Traditional chinese for Code Igniter - codeigniter

I already search on Google and CI websites but no luck until now.
Do you know where I can find the traditional chinese language pack for Code Igniter?
PS: I already download CI from the official Taiwanese CI website but it only contains english language files.
Thank you for your help! (or wish me good luck to create this language pack!)

I found the language pack here:
If you aren't familiar with git, just Click the Download Zip button to get an achieve.
Then extract them to codeigniter/system/language/zh_tw/. :)


Workflow to post on Jekyll via Windows

I am currently working on a Jekyll blog on Linux. However I'd like to add contributors to this blog who are using Windows and who haven't any skills in programming or using tools like Git etc.
I was wondering what could be the best process/pratice to enable them to post on the blog?
Installing them the entire environment and writing a script maybe?
Could it cause any issues due to the OS?
Any suggestions or advices are welcome :)
I don't think installing git, and pushing content to your repo is hard task for any non-tech guy.
1: Little tough way
Use team viewer and help your partner to setup git.
Allowed access to your repository.
Teach them, about frontmatter, and some jekyll commands.
2: Simple and smooth way.
Just get doc files dirctly from partner, which contain only content, nothing else, and convert yourself into markdown with manual frontmatter.
3: Create your own dashboard.
You can create your own dashoard like WordPress, where your partner can add categories, tags, title, meta description etc things, that can convert into frontmatter automatically. For that, you need to build yourself. (I find out that kind of generator here, but look's like he deleted, you can find it, by visiting him, old deleted commits).
I had the same problem so I ended up using Wordpress as the interface to it and creating a plugin to marry the systems up.
I figured I'd share it so feel free to have a look:

How to get standalone self-contained copy of the AppleScript language documentation?

Is there a way to get a copy of the AppleScript language documentation (specifically the overview and language guide) in a self-contained form? I could recursively download the HTML documentation from the Apple websites, but is there a better way?
My apologies for not being more specific: I know you can download the docs in PDF, but I'm trying to find them in a downloadable HTML format.
How about the pdf link at the top of the page?

best HTML code sharing app

I've been searching google for a while to determine the most coder-friendly example boxes.
I'm wanting to share varying forms of ECMA script (JS for example) etc that provides the user with color coding and a simple way of copying the code. I know there are several out there, but I wanted to get some opinions from SOF since you guys probably have good experience with code.
so- What's the code-sharing tool you [would] use?
the solution
I ended up using Gist for complete snippets and am using Syntax Highlighter for *incomplete * code samples. There's a Drupal plugin for the Syntax Highlighter, but I dare say it's more of a pain to figure out the plugin than it is to just do things the old fashioned way (old fashioned being like 5 years ago..)
I use
Color coding — check
HTML, CSS, JS — check
Live demo — check
gist has syntax highlighting and users can download the files separately, as a zip archive or using git. You can embed the files easily on other sites.
Additionally, the site tracks changes and other users can add comments or fork a gist to change it themselves.

Code Highlighting for Joomla

I need syntax highlighting of source code from various languages (PHP, C#, VB, etc) within articles I have in Joomla. I have tried enabling the Geshi plugin, updating the language files and putting the code into my Joomla article - however I can't seem to get it to work.
I have also tried CodeCitation from JED but again, the problem seems to be the same - I don't know how to tell Joomla to process it as code. I placed {codecitation} and {/codecitation} around my code (as well as including the brush value) but it doesn't work. I am unsure if these tags should be placed on the source or the wysiwug
Could someone please assist with an alternative method or work out what I am doing wrong?
With CodeCitation: if you already wrote the article using the tags (i.e. {codecitation} code {/codecitation}), it should work. Did you check if you enable the mambot?
As of Joomla 3.4 Geshi has been removed - but you can still get Geshi+ (geshi repackaged with all the additional languages) - & see the tips here on how to configure geshi.
An example of Geshi+ working is here.
There are now Joomla plugins using highlightjs & google's prettify library to highlight syntax but I found geshi+ worked much better
I am not certain if you can use it in Joomla or not. I use the syntax highlighter by Alex Gorbatchev. I have used it in a couple of blogs (wordpress for instance) and in some stand alone web pages. Not hard to intergrate. It uses the 'pre' tags. You need to be sure the code is already escaped. It may be worth a look. Here is a link.
Hope this helps.

BlogEngine.Net Code Formatting Extension that works?

For months now I've been trying to find a code syntax formatting extension that works for BlogEngine.Net. I'm not fond of the behavior of the default formatting extension, and have tried a couple of others (manoli is among them), but they always seem to interact badly with the TinyMCE editor. Does anyone know of an extension that works, or a different approach that will allow me to make code samples pretty on my blog without hacking the crap out of the HTML myself?
I would try using Windows Live Writer along w/ the Paste From Visual Studio plugin. One you go WLW, you'll never go back to that damn TinyMCE interface.
WLW here:
Plugin here:
Thanks, Rafe. Thanks to this post that Hanselman put up the day after I asked the question, I downloaded WLW and am now using it. As far as getting prettily formatted code, I'm using cut-and-paste from a little tool developed and available on
Check out SyntaxHighlighter.. Works excellent. For easy integration into BlogEngine have a look at my blog post.
