIterations);
wp_old = wp;
% this is the main part of the algorithm and where
% I'm confused about the particular implementation
u = 1;
t = X'*b;
g = t.^3;
dg = 3*t.^2;
wp = ((1-u)*t'*g*wp+u*X*g)/M-mean(dg)*wp;
% 2nd and 3rd wp update steps make sense to me
wp = wp-W*W'*wp;
wp = wp / norm(wp);
% or until w_p converges
if abs(abs(b'*bOld)-1)<1e-10
And the Wiki algorithms for quick reference:
First, I don't understand why the term that is always zero remains in the code:
wp = ((1-u)*t'*g*wp+u*X*g)/M-mean(dg)*wp;
The above can be simplified into:
wp = X*g/M-mean(dg)*wp;
Also removing u since it is always 1.
Second, I believe the following line is wrong:
t = X'*b;
The correct expression is:
t = X'*wp;
Now let's go through each variable here. Let's refer to
w = E{Xg(wTX)T} - E{g'(wTX)}w
as the iteration equation.
X is your input data, i.e. X in the iteration equation.
wp is the weight vector, i.e. w in the iteration equation. Its initial value is randomised.
g is the first derivative of a nonquadratic nonlinear function, i.e. g(wTX) in the iteration equation
dg is the first derivative of g, i.e. g'(wTX) in the iteration equation
M although its definition is not shown in the code you provide, but I think it should be the size of X.
Having the knowledge of the meaning of all variables, we can now try to understand the codes.
t = X'*b;
The above line computes wTX.
g = t.^3;
The above line computes g(wTX) = (wTX)3. Note that g(u) can be any equation as long as f(u), where g(u) = df(u)/du, is nonlinear and nonquadratic.
dg = 3*t.^2;
The above line computes the derivative of g.
wp = X*g/M-mean(dg)*wp;
Xg obviously calculates Xg(wTX). Xg/M calculates the average of Xg, which is equivalent to E{Xg(wTX)T}.
mean(dg) is E{g'(wTX)} and multiplies by wp or w in the equation.
Now you have what you needed for Newton-Raphson Method.

How is `(d*a)mod(b)=1` written in Ruby?

How should I write this:
in order to make it work properly in Ruby? I tried it on Wolfram, but their solution:
(da(b, d))/(dd) = -a/d
doesn't help me. I know a and b. I need to solve (d*a)mod(b)=1 for d in the form d=....
It's not clear what you're asking, and, depending on what you mean, a solution may be impossible.
First off, (da(b, d))/(dd) = -a/d, is not a solution to that equation; rather, it's a misinterpretation of the notation used for partial derivatives. What Wolfram Alpha actually gave you was:
, which is entirely unrelated.
Secondly, if you're trying to solve (d*a)mod(b)=1 for d, you may be out of luck. For any value of a and b, where a and b have a common prime factor, there are an infinite number of values of d that satisfy the equation. If a and b are coprime, you can use the formula given in LutzL's answer.
Additionally, if you're looking to perform symbolic manipulation of equations, Ruby is likely not the proper tool. Consider using a CAS, like Python's SymPy or Wolfram Mathematica.
Finally, if you're just trying to compute (d*a)mod(b), the modulo operator in Ruby is %, so you'd write (d*a)%(b).
You are looking for the modular inverse of a modulo b.
For any two numbers a,b the extended euclidean algorithm
g,u,v = xgcd(a, b)
gives coefficients u,v such that
u*a+v*b = g
and g is the greatest common divisor. You need a,b co-prime, preferably by ensuring that b is a prime number, to get g=1 and then you can set d=u.
if b = 0
return (a,1,0)
q,r = a divmod b
// a = q*b + r
g,u,v = xgcd(b, r)
// g = u*b + v*r = u*b + v*(a-q*b) = v*a+(u-q*v)*b
return g,v,u - q*v

Algorithm for multidimensional optimization / root-finding / something

I have five values, A, B, C, D and E.
Given the constraint A + B + C + D + E = 1, and five functions F(A), F(B), F(C), F(D), F(E), I need to solve for A through E such that F(A) = F(B) = F(C) = F(D) = F(E).
What's the best algorithm/approach to use for this? I don't care if I have to write it myself, I would just like to know where to look.
EDIT: These are nonlinear functions. Beyond that, they can't be characterized. Some of them may eventually be interpolated from a table of data.
There is no general answer to this question. A solver finding the solution to any equation does not exist. As Lance Roberts already says, you have to know more about the functions. Just a few examples
If the functions are twice differentiable, and you can compute the first derivative, you might try a variant of Newton-Raphson
Have a look at the Lagrange Multiplier Method for implementing the constraint.
If the function F is continuous (which it probably is, if it is an interpolant), you could also try the Bisection Method, which is a lot like binary search.
Before you can solve the problem, you really need to know more about the function you're studying.
As others have already posted, we do need some more information on the functions. However, given that, we can still try to solve the following relaxation with a standard non-linear programming toolbox.
min k
A + B + C + D + E = 1
F1(A) - k = 0
F2(B) - k = 0
F3(C) -k = 0
F4(D) - k = 0
F5(E) -k = 0
Now we can solve this in any manner we wish, such as penalty method
min k + mu*sum(Fi(x_i) - k)^2
A+B+C+D+E = 1
or a straightforward SQP or interior-point method.
More details and I can help advise as to a good method.
The functions are all monotonically increasing with their argument. Beyond that, they can't be characterized. The approach that worked turned out to be:
1) Start with A = B = C = D = E = 1/5
2) Compute F1(A) through F5(E), and recalculate A through E such that each function equals that sum divided by 5 (the average).
3) Rescale the new A through E so that they all sum to 1, and recompute F1 through F5.
4) Repeat until satisfied.
It converges surprisingly fast - just a few iterations. Of course, each iteration requires 5 root finds for step 2.
One solution of the equations
A + B + C + D + E = 1
F(A) = F(B) = F(C) = F(D) = F(E)
is to take A, B, C, D and E all equal to 1/5. Not sure though whether that is what you want ...
Added after John's comment (thanks!)
Assuming the second equation should read F1(A) = F2(B) = F3(C) = F4(D) = F5(E), I'd use the Newton-Raphson method (see Martijn's answer). You can eliminate one variable by setting E = 1 - A - B - C - D. At every step of the iteration you need to solve a 4x4 system. The biggest problem is probably where to start the iteration. One possibility is to start at a random point, do some iterations, and if you're not getting anywhere, pick another random point and start again.
Keep in mind that if you really don't know anything about the function then there need not be a solution.
ALGENCAN (part of TANGO) is really nice. There are Python bindings, too. - " general nonlinear programming that does not use matrix manipulations at all and, so, is able to solve extremely large problems with moderate computer time. The general algorithm is of Augmented Lagrangian type ... "
Google OPTIF9 or ALLUNC. We use these for general optimization.
You could use standard search technic as the others mentioned. There are a few optimization you could make use of it while doing the search.
First of all, you only need to solve A,B,C,D because 1-E = A+B+C+D.
Second, you have F(A) = F(B) = F(C) = F(D), then you can search for A. Once you get F(A), you could solve B, C, D if that is possible. If it is not possible to solve the functions, you need to continue search each variable, but now you have a limited range to search for because A+B+C+D <= 1.
If your search is discrete and finite, the above optimizations should work reasonable well.
I would try Particle Swarm Optimization first. It is very easy to implement and tweak. See the Wiki page for it.
